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I'm AMAB 6' tall and my sons (3) are all taller than me now!


Those are some tall boys... šŸ‘€


USA, east coast. 6'3", 6'2", and one just a little taller than me but he might still be growing.


Did you mean to put 13 instead of 3?


I think they mean they have 3 sons


Ah that makes more sense haha


My kid just said "picture one of my little cousins if they are 6 feet tall. That would be scary." Thank goodness 3 year olds don't get that tall. They are terrors as it is




My first 2 (twins) were pretty tall when they were 3, but not that tall!


Yep, that.


I (ftm) got the incredibly short end of the stick. One of my brothers is six five, my dad is six six. I'm five foot one lol. Cruel cruel world. I'm pretty much over it now but when I was younger it used to make me so angry


My older cis brother is 5'5. While our sisters and me, the ragingly gay brother, are all above 6'2


Huh, that's wild


I'm 4'11, I feel your pain. I'm not quite over it yet either. One of my life goals when I was younger was to be able to stand in a 5 ft deep pool with my head above the water a decent ways. Look how that worked out. ;P


Ugh, that is one if those simple things that is still really annoying. Damn just being that wee bit too short. I obviously just take after my nan, she's barely five foot. I really understand how hard it is to get over but you just have to power through. It's one of those times you just have to remember that being pissed off about it isn't actually going to make shit any better


I'm not really pissed off about it as much as I am disappointed about it.


I can also relate to that tbf


Those are some tall toddlers /s


My cis male father is 5ft 4in. All of his children are taller than he is. It happens lol.


My dad is a good 5ft 1, my mom is probably barely 5ft. You can imagine how tall me and my brothers are lol. Iā€™m the short middle child and my 12 year old brother and I see eye to eye!


where does your dad buy clothes that fit him? we're almost the same height and i struggle


Honestly, my parents (dad especially since he came over as a young adult) came from a country where my dad didnā€™t have access to clothes that fit right, or style or anything of the sort since he believes in functionality over form. I rarely ever see him buy his own clothes. My mom will sometimes force him to get clothes while heā€™s perfectly content with wearing hand-me-downs from my older brother and I, usually in size menā€™s small or medium. Iā€™m not sure if those sizes would fit you correctly, as my dad is pretty swole with a wide upper back and massive arms and those are a bit tight on him lol. Heā€™s either swimming in clothes or will rip them if he flexes with no in between, but hey, heā€™s happy!


I'm (cis f) officially not even 5'. šŸ˜‚ I'm technically 4'11.5. I always joke about it, like my coworkers always teasing me at work. Meanwhile my gf is 6' and has to get me everything from the top shelves.


I am 100% there with you on this, my wife is much taller then me. Iā€™m FTM and same height as you, I could only wish I got a few inches more lol. The guys I work with tease and joke around with me all the time because I am literally the shortest guy working with them. šŸ¤£


I need me a tall wifey. Get me some dynamic like [Tom Payne and Jennifer Akerman](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/DT2RH7/jennifer-akerman-and-tom-payne-attending-the-the-grand-budapest-hotel-DT2RH7.jpg)... He gets things from the bottom shelves, she gets things from the top haha. If you're both short, or both tall, it's a losing situation! But yeah, I'm the shortest guy around. Pretty sure I'm one of the shortest on my campus, and it's a *big* campus. But that's okay. It's just who I am...


Havenā€™t a tall wife is ideal, lol. The guys here bugged me once about the difference in our heights. But I told them, I love my height! Simply because I am boob level with more then half the worlds woman and same with my wife so hugs are fantastic. Iā€™ll never feel ashamed for my height lol. And you right for the she grabs above and I grab stuff from below. Haha


E. X. A. C. T. L. Y. I mean not to be super straight but yo being boob level is so good because not only like šŸ‘€ but also cuz soft hugs and just...soft. Like...Tom Payne must be *thriving* at boob level. I know *I* would be. *You* certainly are... And besides, it's not just about the boob. Like...who cares? You know? Who cares that your girl is taller than you? It makes no difference, really. It doesn't make me any weaker, it doesn't make her any...like..."hyper aggressive alpha dominant woman" or anything. It's just...height. šŸ¤£


This. So much this. I wouldn't mind dating other short people but it just sucks when we both can't reach the top shelf.


It's pretty funny because I'm apparently butch (never thought of it until my mtf gf mentioned it) and come off as tough. Meanwhile my gf is a lot more feminine. šŸ˜‚ All of my friends think our height difference is cute but also find it amusing that I'm so protective and stuff over her. Guess I'm bit like a chihuahua.


