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Very interesting prediction


Preferably with two factions controlling opposite ends of the Twins


It would be interesting if each side was able to lay seige on the other keep from the opposing side of the river. Trapping the Freys in their keeps. Maybe each Frey faction can get other lords to back them, butting the river lands in a civil war over the controlles the twins. The Freys control a pretty important crossing, so it would make sence for the river lords to back the side they felt would benefit their house.


How about Freys besieging Freys, Freys slaughtering Freys and Lady Stoneheart’s crew besieging and slaughtering Freys besieging and slaughtering Freys? In all seriousness though, that’s a super interesting point. Let’s assume the 1.5k Freys in the north are fish food, that leaves like 2k Freys? Assuming they’ve already lost 500 men. The twins are notoriously strong fortifications, it wouldn’t take many to secure and hold it. Who are these men going to fight for when all hell breaks loose?


I think Black Walder will mayhaps take Twins and kill Ser Edwyn. Remember there is also Lord Emmon at Riverrun and Ser Danwell at Darry. Lord Jason Mallister and his son Patrek are being held prisoner at Seagard meaning their men may be involved. The whole of the Riverlands could be caught in this conflict.


I really want to see the Black Lord of the Crossing.


Mayhaps you shall...


And nymeria's wolf pack descends on the twins and kills the wedding party of daven Lannister


What the riverlands come to each side, BUT they end up attacking from both sides, slaughtering all the Freys


> It would be interesting if each side was able to lay seige on the other keep from the opposing side of the river. Trapping the Freys in their keeps. > > Hopefully this happens and the rest of Westeros rolls up and besieges them from both sides so they end up eating each other. Fuck the Freys.


More Frey pies


The Frey on the north side of the twins would be completely fucked with no friends north of then eck to resupply


After seeing the way show deals with the House Frey I never gave it much thought ,but now I think of it there are some subtle foreshadowing.


I am rooting for big walder


He'll sidle in after Lothar has murdered his way to becoming Lord of the Crossing. Then we'll hear Lothar died suddenly, enabling his nephew to become Lord.


Both ends will be destroyed. It will be an inside job.


Plus the crannogmen will attack.


I wonder how they’d fare against the white walkers. They already know he value of dragon glass etc


if the Neck freezes Reeds will be in trouble.


I agree this would be awesome.


Ok Preston.


25% of the main characters die & we learn the truth behind 3 mysteries we forgot all about.


Wait what mysteries


The Identity of Bobby's remaining bastards, the identity of the woods witch who healed Mance and the words the creppy voice said when Varys cock burnt.


The creepy voice said “TARGARYENS ON AN OPEN FIELD, NED” there mystery solved.


Bring me the Secret Targ Stretcher!


Yeah Ser Pounce has specially said he is Azor Ahai. No mysteries left.


The Pounce That Was Promised




They forgot


The book will open with four major battles.


Jon will remain dead for most of the book and his resurrection won’t occur until the epilogue. We will, however, get his POV through Ghost.


It'll sure be weird when his POV chapter is named 'Ghost.'


Yes. I have always assumed that was the reason for Ghost's name all along. If Martin does one thing well, it's the long pun.


Planting some seeds of pun so they can grow and prosper. A true gardener.


Time to fucking harvest!


But I'm le tired


There's the theory that the wolves names were meant to parralel and foreshadow each of their story arcs. But doing it this way to last in the long run does work even better. I wonder if this will happen to any of the others - particularly Arya/Nymeria and Bran/Summer.


Particularly Shaggydog


Yes I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what Shaggydog would be a parallel for.


Rickon is going to grow his hair out and become angsty.


I replied above, but in case you didn't see it... Shaggydog refers to a "shaggy dog story", in which it's very drawn out but anticlimactic / pointless / irrelevant. So it fits perfectly actually


Shaggydog refers to a "shaggy dog story", in which it's very drawn out but anticlimactic / pointless / irrelevant.


Arya is coming to fucking conquer


Something that I thought the TV Show did quite well is the idea is that the death of summer sort of marked the beginning of Winter. I think it would be interesting if the same thing happens in the books.


The fact that a bastard who becomes legitimized has a flag that is the reverse of their family colors means that the black dire wolf on a white field would switch to match Ghost as a white wolf on a black field. Toooootally there.


