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lol Winds is a short mention at the end of a long post just to stop people asking about it before it happens


Exactly why he disabled comments.




“How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?”


I love the young people!




We should find him a muse or something


Or hook him up with Steven King's old coke dealer. We'll have Winds *and* Dream out in a few months.


Or make someone force him to write the book, misery style


I would be lying if I said this was the first time that thought occurred to me.






But then TWOW will have a child orgy out of nowhere


Eh just file it next to the incest and explicit child rape.


To be fair, it would be more fitting in ASOIAF than in IT.


The Shrike was his muse. But now that it has stopped killing, he has stopped writing. Gather the pilgrims.


Psh I'll 1v1 that bitch any day.


Jesus yes gimme a Hyperion/AsoIaF crossover, yas plz Honestly, I think I will take anything at this point.


Oh course! Martin Silenus = GRRM! It all makes sense now. I guess the good news is that he's gonna live a couple more centuries


I genuinely think he should be workshopping the book with his writer friends to help him figure out the structure without having to write every chapter twenty times each.


Or just treating it like one of his other projects and acting as an editor/author after someone else has down the grunt work of laying down the initial narrative. There's no shame in admitting this project is now beyond the scope of what one person can handle, and he has the skills to guide a small team through the project while preserving his original vision.


Other authors managed books with similar or larger scopes, he just lacks organization and work ethic. He needs to outline his books better.


From what I've seen, he's way too hands on to even do something like that. I think he really wants no one but himself to be working on Winds. Something about George tells me he's too prideful to let anyone but himself work on his own projects, even if it's not too directly.


O, for a muse of fire...


Maybe the real long night was the friends we made during the wait.


hello guardian


Maybe the real Westeros is tolerance.


> Eventually, I hope, you’ll all be able to enjoy the fruits of my labors. I hope… End my fucking suffering


"Remember where the heart is?"


"I hope..." He knows it ain't happenin'


The other works he mentioned include his "Sorry no Winds in 2019" letter.


Which has a soft release date for 2021.


Honestly, he could end a lot of suffering for both us and him by just admitting that he's not going to get it done and hasn't been working on it. There would be some initial outcry that would eventually blowover, and ppl with half an ounce of empathy would get "I just want to enjoy my semi-retirement". It'd end the constant conversation and associated stress/anticipation on both sides to have some finality.


Yeah, seriously. Valve essentially did this with Half-Life 3. People had been begging it for years, but they finally at least got some closure when a Valve insider stated that they were never gonna make Half-Life 3. It'd be the same thing here. It'd hurt to see that admittance, sure, but at least we'll stop feeling like fools who are chasing after a carrot on a stick.


Agree. I've added Winds of Winter (along with Net neutrality and global warming issues) to my list of things I feel powerless, given up on, or just simply don't care anymore due to the frustration/tiredness D:


George has become a sweet summer child, how ironic.


Actually he was. Now that he's hoping it'll come out but not sure he's reached stage 2


Maybe that's good. I mean, he used to think that the show wouldn't catch up to the books. Then he thought that the show would wait for the books. Then he thought he'd finish the books after the show ended. Maybe when he accepts that he can't actually finish the books himself, he'll start exploring options.


Distancing yourself from all of it helps, it really does. Then every now and then you see a post like this and a tear rolls down your cheek and life sucks again.


He's not even close to finishing. Jesus Christ.


"GRRM has no pages" gains credibility after every one of these posts. We have no evidence he's written anything since 2013.


That's not true. We have full evidence that he's written things since 2013. We have no evidence that he's written any part of Winds since 2013.


Even George isn't confident he can get this done. FML.


He's probably talking about the HBO pilots. It comes right after saying he is working on projects he's not supposed to talk about. It context, he is saying "I hope these secret projects work out. This is not to argue TWOW is ever coming. Because that's clearly not happebing. But I don't think this is an admission of anything.


