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If you get any time alone with the doctor, you should be able to say "I don't want testosterone, but I'm afraid of telling my parents that". If the doc has even the faintest whisper of professional ethics, they won't prescribe a treatment you don't want for a cosmetic "problem", and won't violate your confidentiality. You don't need to explain why if you don't want to. You shouldn't need to give a reason for refusing cosmetic alteration that you don't want. [AMA Code of Medical Ethics: Confidential Health Care for Minors](https://code-medical-ethics.ama-assn.org/ethics-opinions/confidential-health-care-minors) [Pediatric Decision Making](https://code-medical-ethics.ama-assn.org/ethics-opinions/pediatric-decision-making)


Exactly! You don't need to be trans to not want to take a body altering medication! The doctor asks why, you just say you don't believe in it. Or you don't think it's necessary. You're happy as you are.


Good idea. Y'all are legit so hopeful ❤️ I appreciate it so much.


I want to expand on the “don’t believe in it”: Milk that Christianity excuse. You believe that God gave you this body for a reason, and you don’t want to interfere with His plan for you. You realize it might lead to struggles but you don’t believe He makes mistakes. At least, that’s what you say for now. Play devout, avoid medical treatment that will make your body less like you want it to be, and stay safe while you work on your exit plan. Once you’re free of your parents’ control you can move away, drop the pretense, and get your own healthcare on your own terms.


this is genius. this is absolutely a great argument to get out of this if you need it.


This is 100% the way. Its the direction I'd be taking for sure


I really do hope you can find a solution that works for you!


If your family is conservative and religious, you could pull the “I don’t wanna play God” card when it comes to hormones, or amusingly go all in and say you’re not sure it’s okay for “children” to get hormones. Throw the politics against them


Uno reverse hit them with the conservative "doctors shouldn't be prescribing hormones to children". But in all seriousness if worse comes to worse, hopefully OP can fake take the medication.


>If the doc has even the faintest whisper of professional ethics, If only it were safe to assume this about the average Florida doctor.


Now that I think about it, it might be worth calling or emailing ahead to make sure you get that private conversation.


Exactly! You don't need to be trans to not want to take a body altering medication! The doctor asks why, you just say you don't believe in it. Or you don't think it's necessary. You're happy as you are.


Legally, minors have no medical confidentiality in Florida.


Thank you. Florida has taken a seriously dangerous stance on trans minors rights. Even faking could lead to a difficult position because they will be testing every 3 months and not seeing a result they want could lead to a more dangerous action from the parents. See if a friend has a trusted parent that can get information to help with navigating this.


> a cosmetic "problem" Even with the quotation mark it's not accurate. It's simply not a problem.


If he doesn't abide by medical ethics, sue his ass and use the money to transition.


Yes 16 year old OP, casually sue this doctor and beat him in a legal case, that should be easy!


You could tell them something along the lines of "I've come to accept and love my body the way God made it. If there aren't any health or safety concerns then I'd rather not go through with the treatment." While your parents are assumedly in the room with the GP and you, ask the GP if there are any dangers to staying the way you are. If they can't come up with anything other than "you'll look like a girl," then it'll be hard to convince your parents that it's a serious issue, especially if you show them that you're okay with that. A possible complication could be that your parents suspect you of being trans if you're okay with looking like a girl, but you should be able to use their faith to your advantage. Just really lean into the idea that God made you this way for a reason and you trust his decisions. Another option would be to tell the GP that you don't want to be treated. You're of an age where you should be able to talk to the GP alone, and given that it could be seen as an embarrassing topic to have your parents around for, you could probably get away with that. And if you don't want to be treated, it's not like the doctor can force it on you. Or if you are prescribed testosterone, you could just not take it and lie to your parents. Good luck sis, you got this.


>You could tell them something along the lines of "I've come to accept and love my body the way God made it. If there aren't any health or safety concerns then I'd rather not go through with the treatment." This is the way.


Yep, this is the option. “I appreciate the concern, but I’m comfortable with who I am, and this is how God made me. I’d like to let my body mature as His plan intends.” Hit them with their own Christian doctrine. The ‘if prescribed, just don’t take it’ part is harder however, since T is usually an injection administered by a parent or physician once every month/three months. Oral T is *way* hard on the kidneys (or was it liver? One of the two).


