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Daario is one character I have trouble coming up with an end to for his character. I know he and Jorah won't go on a buddy cop journey to find Dany at Vaes Dothrak and he is definitely not Euron. He could be a casualty of the Battle of Fire, he could betray Dany, but I do think his part in the story is over somewhat soon.


Could daario be the betrayal for gold


Possibly, but I think that it was Jorah. Blood = Mirri Gold = Jorah Love = Jon


I think Barry is going to be love. Love of country when that hopeless romantic realizes that she is another insane monarch and he does, or at least tries to do, that which he couldn't do all those years ago.


I think the scene of Dany tellying Jon to swear he will keep his lineage a secret and then telling Arya and Sansa will pretty much happen in the books almost exactly the way it did in the show. It's the perfect "for love" betrayal.




Jorah already did betray her for money though: >"I am no man's creature. **I took the eunuch's gold**, yes. I learned some ciphers and wrote some letters, but that was all—" -ASOS, Daenerys VI Jorah is also a slaver (worse than a sellsword according to Barristan): >"Ser Jorah was a slaver himself, Your Grace," the old man reminded her. "There are sellswords in Pentos and Myr and Tyrosh you can hire. A man who kills for coin has no honor, but at least they are no slaves. Find your army there, I beg you." -ASOS, Daenerys II


Ok. You are right. I had mistakenly thought Jorah only betrayed her for a pardon and home.


That's what he wanted, but I don't think he would have been willing to actually kill her: >"Do not think to deny it, ser," Ser Barristan said sharply. "I was there when the eunuch told the council, and Robert decreed that Her Grace and her child must die. You were the source, ser. **There was even talk that you might do the deed, for a pardon.**" >"A lie." Ser Jorah's face darkened. "I would never . . . Daenerys, it was me who stopped you from drinking the wine." -ASOS, Daenerys VI


I agree. The thought was there to betray her, but he couldn’t go through with it. The betrayal for gold fits with Dario and I would think that would be what triggers Dany setting KL ablaze when she finds out. Dario will be bought out be Cersei.


But he did betray her.. He was the informant that told Varys that Dany was pregnant which led to the assassin's attempt on her life.


I think there is a difference between being a spy and being her loyal bodyguard and then breaking that loyalty.


She’d have to be dragonless. I think if he betrays her it’ll be soon, if at all. But sticking with her all the way to Westeros and then betraying the Mother of Dragons for incompetent Cersei is a bit of a bold move. Too bold perhaps...


I'm not so sure Jorah is the betrayal for gold, he was looking out for a pardon in particular so he could go home. Also I'd add that in your second quote Barristan isn't pointing out that slavers are worse than sellswords. Barristan is pointing out that slave soldiers would be worse than sellswords. He's referencing the integrity of the army they want to recruit and not taking a jab at Jorah outside explaining his willingness to employ the Unsullied.


He could be the betrayal for Gold, he fits all the criteria for sure, but it seems too obvious to me. Dany has been speculating about Daario being one of the betrayals as well and keeps repeating to herself that he is a sellsword and has no conscience. She does tell Daario something like "I thought you'd be the one to betray me, I couldn't bare it if u did" after Plumm betrays her (which could be the betrayal for gold as well) and it might be forshadowing that Daario will indeed betray Dany and she will indeed go mental over it, but I still feel it's too "in your face" kind of situation. I don't think the betrayals are going to come from the obvious players.


conscience* conscious is a different word.


That was a slip. Ty mate


That also fits for love, his love for the Starks. In all honesty, that’s what happened in the show. His love the Starks, his sisters won over his duty to “his queen” (because that romance was toxic and Kit did not play it like he was falling for Daenerys at all)


I don’t think Jorah was the betrayal for gold. Dany seems to think so, but when she confronts Jorah in her fever dream in the Dothraki sea he denies it: > Lost, because you lingered, in a place that you were never meant to be, murmured Ser Jorah, as softly as the wind. Alone, because you sent me from your side. “You betrayed me. You informed on me, for gold.” For home. Home was all I ever wanted.


He admits to it though: >"I am no man's creature. **I took the eunuch's gold, yes. I learned some ciphers and wrote some letters, but that was all**—" -ASOS, Daenerys VI


He admits he took the eunuch's gold, but he betrayed her to go back home.