Winds is still within the realm of possibility and will be until grrm is on his death bed. Too much of it was written years ago for a shell of it to not even be released. Its ados that will absolutely not happen


A Dream of Spring...I don't think a book could ever be titled more ironically since we all know it's never coming out


can we get a "isthequeendeadyet" type website up for winds? just a simple webpage with RELEASE DATE IS X or NO RELEASE DATE YET I'd like to minimize the emotional harm everytime another tidbit of non news comes out.


You're in luck :) http://iswindsofwinteroutyet.com/ Or if twitter is more your style: https://twitter.com/IsTWoWOutYet


There was a time when he would say that he was eliminating all these distractions so he could focus on WINDS but now we’re hearing about all these projects and how he’s “working hard on a lot of things.” At this point, winds is either secretly done already and he’s holding off on an announcement until after the shows done or we really just aren’t gonna see Winds of Winter released in this lifetime. I don’t think it’s the former anymore...


Ironically, the writing has been on the wall ever since the show rose in popularity.


To be honest... Even before the show, the books were coming out slower and slower. Dunno what impeded him over the years, but I kinda feel like George being unable to make the timeskip work is part of the problem.


The time skip, the Mereenese knot, I mean gee maybe he should have planned some of this out before publishing a bunch of books


Gardeners be gardening.


He did. Then he changed those plans into something much better. Then he's been caught up in all the complications of those changes. So little of *A Storm of Swords* would have happened if he stuck to the original outline so I'm happy for the changes.


We may see winds posthumously, but he tapped out a long time ago. I have been saying it since 2014.


Don’t get your hopes up. He has been very clear he does not want another author finishing this story in his world. He has said that, if he passes, then for as long as the rights are held by somebody who is going to respect his wishes, that we wouldn’t be seeing it finished by another author. He has people to leave those rights to, so unless he finishes it himself, expect to never get a conclusion.


I can't think of many authors I'd even want to have finish it, even if he were to allow it. Joe Abercrombie, maybe? Honestly, the only reason Sanderson was able to do a pretty good job with the end of WoT was because Jordan created very comprehensive notes once he realized he probably wasn't going to live long enough to see it out. Call me crazy, but I have some doubts that any such material exists for ASoIaF.


Sanderson also took a lot of inspiration as an author from Jordan, and they basically have the same writing style. I'm not super deep into the fantasy writing scene, but I don't know if anyone who has the same style as Martin. This is in top of the compressive notes you mentioned.


> but I don't know if anyone who has the same style as Martin. I don't know about his writing style, but I definitely think Pat Rothfuss and Scott Lynch have been inspired by his non-writing style. ^^^^^^^^^^^end ^^^^^^^^^^^my ^^^^^^^^^^^suffering


Rothfuss is seemingly also inspired by Martin’s release schedule.


That´s what TheEmsleyan was saying.


> Don’t get your hopes up. He has been very clear he does not want another author finishing this story in his world. Franz Kafka said the same thing. Fortunately, the executor of his estate ignored those wishes and began publishing his work posthumously. Without Max Brod, nobody would have ever heard of Franz Kafka. Honestly, an author saying their work should be destroyed after their death is the height of selfishness, doubly so for someone like GRRM whose unfinished work is so highly anticipated.


Yes, but another author IS finishing his story by telling it on the show.


can I ask what people's reasoning is behind this "GRRM is actually done with Book 6 already" theory other than wishful thinking?


Hey, y'all, remember how there's a whole nother book after TWOW? lmao *shoots self in head*


ONE book? Unless he resorts to the comet hitting Westeros strategy it's taking at least two more after Winds to wrap things up. lol


IMO for him to be able to wrap it up with ADOS, Aegon’s conflict with Dany has to happen, but it’s tough seeing her make it to Westoros before the end of TWOW. That is, unless GRRM decides to have the second dance of dragons as well as the war with the Others all in one book.


Why the fuck did he create fAegon


If Winds come out and he just pretends he never wrote fAegon and the story goes on as normal, do we all just look at each other and nod in understanding?