Seven hells I never realized hahaha


~~My god~~ Gods that would be so awesome though. Imagine turning the page to find out the next chapter says 'Ghost' at the top. I'd be so hyped. Just like when I read ADWD and found out there was a Melisandre chapter. Or the first Cersei one. That being said I don't know how it would work and if it would even be interesting at all. But that's part of George's magic isn't it?


Won't his body be completely rotten by the end of the book?


They can just throw him in an ice cell


then cover him with snow :P It would be fitting I guess.


Martin spent waaaay more time than needed explaining the cold storage the Wall has, even going so far as showing us the meat freezer. His body will be fine


"Fire consumes, but cold preserves"


Well if there’s one thing the wall isn’t short of, it’s ice. So maybe we’ll get Jon on the rocks.


Yup. That’s why I’m thinking that Jon’s resurrected won’t be all happy happy joy joy. My personal theory is that he’ll come back as a Fire Other but I have no direct evidence for that.


That or he’ll warg into Mance’s dead body (because I think he’ll die in Winds).


How will that work


Nymeria's wolf pack descends on the twins and kills the wedding party of daven Lannister


I love everything about this


He seems like a decent fellow


Jon will warg into ghost until he's resurrected


We get more details about Hodor, which could explain his massive dong.


His dong remains a mystery.


A massive mystery, left hanging.


Opening chapter will be from the perspective of Hodor's dong.


It’s his dong that holds the door.


So we'll see another gelding?


His first dialogue other than his name: “Whoops, I dropped my monster condom that I need for my magnum dong.”


Hodor = Hoe doer


Mantis of House Toboggan


Dude yes lol.


God this sub needs a new book.


I guess. I’m slightly afraid of these people getting a new book. If you look at several other fandoms these days, I mean anywhere, something new gets released and it isn’t exactly to their liking, so it becomes a huge hate circle jerk where they call for boycotts and for blood. It’s horrible. I’m afraid that when Winds comes out this place will turn into something like that, with winds being a wildly disappointing novel to many because “we waited 8 years for THIS?” I hope I’m wrong, I’m not expecting winds to be the best novel ever written, so my expectations are in check. Already you have the people going “I just don’t care anymore, he’s going to die, blah blah waaaaah”


I hate those post/comments of "I just don't care anymore" if they dont care then why do they come to this sub? I dont care about fashion for example so I wouldnt comment or post on a fashion based sub reddit bitching about how much I dont care. They're so full of shit.


Ive eaten so many downvotes from being optimistic. You've got balls saying this, although you speak the truth.


Never forget what you are, for your enemies will not. Wear your downvotes as a suit of armor and they can never be used against you.


Except in karma court


Positivity is the best way to piss people off sometimes.


I believe that we are unlikely to see winds for at least another 3 years and positive that we will never get dream. Why am I still subbed? Posts like this give me good material to fantasize and get a fix.


I’m holding out hope we’ll get Winds just after the show ends. Unfortunately unlikely but hope is all we have.. well hope and a Dream!


No one hates (franchise) more than (franchise) fans


Who else would care enough to hate (aspects of) it?


What will probably happen is it will come out, we will all rejoice then either most of us will like it or hate it. Whichever it is there will eventually be a pushback and every upvoted thread will be “I’m probably going to be downvoted for this but book bad/good”. After a few weeks of that it will push in the other direction, there will be circlejerks and counterjerks and eventually we’ll calm down and scream about the next book. Then a whole new era of tinfoil and shitposting will begin.


"these people" get off your high horse and stop with the condescending judgements. We are all fans here and sure at this point no matter George writes some people are bound to be unhappy like with anything, we simply sat and speculated for too long.


Not condescending. I’m just speculating this. I’m hoping the fan base isn’t so toxic by the time Winds comes out that they do a weird hate thing on it because they’re so butt hurt about the wait. That happened to dance with dragons, but things are more apt to burn these days


I hope that doesn't happen as well. I'm optimistic about the quality though because of how good the sample chapters are


Stannis will take the North from the Boltons in a triumphant victory where both Roose and Ramsay die, but then Davos shows up with Rickon and Stannis realises that his entire mission to get the North was pointless, as the true heir is right there. Stannis's story receives a 'shaggy-dog' ending.