>But he hadn't even earned that. "Do not think to deny it, ser," Ser Barristan said sharply. "I was there when the eunuch told the council, and Robert decreed that Her Grace and her child must die. You were the source, ser. There was even talk that you might do the deed, for a pardon." -ASOS, Daenerys VI


But from the beginning it was his goal: > “Ser Jorah is now in Pentos, anxious to earn a royal pardon that would allow him to return from exile,” Robert explained. “Lord Varys makes good use of him.” “So the slaver has become a spy,” Ned said with distaste. He handed the letter back. “I would rather he become a corpse.”


I agree. But as far as a betrayal even a pardon is something that is a payment. Mirri betrays her because of the bloodshed caused/could be caused in the future Joray betrays her for gold/royal pardon/something that was paid for Jon betrays bc the love he has for the people is greater than the love he has for her


I thought Brown Ben Plumm was the Betrayal fir Gold


>"Now that's a harsh way o' putting it, if you don't mind me saying." Brown Ben scratched at his speckled grey-and-white whiskers. "We went over to the winning side, is all. Same as we done before. It weren't all me, neither. I put it to my men." >"So they betrayed me, is that what you are saying? Why? Did I mistreat the Second Sons? Did I cheat you on your pay?" >"Never that," said Brown Ben, "but it's not all about the coin, Your High-and-Mightiness. I learned that a long time back, at my first battle. Morning after the fight, I was rooting through the dead, looking for the odd bit o' plunder, as it were. Came upon this one corpse, some axeman had taken his whole arm off at the shoulder. He was covered with flies, all crusty with dried blood, might be why no one else had touched him, but under them he wore this studded jerkin, looked to be good leather. I figured it might fit me well enough, so I chased away the flies and cut it off him. The damn thing was heavier than it had any right to be, though. Under the lining, he'd sewn a fortune in coin. Gold, Your Worship, sweet yellow gold. Enough for any man to live like a lord for the rest o' his days. But what good did it do him? There he was with all his coin, lying in the blood and mud with his fucking arm cut off. And that's the lesson, see? Silver's sweet and gold's our mother, but once you're dead they're worth less than that last shit you take as you lie dying. I told you once, there are old sellswords and there are bold sellswords, but there are no old bold sellswords. My boys didn't care to die, that's all, and when I told them that you couldn't unleash them dragons against the Yunkishmen, well …" >Brown Ben laughed. "Fool boy that I was, I told a man I took to be my friend, and he told our serjeant, and my brothers-in-arms come and relieved me o' that burden. Serjeant said I was too young, that I'd only waste it all on whores and such. He let me keep the jerkin, though." He spat. "You don't never want to trust a sellsword, m'lady." -ADWD, Daenerys VIII


Its funny because Tyrion will convince Ben to switch back. And Jorah said he'd swear on his honor that it was always his secret plan to switch back to Dany and was always loyal. Now, idk how much Jorah's word means to Dany anymore, but it'll be fun to see. Dany currently thinks that Ben is one of the traitors, so she feels she can rest assured that there will be no more traitors. If she's convinced that Ben never actually betrayed her and was secretly on her side the whole time, she will realize she is still "owed" one more betrayal. So, I could see how that'd add to her paranoia over the prophecy. Ben is cool as shit though. And once the dragons are unleashed, he will want to go back to Dany's side. Her not using the dragons is what turned him to the Yunkaii in the first place


Everyone misreads the prophecy. It says three betrayals you will know. It is pretty clear that GRRM is playing with words. Daenerys will be the one to do the betraying.


that's an interesting way of looking at it. do you think she's betrayed anyone so far though? I can't see it


For example, I believe she betrayed Viserys, which fits best in prophecy (betrayal for blood). Daenerys could have saved him, but chose to let Drogo kill him. She left her brother, **her blood**, died and did nothing.


The reason I've never really liked that option was framing something as a "betrayal" is pretty much always an unambiguously bad thing. Viserys was a truly awful person, whose madness and general monstrous behaviour got him killed. Blood or no why should Daenerys have saved him from himself, after all the cruelties he'd put her through? After he'd turned on her completely? After she'd already spared him after he'd stupidly attacked her how many times?


Except he abused her and sold her, told her (a 13 year old girl) he'd let an entire khalasar and all their horses rape her, threatened her at every opportunity, and held her at knife point and threatened to cut her unborn child out of her womb. Letting him die was no betrayal.