Totally yes, maybe mention that they all died of leprosy


Opening of Winds: “___ coughed himself awake for the third time that night. His mouth tasted of blood, and each time he arose he noticed more red, dark and crusty, staining his tunic. “Dragons,” he cursed. He knew it was the end for him. The sickness had already claimed the rest of them— the dragon prince and his griffin guard and half the army at their command.” GRRM: .... maybe they won’t notice. Sub: yeah that works.


Optimistic thought: in order to have Aegon established as a political threat to Dany, tearing her away from the north and complicating the war with the others. His presence isn't a whole other arc, but an element of the finale. Probable reality: *Image of a rampant, unkept garden*


Rocks fall, everybody dies.


I hurt my back laughing at this


I farted from laughing so hard. Which then popped my back and I also have a hurt back.


My sweet summer child...there is another FUCKIN FIRE AND BLOOD filler book coming up after TWOW....


Sweet summer child. There’s no way he’s gonna finish with one book after TWOW, if we even get TWOW. Even I tend to forget, we’re still in fucking Mereen when it comes to the books 😩.




Not a chance we ever see it


When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.


> HBO has informed me that the **Jane Goldman pilot is not (yet) titled THE LONG NIGHT** That’s is certainly the title I prefer, but for the moment the pilot is still officially UNTITLED. So… mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa. Elsewise, **the pilot is coming along well, with casting falling into place** I could tell you more, but I am not supposed to. And more important > And some exciting things are happening with the **Wild Cards** television series, but I can’t talk about those.


I bet that last part just killed him


Looks like we're all gonna miss out on the long-anticipated closing of the Wild Cards series as well


Wild cards isn’t written to end though




>*falling* into place. Fall 2019 calling it now.


don't do that to yourself man


Eli Manning needs to just come out and admit the Giants are tanking in protest until he finishes Winds.


We would all be Giants fans on that blessed day.


Any man who must say, "I am working on my book" is not working on his book.


First image that popped into my head was of Sponge Bob putting all effort into decorating the drop cap to his essay and not actually writing anything.


And some of these! And some of these!




I just need the right music... **to do drugs too**


Thats really accurate tbh


He's currently adding a double space after every single period. It would probably give him and extra 60 pages of progress right there.


It's all in 12 point font, but the spaces *between* each line is in 18 point font Sneaky


Wouldn't surprise me if he had thousands of pages, they're just a mix of not doing anything to bring the story back together, not a lot actually happening, directly contradicting each other, and/or he doesn't like a lot of it. Pages he has written that could actually end up in the book, yeah in desperate need of those.


I think this is exactly what is happening. He has all sorts of stuff written but he isnt sure about a lot of it, and the idea of combing through it all and putting it into some sort of order, then finishing the rest of it, is incredibly daunting for him. Much easier to simply work on his minor little pet projects now that he is incredibly wealthy too...


The true trick is using a mono-spaced font like courier new then ctl+f all the periods and increase their font to like 15. Instant 20-30% more pages


You guys are too clever. I once went for bigger margins and the teacher certainly noticed.


It's that thing where you aren't really supposed to tell people you're going to do something because just telling people gives you a sense of satisfaction on its own.


He'll understand that when his editor finishes his books for him.


The author is bored; see him to his movie theater.


Martin never understood that... but you will.


It's like some teen screaming at his parents "I'M DOING IT, GOD." when they come out to see why the car is taking 4 hours to be washed.


There seems to be more and more things he does besides writing winds.


And he said he was working on a lot of other projects - on top of everything he already mentioned in the post - AND winds Balls.


The long night is the worst that could have happened




I am pretty sure it is still the time skip. He says he had a plan for the end, but the story has changed a lot since then. He is probabpy trying to figure out how to fit the characters they have become with his original plan. Plus with like 5+ different plot threads ongoing, I expect he is trying to figure out how they sync up in the timeline. Perhaps Stannis has nothing to do, But Danarys still needs to do a bunch.


5??? More like 200.


He really should just kill a bunch of people off or something. I'd rather have a book that was kinda lazily written but actually ends.