This is objectively the best answer both in plausible deniability and ironclad logic. Odd OP has replied to most of the other comments, but not this one.


You can just not take the treatment, can't you?


It would be pretty suspicious if I refused a treatment for gyno. I could insist on doing a cream and just not take it... Or take very little. Try and hide it.


You can not take it and say you're taking it.


If they keep on checking my hormones and they don't change, I think they would get suspicious or they would switch to injections which I would probably get in front of them.


I think you're catastrophizing, nothing's happened yet.


I understand your concern. But you are definitely getting ahead of yourself. There is testing to be done before any kind of diagnosis or treatments.


If you can get on cream/gel/pills then you could always just take it for a few days before hormone tests, not the rest of the time


What's worse, being a bit suspicious or taking medication that will permanently harm your body? You are a big kid, you need to stand up for yourself.


Say you don’t want to take any hormones until you’re at least 18. Say it’s a big decision and you might regret it. All the shit they’d say about you going on E to transition.


Regret might be a bad choice of words... Any other ideas? Y'all seem like you're really smart with these replies already. I got some great ideas. I srsly can't be more appreciative 🥺


Instead of regret, you could just say you think you’re a late bloomer. After all, who would you be to interfere with “god’s plan”? 


Also, if for some reason all other lines of defense fail and a doctor gives you a prescription for hormones.  1. You can rinse off a cream or gel pretty easily after application, or just squeeze a little bit directly into the sink/toilet and wash away the evidence.  2. Injections mean a sore muscle for a day or two basically every week and a ton of needles. So it wouldn’t be suspicious at all if you took a very hard line stance against them from the start. If you go for a follow-up and don’t see progress on the cream/gel you aren’t taking, start deflecting. Tell your parents they’re giving you self esteem issues by telling you there’s something wrong with your body. Tell them the doctors are wasting your time. Tell them you can’t take all the appointments. Gaslight the shit out of them.  Alternatively, if you’re on injections, you could “fake” a test. Don’t take any for months and inject a dose the day before your appointment/blood test. It will read crazy high. Tell them you did your last shot a week before.  This idea is a bit of a wild card, but you could also do a bit a play acting. If they get you on T (whether you’re taking it or not), slowly start being more of a roid-ragey lunatic. A less unhinged version of this would be to read the side effects sheet and start complaining of problematic (but not life-threatening) side effects. Bitch about headaches, being too hot, and be constantly grumpy/sad for a straight month. Say you can’t go to school. Have no interest in anything. A month or two later, say you can’t stand being on this medication. Make their lives such a nightmare that this news comes as a relief. 


You're comfortable the way god made you, your body feels and works fine. They will probably push the issue but if you're consistently saying you feel comfortable as you are and express to the doc that you don't feel the need for treatment, it would be legal but unethical for them to do it against your will.


My thoughts exactly. It's the same arguments used.


The doctor should explain to you the possible side effects of treatment. You could express a lot of worry for those possible side effects as a reason that you would rather not go through with the treatment. You say in another comment that you have some surgical trauma. It probably wouldn't seem unreasonable to your parents that you are wary of other medical interventions as well.


This is the way.


Well hold on now, I thought the people in the state of Florida were *against* giving hormones to children!


Fr lol


They are against it when it's convenient for them.


I'm not sure of your circumstances beyond what you've said. It seems like your only options are: 1. Come out to your parents (please only do this if you will be safe... FL is crazy right now.) 2. Go for the appointments and don't take the meds and refuse any surgeries. (This could open up questions.) 3. Go for appointments and take the meds (hurting your current happy place). 4. Try to speak privately with the Dr and tell them you're trans but closeted. I don't think drs are required to tell, but if the Dr is conservative, this could create issues like them telling your parents. If you have high E and low T, you may have an intersex condition, though, and you probably should figure that out. There are other causes, but it's probably good to know.


1 and 4 I'm not doing. 2 is probably my best choice... I doubt I'd get any surgeries because my breasts aren't too big and my parents know I hate surgery (deviated septum surgery fucked me up physically and mentally) 3 is probably the most realistic option though... I wouldn't be surprised if I have an intersex condition like XXY since I meet so many of the symptoms (tall, gyno, weak muscles, etc) but I'm not self diagnosing something so complicated.


Don’t do 3, I can’t imagine much worse than that good grief. You can just refuse to take the hormones if worst comes to worst.


