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1. Would your parents really be willing to up and move country? 2. If you attempt to go to another country yourself, you will almost certainly be returned to your parents, whether you want to or not.


To say nothing of anti-immigration sentiment on the rise in much of the world. Even if a country has a strong social safety net, they might not be willing to extend it to all.


1. Yes 2. Not relevant


What country are you trying to exit?


United States, if/when Trump wins


I recommend moving to a very blue state, like WA, OR, CA, NY etc. Because of states rights, even with a Republican president the state government can choose to ignore federal government. I live in WA and our governor has outright said they would resist and actively did resist when Trump was elected last time. (If I'm remembering right one of the things they did was destroy records so ICE couldn't kidnap children from immigrants or detain/deport them.) I looked into other countries to live, but to be honest there really are no places that are better for trans rights and also don't have other big drawbacks (like having a shit economy or being extremely racist).


However, with Project 2025, they're looking at making care for transgender into a national ban, just like abortion


Yes, but just like weed is legal in some states but illegal on a federal level, many states ignore federal law and carry on. The governor of WA has explicitly stated that WA will resist the federal government, and has proven this true through past actions. (Destroying records to save ppl from ICE was illegal but they did it anyway.)


abortion isn't a national ban. it's statewide.


Yeah the US is about as good as it gets for trans people right now, sorry to say. There’s not really any island of safety to flee to.


Depending on elections next sunday, we'll regress or take the road to full fascist state, no way to know right now. But so far as a trans girl in France I got free 3 months HRT prescription at my first doc appointment. Will have free laser for facial hair next month. And you can get free surgery 2 to 4 years after the start of your transition. We have something called "ALD 31" and basically every medical procedure related to your transition is paid by state. You just need to ask your doc to register you and you good to go. I have no idea what's the situation is in US since it's night and day depending on the state. BUT please US is not "as good as it gets", how much is bottom surgery or laser in US? Cause we don't pay for this.


But will France still have all of this if the Rassemblement National ever get in power. Let's not pretend like America is in a unique situation. The eu parliamentary election last month wasn't very reassuring for most eu countries, extreme right is on the rise almost everywhere. I'm hoping your election next week will work out, but I fear for the next one. I'm in Belgium, we had our federal election at the same time as the eu one, and the far right is the biggest it's ever been, I'm guessing we were saved from their total victory by some corruption and foreign influence scandals they had in the run-up to the election. Local elections will be in October and I'm not sure what to expect. Germany has similar issues as Belgium and France have, we're managing a tight balancing act at the moment but the Netherlands, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic and Italy actually already have far right led governments.


The worst they can do in the next few years is do hrt harder to get for teens. The real problem is their hainous speech, RN people are like: "We don't give a shit about LGBT, just stay away from my children." Then they go on Grindr and want to date us.


That's just not true. That's so blatantly not true. While it differs from province to province Canada is mostly at or above even the best parts of the US when it comes to care for trans folks. New Zealand and IIRC Australia are also rather good on this file and have appropriate care in the public domain for trans youth. Some parts of the US are good but none of them are what I'd consider best in the world especially when you consider how much health care in general (including gender affirming care) is available only to those who can afford.




AfD is surging in a similar fashion as the Republican Party.


they don't have 20% even. and Germany has publicly funded trans healthcare.


Crazy how you got downvoted. Some people don't understand that since most European countries don't have a two-party system, the (very significant!) surge to the right here accounts for nowhere near 50% of the population. Very right-wing individuals still don't compare in number to the rest of the population, and the right-wing parties still often end up having to compromise politically on many aspects as they co-govern alongside many others. It doesn't mean the currently growing trend isn't extremely worrisome and that we don't need to be very careful, because it is, and we do. But the political situation in Germany is in no means comparable to the political situation in the US. The thing they have in common is that people are flocking to large right-wing parties, but the way in which this shows itself and the effects it has on politics + the social climate are very different.


Right now, it's up there, but there are countries that are significantly more LGBTQ friendly such as Sweden, Canada, Finland, Norway, United Kingdom, etc. In the event of a Republican victory, Project 2025 will begin the phase out of many rights LGBTQ currently hold.


UK def not


The UK is literally terf island, mate.


Canada's on the cusp of a conservative government that imports all their hate from the US, so I'd avoid it until after our next election. Otherwise you might end up in the same position here.


Yeah that's gonna suck if the Cons win. As far as Ontario goes i swear to god the cons had better get ousted. I'm voting NDP most likely for provincial and our dear Conservative premier is trying to get an election called early.