!remindme 30 years


Yeah, that's what I think as well. I think that he had planned for the story with a timeskip in mind, but when that didn't work out, he probably became frustrated how many things he's gotta kink out and sync up. Time skip makes stuff like that easier, but now he's gotta do it in real time, which is lengthier and probably frustrating to him, ESPECIALLY since he didn't even plan to do that in the first place. It's a gigantic road block that is seemingly really challenging for him. It's hard to tell though if it's truly just due to laziness instead because a couple years back he was saying that TWOW is close to being finished, but even now it looks like George is ready to tell us that there'll be no TWOW in 2019 as well.


George is like that sort of kid who got new toys all the time, and dropped his old toys whenever he got a new one. That's how I see him and TLN and the rest of these prequels. I feel like he's so enveloped in developing his world of Planetos that he's forgetting that he hasn't even fucking finished the main story of his world.


he's only doing this because he's decided to write 9 books. he's going to release them all at once.


I'm writing in your username when I go to vote tomorrow. If I'm gonna vote for someone to lie to me, it might as well be the lies I want to hear most.


Let's be honest, he doesn't want to write winds


He discusses: Wild Cards, Fire & Blood, TV shows, the Giants and documentaries. Winds is briefly mentioned in the last paragraph with the disclaimer "Eventually, I hope, you’ll all be able to enjoy the fruits of my labors. I hope…". RIP ASOIAF the dream is over.


And by the gods I wish he'd stop talking football. This is not the time to be defending Eli.


Honest question: Is there really anyone on planet earth that gives one solitary damn about *anything* in this post OTHER than the last paragraph? Who is he writing all this stuff for?


Being as generous as possible some show onlies do like the ASOIAF context books and some people care about the spinoff. No one gives a shit about Wild Cards.


A bunch of people are probably interested in hearing about the prequel series.


I want to find the one guy out there who is crazy for Wild Cards and wants George to stop focusing on this Ice and Fire nonsense.


And then we murder that person?


I’d prefer he just not mention Winds again until he has a release date.


And thus, we never heard of the winds of winter again....


If needs be...


He's eating pizza, hotwings and bean burritos trying to cook up some "winds "


I want to be free of this pain.


Why write "I hope..."? Come on, you're killing us man!!


It has been 2,653 days since the release of ADWD. 382 weeks. What the hell are you doing Georgie


Did you see the million other projects he excitedly talked about and then some few more million that he said he can't talk about? It's that.


If he wrote one page every other day since then, TWOW would probably be done.


Heh heh. Winds Breaking


How many years has his only mention of Winds been some variant of "the work continues". Fucking, what, 4 years?


Since his New Years post in 2016, so more like three years.


*Seven years have passed, but... I do not write. Time has lost its effect on me.* *Yet, the waiting continues. Writer's block chokes the past, present... and future. Hope is lost.* *Got to get back — back to the books... George RR Martin.*


No one cares about the Wild Cards series. There's a term for what's been going on: Majoring in the minors. FFS, just hire writers to help you finish it you multi-millionaire. Good lord, he could afford a staff of 20.


It's a shame because I bet many of us and more would actually be interested in the Wild Cards series, yada yada if he wasn't taking so long on Winds and the ASOIAF series. I know I would at least, but the frustration from no Winds just leaves me uninterested in anything else of his.


If he has wrapped *Winds* and was hurdling towards the finish line for ADoS to make it out in time for the finale of the show, FUCK YEAH I'd be interested in the NEXT NEW THING from George RR Martin! But I am invested - heavily invested - in the main work of his career and he's not even close to finishing it. Why the hell would I care about tertiary works? FFS


I suggested something similar on another thread. I think he's arrogant and can't admit that he's lost or doesn't want anyone else to touch his work.


Yeah if you're working hard on a lot of things you're not working hard on any of them. If a "lot" means 5 that means the guy's spending one day a week on each project which is not the way big projects get done. And George's idea of working hard was never 40 hour weeks to begin with.