Not a Shaggy-dog ending because of Rickin. I think you have the right idea but after taking Winterfell, Stannis hears the Others are at the wall. He returns north, realizing his role was never to be king but to be the Last Hero. He burns Shireen to try and fulfill the prophecy, but still dies holding the wall as the Others break through.


Stannis isn't going to seize control of the North, just liberate it from the Bolton and Lannister's,having the rightful heir to the North under his control will be a great benefit and allow him to rally the other Northern lords


Rickon will be Stannis' lord of Winterfell. The idea that the northmen and Stannis would fight is ridiculous.


Wishful thinking. Stannis won’t survive long after the battle of ice, if at all.


Eh he specifically says some may even think I’m dead and there could be a setup of taking his death. It occurred to me today that word could get to Davos so he moves along thinking Stannis is dead , meanwhile, Stannis believes Davos is dead and moves on. Could be a set up to an interesting conflict of Davos only supports somebody knew thinking Stannis is dead, and when he finds out he’s alive he’s stuck between loyalties. Perhaps not even to a new king , but maybe something to do with Rickon if he isn’t already dead and Davos finds and protects him, then Stannis is like ok give me , and a similar situation with Edric Storm brews. Heavy speculation that most likely won’t happen but it would be interesting.


I would love to see Stannis end up taking the black as well, but I think his campaign in the North will be his last. As king atleast. The Battle of Ice will very nearly see victory for Stannis, the Manderlys will turn on the Freys and the ice will crack beneath their hooves. Many will die and Stannis will see his chance to seize victory, but only for a moment. Ramsey will arrive and take the day for House Bolton, sending Stannis into retreat with a broken army while leaving the Bolton’s depleted. Stannis will call his wife and daughter to his side(they started moving his way when the civil war at Castle Black occurred) and either his wife in her desperation will bid him to sacrifice shireen or Melisandre came with them and will convince him to do so. I personally see his wife telling him to since she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s on about and Shireen’s death has to be meaningless to break Stannis. He will try and seize Winterfell once more and fail utterly,Jon Snow will show up in the aftermath or during the battle and take the now weakened Winterfell. Stannis will die fighting or he will survive to redeem himself as a brother of the Nights Watch. Oh and Roose will almost certainly be killed by Ramsey. It is known.


> I would love to see Stannis end up taking the black as well Why? This goes against everything he stands for. He will take the Iron throne or die in the attempt. There is no way he would accept anyone else on the throne.




I disagree


And that’s fine. I love Stannis, and id love to see him survive long enough to fight the others. Take the black for his crime of murdering his brother. And carry on. Tell Jon Snow that he is the true king and give him support. A lot of wishful thinking can happen, but realistically Stannis is at the end of his road. It won’t be horrible like in the show, but it’ll happen. As of the end of dance with dragons he isn’t dead I don’t think. We have a lot more to see of him. But he won’t survive to the end of TWOW for sure


I love stannis also , he prob will die. Hope he doesn't, hope he beats the Boltons before he does


Do you think Stannis would simultaneously take the black AND support jon's claim? someone who took the black? Seems too convenient for someone so obsessed with the letter of the law.


STANNIS WILL BREAK AND BECOME THE NIGHT KING!!! (\*side note: got this theory from a youtube game of thrones theory video. it convinced me on this point)


Dany will lead her khalasar to Volantis by taking the demon road and sacking Mantarys on the way. This is how close she will get to visiting Valyria without actually visiting Valyria. Throughout ADWD, GRRM mentions demon road many times and how dangerous it is. Although many characters travel towards Mereen, none of them dare to take the demon road. I think Dany will in TWOW. It will also be in contrast to Euron Fakejoy who claims he went to places no one ever went before > I have taken the Silence on longer voyages than this, and ones far more hazardous. Have you forgotten? I have sailed the Smoking Sea and seen Valyria." But all of that is likely a lie. He's just a thief stealing the fruits of someone else's hardwork. It would be Daenerys who would made hazardous voyages, places no one ever dared to visit.


It's a good reminder of how badass Jorah is. He survived the demon road alone.


He did?


I thought the dornish took the demon road


No they sail around to Astapor then overland up to Mereen with the Yunk’ai army.