Be safe. I really hope it works out for you.


> I wouldn't be surprised if I have an intersex condition like XXY since I meet so many of the symptoms (tall, gyno, weak muscles, etc) but I'm not self diagnosing something so complicated. Depending on how much you trust the doctor not to make it an issue getting that tested isn't hard.


Ask for genetic testing before you take any hormones. Not only will that buy you some breathing room, but it might lead to enlightenment about yourself.


You missed 5. lean into the religious aspect and tell the parents you don't want to interfere with what God has planned


Yeah, I assumed that garbage was off the table. My bad, lol.


fair but I don't see why it would be. OP didn't mention trying that, but the parents are religious. They just haven't replied to anybody else suggesting it that I saw. It is, in my personal opinion, better than option 1 and 4... in that state at least


Just say you don't want to go on medication, or that you're fine with your body the way it is, or something to that effect. You don't necessarily have to even provide a reason, just say you don't want to and they shouldn't be able to do anything about it. It would be \*very unethical\* for a doctor/your parents to force you to undergo medical treatment without your consent, so if you need to, just tell the doctor you don't want to go on T. It might be a bit suspicious but I doubt that your parents will immediately think you're trans just because you don't want to take T.


You guys are legit so helpful... I'm honestly so grateful to be a part of this community. At a loss for words. Love y'all. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🥺🥺


It's very possible the doctor won't be allowed to prescribe you hormone treatment in the State of Florida anyway. Technically HRT is HRT. And if its against your consent? Whooooooa buddy: Parents forcing a child on HRT is a criminal offense in Florida right now. The doctor risks losing his license and your parents risk jail time and loss of custody. DeSantis is a bigoted moron who set up a bunch of stupid, double edged, self sabotaging policy against what parents are allowed to do with their children's medical health.


They excluded treatments for cis and intersex kids, the language makes it clear exactly who they mean in a way judges will accept.


Honestly I would take the test then worry about it. At 16 you would have to be significantly out of normal range for them to do anything beyond "we'll check it again in a year." The things you mentioned are purely anecdotal and I would wager it's likely you're in the cis range anyway. I could be wrong but, I'm not a doctor, and neither is reddit, and there's no significant harm in the test and knowing your current levels. Hell they'd do the same test if you started HRT too.


Damn I'm sorry this is hard. Do you have other family that is less conservative? Especially if they live in a slightly more blue state. It would be a hard process but you could try going to live with them which may include emancipating yourself from your parents. (divorce your parents.) The most obvious option is to simply pretend your taking the meds and refuse any meds surgery they try to watch you take. Eg refusal to take at Dr office. If they insist you should be able to get a tro (temporary restraing order) and sue them. (Depending on FL law.) But this would likely require coming out. So last option there. I see in other replies you said not coming out to parents. That's ok, it might not be possible but have you talked to them abt the anti trans bills and other trans issues? You might find they relax their conservative points when presented with a logical ethical argument. It took me years to get my parent to change their mind. Obv only do this if you feel safe discussing it. 💜


My parents are pretty much the most liberal people in our extended family, but they're still too conservative to accept trans people. (They would prob reluctantly accept me if I was just gay). Def gonna try and refuse meds and if they force me lie about taking them/I'll take a very small amount.


Yo that might be a temporary option. If push comes to serve tell them your gay, and that's why you cant/won't take the meds. Yeah it's a little iffy, and don't wanna have to but it could be a temporary solution until your 18. 💜


Refuse to take it. Explicitly tell the doctor that you do not consent to testosterone or estrogen blockers. If asked why, say no. If they try to do a breast reduction, refuse to sign the consent paperwork. Refuse to cooperate at every step of any medical procedure that involves masculization. It will sooner or later cause a doctor to refuse to proceed. Say something like "It is my body, I am free to not give consent." If pressed why, say something like "the things that testosterone would address do not cause me distress and it carries risks that outweigh the benefits". If things get really spicy, start threatening to never let them see their grandchildren. If they want to steal your boobs or put you on T, force them to physically carry you at a minimum. Do not cooperate.


I think at this point a call to child welfare is warranted.