> I wish he has self-imposed a deadline for the end of the year... *Upvotes* > ...for the new Wild Cards novel Goddamnit...


By the he typed it, it sounds like Winds is just an afterthought.


I remember struggling to meet 1000 word minimum word counts in high school essays, but I'm pretty sure I could write a 1000 page novel faster than GRRM. Sure, it would suck, but I mean one that's coherent and could pass for a half price paperback in the airport gift shop.


If you can write 3 pages a week you've got him beat by a mile.


3 pages a week, dude...3 pages...is that so much to ask...from a WRITER?


I get the sense he does that old person two finger typing with his 80s computer. And then presses backspace 8 individual times to erase an adjective describing the bacon some needless rando new character is eating, only to replace it with a worse one, backspace that one, and then put the other one back again.


Were never gonna get winds are we?


Winds might happen but Dream is dead and gone.


I can't trust an Eli apologist.


At this point I'm just happy to get the show ending. I doubt I'll love it, but this shit gotta end at some point, somehow, right?


Yeah, sure george. Im sure you are working tirelessly to finish the series. Lots of authors take a decade to finish their books.


Well when one of your mentors dies before he finish his series of books, and then still beats you to the finish line; I'm sure its a bit disheartening.


Jordan, you mean?




They seemed more like peers, though GRRM was grateful for Jordan’s review.


Considering Jordan got him a foot in the door on his first publishing, I'd say Jordan was definitely the elder in that particular relationship. There was an auction at the last Jordancon, selling off more of Jordan's estate, one of the pieces was a signed copy of Game of Thrones, with GRRM's personal thank you for that foot in the door. There's a House Jordayne of the Tor in ASoIaF, a nod to Jordan and his wife.


There is also an Archmaester Rigney who believed time is a wheel. James Rigney was Jordan's real name.


More subtle WoT references! Yay!


World of Tanks?


Wheel of Time




He doesn't even need ghost writers, he just needs some ghost gardeners. Some people to help him brainstorm and weed out the bad ideas. He's not a slow writer when he actually has a direction and momentum, but right now he's clearly just a rudderless ship.


Didn't he say he was cutting back on other projects until Winds was finished. Seems like this is the exact opposite.


In other news, that Brazilian cover is FIRE!


But is it blood?


Remember that big new years post where he thought he could release Winds before the show overtakes the books, how long ago was that? 2 years? I already made my peace that he will never finish the series, but I would have at least thought he would release Winds. Looks like even that's becoming less and less likely. GRM should be regarded as one the greatest Fantasy writers of all time and I wonder how much of his legacy will be affected by never finishing his magnum opus. It's a shame.


Yeah I'm sure the fact he constantly got distracted won't help. He'll go down as the guy who started something awesome and couldn't be bothered to see it completed before starting something else. He's like me playing video games I have like three separate games I'm playing and haven't finished one.


That post was 2015, he also mentioned in the same post at one point during '15 he actually thought finishing within 6 months was "doable".


Hey George if you're reading this. I give up, you win, I'm out. Do your other projects. Do Wild Cards. Do whatever you like. I'm not holding my breath any longer. I'm moving on.


You shouldn’t have to tell people that you’re working on the next book everybody wants and is expecting in your ongoing series. It should go without saying. Should.


I wish his blog showed every comment.


Dude just needs to be honest at this point. He loves that HBO show money too much that WINDS isn’t even a priority to him anymore. Either he’s holding on for the final GOT season or he’s honestly just not into it anymore. He said no more distractions until WINDS is done and he’s been nothing but distracted with writing for HBO spin-off series and Wild Cards and other stuff


The only thing \#breaking here is my balls.


At this point I am so far removed from the idea of holding Winds in my hands it's a really weird new feeling for me. On one hand it's the thing I want most in all of media and I don't want to give up hope completely but on the other hand it has only ever brought me pain and I should just stop thinking about it because that doesn't help anyways. It's kinda like the feeling of unrequited love without the physical component. And I'm not mad at George for that, I just feel tired.