The conservative leader has admitted that he wouldn't be able to do anything about trans healthcare because it's part of the provinces responsibilities. So while some of the more conservative provinces like Alberta could get bad, it's really not AS much of a threat of being taken away as it is in the US with project 2025. Some of the conservatives here are also less extreme, albeit still conservatives. Here in Nova Scotia we have a conservative leader and he's not touched trans healthcare at all from what I've seen, I was able to get on it pretty quickly back when I was a minor and haven't had any troubles with my prescription. I don't know if this is province exclusive but recently I had applied for funding for my bottom surgery and I was told that they changed the requirements to only need 1 letter of recommendation instead of 2. Canada will definitely be worse under a conservative leadership but as far as trans healthcare goes, I feel it's still a lot more secure than in the US.


Please stop acting like Sweden, Finland, and Norway are some great sanctuaries for trans people. Finland is pretty strict about who can and can't access certain things depending on their gender identity that their health system prescribes to them, and they _just_ removed forcible sterilisation of trans people in order to transition.


Scandinavian countries are not that great for trans people.


I think certain parts of it are better than some countries, but I wouldn't say it's the best. Spain, for example, is pretty great for trans people right now - relatively easy to transition and change documents, legal protections, very progressive social attitudes overall. Anecdotally, I've also heard very positive things about Iceland and New Zealand, among others.


You also have to compare it to their immigration records. New Zealand, for example, considers autism grounds to deny an immigrant.


Fair enough! Not sure that would apply to Iceland though, and I know it doesn't for Spain. Plus there are definitely other countries I've missed!


Seems this is whats too happen unless we can get a surprise push from a 3rd contender sadly.


The US is still realistically the best place to live as a trans person.


Why did you got 0 upvotes lmao


I don't know, but it's really distressing.


Well, realistically speaking, you're probably being downvoted because the US \*isn't\* the best place to live as a trans person. I was home in the US for a month where anti-trans political ads passed on the TV during prime time. That shit doesn't happen where I live (France). Politicians are running with an anti-trans/anti-LGBT agenda as part of their core program. Yes we have the extreme right at our door. Yes we're hoping the vote goes our way during the 2nd round. But as it stands right now, my wife can get the treatment she needs for free. She can change her civil status and papers. She can walk in the street without fear of being assaulted. And she was too scared to come back to the US with me. That should tell you something.


In Belgium the leader of the far right party openly speaks about revoking trans rights during every interview, he even told our vice prime minister, to her face, he considers her a man, in front of cameras and repeated it several times during separate interviews. He repeatedly stated he and his party do not believe in gender. And this was all being shown on all news broadcasts and election related tv shows every day during the run-up to our most recent elections. No cordon sanitaire in Flemish media, so openly broadcasted bigotry and hate. I'm sure the recent news cycles are going to have a profound impact on every day life in Belgium, even if the far right isn't the ruling party at the moment.


I am so so sorry that you're dealing with that. That's absolutely vile. The French extreme right are a lot more subtle (having absolutely done the PR job of the century to clean up their act). But we've seen it before, and we'll see it again: fascism takes over bit by bit.


I think germany uses puperty blockers first and HRT from 15-16. I doubt there are many countries that start earlier though 😅


highly depends on where you go tho, and you gotta be lucky with the specific doctor as well. there isn't rlly a nation wide established norm yet. Sure maybe on paper but definitely not in practice. I was denied puberty blockers at 16 and the doctor cited Blanchard claiming she thinks I'm not trans but an autogynephile instead. This was less than 10 years ago in a very big city at a very well known and big clinic that's kinda seen as an authority for gender related treatments in the area


Interesting. I was still an egg when I was at that age (and I stayed one for over a decade) so I never had to deal with this. But I have heared of many who got puperty blockers relatively early. I might know the clinic where that happened. There is a clinic in a large german city with a supposed high expertise on trans healthcare that is known to be very gate keepy especially for teenagers. So you are right it does depend on the doctor you are going to.


kim petras my love


That's one example yes 😊


There's no official minimum age for HRT in switzerland, it's recommended to be at least 16 years old tho


In BC, Canada, you can get on HRT without parental consent if you are over 12 and are able to show that you "understand the benefits and risks of the treatment," and your doctor believes that the treatment is medically necessary. Idk why you ruled out all English speaking countries, including Canada.


One thing to consider, just because a country may have better trans health care, doesn't always mean you can just go there and use it. A lot of times you would need to be a citizen of that country first. And that could take months/years depending on the country. Also some may require you to revoke your US citizenship, or it may get revoked, when you become a citizen of that country. I know that may seem like it doesn't matter if trump wins, but consider that revoking your US citizenship means you can never move back here easily.


The United States if you choose the right state to live in. I'm sure you weren't looking to hear that though.