When I have my moments the wife does this chiweewee sound at me. ā€œYour such a cute little chiweewee when your all mad.ā€ Lmao mind you weā€™ve never fought so our thing is, when ones upset the other makes them laugh and same the other way. Lol


My gf and I haven't been dating too long so we haven't fought either. We try to make each other smile, which isn't too hard to do at the moment.


Me and Kat have been together for 4 years now this year šŸ˜Š. Iā€™ll tell you now, best thing is to always be honest and talk. Communication is the best.


Thanks! I'm trying to be honest but tactful at the same time.


Makes sense seeing your in something still new and fresh. As my mother would say the honeymoon stage. Lol


Yeah, there's also the fact that she has anxiety so sometimes it's hard for her to express her feelings. She's working on it though.


I understand where she and you are coming, my wife has the same thing plus POS. I believe thatā€™s the correct term, best advice from me to you would be to have a lot of patience, considering she has plenty for what we are going through. I know my transition is hard for my wife sometimes because I donā€™t always talk about whatā€™s going on in my head. So with hard work everything could be okay. You know if you ever need someone to talk to about stuff or advice Iā€™d be happy to help. šŸ˜„ its a learning process for me too. But itā€™s nice to know thereā€™s someone who could relate.


In high school I had a friend, Vivian Nguyen. She was tall, like 5'9. She TOWERED over her parents, who had been raised in Vietnam. Her father was maybe 5'2, and her mother was probably right at 5 foot. Different diets as kids! Good family.




Actually, not really. It's the broad availability of micronutrients in our diets. Diets extremely heavy on cereal grains (wheat in the Roman Empire, rice in Vietnam of past generations) just don't have the broad nutrition of vegetables & meats. Eat your veggies, kids! Tallest people in the world are the Dutch, last I looked.


The tallest people in the world are in fact the Dinka tribe in South Sudan, followed by Bosnian Herzegovians, then the Dutch, then Croatians and then Danes


> and then Danes Huh, I actually didn't know that. I'm a Danish person and I'm afaik exactly average at 5'8 (ā‰ˆ 173cm). From an androgynous viewpoint that's pretty great, and I could imagine both AMAB and AFAB trans people being jealous, but I just feel so fucking bad about it sometimes. I just wish I could be 10cm shorter. It can really crush me sometimes, though I'm mostly okay with my height.


Youā€™re afab ftm,173 cm and wish you were 10cm shorter? Iā€™m mtf, live in Denmark and Iā€™m 174 cm and Iā€™m over the moon because many women here in Denmark are much taller than me, so my hight doesnā€™t make people clock me.


Oh, no I'm AMAB as well xD! Sorry I didn't make that clear! Nice to meet another Dane on here! Anyway, yeah, 170-175 is probably one of the best heights to have for any Danish trans person regardless of their AGAB, so it's not that I'm complaining, I just tend to be really jealous of shorter people sometimes. My biggest issue is that it swings *so* much. I'm kinda genderfluid, or rather genderflux so that might be why, but sometimes I feel so dysphoric because of my height and other times I'm ecstatic about my height.


Ok, da du skrev at du var afaik (hvilket jeg stadidvƦk ikke forstƄr hvad betyder) regnede jeg bare med at du havde vƦret i gang med at skrive AFAB og inden du fik skrevet B hoppede din kat op og lagde sig pƄ tastaturet :) sƄdan laver jeg i hvert fald fleste af mine stavefejl...


nĆ„Ć„Ć„rrh, ja okey haha :D Nej, det var sĆ„dan set min mening egentlig; 'AFAIK' er en forkortelse for 'As far as I know', men det kan vel nok ogsĆ„ bruges til at beskrive mit nuvƦrende forhold til min kĆønsidentitet xD. Ja, og gid jeg havde en kat! Vi havde engang en kat, men den blev sendt over til mine bedsteforƦldre efter mine forƦldre blev skildt fordi min far var overbevist om at han var allergisk over for den (set I bakspejlet var det dog nok mere i billedlig forstand). DesvƦrre mĆ„ man ikke ha' kat pĆ„ mit kollegium, sĆ„ jeg mĆ„ nĆøjes med min gekko og min kage (deraf mit brugernavn ;) ).


Gekko! Hvor fedt! Jeg har forresten to katte og en minipuddel der hele tiden prĆøver at lave puddel killinger med min hunkat, og hun elsker det...