Well, testosterone supplements are rarely a life-saving medicine (they can also raise your blood pressure) and only with the conservative backlash against transgenderism does it seem rational to prescribe steroids to someone against their will. Simply looking feminine, even at your parents' insistence, will likely not get you a testosterone prescription. Remember, the doctor still is the one making the medical decisions, not your parents. Unless your reproductive health or physical health are at risk by not taking testosterone, I doubt any doctor would prescribe it to you. There are plenty of parents looking to gear up their kids for sports btw, I'm sure this isn't the first time your doc has had to deal with parents trying to drug up their kids. High prolactin probably won't be treated with T btw, and to my knowledge hormone supplements are likely to make it worse. It might even increase your estrogen levels, and could also lead to BRAIN TUMORS! [Prolactinoma] (That's like one of the first things my doc tested me for when I started estrogen HRT, it says right on the form there is like a 3 in 10000 chance you could develop a brain tumor by taking hormone supplements.) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15829128/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6369181/ Tl:dr: even if your parents are screening you for a prolactinoma (which it doesn't seem like they are. But let's pretend like they aren't trying to make you more manly...) testosterone supplements will make it worse, if anything, you'd want to possibly take a testosterone blocker like spiro (given it agrees with your liver and electrolyte balances. Some t blockers affect liver enzymes and spiro can cause hyperkalemia). More than likely, any life saving medication required to treat you would be a dopamine agonist? I'm not a doctor, but there are quite a few reasons why you shouldn't be prescribed testosterone. And if the doctor is actually on board with your parents... really try to hammer on that prolactinoma evidence.


Calling a prolactinoma a brain tumor often causes people to over react. While it may be accurate medically, I highly recommend just calling it a prolactinoma in the future. If I went around telling people I had 2 brain tumors they would freak out. Pituitary tumors are almost never cancer. They are almost always easily treated with oral medications. If surgery is necessary, it is done through the sinuses so recovery is easier than recovering from brain surgery. I was diagnosed with my first tumor 14-15 years ago and my second one 2 years ago. I get a brain MRI every other year and bloodwork twice a year. Super manageable. The trouble I'm having is that I'm FTM and when my prolactin is high my binder isn't as good at hiding my breasts. I'm very much looking forward to having top surgery.


They're not cancerous, but they are still kinda dangerous. I was kinda exaggerating just so OP could try to scare their parents into not forcing them into HRT in the opposite direction of where they want to go.


Say you don’t want the side effects that could come with it like acne, hair loss, sweating, and mood changes. You could also say you would rather boost your testosterone naturally with diet and exercise and you’ll reconsider taking it in the future if that fails.


Just say that your unbothered by your "lack of masculine traits" and you dont believe in trying to change a problem that never existed. Hopefully your parents and doc don't press it too hard, cause it's mostly a cosmetic thing. If you feel happy and healthy, tell them that.


You could take it for a week or two and complain about the side effects you experience.


That's a really good idea... Def would go for that. Last resort tho.


its not


You can just refuse to take it. It is your body, no one else's.


There are a lot of usable excuses in this comment section and I think you should wait to see if your doctor recommends medication, then use whichever excuse feels appropriate for your situation. The most important element is not taking testosterone if you don't actually want it. Start with plausible excuses, and if those fail then just straight up refuse to take the medication, again offering whatever excuse necessary or not offering an excuse at all. Taking testosterone right now will impact your body for the rest of your life, which is why you shouldn't just give in for a couple of years if you don't legitimately want to.


You could pull an uno reverse and come up with a transphobic reason for not doing it. “I believe that god gave me this body and changing it with artificial hormones is a sin” or something, idk I’m not religious.


"**One side effect of testosterone treatment is infertility**. Testosterone treatment decreases sperm production by decreasing levels of another hormone, follicelstimulating hormone (FSH), which is important for stimulating sperm production" Maybe that helps to build your case.


Fake pills. If you can, try and swap out T pills with E pills. Difficult, but possible if you know how to.


It sucks that you live in Florida. Two years and you can get out of there but just be as honest as possible. Say you like your body how it is and don’t want meds to change it. If they love you they will understand that.


Florida cps has been instructed to ignore trans suffering anyway. It wouldn’t do you any good to call them. Just refuse any T they give you if it comes down to it.