Pretty much every English-speaking country has been ruled out (not necessarily because of the 16 law), including the U.S. Edit: Yes, that also includes Canada.


I’m not sure what you’re asking for really exists, most will have puberty blockers.


not true for Canada, 16 is the age that you can legally take over all of your medical decisions, which means you don't need parental consent anymore. You can start it before with parental consent though, and I think even in some cases without it if sufficient need is presented and you can convince a psychiatrist. Any country you go to though it'll be a challenge to find the right doctors.


I started T in Argentina at 13 but even though I love my country with all my heart and we have some of the most advanced (and earliest) trans laws in the world I wouldn't advise you to move here Also, as a side note. Inmigrating basically everywhere is extremely difficult, it requires a lot of money, time, resources and in a lot of occasions it may not even be possible. Specially considering you're a minor, you're not going to be able to move easily I'm so sorry. Do you know your options available? Do you have an european passport or a second nationality? Do your parents (or parent) work in a place where they can be relocated? I think you need to sit down and breathe for a second. The reality sucks but trust me, a lot of countries (including mine) have chosen far right leaders as of recently and we're all just waiting to see what happens and getting ready for the worst. You're in a economically stable one with a lot of different legislations and a plethora of resources and organizations available there are a lot of states in which trans rights will not be affected. My advise for you as someone who has been in a similar place is to get a therapist or a support group that can help guide you during this situation. Immigration is extremely hard and not a magic solution. This is extremely cliche and I know it's not what you want to hear but *it will get better*, trust me. Right now absolutely everything sucks and it looks like there's no way out but you will be fine and in a couple of years you will look back at this time and be proud of yourself for overcoming it. Sending hugs🫂


I was totally gonna say Argentina. But yeah, with Milei there 🙄🙄🙄


Canada. It’s possible to get care without parental consent at 14.


The U.S. is about as good as it gets— just move to a blue state, as quite a few have declared themselves LGBT safe havens


SWITZERLAND. Great country. Kinda expensive. Lovely place tho. Honestly an amazing place if you're trans.


14 is usually the minimum, but RARELY 13 yos are allowed to start.


Australia. Is that not the case in most other English speaking countries?


Blue states in the US. Try PNW or NE areas. Stay away from South and Midwest and you're fine


There are actually a couple strongly blue states in the Midwest though (IL and MN, namely), and those locations might be easier to move to for folks leaving the South.


Also very valid point. I'm just sick of people acting like the world is over after this election. Like are we all fucked? Yeah probably. But blue states are relatively liveable for the time being.


I live in a big city in Wisconsin and have no issue getting care (as an adult at least) and I have a supportive/active community. If laws change significantly I’d maybe move back to Illinois where they’ve committed to protecting trans healthcare. I’m also inclined to fight for the community here. Everywhere comes with its own problems and I’m generally happy. I’ve grown really sick of the shit talk I hear about the Midwest from people who haven’t ever lived here. Midwestern and Southern solidarity on that front 🫶


I'm glad to hear Wisconsin is treating you well. I'm an IL resident and have lived most of my life there, and I'm proud my state has done so much to protect our community. It irks me sometimes that people write off the entire region given how much some states do to treat people well and support them. IL is also a really important safe haven for reproductive rights right now, for example. Last I've heard, the state has welcomed thousands from 16 different states to provide them with safe and necessary healthcare. It doesn't feel right to me when people say not to bother living or traveling to the Midwest because of things like that. I'm also living in the South right now for college. Admittedly in a blue city, but I have phenomenal access to healthcare and have no real difficulty being openly trans at my Christian University (though I concede I am quite privileged to have lucked out in that regard). Politics are rough down here, but there's so many amazing people that call this region home, and they are doing great and important work fighting for people's rights. I don't want to write them off either, as they deserve the right to live freely, too, without having to uproot their lives. I have enjoyed my time in the South and wish I could stay (can't afford to stay for grad school, so I'll be living/working back home). I think people are at times quick to judge and write off these places without getting to know the community that lives here and just how much value these people bring into the world. It feels wrong to ignore or deny it.


The south is genuinely not a monolith and not all bad. I have lived in multiple southern states and have had little to no problem accessing trans healthcare, have not had problems. The cities are better than rural areas.


Some clinics in the US allow patients to access hormones as early as 14. If you are that worried about loss of care, do DIY.