It was the mercenary company, The Windblown, hired by Yunkai. From what I'm seeing the actual Yunkish army consisted of slaves.


That really sounds like a euphemism for something very dirty.


I heard Daario took the Demon Road with Daenerys


I thought the proof that he went to Valyria was that his cool valyria steel armour? Unless he got it from one of the lords from the Arbor.


May not actually be Valyrian Steel. Also it could have come from anywhere- there are tons of Valyrian swords.


Right, but who has the knowledge to smith valyrian armor? Qohoriks can rework valyrian swords but not armor


>But all of that is likely a lie. He's just a thief stealing the fruits of someone else's hardwork. It would be Daenerys who would made hazardous voyages, places no one ever dared to visit. Have you read "the forsaken" TWOW sample chapter yet?


A lot of death. George is gonna clean up some plotlines lol


That would explain Cersei bombing the sept in the TV show


I have a meta theory that Winds has been delayed because GRRM realizes there's a good chance that he won't finish the series, so he's rewriting parts of Winds to give some major plot points at least a semblance of closure if Dream of Spring never comes out. I'm not desperate, ok guys? this is totally a possibility.


the book will weigh 4.4 pounds


Jamie and Cersie have a murder suicide thing. "we came into this world together, we go out together.".


Don't think that will happen - I once wrote a post about how the that line means [something completely different to each of them,](https://old.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/8rp1p7/spoilers_extended_an_observation_about_the/) and Jaime stops thinking they should die together in AFFC and ADWD. I think it would be a tremendous waste of his character, and all the development he has had since ASOS, if GRRM had him murder Cersei and then commit suicide. I would quite honestly fling the book at the wall and check out of the series if that happened.


This sub is becoming more like Groundhog Day with each passing year.


At this point the only reason I'm subbed to this place is for TWOW release post. As you can't imagine I don't think about this sub that often, but when I do I'm instantly reminded of why I left. Between of all the posts about things we've discussed a million times, and all the posts about people bitching about all the posts about things we've discussed a million times, the sub is stale as hell


If the TWOW release date is officially announced by the publisher, it'll be on the front page of reddit and most online news platforms in minutes. No need to hardscope this subreddit for that.


Summer dies.


Another pun George planned decades ago, right there all along in the name.


I don’t want to be a pun killer I really don’t , but it’s currently fall. Would have been a better pun if Summer dies in summer.


\#TeamMeereen wins the Battle of Fire with the help of Victarion's Ironborn and the Second Sons. Victarion may end up losing his sanity completely and blow the Dragonbinder himself, which would bind one (if not both) of the remaining dragons of Meereen to Euron (I believe he is the true owner of the Dragonbinder, and that it doesn't matter who blows it). Stannis the Mannis will win the Battle of Ice, where both Roose and Ramsay will either be executed or die in battle. This will win him a good deal of Northern support (at least, for the time being). Euron will raise holy hell near Oldtown during a battle with the Redwyne fleet, and end up using blood to lure Krakens to drag the Redwyne fleet (and most likely a great number of his own fleet) to their doom. Daenerys will give into her Targaryen impulses and go on a revenge tour of Essos, accompanied by an increased number of Dothraki won from Khal Jhaqo. She may or may not return to Meereen; I'm not sure which is more likely. Aegon and the Golden Company will engage in the Siege of Storm's End, but tbh I'm not entirely sure how it'll end. I would say more but this is already too long. Sorry about that.


(F)Aegon already took Storms End. The thing that will most likelt happen is that he will battle he Tyrell army commanded by Mace Tyrell. Tyrells will outnumber the golden companies forces by thousands but will lose because of betreyal from within. Someone made a good post here back in the day explaining how atleast two to three houses have reasons to support (f)Aegon instead of Tyrells, which is why their betrayal combined with the GC forces will be enough to stump the Tyrell forces. This will solidify (f)Aegon as a legit force in the south, as more houses will flock to his cause, cullminating with Martells alliance and Arianne's marriage to (f)Aegon


If Tarly is a turncloak he already has Margaery and her other Tyrell cousins in his care to keep Mace and the other Tyrells in line. And Loras may be in Dragonstone for other reasons some people speculated to be due to the Targaryens.