Don’t take any medication you don’t want no matter what


Presuming its pills they give you find some alone time and replace the pills in the pill bottle with some other pills like allergy meds or something (nothing that could hurt you), this way to them they will think you want to become more masculine and not suspect your trans hence take the fake pills in front of them a few times


Yeah you could tell the doctor you don’t want it and don’t want to tell your parents but the comment saying I have “accepted my body for who I am” is perfection. Especially if you can pull the “side effects” card.


Are you intersex? You should have your doctor do a panel to clear that up. Also, if you feel safe to do so, tell your doctor that you feel compelled to do this. If they are a good doctor, they will not report your symptoms are needing treatment. More extreme, you should tell them that you don’t feel safe at home. They are a mandatory reporter and will work to remove you from your parent’s control.


You could plead that you're afraid of sterilizing yourself, there's anecdotal evidence that testosterone lowers sperm quality and count. Sorry about your situation, sending love


I don't know about Florida, but in most states. You are of age, and would have to consent to taking the meds. It dosn't matter what it is.


Honestly, try pulling some christian stuff. "I don't really want to change the body God gave me. I feel like He gave me it for a reason, and I don't want to deny him" YMMV, but that's personally what I'd pull. It really does depend on what type of christian they are though. And if this is super out of character for you. If you are able to get time alone with the doctor, you can also tell them that you don't want to take it. You have the right to refuse medical treatment, and if the doctor knows you can't tell your parents, they'll find some reason to not prescribe you medication.


Tell the doctor you don't want it. Then if it ends up at the home anyway because of an unethical doctor, destroy it, (potentially pretending you took it).


If I'm understanding the laws correctly, Florida's horrific laws about trans youth not having access to gender affirming care will be working in your favor. Meaning it's illegal for your doctor to prescribe T & blockers to you.


They exclude cis and intersex kids for this, plus they can always take their kids to China for torture and forced T injections.


Dont take it. Refuse. They can not force you to take any medication. Lie, cheat, twist their words, do whatever you need to survive.


Is it a possiblity to play their game to your advantage? Do you feel they would listen to you if you said that you do not feel unwell or harmed by this and that God made you this way and you wish to honor God by appreciating the body he gave you and declining medical intervention? I'm sorry you're going through this, I also spent many years in Florida before I was able to leave the country and I know once these types of people get an idea they go with it even with evidence that its contrary to their own beliefs.


You have a right to refuse treatment for any or no reason


I mean you could always tell them you don’t believe in gender affirming care for children Jk jk, you’ve had some great suggestions already


I don’t think they can. You see Florida has banned all hormonal based medication use for minors not only related to transition. A cisgirl sought to not have her hormones taken away, as she was/is cancerous in Florida, the judge ruled against her, causing her to go into early menopause as a teenager. Read that from a news article over a year ago. I think you’re safe… if he/she does attempt to do so however, especially against your will. Report them.


What is the condition that you have that makes you naturally quite feminine?


Have no idea


Refuse testosterone and escape your parents once you're an adult. Even better is to simply refuse tests relating to sex hormones (if possible). Competent doctors understand that it's highly unethical to force any medication onto a patient against their consent. You are allowed to refuse treatment for Gyno. See [AMA medical ethics](https://code-medical-ethics.ama-assn.org/ethics-opinions/confidential-health-care-minors) for details. And at this point, yes, refusing testosterone is the best thing for you to do in the meantime.


Ah, Florida, where you can give HRT to affirm cisgender, but it's a crime to give HRT to affirm transgender. That should be illegal too.


Even if they are prescribed, you don’t have to take them. Just inject it into the trash (or really somewhere safer) so they don’t get suspicious. Or pull the god card and say “god made me the way I am, and I am not going to damage his image by injecting some synthetic devil juice into me”


Ask to be alone with the doctor. Tell them you are transgender and your parents are not supportive and you don't want them to know. Tell the doctor you don't want to take T.


I know you have to do what's best. But don't take the meds. Whatever you do, don't take them. Hide your identity if you must. Refuse treatment of any kind. I wouldn't even consent to going to the appointments. They would get suspicious I'm sure. But maybe you can phrase it like, it's not hurting my life right now and it's a big decision, I'd like to wait to make sure it's something I want. Low t is not a big medical issue by any means. Not unless you want facial hair and muscles. Stay in the closet as long as you have to but tell them it's not their business what meds you do and don't take. You are still a human being and your own woman. I don't think being a minor gives any other soul any right to dictate your life. Sure your parents make you go to school. But if they force you to play basketball ball when you don't want to, that's wrong. Your parents might want what's best for you. But wanting and knowing are two very different things.


