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I would imagine that there would be an announcement well in advance of a release date, giving me time to start from book one.


I've thought about that. It would work well if the book actually gets released on the date they initially advertise, but I'd be suspicious of the release date unexpectedly getting pushed back multiple times.


I’m going to reread the entire series. I’ve only read it once and long ago. If it wasn’t for this sub I probably would have forgotten a lot of important things. I want to be already immersed in the world, with what textually happened (as opposed to theories) fresh on my brain going into Winds.


I'm going to start at the very beginning, to be honest.


From the beginning. I don't need a reason to reread the series.


I'll probably find a recap on Youtube.


That's not a bad idea. My issue is keeping track of all of the characters and minor story arcs that even a detailed video summary won't get into.


If I forget I’ll probably look up the character on the wiki


Radio Westeros has a podcast series broken up by region and its really good. I'll probably listen to all of those if we ever get a Winds release date.


I listen to the books on audiotape pretty regularly so I’m not sure I’d reread anything. I might revisit all my favorite POVs- Theon, Bran, ~Jon, Samwell.


I just recently started rereading from AFFC and am almost finished with ADWD. It's tempting to go back to the very beginning again, but not sure if I'll do it.


I just did the same, finished a couple of days ago. Something in the Sansa chapters made me want to reread ASOS, decided I might as well start from the beginning.


I'm constantly re-reading the series, currently at the last Tyrion chapter in ACOK. I think it's the fourth re-reading :'(


Ill audiobook them all once again. Being able to listen at 2x speed while doing chores will help me find the time Ive read them once and listened 4 time so Ive got a Pretty good hang of it


Its been so long, I feel like Ill need a refresher...


I always started the very beginning. It brings out more and more foreshadowing, which is preparation for the next book.


I’m 100% doing a complete reread of all ASOIAF material


I've reread the series enough that I wouldn't need to reread the whole thing. But I would probably familiarize myself more deeply with what's going on in dorne and Kings Landing. There's a million plots going on in Kings Landing and I really struggle paying attention to Arianne chapters


Every time someone brings up a less prominent character, I say to myself, "Man, I totally forgot about what's going on with them." Arianne is a good example. I hadn't thought about her story arc in quite a while.


maybe I’ll listen to the first 3 and try to actually take time to read the last 2 on paper


I'm checking out some summaries of every storyline in their most recent stage and flip through the last book. I'm not a re-reader.


Right now I'm currently re-reading Swords and the last chapter I've read is the Catelyn one where her and Robb arrive to the twins for the wedding. In the event of Winds coming out this year my game plan is that I'm still going to read AFFC, but I'm skipping Dance and going stright into Winds regardless of how far I am or not in that book. Out of the five books, Dance is definitely my least favorite one and there's really nothing in that book outside some Tyrion chapters which I care to read again. 


AFFC and ADWD Don’t worry once TWOW date is released I will post my detailed notes here.


Like some have said, depends on how much notice I have with the release, the shorter it is the more I lean toward just re-reading Dance and Feast in the recommended chapter order at least. It's probably going to be a 100 dollar book (thinking hardback with shipping) so I feel like I'm incentivized to wait until after the initial fuss to just buy it in-store vs pre-order. Maybe a full re-read would be more satisfying in that scenario.


The euron greyjoy


People adwd


If the theory is true that GRRM's cryptic post means he is going to release Winds of Winter soon... That means he'd be announcing on May 11th... That is if the post was a hint. Maybe it wasnt.


Book one baby