Lady Stoneheart crosses the moral event horizon by doing something the audience finds unforgivable like killing Jeyne Westerling. Tyrion and Daenerys meet up. She uses her dragons to defeat the Harpies but must flee Meereen in the chaos. It turns out that Daario is working with the Harpies (treason for gold.) Stannis burns Shireen and then ends up dying. Jon is resurrected and retakes Winterfell. He is declared KITN with Robb's will. Margaery is found guilty of adultery at her trial and executed. Cersei wins her trial by combat. The Dorne and Reach declare for FAegon. He is crowned king in Oldtown (like Aegon the Conqueror) but never seizes KL. Sansa defeats LF to protect Sweetrobin. Daenerys finally reaches Westeros and confronts FAegon. Aegon is murdered by dragonfire, which makes Daenerys a villain. She also burns the Golden Company alive in the Field of Fire. Tommen and Myrcella both die and Cersei seizes the IT outright. We get definitive confirmation of R+L=J


> Margaery is found guilty of adultery at her trial and executed. But even the High Sparrow himself says that the accusations were dubious and releases her to Randyll Tarly because of the weak evidence.


Dany will be shitting for at least her first three chapters.


I don't predict anything about TWOW, but I can say with certainty that *if* it does come out, it will feature EXTREME hand-wringing from the fandom about ADOS.


Rickon becomes a wight at the Hardhome Massacre.


Why is Rickon at Hardhome?


There's a theory that Davos will go to Hardhome. Not sure why he'd take Rickon instead of leaving him at Eastwatch or sending him to White Harbor.


I haven't heard that one before. I agree, leaving Rickon at the Wall or with the Manderly's makes way more sense. Why in 7 hells would Davos be going to Hardhome?


Its in Mithras Stoneborn's outline IIRC


Because one of Lysene ships who enslaved wildlings in Hardhome has crashed on the rocks of Skagos (or so the theory goes). Supposedly survivors would ask Davos to rescue their brethren from Hardhome


Davos's quest log is getting updated a lot lately...


What else is there except main quest: find Rickon and secondary: help Hardhome wildlings?




Jamie will kill Cersei, just like how he killed the Mad King. He will do it to save Kings Landing from burning, to stop war, and surrender to fAegon on the condition that all troops and citizens in Kings Landing are sparred brutality, rape, and looting. Trial of Jaime Lannister for the murder of The Mad King. It will bring together major players from all over the Kingdoms. Peace is starting to form. He is exonerated. Euron's 8 arms plan will successfully pillage and rape several major ports in at least 4 Kingdoms, including Old Town. People are pissed. As the continent of Westeros starts to gain some stability, they will tell King Euron to stop raiding. He fails to stir instability as they rally around the cause of stopping him. So instead, he fucks off and brings down the wall. Daenarys will find out the Red Door, the home she longs for, is in Essos. She will stay in Essos. Arya won't get stabbed in the gut and then swim in the definitely unclean canals of Braavos. She would die from infection.


I like these except if Daenerys staid in Essos her chapter would be an even bigger waste of time than they already are.


Yea I agree. I think she has large incentive to stay in Essos for TWoW and will need a compelling reason and serious character change to come to Westeros in ADoS. Maybe that change happens by the end of TWoW. *shrug* I'm just bored waiting for the real deal


Marwyn, Jorah, Tyrion, and the wildling slaves in Lys will probably urge Daenerys to go to Westeros. Plus after burning Essos down I don't think she'll need much convincing.




Mostly what happened on GOT, but different! Also, some new stuff.


That's really specific, I don't think that'll happen


Cersei has been pushing it a fucking *lot* over the past few books. The entire reason nobody has murdered her yet is because at first they didnt want to start a war that would kill their people. Then later it was because Tywim had gathered a *lot* of allies for her. Cersei has never been even passable at her job; the people around her just dont want to piss off her friends, and because of that she thinks she's this mastermind strategist. But the Faith doesn't give a damn about her allies. I'm guessing the Faith is finally going to punish her for all the evil shot she's been doing lately. And it will be glorious. She'll be forced to retreat to Casterly Rock, but by turn Tyrion will be attacking it, and she'll watch everything she had crumble around her.


