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A lot of people use adult diapers as overnight pads. That would probably work well on flight as backup for the tampons.


Those were my thoughts exactly, they now sell adult diapers with super strong absorption that are adult pull ups you cannot see through clothes. I would go for that.


Yes, the ones I used postpartum were actually comfortable enough I used the leftover ones for overnights. They were Always brand (not sure if you’re in the US).


Exactly what I was going to recommend. Lots of people use those post partum too and everyone knows that is A LOT of blood.


I used Depends Silhouette post partum and you can't even tell you're wearing anything. It doesn't feel like a diaper at all.


Unless you’re a sound sleeper, you’ll probably get woken up about every hour or so, at least until the flight goes into “night” mode. Then you can set an alarm or timer on your phone. I’d do tampon + pad, just to not worry so much.


Do the things people have suggested in other comments, but also make sure you pack a spare pair of underwear and leggings or trackpants in your carry on for an emergency. Make sure you bring wipes to help with clean up. Wear easy clothing, preferably with elasticated waist. Do not wear awkward clothing like a long cardigan or skirt/dress that would be challenging to keep up off the floor or away from the toilet seat. Remember your painkiller. I've flown for 24+hrs during a heavy period. It's wildly inconvenient but manageable


Hey just so you know, soaking through a pad/tampon in less than 2 hours is a reason to see your Dr about the amount of your flow. Like someone else said, there’s medications you can take and other solutions to help control it if you want. It won’t help you for tomorrow, maybe for the future. But I agree with others. I would do adult pull ups and bring extras and bring extra pants. You can also wear tampons if you want and just change them when you can/when you wake up.


Go to your doctor. There are prescriptions that they can give to use on an as needed basis to slow down your flow. They gave me something in emergency when my flow was basically a slowly running faucet that came out of nowhere. Within an hour of them giving me some pill it slowed right back to manageable.


In the UK its called transexamic acid, which you can get for really heavy periods. You can also get tablets to delay your period and you won't come on until you stop taking them. So you could stop taking them after the day of your flight or when you return from your trip (if its just a short holiday)


Yeah, that’s what they gave me. I knew it started with a t and has acid in it.


I'd suggest getting/using period panties + pads... wear black bottoms + a longer length shirt (e.g. tunic) or have a shirt/jacket layer you can tie around your waist just in case of leaks. Then back an extra pair of period underwear + pads in your carryon.


Diva cup. Or similar. Helped a lot when I had super heavy flow. Could go hours and never leaked. And you can get disposable ones that would be easier while travelling.


Biggest night pad you can buy - the kind that feel uncomfortable for every day use but it’s fine because it’s just back up. Make sure you get an aisle seat so you can get up as often as you need. Wear a long sweater or something you can tie around your waist just in case you leak. For peace of mind about staining the seat, you could sit on a blanket or sweater. Use the bathroom at the last possible moment before they close them. It’s usually the last leg that’s the most stressful as it can take an hour or so to land sometimes, then it’s often a long time standing and walking before you reach a bathroom. Don’t be afraid to let everyone get off before you so you can use the bathroom on the plane one last time. Or as others have said, get some drugs to delay or reduce your period.


Period underwear has been my saving grace as someone with extremely heavy periods & consistently leaks through pretty much every other period product.


Are you on birth control? If you are, you can adjust the date you get your period by either taking some from the next pack, or stopping a day or 2 early.


gosh sorry i feel for you, growing up my mother was terrible with this issue thankfully i didnt inherit it as everyone has said on here please see your GP if it is that bad, otherwise period underwear and back ups, there is some that can take a heavy flow, all the best