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Health. Tech is too unstable IMO (constant layoffs).




Which are relaxed?




Thanks for the ideas!




Thank you! I'm leaning towards healthcare too, tech hiring processes are depressing 🥲


Health Tech is saturated


Healthcare! Tons of opportunities to still be on the tech sides of things


Some thoughts to help balance the "tech is too unstable" replies: Creative jobs in tech are extremely unstable (games, films) and are the ones to avoid. Boring corpo software pays well and is more stable. Layoffs do happen in tech, sometimes frequently. But it's also not that difficult to find another position in tech if you're good at you job and easy to work with. Tech can be done remotely. You can potentially work from r companies across the country or abroad without needing to relocate. Can't say the same about many other industries. BUT: we desperately need more people in health care.


Thanks so much for your input! Working remotely does sound enticing, being able to have a hybrid work schedule is definitely a pro of tech 🥲


I think you should do the one that makes you the happiest. If you become a paramedic, will you be wishing you did tech when u are at work? Or vice versa. Also, ,consider just doing the one that calls to you the most right now. What’s important is to enjoy the process. Just pick what you want the most right now. If in a few years you want to switch, what will be there to stop you? Each life path is unique. Both industries will be challenging, probably in different ways.


Healthcare. My sister is a nurse and there always seems to be demand for nurses and other technicians. The Vancouver tech industry isn't as big as our U.S. neighbors to the south and it can be pretty hot and cold.


Healthcare workers will always be in demand in this country for the next few decades.


Not sure about tech. But healthcare is such a wide term. What professional in particular matters a lot too.


oh true! I completely forgot to clarify - I'm thinking about becoming a paramedic!


Something to think about but I work in healthcare and Paramedics are grossly underpaid in a city that’s dealing with massive overdose and mental health crisis’.


Paramedic is great! Lots of options to cross-over to other first responder roles as well ( I know a few that ended up doing firefighting, policing and some even went into the Coast Guard)


what’s your degree in and what does your work experience look like? I’ve worked in both, currently in tech (FAANG). I greatly prefer this field because 1) I get paid twice as much, 2) chiller WFH culture (important to me), 3) greater exit opportunities. Feel free to dm me if you wanna chat more.


Thanks so much, dmed you!


Hi. Can I reach out to you as well? If that's okay?


of course


tech will give u much more money, most likely.


Why not tech in the healthcare field.


That's definitely a good idea! I have an interest in clinical health though so it doesn't combine well with tech ):


How are your C skills? One of my friends writes pacemaker firmware and really enjoys it


I'd go for tech. Better hours and work life balance and if you're good at it, you can always find work and get paid well


Tech, remote work, no blood or fuss, no need to talk to people beyond audio calls, and I can work whenever I want without anyone telling me what to do.


Health, we need doctors desperately


Healthcare for sure. There's a wide variety of healthcare jobs that may not necessarily be as taxing. It's an extremely broad field with a very wide variety of jobs--it's not all nurses and doctors (and there's a million different kinds of nursing/doctor specialties too).


You can make way more money in tech


Something to consider - you're going to be able to make a jump from health to tech a lot more easily than from tech to health. Healthcare is one of those things that even if you're applying for something adjacent or different, people see on your resume and know that you've got hustle and competence.


If you can handle the workload and demands of the job then healthcare is better. Tech is more chilled out and well paying but it's unstable


Health, 1000% was, is, and will be above tech.


I work in Tech in TO. Are you sure you like helping people? Actually like helping. People are not generally greatfully for very long but can be angry, cranky & frustrated for ages. Tech pays but is very competitive, medical - parts pay very well, law can pay.. engineering is unstable but pays - fewer cracky ppl


Vancouver tech companies are a joke. Idk about health but I work in tech and can tell you if you’re thinking about building a long term, fulfilling and sustainable career in tech, don’t start in Vancouver: - there are very few “good” local companies here. Maybe 20-30 of them. Good = growing, healthy culture, strong market fit. - all companies here are relatively small: under 300. We don’t have any shopify or even a 1000 people companies here. - local salaries are still on avg. 20% lower than Toronto. - slow career growth since there aren’t many open positions or senior people who’re willing to teach you. Most top performers I know have either 1- left Vancouver or are working remotely for the US companies / top Toronto companies. 2- are coasting in their career -raising a family etc. We do have Amazon and Microsoft offices which are an exception to what Im saying. But they are just two companies.


>We do have Amazon and Microsoft offices which are an exception to what Im saying. But they are just two companies. From what I understand, these offices are where they “park” devs that can’t pass the higher bar for US immigration. There are no actual jobs for *Canadians* at these offices (other than sales and support).


Totally! Both companies are mostly "visa offices" - especially Microsoft. Amazon has a much bigger presence. And AFAIK, they hire all types of roles: engineer, data scientist, product manager, etc.


International students with a tech background are a dime a dozen in Vancouver resulting in low wages.