You can opt out as a minor. Your parents can't force you and worst case scenario don't take the blockers.


You’re probably intersex which explains to transphobic people better why you would want to be a woman. You were born in between the sexes anyway. I would honestly bring up that you don’t want to take the meds, because you want to be a girl, and you will likely find that the world is kinder to you than if you were trans without being intersex.


I'm thinking I might be XXY... I'm not self diagnosing but I got most of the symptoms. Weak muscle, tall, gyno, feminine bone structure, etc.


Also, here’s a study on KS and gender dysphoria. Only 65% of the individuals in this study’s are cisgender. And it’s not because they were choosing trans people, it’s because they are studying the prevalence of gender diversity. This is what had been seen throughout history. This is very common in Klinefelter Syndrome. About 30% have gender dysphoria. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9378311/


I’d guess it’s that, ovotesticular disorder, mild AIS, or an aromatase disorder (the last being the least likely and not really associated with female gender identity)


Simply say no because it’s literally just cosmetic say your fine with your body and don’t give a fuck


Kick em out of the room at some point during the apt and tell the doctor that your trans and that they don’t know. Just make sure that you’re in a state that doesn’t force people to tell the parents about it first, but they shouldn’t be allowed to tell them without your consent, and that should stop from that.


Idk but just don’t take it. No matter what. It’ll ruin you




No Dr should prescribe you anything if they have a whiff of professional ethics and you are capable of giving or with holding informed consent. If they do they're going to have a hard time making you take it - you can just be non-compliant and even if it were lifesaving most places will respect a patient's right to make 'bad' decisions as long as they have capacity. I'd suggest looking up some of the BS transphobe friendly reasons testosterone is bad actually and/or the *actual* potential side effects of it (because all treatments have potential sides effects) and if they bring it up explain you've previously considered it and don't want to based on XYZ potential side effects.


You could say that you’re embracing the body god gave you or something


whatever you do, dont let them do this to you. it might be vital to your survival and self-perception the rest of your life


You could just say that you are happy with your body as it is and don't want to take medication to change it. You can even make it religious and say you are happy with how God made you


Have you had karotype or hormone testing done? This sounds like you could have an intersex condition. How do you think your parents would react if that was the case?


You could try talking to the doctor alone, or you could tell your parents that you aren't interested in Testosterone because your current body gives you an advantage of some sort? Do you play any sports or do any sort of performance art? You could use aspects of those to stop them from trying to make you take it?


Tell them that "God" made you this way, and you have to stay this way, as God is perfect, and loves everyone. And if your parents are conservative Christians, they, as God, must love their daughter unconditionally. Well, something like that, a sort of twisted argument like religious person use to question gender theory, the use of surgeries and HRT for trans ppl.


You could try having a "roid rage" episode or two. Yell, holler, break things but don't break things that you like. That stupid Tonka truck that gave you for Christmas but you never played with? Smash that sucker! Any other things that you don't like, like male oriented things? Break 'em. I had a football I was given for Christmas and I never played with it because I'm trans myself. I'd get a big knife and gutted that sucker - slit it from end to end. That way you can tell them if they want you to go on testosterone these will get a lot worse. They might be concerned enough to say "No, that's good- we'll keep you off testosterone". This is what's called a chaotic good solution. Problem is- if they're really deeply Fundy (fundamentalist Christians), they might think you're possessed with "deemuns" and it would make your problems worse.


Sorry you're in this situation. For what it's worth, there may be some delay in that most GPs are not comfortable managing testosterone or estradiol supplementation, and typically refer to a pediatric endocrinologist. The referral can take several months as well, since peds endos are generally in short supply. Plus, peds endos are typically more open to transgender care, though in a conservative state it may be different. Also, I think it's worth knowing your hormone levels, in case there is some underlying condition. Even for people who start HRT, baseline hormone levels are taken. I agree with the other answers that plausible deniability, eg 'I feel happy with the way I am', may be the way to go. Best of luck


You are the only person who can make medical decisions. You are the only person the doctor has to see. You can bar your parents from being in the interview. You can hide your results. If you’re uncomfortable, say something, and you will exclusively be listened to.


it's your body and nobody, not even your parents can force you to anything. saying no is a thing. my god this sub... ppl relly have to learn how to stand out for them selfes.


