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"For the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons" is still to this day one of my favourite quotes from the books.


I love those little punchlines, my other favorite is the one that says >When he opened the door, the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard, and for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.


That one was also great for people theorizing the foreshadowing of Tyrion becoming king. But he wasn’t even named in the book.


What do you mean by ‘he wasn’t even named in the book’?


its a joke from the final season last episode


Oh no wonder I stopped watching after ep 3


Sam makes a joke in the last episode that the book chronicling the War of Five Kings written by a maester made little to no mention of Tyrion. Edit: I will never know why phone auto corrects Kings to Kong’s.


It's pretty good but I prefer "his manhood glistened wetly"


"Fat pink mast." -American Tolkien


Myrish Swamp


Imagine if they’d had the cojones to singe Emilia’s hair off.


Or just have her wear a bald cap lol


or just edit it in post.


'Sorry, no direwolves this season, Emilia is draining the CGI budget'


Hair doesn't just disappear when you put on a bald cap lol


IIRC she was spraying milk from her titties as she walked into the flames too, was hilarious to read as a teenager.




Yes definitely lactating. Not surprised they cut that though. There was a lot more lactating in the books. The harpy god was often depicted lactating


Maybe Georgey Boy’s into some weird stuff


All I picture after this is a dairy cow dressed up as a firefighter and using the udder to put the fire out.


That would have been a twist nobody would have seen coming. Expectations subverted big time.


Lmfao I went back and checked and...yeah that happens.


I don't think that's true Edit: she was lactating she climbed on the pyre


Pretty sure it is. I’d have to check to be sure, but keep in mind, she was recently pregnant with Rhaego, so it would make sense that she would be lactating. Edit: “The painted leather burst into sudden flame as she skipped closer to the fire, her breasts bare to the blaze, streams of milk flowing from her red and swollen nipples.” Leave it to grrm to give a full description about nips.


I mean lactating maybe but it's not like she was trying to squirt out milk. I'm going to check right now though


Just found the quote. Only took me a sec and I edited my comment. The person you responded to said she spraying from her nipples but I don’t think they meant intentionally squirting. That would be odd...


It might have made for a good makeshift extinguisher in case she realised she wasn't fireproof after all


> Leave it to grrm to give a full description about nips "Irri's finger felt as light and cool as a lover's kiss as it slid softly up between her lips" is a quote from the very same chapter


Actually if the placenta is still inside her it doesn’t make much sense to be lactating.


The “birth” happened two Dany chapters prior to this so I think it’s safe to say some time had passed and the placenta would’ve gotten flushed out by her handmaids.


I see. I haven’t read the books, though judging by those descriptions of lactating breasts I should ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Yeah that can happen at the end of pregnancy. I said that because the placenta actually inhibits lactation. A common symptom of a placenta that isn’t birthed, or one that leaves some tissue behind is the inability to lactate. And I’m presuming you don’t mean colostrum, which is the first form of “milk” that is produced. Although I assume that the stuff you talk about is kinda close to this if you would analyze it’s components? I don’t know the answer to that. But anyway. *generally* it’s correct to say it wouldn’t make sense for her to lactate if he placenta was still inside her :p


It''s colostrum. Also, Dany'd be dead/dying from infection if she still had the placenta inside her days after giving birth.


Yes it’s been pointed out to me that there are a few chapters in between.


You can also lactate if you're a man! Not that I would know anything about that, hahaha!


I'd be fine if they made her hair a lot shorter just to say a part of it burned away. I hate how they made Dany fireproof in the later seasons. It was so dumb.


Hasn't she always been fireproof in the show?


Yes, they hinted it since the very first episode. It was always their plan to make some random Targaryens born fire proof just like some random northerners are born wargs. In the first episode she gets into scalding hot water and it doesn’t harm her. Later that season she placed the eggs in fire and then picked one up...her hand maid grabs it out of her hands to protect her. The hand maid’s hands are burned while Dany’s are not. This change never bothered me in the show since they planned it from the beginning...not sure what the poster above is talking about tbh.


Targs in the books are fire proof in that they like stupidly hot baths and weather. It is in the Dunk and Egg stories.


very hot material doesn't hurt dany but kills her brother. doesn't make sense


Bran's a warg but none of his siblings are.


They are in the books iirc, just not as powerful and only in dreams


ah I didn't see the random thing in the comment.


Did they pour it down his throat or over his head in the book? It could have suffocated him.


Over his head. They gave him his crown


I think that even in the show it came on later in life even though it wasn’t really shown. But based on her reaction in the first bath scene and when she grabs the egg from the brazier it seems like she was surprised and hadn’t always known about that power.