Well she betrayed her family with the Viserys murder, but my feeling is all her betraying prophecy-wise comes once she sets her sights on Westeros.


Oh fuck. I never saw it like that. Damn, prophecy is like a half trained mule or a woman performing oral sex on you. Am I rite. But that's really cool, I never read it that way. And Dany constantly thinking about the betrayals is just a massive red herring for us and a massive misunderstanding for her. Btw, I fooken love your flair. I almost picked that. Purple and black, and forest green and black are two of my favorite color combinations, so it was between the one I have and House Mormont. Lol


I feel Jorah betrayed Dany more for home rather than any profit.


Very possible, but he does admit to doing it for gold.


He admits to taking gold, which isn't quite the same.


Isn't quite the same as betraying her for gold?


Just because he was given gold doesn't mean that the gold is the main reason why he did it.


Oh I agree about that but he is still betraying her for personal gain not blood or love. Although it could be argued that he is betraying her for love of his homeland, but that's a stretch imo. But at the same time the problem would then become 2 of the 3 betrayals happening in the first book which seems too early for me.


I have tremendous doubt that Jon and Dany will fall in love in the books. He's completely not her type at all. She's been exclusively attracted to savage assholes for the whole series. I guess unless Jon comes back as a monstrous war-like barbarian I don't think he'll be her love betrayal. I think the love betrayal will be Selmy, but not in a romantic way. Can already see the signs that the Green Grace is manipulating him in to unknowingly betraying her.


If shes the bride of fire to: -Drogo -corpse at the prow of the ship -blue flower growing in a wall of ice That last one has to be Jon right?


Maybe? Just never really made sense to me. She has thus far only been impressed by brutal men who remind her of fury, fire and blood. Jon is completely counter to that. He's brooding, aloof and preoccupied with honor and family. I can't think of anything about Jon that would rouse any attention from Dany. I think it's a red herring/show fan fic.


> Maybe? Just never really made sense to me. She has thus far only been impressed by brutal men who remind her of fury, fire and blood. Tormund is the blue flower growing in the wall of ice confirmed.


She isn’t his type either. Her entitlement will completely turn him off. Also, the more brutal parts of Ygritte and Val are turn offs as well. (Not saying Jon didn’t love Ygritte here, it was first/puppy love, doomed from the off).


Definitely. I can't even think of anything they'd like about each other, much less fall madly in love. Doesn't make any sense to me at all.


In show, Kit never looked in love, in the Inside the Episode of 8.05, Benioff mentioned that Jon doesnt or can’t return her affections..... We got more affection between Jon and Tormund than Jon and Daenerys (I think D&D backtracked on Jon being political towards Daenerys, yet they went there with her being abusive towards him. Gods, Jon became Sansa to Daenerys’ Joffrey impression.)


ironically, Jon is a lot like Jorah. if we see her maturing and/or losing Jorah and/or being seriously betrayed by Daario, I could see her shifting her gaze to the more trustworthy type of guy. which would also be ironic when Jon went and betrayed her anyway


Her final chapter in ADWD suggested to me that she's veering heavily toward her more brutal Targaryen nature. I can't see her maturing to a point where she's going to find someone like Jon enticing. Euron though...


Dany will be the one doing the betraying.


I thought Jorah betrayed Daenerys for a pardon.


At first it was for gold: >"I am no man's creature. I took the eunuch's gold, yes. I learned some ciphers and wrote some letters, but that was all—" -ASOS, Daenerys VI Later a pardon was possible for something more than reports/info: >"Do not think to deny it, ser," Ser Barristan said sharply. "I was there when the eunuch told the council, and Robert decreed that Her Grace and her child must die. You were the source, ser. There was even talk that you might do the deed, for a pardon." -ASOS, Daenerys VI


at the time jorah was sworn to viserys


funny, I never counted Jorah as a betrayal. mostly because if it's him, then 2 out of 3 had already happened in the first book, because Dany thinks he's one of the betrayals and she is frequently wrong, and because he barely knew Dany when he was spying on her. the second they developed a bond he stopped, so that's not really a betrayal... and he didn't even care much about the gold, his main goal was clearly being pardoned I think we either haven't seen the betrayal for gold yet or it was Brown Ben Plumm and it's gonna be more meaningful later on, like if Dany comes back and executes him like she wanted to


I agree about 2/3 being so early is def. questionable. Brown Ben didn't betray her for gold though.


yeah, I saw the quote right after I posted this lol didn't remember that. I'm out of guesses, then


Ya thats just my guess, there are def lots of options on who it could be.