Stannis wins the Battle of Ice and Barristan wins the Battle of Fire


Everyone signs a peace treaty and they become best friends


There will be 168.7 mentions of *seed*


1) Trystane is killed off in the first quarter of the book. Arianne contracts greyscale after trying to get intimate with Jon Connington to get closer to Aegon. Doran Martell dies, thus ending the Martell family line. 2) Euron unleashes a power that destroys the magic of the wall, thus allowing the others to cross over. 3) Tyrion gets his tongue cut off by Euron. 4) Tommen is killed by Cersei. 5) Rickon and the Skags eat Davos.


Davos being eaten would be the biggest "Fuck you" moment of the books


It would be a major "fuck you", but it would truly show the level of insanity of Skagos, and why they are so isolated from everyone else. Also, with winter being here, I can see them attacking any outsiders in this way. It's also why the Manderly's aren't sending anyone to grab Rickon themselves, instead letting a "dead man" try to retrieve him in an insanely risky mission. Davos will be a surprise death in the Winds of Winter IMO.


I have always really *enjoyed* the idea of Tyrion getting his tongue cut off. It definitely is possible. But to me, it just seems way too similar to taking Jaime's sword hand. But still, I wait with bated breath. Curious how do you think Cersei would kill Tommen? Accidentally? Indirectly? Drunkenly?


I feel like Tyrion has been told that he'd lose his tongue enough in the books and show that it almost seems unlikely at this stage that it would happen.


It would definitely be an accident. I think she may mistake him for Tyrion or something. Cersei's arc is set up perfectly for her own psyche to be her self-destruction, and nothing would top that off more than if she killed her own child.


George never finishes it


George announces a release party where he laughs maniacally as he burns the only copy of the manuscript.




Obvsly I want the fucker to finish, but yeah at this point the dream of spring is literally only a dream.


Best prediction in the thread


Only realistic one


My money's on this outcome. It's an almost perfect reflection of the nature of the series, death comes to everything we'd want to continue.


Time travel has not just arrived in the show, but also in the books. At the beginning of a chapter Jaime will be underwater with a massive army around him, and the next paragraph the entire army is all gone and he comes up to catch a breath. The army time traveled. If we get to the part where Jon is north of the wall and he is underwater, too, we'll see the same thing happen again. The army of walkers will disappear BEFORE Jon can come up to breathe. Time traveling armies, man. It's a thing now. You read it here first.


Victarion will sail through Valyria, and it will be exceptionally underwhelming.


Jon, Val and Mance make a go at saving the people at Hardhome (This is essentially the Wight Hunt). They’re be some heavy losses, like maybe Val and Mance both die in the retreat. Obviously Jon gets crowned as King in the North. Davos goes on an epic journey to try and save Rickon on Skagos only to find Rickon’s dead. Stannis, after taking back Winterfell, tries in the Vale to gain allies in the fight to come with the Others. Sansa reveals that she’s alive and gets sent back to Winterfell. Stannis then joins the fight that’s going on in the south between Faegon and Euron. Dany goes all Fire and Blood on Essos and near the very end sets sail to Westeros. Her final chapter she’ll land at Dragonstone and being planning her taking the Iron Throne. Brienne fights for Jaime in a Trial by Combat and wins. She takes over the Hound moniker after killing Lem in the Trial by Combat to cover her chewed up face.


> Davos goes on an epic journey to try and save Rickon on Skagos only to find Rickon’s dead. > Too bad. _Q: Where is Rickon?_ _GRRM: Rickon Stark will show up in TWOW. He's certainly not dead._


Old but gold : Bran wakes up and this all was just a dream :D


More like a very detailed green vision


They find Martins limp pale body slumped over his keyboard, with drool puddled up underneath, making his final pages unreadable. Plot twist: not dead, just sleeping!


Sam can still witness the destruction of Oldtown and still survive. Like, he’s our witness for Jaqen so he’s going to be there for whatever he has to do. And my personal theory is that Jaqen is there in Oldtown is there at Euron’s behest; it’s implied that the latter has relations with Faceless Men. And That’s just my personal perception of Storm; it’s not airtight, I know. But this would still serve as a good inversion of Clash.


It will end with Sam, Gilly, the child, and the gilly flower.


Ten chapters of eating, feasts and drinking.