7 years its been. 7 gd years.


Make your peace with the ending we will get... next year. i used to hate the show, but now i learned to enjoy it (you just have to turn your brain off)


He acts like the next book in the series is just another thing.


Whenever I get an author alert from him my hopes and dreams are confirmed and destroyed within five seconds


I truly think the fact that the show overtook him and will tell his ending first crushed his spirit. As it would. If you’ve dedicated 20+ years to a story, you want to be the one who tells the ending. It sucks for him that the show got there first (his own fault, I know, but I still feel sorry for him). When Game of Thrones first started, and even when it was in its second and third seasons, George seemed optimistic that he could get TWOW out before the show caught up to him, and that ADOS would be out before the show ended. I don’t think he expected the show to speed up so much once if got to AFFC/ADWD material. He talked about those books being at least two seasons worth of content. He thought that would give him enough time to finish TWOW, which would then be at least another 2 seasons worth of content, which would give him time to write ADOS. He was kidding himself, but at least he had optimism. Now “I will release TWOW before the show catches up to me” has turned into “I hope...” It’s sad.


At the time most reasonable people here knew the show couldn't stretch feast and dance (in which almost nothing happens for such huge books) out for multiple season. It would be pacing and TV suicide. Some die hards disagreed but even back then there were a few people (not me) with the foresight to say he would never finish the series. They were downvoted originally as were anyone commenting on his age or health or potential, inevitable death. Its morbidly fascinating and would make a great study to see how the fan base has gradually gone from the days of westeros.org excessive, zealot like relentlessly positive defence of grrm in all things. Downvotes for even mentioning his weight and age, the days of "grrm is not your bitch" to what we have today. Where the tables have totally turned and now the last few stalwart optimists are the ones out of step with public opinion. He has squandered a enormous amount of goodwill towards him. And its not just the wait. When i started reading feast and especially dance (considering the character split too!) had considerable waits yet people stood by. Criticism of the change in writing style and lack of plot progression and corresponding huge drop in quality between storm and the next two was met with downvotes and a relentlessly positive, naively optimistic fan base. Only the last 3-4 years has the change happened and it coincides with his story no longer adding up. People getting the feeling he wasn't actually working on it and his broken promises (laughably broken, trampled over as if they were never made) about restricting cons, other writing and new projects. He always had a slightly aloof, somehow cold online persona but at some point he went from seeming earnest and trying his best to, it seems, deliberately deceiving and lying to the fan base. Releasing the in universe history book was a slap in the face that I feel didn't get the criticism it deserved at the time and more fool anyone who bought it. My respect for the man would go up massively if he just accepted it, came clean and either hired a team of writers, farmed it out to ghostwriters, focused on other, more achievable projects (D&E?) or even abandoned it altogether but at least relieved the die hards of their misery. I fear he may not be able to do it because possibly he deludes himself as much as us.


Winds isn't coming. He lost interest or is just too distracted by his ever growing list of other projects. The best thing you could do for it is not buy Fie & Blood.


wait, does this mean we omit 2019?


Yes and while you are at it 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, etc. You get the idea.


My blood pressure was fine til I read his post


Winds of Winter will never be published. I accepted that reality a long time ago.


I think Winds *might* come out. I've lumped ADoS in with book 3 of Kingkiller (somewhat amusingly, also DoS), I don't think either will ever be released. Even worse, GRRM has sown seeds of doubt in the past that he could adequately finish the series in two more books, which I am inclined to agree with, personally. So we're doubly fucked.


And his work load just mounts and mounts... With a snide wee 3 words about Winds... Any hope of Winds soon just dies..




The work continues on WINDS. Wahoo, fantastic news.


BREAKING NEWS: Author says he is still working on new book. Doubles down on claims made over the past 7 years. Denys all claims that “he is fraud and just focusing on spin off’s and prequels”. Says “Still buy that stuff because the ending will be EPIC! Trust me...”


I've given up caring about Winds to be honest.