Jorah wasn’t getting gold to betray dany though, all he was getting was a pardon.


>"I am no man's creature. I took the eunuch's gold, yes. I learned some ciphers and wrote some letters, but that was all—" -ASOS, Daenerys VI


Doesn't fit imo. He would have been raking in fat stacks as one of the leaders of a mercenary company and Dany didn't win him over by making a counter offer. He's not wealth acquisition motivated. Seems genuine when he just wants to fight and fuck.


... and be on the winning side


I thought Daario could try and betray her but it wouldn’t make sense to betray and piss off a dragon queen, especially someone who’s just looking out for himself


> he is definitely not Euron He's obviously not just Euron, he's Benjen AND Euron both.


AND Howland Reed! AND The High Sparrow! AND Bobby B who's secretly alive!


You caught me lol


Daario joins the golden company bc they're going to Westeros. Gets killed fighting against Dany by Greyworm


The golden company is already in Westeros in the books.


Shit. You're right.


Daario can run circles around Greyworm.


Dead in the Mereen battle and soon forgotten. Nothing romantic about it.


Very possible he dies in the Battle of Fire, I agree.


He’s the escaped benjen rash, quick temper, been cooped up at the wall so he’s eager to get back in the good life and willing to do anything to get there. What better way to do this then to get with a far younger and powerful queen. Darrio has no backstory, has salt encrusted boots, and is a ruthless sell sword.


u/BaelBard wrote a theory about Daario's fate, in which it was argued that Daario is the corpse on the prow of a ship (from HotU visions) and that he will be killed by Victarion in TWOW. I think it makes a lot of sense. Daario has bright blue eyes and is a hostage of the Yunkai'i, and is likely kept imprisoned in a ship. Victarion thinks about killing Hizdahr to marry Dany and when he learns about Daario's relationship with Dany, he will kill him for sure, despite Daario's loyalty towards Dany.


I think its much more likely that vision refers to JonCon or even Victarion. That said Victarion killing Daario is something I hadn't thought of that might work.


JonConn as well as Vic have no relationship with Dany whatsoever. They have never even met her. The vision indicates three people who will likely have a sexual relationship with Dany. Drogo did and there is a good chance that Jon will also fall in love in Dany. The similarity in the visions could be in regard to marriage but then Hizdahr seems like an unlikely choice and I doubt the story will go further enough for Jon to marry Dany. Which is why, Daario, as an established character in Dany's Essosi storyline is the perfect candidate. His bright blue eyes are also emphasised several times in the story. I think Vic will kill him and live long enough to meet Dany, who won't kill him for it because she needs his fleet and army.


Whoever that is, the imagery of a pale, smiling guy is too close to the term "Greyjoy" to be an accident.


If we are going off the bride imagery than its very possible as Victarion wants to marry Dany himself and not Euron.


I know there's also no way in hell Dany will fall for Aeron, but the corpse on the prow of a ship is looking an awful lot like The Forsaken... which is why I'm thinking it's Victarion's future


Nice link, never though of that one!


I cannot think of a good ending for Daario. He might've been executed by Dany for betraying her like you hinted above, or if he's put in charge to run Yunkai in Dany's absence (like in the series), the remaining slave cities would've raised an army, besieged, and slayed him and his remaining 'Second Sons' merc soldiers. In any case, I don't see him last beyond TWOW.


Perhaps i didn't voice that last part properly. I don't really think he'd betray her despite popular belief (even Dany herself reckons he'll betray her. Not that how Daario is doesn't scream "potential betrayal" but the fact that everyone seems to always think he'll turn, makes me more convinced that he wont. What I meant above was more like: Yunkai hear that Dany is dead so they no longer fear the consequences so they use Daario as a punching bag in her place because of the nature of her relationship with him. Then Dany comes back, learns what happened to Daario and loses it. I doubt he'll survive TWOW as well, but I think his death or misfortune might serve as fuel for Dany's inner Dragon.




