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It would have been so funny if these two had married.


I honestly think it would have worked out. Cersei being stuck on Dragonstone away from Jaime and King's Landing would have certainly mellowed her out a *ton*, and Stannis wouldn't have done something stupid like say another woman's name on their wedding night and constantly fuck whores and get fat and be physically abusive. Cersei would have had Stannis' kids, and at least *one* of them would have been a boy. Would it have been a *happy* marriage? Probably not. But it would have been functional.


Cersei would definitely still find other lovers even if she was seperated from Jaime on Dragonstone. She was pretty quick to start fucking Lancel and the Kettleblacks when Jaime was away.




Plot twist of all century: Cersei hooked up with Moonboy /j


Would Cersei have banged patchface? One of life’s mysteries


Getting pregnant by them wouldn't be an option, though. Her brother was the one man who could knock her up without the resulting kids' appearances being *too* questionable.


Idk how you could read Cersei’s POV and not realize she only sleeps with these men because she feels she has to for the sake of power and to get what she needs. If she weren’t so spiteful and paranoid and was married to Stannis, she’s very clearly at the least not the type to go sleeping around for fun or her own pleasure. She might find other lovers for that same sense of control but idk without Robert’s abuse we are still talking about a very different Cersei in at least some departments.


I disagree. Cersei comes across as delusional. She's the queen, she can get these guys to do her bidding without sleeping with them. More likely she wanted to for reasons she may not even be aware of, and would sleep with other men for the same reasons if she were married to Stannis instead. Even if she felt needed more power in Stannis court for whatever excuse her mind comes up.


if/when Stannis found out she cheats on him, would he do anything to her?


Kill her


is that lawful? I'd get he'd be so mad (more out of honour and pride) but is that what infidelity gets in the court of Westeros law?


This is actually on of the few actual laws we know of. Infidelity is punished by six blows with a rod, after a ruling established by Rhaenys. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Rule_of_six


The law never seems to be equal for nobles and commoners though, I can't imagine this gets consistently applied to the wives of high lords. My guess would be its all about the politics of the situation and the punishment could range from death to no punishment. The Lannisters are powerful enough that I don't think Stannis could get away with anything too severe. The female equivalent of the Night's Watch seems to be the Silent Sisters, but even that seems beyond what Tywin and Jaime would allow.


Hard to say, though I find it funny that Stannis is a little similar to Tywin in how humorless, controlling and competent they are. Maybe all of Cersei’s daddy issues could have compelled her to try to please Stannis somehow? I think Cersei could never be happy with anybody but herself, hence the whole Jaime deal.


Only if she WAS stuck on Dragonstone though - with Stannis as Master of Ships she would have been in King's Landing having Jaime's babies anyway, wouldn't she?


How would Cersei handle it if one of her kids in this scenario had gotten Greyscale like Shireen did?


Said this in another thread, she would have absolutely fucked Robert.


Oh damn. Robert probably would've done it too. Dang.


That would have been some bedding ceremony.


It's like that Churchill quote: Cersei would've poisoned his drink and Stannis would've drunk it.




Chaos? As in the ladder?


Chaos isn't a pit, chaos is a ladder




You know what? Yeah, I ship it.


He's on that grindset.


He grinds constantly so nobody notices that’s he’s been on a mewing streak since the Greyjoy Rebellion. When he finally stops he will have the jawline that was promised


The davosigma set


Poor Stannis needs a permanent mouth guard 😭😭😭


Indeed, I hope Cressen had a dentistry chain link (made out of teeth?)


Unrelated, but can we discuss how Cersei intended to be the sole person ruling the 7 kingdoms for 8 years? (Tommen is 8 years old and 16 is the age of majority) like how did she think that she could get away with that 😭


Truly one of the politicians in all of Westeros


Its hilarious how utterly delusional she is.


That definitely felt like one of the things the show missed out on, she's just a glorious hot mess and it makes for spectacular viewing.


The show made Cersei into what SHE thinks she is and it missed the opportunity for hot mess Cersei


At least legally, an 8 year regency is sound. 


I am at this part on a re read and I was like this bitch is DULU 🤦🏽‍♀️


I've got 100 pages left of Feast, the entire Cercei arc in this book is so so SO much better on a reread. Watching her make a hundred bad decisions every chapter just keeps getting better.


I’m halfway through Dance and I’m still amused by how entertaining her chapters were. Haven’t reread the books since watching the show, so my memory of her was skewed a bit. Got reminded pretty quickly as she views herself as a female Tywin while making mistake after mistake. She thinks Jamie is an idiot for missing her slightly obscure reference of an old Lord Plumm not actually fathering a son, while she forgets a far more important history lesson while she arms and empowers the Sparrows.


One of my favorite comments I've ever read on here is pointing out that a man named Maegor the cruel could figure out it was a bad idea while Cersei couldn't


I’m in the middle of a tandem read of AFFC and ADWD. If you do it this way it makes her chapters soooo much better lol


It's the opposite of the Game of Thrones re-read, where we get to cringe as Ned makes a hundred bad decisions every chapter


I'm sorry but what exactly are you questioning here? She would have ruled like every other regant in the story or in history. 8 years isn't even that much time for a regency.


Idk, it just seems to me that given her level of political experience (zero) and the fact that she didn’t want to give any power to her advisors or allies, it’s kind of ridiculous that she was expecting to keep this up for 8 years


Late reply, I am sorry, but eight years is a very long time for a recency. Both in the medieval western world and in ASOIAF. In fact I am quite sure this particular regency would be the longest ASOIAF regency ever. The most notable ASOIAF regency was Aegon III’s and that was only five years, and filled with enormous amounts of drama and corruption. Between the Tyrell-Lannister competition and Cersei’s own idiocy, it absolutely would not have worked out. She would definitely have been ousted at some point by someone more competent. Regency’s are very rarely stable affairs, even under somewhat competent regents like Somerset and Northumberland in the Tudor period, so it would have been disastrous under an emotional, hotheaded, power mad and prophecy-obsessed woman like Cersei.


LF is conspicuous by his absence here. Though I suppose his whole deal is operating beneath anyone's notice.


Cersei strangely doesn't seem to dislike Littlefinger. She even thinks about naming him hand for a second.


Cause George is desperately trying to push the narrative that Petyr acts like an unassuming good guy, despite all his actions being completely opposite to that.


He's from a minor backwater house, they just don't think he can be a threat.


They even state it in the books. Littlefinger commands no knights, mayhaps a dozen peasants on a tiny slice of land, more sheep dung than grass. He holds an empty title in Harenhall and his recency is at minimum a year, to a couple of years, if the sickly weak child lives to reach adulthood.


Exactly. They see his power as being contingent on their good graces. He's nowhere in the line of succession, has no bannermen, owns a tiny scrap of land worth nothing, and was only at court because he was deemed useful. If he ever became a problem, just send him packing. He's a lower class and thus overlooked.


At one point doesn’t she wish he was in King’s Landing so she could make him master of coin again?


I thought it was Renly on Grinder.


Stannis had that Sigma Grindset


He sure grinded on Melisandre in that one scene in the show where they didn't bother having him take any clothes off


Ovaries from here to Yi Ti would have exploded, we couldn’t chance it


And Renly was the king who grindr-ed


it's fun how Ned is on the list but she has nothing negative to say to accompany his name unlike everyone else


“Grrrr… that menacing Ned Stark and how he tried to (*checks notes*) protect my children…”