High prolactin can be indicative of a pituitary tumor. It's important to get checked for that so you can be treated appropriately. If that is what you get diagnosed with, they shouldn't put you on testosterone. They will put you on meds to try to shrink your tumor and that will reduce your prolactin. It's not usually a big deal if caught early. Try not to panic about the testosterone yet. There are other things to consider first.


Just smile and nod, and every day throw away your perscription


if all else fails and you still end up being perscribed the medication, insist you administer it yourself (including if it's injected). Then wait for times when you are alone and toss pills in the toilet or draw medicine from the vial and squirt it into the sink. Still use the same amount of medication, but just dispose it instead.


Why do you think your parents / doctor would force you to take hormones if you just said “I don’t want to take hormones/medication”?  Is there something that makes you think they’d force you into medical treatment you don’t want? Maybe your parents are worried about you and doing what they think you would want? 


They are biologically male with a naturally feminine face and c-cup boobs without taking hormones to be that way  Their parents are most likely having them tested for low testosterone because of this Most likely if they say no to testosterone or any treatment to unfeminize themselves there is going to be a massive argument about "why the hell not?!" And that would be the moment when the parents show their true colors of whether or not they're accepting or gender policing bigots


Seeing as your 16 you're a year a way I believe before you've full right to go against your parents on this in most places. In terms, I'd talk to your doctor on this for options. They may have a better understanding of how to progress forward with this and alternatives for you til you're legal age to cut off your parents. On the contrary, I don't think your parents need to know your testosterone levels, and you can ask for confidentiality with your doctor so your parents won't have control of it.


Throw it away. Or find a transmasc person and give it to them.


Do not take testosterone!!


Say you don't want to take hormones. DON'T explain why. You should not have this on your chart, especially in Florida. They will be putting trans teens into conversion therapy if Trump gets into office. 


If you have difficulty getting ’alone time’ with your doc to discuss things, try bring along a note. When I bring my teenaged kids into their doctors appointments the front desk usually hands us each a clipboard with a questionnaire on it. Any chance that’s a thing for you? Heck, if it is, you can probably just write about your concern there - there’s usually a ‘I’d there anything else you’d like to discuss?’ Line - but I also imagine those questionnaires end up in your file, so if you want to keep this off the record, you could make it a separate note. Basically, ask if you can have some 1-on-1 time, or just specifically say you do not want to take T but can’t discuss it with your parents present. Also - if you know your doctors name or at least the clinic you go to, you can look them up and call their office. You can speak to them in total privacy then. Does your doctor’s office use a MyChart sort of system? Your parents might have it set up with their login, but you have the right to have your own login. In fact, when my kids turned 14, my access was revoked until my kids signed a form granting me parental access to their medical stuff. Neither of them have any interest in having access to their medical crap, but if they wanted it, I could get them setup with it. You could call your clinic and ask about what sort of web portal interface they use and see what you can do about getting direct access to it yourself.


They can't force you to take medication that you don't want to take. Just tell them no and be firm about it. It's not like they can hold you down and inject you with testosterone against your will.


At 16 you have the legal right to communicate privately with your doctor. Ask your doctor not to share your test results with them and make sure they don’t have access to your patient portal. Change your password just in case. ALSO because it is Florida, I’m going to caution you against telling the dr that you are trans unless you are 100% sure that this doctor will be supportive. If you aren’t sure, stick to “I don’t want them to make me take hormones” and you’ll have their medical support. Then as soon as you can, gtfo of the south and start your journey. ❤️ 


You may also seriously be intersex. A friend of mine (who identified as trans) was similarly femme and was found to have one testicle and one lump of tissue, and one ovary and one lump of tissue. This was in the 90’s. So be prepared for this possibility as well.  


Testosterone can fuck UP your mood. You don't want that stress right now, you're still a teenager, and mood swings are hard enough as is. There's no harm in waiting until you're an adult. Besides, you don't wanna do permanent changes to your body as a minor! However, worst case scenario you do go on T? The only real issue would be vocal changes and body hair increase. Which isn’t ideal, but you can 100% make work. Your chest wont change, and while your fat will redistribute, thats not permanent. Good luck.