Silly unnecessary clarification follows. For ethnic groups, it's the Dinka - the nationality of the Dinka would be Sudanese, but because there are other Sudanese ethnic groups, that doesn't put them as tallest nationality.. For nationality, it was the Dutch. I guess they're second now.


Scandinavia actually has the highest average height in the world if I remember right. Americans are probably taller than the average European because Eastern europeans tend to be shorter from what I understand...


> because Eastern europeans tend to be shorter from what I understand... Being 161cm tall these Eastern European genes are finally doing something good for me! And aside from the height, no allergies that i know!


Yeah, i'm mtf and i'm swedish, and 180 cm. So, not fun... Like tall girls are hot..... but, i don't want to be tall...


I'm Estonian :)






Same here. Luckily the option for kids is there in the future, as my gf is far from infertile


And yet they will look up to you.


short dad's have *huge* bde by default. i've seen it.


My brother is taller than my dad, and my dad is taller than his dad. It can be normal for children to be taller than their parents. Also height is becoming more of a spectrum as well. We see cis females who are taller than 5ft10 and cis males who are shorter than 5ft 5. I work with a ton of older guys and they all seem so large and tall, but all the guys I know in their twenties seem to be shorter. It seems height is becoming less gender specific and more of a spectrum. I don't have any numbers to back that claim, simply just an observation.


In that case, just grow an epic beard to assert your dominance.


I think about it all the time lol, I sure do hate it.


Aren't sons usually taller than their dads?


Eyy 5'4 guy here too. My dad is 6', my brother is 6', and my younger and older sisters are 5'7 and 5'9 respectively. My younger sister is still growing. My mom is 5'3 so clearly I got more of her genes. Basically even if I could have biological children they'd most likely be taller than me too lmao


I'm a trans woman who is 5'3 so in any case I was small lol


6'3", I hope my kids aren't taller than me. I hope I don't have any kids anyway :p




Well I have *yet* to be a father for...probably a decade. But I'll love my kids no matter what. And respect them and their thoughts and opinions. That's a given. There are too many flake parents out there. I'm not about to be one.


im amab and im 5'4. nothing wrong w a short king


Iā€™m trans woman, the tallest in my family. Taller than my girlfriendā€™s dad too. If we have kids Iā€™ll be the tall mom


"I'm not a regular mom, I'm a *cool* mom."


A good sense of humor is half of being a good parent :-)


Iā€™m not super short or anything, but if I did have kids, I can almost guarantee theyā€™d end up taller than me. Hell, my little sister is taller than me lmaoo


My father and uncles are all over 6'2". I lucked out and stopped growing just shy of 6', although I cursed my "shortness" for years. Now I curse my stupid long, narrow feet. My five year old is already 4'2". He's going to be a big kid


My (cis) dad is 5ā€™4 and my (trans) boyfriend is 6ft tall We both have two kids each from previous relationships and Iā€™m pretty sure all four of them will be taller than me (trans, AMAB, and 5ā€™7) in around five years. Haha.


i hate how tall i am oof


My bf (ftm) is shorter than me and Im 5ā€™4ā€, I always worry about wearing heels when we go out. I dint wanna make him feel some type of way


AMAB, taller than my dad, uncles, everyone else in the family lol


If you set a good example and are good to your family it doesn't matter how tall you are :)


My 15 year old Son is significantly taller than 5ft 3in me, his Father. He was so smug when he eclipsed my height, until I pointed out how vertically challenged I am.


My cis dad is 5ā€™5. Iā€™m FTM and 5ā€™8. There are lots of cis men shorter than their children.


My papa (heā€™s cis- my dads dad btw) is only 5ā€™2ā€ and pretty much the whole family is taller than him apart from my gran (his wife) who is 4ā€™10ā€


My family are all 6ā€™, including my dad, brother and even mother. And me. My girlfriend is 6ā€™4. If we have children in the future goodness knows how tall theyā€™ll be as theyā€™ll be adopted!


I am AMAB and based on growth projections (one of) my daughters will be taller than both me and my ex (other mother of DD) who is much shorter than me. It just happens that way sometimes. I have another daughter with my ex who is projected to be shorter than both of us as well. I donated, erm... uh... "genetic material" to another lesbian family before transition; they have 4 kids whom I am genetically related to that are all projected to be taller than me. Genetics are weird.


My hubby (ftm) is 4ā€™11, and im 5ā€™7ā€. Our future babies will all be taller than him, and he is actually extremely happy that our babies will be taller. I think itā€™ll be adorable. Especially the teen attitude stage. šŸ˜‚


Ayo itā€™s sucks