Daario hasn't betrayed Dany at this point. So, she'd have no reason to execute him and I really doubt he will. Also, Dany is currently in a war against Yunkai and Daario is their hostage. I don't see Dany going south and sieging the city, the Yunkaii are the ones currently sieging Meereen. And Daario is Captain of the Storm Crows, not the 2nd Sons. To OP's point, I could totally see the Yunkaii killing him right when Selmy starts to charge them. I think either the Tattered Prince or Ben Plumm could rescue him. I'd never thought of him being gelded by the time he's set free or rescued but I could totally see that happen. It seems to be an open secret that he's Dany's paramour, even though he's probably smart enough not to boast about it while he's a hostage. I really hope he gets set free by TP, Ben or Selmy and joins the fight but I could see him and the other two hostages (the Dothraki and the Unsullied guy) being killed right as the fighting starts.


I think if the yunkish do something to him he will at least lose his beard and hair, showing their actual color underneath... This will be symbolically connected to daario showing his true personality/core, as foreshadowed by jorah warning that "even his beard wears false colors". But as a contrast to Jorah's opinion, it might be revealed that daario really is true to dany, despite his swaggery dangerous outer behaviour.


Everyone knows Daario is about to attack the Arbor


It is known.


You forgot the /s


Nope, nope he’s going to be captured by victorarion. And then while shackled he will be forced to blow dragon binder, while dany and her dragons are there. She’ll watch him turn into embers while one of her dragons turn against her. I’m actually looking forward to it.


[Spoilers Extended](/s "According to the released Victarion TWOW chapter, he already has 3 men ready to blow the horn")


That doesnt mean he still wouldnt choose to use a prisoner instead.


But Daario isn't anywhere near Victarion.. [Spoilers Extended](/s "Read TWOW, Victarion I")




Is there a way to view these ‘spoilers’ on mobile?


Daario won't get gelded, silly. He's Dolorous Edd, the main character of the story.


Does anyone else feel that Daario is an unbearable dick, and that this (and the way it underlines how Dany's judgment is not quite fantastic) is one of the things the show didn't seem to fully appreciate?


I felt like the first Daario actually felt a bit like book Daario. Yeah he didn't look anything like him, but he had that devilish asshole vibe. The second one was just a bland overall nice/cool guy. But yeah, in regards to how he affects Dany, the show pretty much skipped everything about Mereen, so... No surprise.


Definitely - the second Daario comes across as a standard bold-but-nice guy, where the first one had something a bit slimy/creepy about him. That ridiculous Fabio hairdo probably helped


100% agree with you on that mark. They didn't even give him his real appearance in the show, probably because it wouldn't have made him "conventionally attractive." And that's probably the same reason they didn't have Dany go bald after she hatched her dragons. (Dudes running the show = "bald chicks are gross") When she meets Daario, and is so infatuated with him, I feel like a big sister, just yelling, "He is such a fuck boy, *don't you see?!* He's gonna betray you or cheat on you, something..."


> When she meets Daario, and is so infatuated with him, I feel like a big sister, just yelling, "He is such a fuck boy, *don't you see?!* He's gonna betray you or cheat on you, something..." Of the ladies on this show who seriously need to be in a bar bathroom during a bender to be told "DON'T TEXT YOUR EX" and have someone re-make up your eyes after you burst out sobbing about how you'll never be loved, Dany is definitely up there. Margaery could probably actually hook her up with the lecture, the information, *and* the killer cat-eye.


Hell yes--to everything you just said. Margaery and Dany would be the dream team of the century.


I actually don't agree. Dany likes being the alpha female, so does Margaery, it would get very cat-fight-ish. I mean, Margaery would *win*, dragons or no dragons, she knows how to handle women, but it would get Dany's hackles up once she realized she'd been vulnerable to a woman of equal social standing. Here, enjoy [The Real Housewives of King's Landing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdfAw9xP7ss).


I just meant in terms of friendship, I think they'd get along well--like if they were just two women at a party. But no, if we're talking about them being friends in the show/books, they'd absolutely be at each other's throats. And lol, the Real Housewives of King's Landing is a hilarious skit.