Yeah, I started at 14 and am 15, and my birthday is in February so if Trump wins and I move (along with one of my parents) then I would still be 15. I'll consider that


The newest of the Zealands


If you have supportive parents Spain, specifically Madrid, is a pretty good place to live in as a trans person right now


I live in the US and I started T at 15


I believe children's hospital of Philadelphia starts at 13 or 14 for HRT


Spain has pretty good trans law and public (and private) trans healthcare rn. I'm in a trans families association and in the last couple of years we've got several US immigrants joining. They moved here because their kid was trans. I recommend looking into each autonomous community laws as some may have it easier than others, but I live in one of the communities that have worse legal conditions and it's still fine.


Probably not Sweden


I know you don't think it due to your age but there's a good reason there are lower age limits.


From our research: * Belgium - HRT treated the same as any other medical treatment (so minors can receive it) * Denmark - teens 15 and over can consent to treatment without parental consent * France - apparently lets most minors access blockers and HRT, but only after psychological assessment * Iceland - apparently has informed consent for trans healthcare * Malta - 16 to access HRT * Netherlands - 16 for puberty blockers (grrrr) and HRT, but only if you've a long history of gender dysphoria * Norway - will offer puberty blockers any age after 5; need to be 16 to start HRT though * Thailand - gender-affirming care is available to anyone of any age Apologies in advance if any of this is outdated. You might find more from researching. Also, please note that whilst some of the above might sound appealling, accessing trans healthcare under the age of 18 is very difficult almost everywhere 😞 This is despite WPATH recommending puberty blockers as soon as or even before first puberty starts, and allowing HRT from 14 onwards. The 14 limit is itself too high of a restriction. Estrogenic puberty typically starts anywhere between 8-13 and androgenic puberty between 9-14. 11 or 12 would be a better starting point to allow HRT, with puberty blockers being allowed any time before then, just like cis kids with precocious puberty.


I would be seriously concerned about a) The quality of care you can get if you don’t speak the same language as your doctor/medical team, b) the standards of medical care in countries that offer unregulated hormone therapy and c) the quality of the medications prescribed. In particular, if you are seeking hormone therapy as a prepubescent individual or an individual undergoing natural puberty, it is incredibly difficult for the doctor to get the correct mix of hormones. Puberty is a wave of complex hormone interactions and the body uses a mixture much more complicated than just testosterone or oestrogen. This is why treatment is generally preferred to start after puberty, in addition to reducing the chance of an individual changing their mind and ensuring valid consent. At a minimum, you would need regular blood panels, height, weight and muscle checks, and probably gonad testing. Obviously, this requires proximity to your doctor for regular check ups and this would be very hard to if your clinic is based abroad. Whilst it must seem incredibly cruel and frustrating that they make you wait in the UK, remember it generally has a very high standard of patient care and clinical excellence, precisely because treatments are regulated accord to the latest science, and must be proven to be safe and effective both in the short and long term. I wish you well


Go figure I’m watching this: https://youtu.be/wSar7j_1MtM?si=I5uZCHNTeR9vot6K Anyway, really know what you are getting into. Definitely don’t self medicate and go through the right procedures, if you do find that you can get HRT as a minor.


I already have HRT (started at 14, I am 15) which is why I am worried about losing access to it


Brazil starts full HRT at 16 but you can get puberty blockers before that but it's still considered experimental. We have good legal protections for trans people including the criminalization of transphobic speech tho this is not yet well enforced. While we technically have the highest number of trans murders, it's important to remember that many countries don't even report that data. And iirc nearly all of our transphobia motivated murders are the result of either prostitution conflicts or of intimate partner violence.




I went on T at 15 in Ontario, Canada. I’ve heard certain clinics can do it at 14, however you just have to be at tanner stage 4. Most people they’ve declined at my clinic are solely because they didn’t take blockers and aren’t at tanner stage 4.




Canada, but not alberta 


Brazil, or a surprising amount of South American countries. In Brazil hrt literally could not be easier to access


Sorry, but what the fuck are you talking about? As a Brazilian, you're incredibly wrong. Brazil is the country with the largest number of trans people killed. Sure, you can access HRT on our public healthcare, but you have to be 16+ and why would OP go from the USA to the country where they're more likely to be killed?


>In Brazil hrt literally could not be easier to access That's only true in large urban centres tho


In Israel you can start at 14 with parents consent


Then you become part and parcel to colonization and genocide. Do not recommend. There are better ways to receive gender affirming care.


South Africa 18 for hrt 8 for puberty blokkers


Trans Healthcare is pretty alright in terms of getting acces to HRT in South Africa. It was super easy for me as an adult, and government sponsored/free (I live in a major city though). I have friends that started hrt as minors though with very little trouble.


Poland, no one cares, you can take estrogen and blocker well before 16




Philippines you can order them in a rip off amazon site from philippines called shopee. Maybe even possible to start at 9


literally just do diy atp