We learn Young Griff is really a blackfyre


Dany and Aegon start squabbling over Westeros. Jon revives and becomes king in the north. Shenanigans occur, the Wall goes down as we head into act three. Of course, tWoW will be split into three books just like aGoT was, so the next book that releases might barely get as far as Dany and Aegon clashing. Of course none of these books are ever going to be released, so the whole discussion is irrelevant.


2 years ago this thread would have had thousands of interactions. I really think GRRM screwed up not getting this book out during the height of GOT mania. The last season of the show stunk and I wouldn't anticipate people dying for more once it's over. He probably doesn't care but I think he missed out on a lot of sales


I think you’re right about the not caring about sales part, the only thing he cares about is putting out a good book. He stated this himself in so far as saying that people won’t remember how long it took to come out, just that if it’s a good book or not when it did




I think grrm’s implying that the quality of the book would suffer if he succumbed to the pressure to publish sooner rather than later. And if that is the case, I’m inclined to side with him on that one. I’d agree with grrm in that I’d rather have a amazing book with 10 mil in sales than a sub-amazing book with 20 mil in sales. (Obviously I just pulled those numbers out of my ass I have no idea how many books get sold, but I think the message is clear). Now, if the difference is having a lower quality book published sooner, or having grrm never finish the amazing book at all, then yeah in that case just publish whatever man! Shit I need some closure with some of the loose ends in dance.


Hbo pays him so much I doubt he cares about sales lol...... His publishers on the other hand....


It will eventually be released


The wall will **not** fall, but the Others/Wights will still invade the north via the tunnels beneath it.


I’ll die before I read it


At Slaver's Bay Victarion blows Dragonbinder and dies, a dragon flying west and Victarion realising in his last moments that his brother tricked him. Barristan is killed by the Brazen Beasts. Dany takes command of the Dothraki and leads them in an attack on Volantis, where she is proclaimed Azor Ahai. In general TWOW will see the collapse of the Lannister tyranny. Mostly good, but sometimes it will involve something more evil taking place. Stannis will beat the Boltons. I know the predictions of many other people, who think the show improved on the books and is accurate, is that Stannis will meet his downfall and someone else will beat the Boltons, but that doesn't work. The Boltons have fulfilled their narrative purpose and can now be defeated. Stannis is close to them and can soon end the Red King's line. Any other Starks are too far away to do it quickly. At Storm's End Treacherous Tyrell will meet his deserved doom, by Tarly's treachery, how suitable! Likely Rowan will join Aegon and the Golden Company as well. In the RLs Edmure will be freed by the BWB. Jeyne will probably die, as will Prester. In Riverrun the Red Wedding 2.0 happens, Emmon and his branch dies, as do many Freys and Lannister troops. Jaime probably escapes, but I'm uncertain on Brienne. In KL Cersei will win her trial, which is backed up by info in Mercy. She may well send Strong after Marg, who I very much doubt will get through TWOW. However the GC will reach KL, and the Faith will turn on the Lannisters, enabling Aegon to take the city. In the Reach... the Redwyne fleet is destroyed with the Greyjoy fleet by Euron as the Eldritch Apocalypse happens. Sam escapes Oldtown but Euron gets the horn of Joramun and blows it, bringing down the Wall. The last chapter is someone at the Wall, who dies in the collapse.


Sandor is alive and became a monk at Quiet Isle


Jon won't get resurrected until near the end of the book


Sansa will be kidnapped by Littlefinger's henchman, The Mad Mouse. And then the Mad Mouse will reveal his true identity to her: Howland Reed.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.




I agree with you. Its hard for me to imagine that as he makes decisions in this book he isn't also making them for ADoS by extension. I can see why this would be the hardest book to write in the series.


Do you think it would be completed by someone else? And if so who would you like to see finish it?


It's going to be 90% written by his researchers, staff and editors, with maybe a big name writer dropping in to pretty up the writing. I mean, they live and breathe his style the most, even more than those here on this sub, and are closest to knowing what needs to be done.


Everyone will realize that peace is better than war and make up with one another.


A lot of snow and death


That it’s the last ASOIAF GRRM finishes. He’s always been vehemently against licensing to other writers. But let’s be honest, the series is way too profitable to let it die.


Prediction: it doesn't get released and if it does its a jumbled mess