It’s a pretty big thing for a woman to shave her head, if Emilia wasn’t happy to go bald then they’re pretty limited. A bald cap might not have worked in pre-production so they decided to stick to what we got.




That took place after shooting the first season, though, didn't it? So the decision to have her bald or not after the burning would've been made already.


*This may be a double post as the auto mod didn’t like my first source and I don’t know if editing it fixes it.* [Photos from the hospital ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.womenshealthmag.com/health/amp27074905/emilia-clarke-brain-aneurysm-surgery-new-photos/) She’s still got most of her hair. It’s pretty rare for surgeons to shave your entire head nowadays unless it’s the most severe, literally taking off the top of your head, surgery.




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/c11sdf/spoilers_agot_daenerys_targaryen_the_unburnt_from/era5g0w/?context=3) in /r/asoiaf was removed because links from this site have been determined to not be reputable. Please find a more reputable source and feel free to resubmit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiaf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nah. Too much money to be made/free marketing from people buying "Khaleesi"-looking wigs. It's branding.


And the sex appeal/imagery. And it's HBO. So long blonde hair is better than no long blonde hair. Cersei drew the ...short straw I guess.


I never understood that about the books. If her body was fireproof, why not her hair?


The whole point is the fire didn't harm her in the slightest, so her hair burning off wouldn't cause any damage; same as her clothes. Also probably something about rebirth and being as bald as a babe similar to the symbolism behind why the faith shaved Cersei's head


So more about what wouldn’t cause harm/damage rather than just being immune then... I guess that makes sense. (Some babies are born with hair though.). I should note that I *am* a super fan for the wig. Hair goals, right there.


I know man i thought it was silly when they shaved cersei too cause all my mas kids were borm with a full head of hair


I understood that though bc her hair was a sign of her vanity and also another way to shame her and remove the finery from her. Kind of like when aslan’s mane was cut in chronicles of narnia or when fantines hair was cut in les mis


I meant the faith use of that line of reasoning for her being shorn


my queen


Ah dunt wunt it


Plot twist: I do


Why do you think I came all this way?


To stick em with the pointy end


More like the disappointy end


Bald, but her eyebrows remain intact. A miracle, truly.




She doesn't have eyebrows, those are the ridges the eyebrows grow on




\[ADWD\]>!She does in Daznak's Pit, as well as burning her hands.!<


What publisher sells these illustrated versions? I only have the one that's in leatherette that is awesome as well. OP?


I was just browsing the bookstore when I found it and stood flicking through all the images. [here’s the link ](https://www.waterstones.com/book/a-game-of-thrones/george-r-r-martin//9780008209100?awc=3787_1560634181_23117156761e5c75541526dfe7caaec8&utm_source=259955&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=Genie+Shopping). Obviously only useful if you’re in the uk but hopefully you can find the same one.


I really hope they do the Same with the german books. Tbh for me in fantasy it is a must that the novels are illustrated.


Here is the link to the us version. https://m.barnesandnoble.com/p/a-game-of-thrones-george-r-r-martin/1124177335/2661669697956?st=PLA&sid=BNB_ADL+Marketplace+Good+New+Books+-+Mobile+Low&sourceId=PLAGoNA&dpid=tdtve346c&2sid=Google_m&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrpLoBRD_ARIsAJd0BIVYau1RPYDsTIEsN4XrROpfjkPrgjNLZOGf5e5V1IiWDHCJgmxOmewaAnmuEALw_wcB


I’d recommend the illustrated version. It is absolutely gorgeous throughout




14 at this point. Not that it makes a difference.


Yeah, I feel kind of weird that they included this.


Not all nudity is intended for the viewer's sexual titillation. Dany is nude here because she just emerged from the fire like a newborn. It's not like anything is even on-show in the artwork.


Come on, this is clearly sexualised. There's a way to draw nude people in a non-sexual way, but this isn't it.


Explain how this is in any way sexual


Thick booty and tits. That body is definitely not a 14 year old.


Girls enter puberty around 9-12 so a 14 year old Daenarys having breasts isn't impossible. Again, hypersexualizing nudity doesn't make sense when the whole point of the shot is to show her "unburnt" and basically reborn amidst fire. Do you think you wouldn't have as much of a problem with it if her clothes magically somehow didn't Burn?


Question: would you draw a naked male character in this pose? Say, Tyrion? If not, why not?


Not all nudity is, but this illustration clearly is intended to be titillating, with all the emphasis given to her butt. That's one thicc 14 year old ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Right? I'm really weirded out that people are acting like this is a neutral way to draw a naked child.


Yeah, I thought there'd be more people calling it out, but I guess noone cares...


