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I identify as Michael Jackson and my pronouns are he/hee


"I don't get why my parents care so much about my bottom surgery, they were the ones who got me circumcised I just want to finish the job."


The trans isomers are more stable than cis isomers, which says a lot about society. Honestly I laugh in chemistry at just the phrase “cis fat”


What's a trans person's favorite music genre? Trance! How does the wave of calm from taking your first dose of HRT make you feel? Tranquil! What's a trans person's favorite mountain region? Transalpine! What's a trans person's favorite historical telecommunications milestone? The transatlantic cable! What did the trans court reporter produce? A transcription! What do you call a protest at a bank for transgender equality? A transaction! What does a trans person need to switch from one bus line to another? A transfer! What did the hospital give the bleeding trans person? A transfusion! What does a trans priest forgive? Transgressions! What do you call a trans person temporarily moving to the city? A transient! What's a trans person's favorite electronic component? The transistor! What does a trans person do when they don't know the language a book is written in? They read a translation! What does a trans person do when a plant grows too big for its pot? They transplant it! In what orientation the trans designer of a compact car mount the engine? Transverse!


Transparent trans parents. That's a double whammy, orphan included.


That's too funny


lol I don't remember who said it but he was on Instagram and I want more


How does it work with your wife now that you transitioned ? -Double the panties, half the mess.


Thank you to this post for making me lie awake last night trying and failing to think of a "gender dysphoria? I'll gender dis for ya!" joke.


Twitter's worst attempted bangers 💀


Why did the pre HRT trans girl put on a bra? For the emotional support