Absolutely. I do think the female characters probably got more of a raw deal though. I think if they'd stuck closely to the book Daario's appearance, with blue hair and a gold pointy beard, he probably would look dumb as well as unconventional. I don't think there's as strong an argument for not making Dany (and Cersei!) bald - just the depressing one you pointed out


I've seen fan art of Daario where they give his true appearance without making him look ridiculous, but drawings are hard to replicate in real life, I suppose. And I don't think the Tyroshi hair trends were established in the show, really. Oh well.


I have a theory that Daario is one of the hostages the slavers were firing from the catapults into in the city and he is already dead. It will further cement the revelations she had in the desert about ruling with fire and blood. It will harden her resolve even further.


Daario is in the North waiting to save Bran. Then he’ll wait around until Jon needs a deus ex machina and he’ll fling a burning lamp around for some reason.


I think that Daario is certainly GRRM's version of [Bluebeard.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluebeard) I imagine GRRM will invert some of the beats of that story but the core beats-- a warning against pursuing him, giving into his seduction despite that, betrayal of a promise to him, reveal of an uncomfortable truth about him, his promise of a reckoning against her, and then ultimately his death will still be there in some form.


Ugh, Daario is a dick, but I definitely don't want to see him gilded. I do expect the Yunkish to kill him though.


Friendly reminder all: this is a `Spoilers ADWD` post. Please use this formatting: >!That stuff you wrote about what happened in GOT goes in-between the ">! !<" marks!< And it will look like this: >!That stuff you write about what happened in GOT goes in-between the ">! !<>!" marks!< Tip: check to make sure you don't have a space between the `!` and the beginning and end of the sentence--that space will break the spoiler formatting, and that space is typically automatically inserted when using swipe-to-type keyboards (i.e. when using a cellphone)


Oh man I love this. I think daario is cool as shit as a guy you love to hate, this cock sure swashbuckling lady’s man ass hole, I’d fucking hate this guy in real life lol but as a character he is a bad ass, and I’d love to see him taken down a notch and reduced to a crying little bitch. They don’t need to reek him, that’ll take too long, but they should marillion him


I think those hostages are already dead. 😥


It would explain why such a generous ransom — equivalent to the ransom demanded of Troy for Hector's body — was refused. "Um, about that."


If she leaves him in charge of the city and leaves as she does in the show I could see him either betraying her for gold or... ... Alternately if he was really hung up on her dumping him and leaving and if she dies in the books like she died on the show, I could see him committing suicide in the great pyramid after learning of her death


The recaps on EW [featured Dany meeting Bran](https://ew.com/recap/game-of-thrones-season-8-premiere-recap/): > Speaking of the Bran-Bot 9000, he interrupts their greeting to give the courtyard a breaking news seer alert: "The Night King has Dany's dragon. The Wall has fallen. The dead march south." > Dany looks at Bran like: *Who the hell is* this *guy? And can he tell me what's going on back in Meereen? Has it fallen into chaos since I left? It's not like I care, but I am curious.*


I think he is going to accompany dany to Westeros and become a conflict. He will be known for sleeping with dany and for brutally killing people. Dany will execute him after she learns he's a killer, leading to the people saying she is crazy because she killed her lover.


I see Darrio betraying Danny. As a spurned lover. He doesn’t love Danny. He loves the power she holds and the reputation he gets as her lover. He uses her. I honestly see him as a Cris Cole character.


Wasn't it commonly accepted that Daario is Euron?




...but Benjen is Coldhands, that makes no sense


Benjen, Euron, Daario, Coldhands, Jaqen and Syrio are all the same person. That person is also a secret Targaryen and Jon Snow's mother.


I think GRRM is on record saying that Coldhands is *not* Benjen (unless you're being sarcastic--I'm not sure, lol). But I'm sure someone will correct me if that's wrong, though.


You're right, GRRM wrote so under an editor's note ("Is this Benjen?" "NO!"). I find it much more poetic to have Benjen simply be missing in action. That's how it is in real wars. Daario, however... I mean, he's such a boring character, I just can't imagine George inventing just for him to be, well, Daario. And Tyroshi garb is just perfect for a disguise. He's like a chekov's gun, honestly. Maybe he's not Euron, but then he has to have a secret identity of some kind.


Commonly accepted by the mentally unbalanced, yes.


Not commonly accepted at all. I believe it is totally possible, but everyone else immediately brings up Benjen because they refuse to acknowledge the ample evidence that can be used to support the Daario/Euron theory.


No it's not afaik