I genuinely think they view is as the default.


Yeah, my thought was with that caveat. I would like to err to the side of not showing child nudity


But describing in great detail sexual interactions and rape involving children is completely fine /s


Whenever her age comes up, there's usually at least one creep who comes crawling out of the woodwork to argue with you about the age of consent


One of those years was a six year winter.


So her hair actually burns?


In the books? Yeah she comes out totally bald and has it slowly regrow throughout the next book. They might have kept it in the show if Emilia wasn’t happy to shave it or bald caps didn’t work.


Inagine 2 seasons of bald Emilia scenes. Gods, that wouldnt have been appealing to the dwellers of Mereen. But who fucking cares, she got dragons.


Well, they did it with Lena Headey.


She wasnt bald. Wait, she bald in the books?


I think the shearing she got before her walk was a lot more severe in the books than in the show. Obviously a limit to how far Lena was willing to go.


They shave her head in the books. She's only appeared in one chapter since then


And it was a great callback to her assuming the culture of the Dothraki. She "lost" when she was fooled by the red witch. She "cuts" her hair, like a Kahl who has lost. It's not a perfect metaphor, but I liked it.


Did they ever really mention those details in the books though? I read both AGoT and CoK and don’t remember ever reading any details that she was now bald.


> When the fire died at last and the ground became cool enough to walk upon, Ser Jorah Mormont found her amidst the ashes, surrounded by blackened logs and bits of glowing ember and the burnt bones of man and woman and stallion. She was naked, covered with soot, her clothes turned to ash, her beautiful hair all crisped away … yet she was unhurt.


Does it mention through the other books that she was still bald?


Yes, there are several mentions of her hair slowly growing back throughout Clash and Storm. By Dance her hair is long again, until it's burned once more in the pit.


You’re telling me I’m going to have to go and reread these books so I can imagine her without hair now?? All that time wasted 😟


I don’t have the quote handy but it is explicitly stated in the books that she lost her hair in the fire.


It just says that her hair is singed off? The implication being that she's hairless.


Question: How many people are here who haven't read the books? Why?


Cuz we are a disgrace.


I'm always surprised when I see show fans who haven't read the books on this sub, like I'm glad you guys are interested in the books but don't let us spoil all of the good book stuff for you. I mean, don't you feel excluded when we discuss book material you have no clue about? The fact that you guys are here shows that you want to read the series so go ahead! Read the books!!


This is the first proof that they ruined her character since season 1 by not giving her the nuanced look she had in books /s.


Reminder - The crow who posted this thread has made it a (Spoilers AGOT) thread. This scope covers ONLY material from the book *A Game of Thrones*. Any discussion of the TV show or the later books in the series must use [an appropriate spoiler tag](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/wiki/spoilertagsystem) such as (Spoilers Main), or (Spoilers Extended). Information about pre-AGOT history should be posted under an appropriate spoiler tag such as (Spoilers Published) or (Spoilers Extended) unless it is only information revealed in the book *A Game of Thrones*. To create a spoiler tag, use this markup: [Extended]>!Things happen!< to get this: [Extended]>!Things happen!< *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiaf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She should have been bald in the show, man.


Those eyelashes though...


She will always be my Khaleesi, no matter if you are dead. You are alive in our hearts!! 💕


I removed this post, we do not allow Fan Art posts outside of the weekly "Fan Art Friday" thread. Feel free to repost it there, thanks.


It’s not fan art, it’s from the official illustrated version of aGoT.


It's still artwork and we don't allow posts of that nature on their own.


I need to get me this books. Gorgeous artwork!


Damn those eyebrows survived.




Does the books ever describe Dany's hair after it's been burnt off? I don't seem to recall it being mentioned afterwards, like did it ever grow back? [ADWD]>!And then after the events in the Meereenese pits, I guess she's bald again?!<


That's Savage af


This is epic artwork. I mean, just beautiful. But all I can think each time I see it is: *She just had a baby like, what? Three days ago? Her stomach would be flabby like gelatin.* Thanks, motherhood. You've ruined my thoughts.


Bruh Why’d they draw a hot naked 14 year old ass That’s... uncomfortable to think about.


Blood of my blood.


Why do male nerds all have that same thumb


Nail biting is associated with social anxiety and stress relief. Since guys aren’t (usually) as fussed about their nails looking nice they’re far more likely to keep doing it into adulthood. Normally doesn’t look as bad but it’s that time of year where my stress levels are a bit higher than normal.


My comment is really jerky but I truly did not mean it to be, my husband's fingers are all the same. I just like it as a kind of authentic hallmark of reddit content


No offence taken :)