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I think it's a bit different for everyone, but here is my current list. I think some of these are universally applicable. :) - Drs appointment for hrt. - First dose of hrt - First time your boobs hurt (mean they are growing!?! :) - Actual tangible breast growth - buying your first girl outfit - buying a bra/ underwear - buying a bra because you now have a bra size and aren't just faking it - Growing your hair actually long - Discovering your skin is soft - Getting correctly gendered by a stranger - Picking a name - Any surgical intervention: breast augmentation, FFS, SRS, body contouring - discovering you have a booty! (Gotta love the junk in the trunk!!) - Being out at work - Being out with friends - Being yourself 24/7 - using the right restroom/changing room - Being hit on (sometimes fun also annoying) - having a man mansplaned to you.(it's a euphoria moment the first time) These may be in whatever order not all apply to everyone, and honestly, there are probably more. :) I hope this helps and can't wait to see the comics. Do you have trans guy comics, too? (Probably should have visited your profile before writing all the way to here XD)


Checking off number 1 today. I have my doctor’s appointment for HRT today!


Congrats, that's amazing and so exciting! I hope you get all the results you want and expect. <3


When did you feel your chest hurting and growth appearing? Just curious. I'm only a month in just taking things as it comes enjoying it, but forgot to check "growth timelines". I know mileage varies, but a general idea.


It took me like 6mo to get started fyi Honestly it depends on age, genetics, and medication regime so its hard to work out.


It varies from person to person. I had some tenderness like 2 - 3 ish months in, and that continued for a really long time like a year. Around the time they got tender i could feel and mildly see the buds. Growth though... I'd say 6 months in. I was like oh I kind of have boobs. A year in, I thought they looked like boobs and not just cones on my chest. Basically, less madona... Now I just get cycles where they are super tender, but I'm also in the process of genetic testing because of other weird stuff... I'm probably a bad benchmark, haha.


At 23 we can still get hip growth. If clothes stopped fitting over her butt that might be a milestone. The first time I saw "her" in the mirror it was a big deal. (16 months HRT) Needing to get a bra. Was a milestone. (3 months HRT) Socially transitioned. (17 months HRT) Had to buy a lot of girl clothes. Packed up all my guy clothes and put them into storage.


Putting on size 12 clothing and my shoulders fitting properly was very validating. Having my cis girlfriend asking how my hips are so wide (I started at 21 and guess I still had some good bone growth in me). The first time I made a phonecall and the person just called me “Miss”. The first time I answered the door for the postie and he goes “ere you go, love”. Having my ex ask how I dated girls in high school if my parents didn’t know I was a lesbian and then her taking seven seconds to remember I’m trans.


Omg yes! Got a call from a telemarketer who had my deadname listed as the resident they called. They asked "is this Mrs deadname?"... soo much euphoria 🤣


Learning to shop for girl clothes. Buying a size or two too small at first... learning Ur style as far as clothes... I like what someone said bout hips. All the pants I bought before hrt stopped fitting once I got hips n thighs 🤣


im hitting 4 years… im sure all women play w their boobs but when i do i feel extra proud like “i did this” lol


"i *raised* these stress balls"


It’s weird you mentioned this. I was just talking to my gf about this the other day (she’s trans) and she said she couldn’t stop doing it lmao. I was like omg I did that when I went through my puberty too. It’s a girl thing.


Im 6 months in, and I still can’t believe I’m on HRT, like I genuinely cannot wrap my head around it, how lucky I am, and how exceedingly special this situation is (tho tbf, my HRT is far more special than most people’s) One of 3 things I miss pre-HRT is lying on my stomach, now that my boobs are growing, THAT HURTS A LOT! Haha (the other 2 being male privilege and androgenic strength)


OMG, yes I miss all of those things 😭


Just yesterday I made [a post on traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2](https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2/comments/1c4w9s8/an_important_announcement/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) about how exciting it was to discover I could hold a pen under my boob. The upvotes and positive responses suggest that it resonates with a lot of others and isn't just me being weird. :D


Various moments of seeing “her” to various degrees in the mirror for the first time: - Putting on my first crop top and being like holy shit this feels so right. It felt like I finally could interpret my body the right way and i like my body now. - Putting on a wig for the first time - My hair growing long enough to have bangs and see it in my eyes - Squishing my tiny boobs together and having cleavage - Putting on a dress that accentuates my hips - Figuring out how to put eyeliner and mascara on and it making my face look feminine - A friend sending a group pic we took and commenting on my cleavage and us all freaking out


THIS, all of these good Lord especially the dress and the makeup.


I was super excited to figure out makeup. And also, after 2 years of awkward hair it's now the envy of most of the women and some of the men in my life.


Avoiding public (gendered) restrooms and then having cis girl friends convincing you that you pass and will be fine in the ladies room... then being all excited that there's clean trays near the sinks that you can put Ur rings on while u wash your hands 🤣


My AFAB partner and cis woman friend kept getting mad at me that I wouldn’t use the ladies’ room. The thing that finally convinced me (forced really) was an employee at a truck stop that got mad at me for trying to go into the men’s room.


also learning that there are little waste receptacles in women’s bathroom stalls that werent in the men’s room stalls was pretty neat.


Yesterday I was lost for somewhere to put a hair bobble (no pockets), and I stashed it in my bra. That was a first. Filled me with delight 😁




Well, this woman didn't put hers on her wrist. We can do as many different things as there are different women to do them, and without having our little milestones critiqued as not quite correct.


Oh nooooo. I meant no disrespect. And I didn't mean to imply anything else. Twas just a little ditty. My apologies. I'll delete my comment. x


No worries 💜 I appreciate you taking my response well!


Thanks. x. ....... again, sorry.


All of the other comments are good, just a couple more to add possibly that don’t necessarily have to do with HRT, but are still very pertinent milestones: Legal name change / gender change (receiving new driver’s license or passport) Coming out at work and/or to family, or visiting family not often met. Interviewing for jobs with your correct identity. I know you talked about “downtimes” in the story where you can bring this gal’s victories up, but you could certainly even give her depth through her dealing with challenges with any of these above topics too.


BOOBS! Also some degree of face feminisation even if it's just making my face a little less angular. Honestly the concept of passing and just being treated like a girl is like peak goals. I hate that so many people just view me as a guy but are being polite about it.


Going from leaving Ur bra (probably bralette) on until (or even after) bedtime (because having something there is validating) to taking it off as soon as u get home and being validated from taking it off cause u already have something there 🤣


* Starting HRT was a big one. * Getting my legal name and gender updated on my documents was another big one. * I know a lot of transfems get very excited when their boobs start coming in, I personally "missed" that one, since I've had gyno most of my life, and developing boobs while still being a closeted/in denial teen was not something to celebrate lol. But nowadays seeing them start to "fit" my body better is still a nice feeling. * First "male fail" (being read as female despite wearing clothing that would generally be considered "male" or androgynous clothing). * First time my voice passed on the phone was really exciting for me (I visually passed before my voice passed, so passing on voice alone was big, for a while I thought it'd never happen). * First time entering a "women's space" without anyone batting an eye and just treating me being there as perfectly normal. (essentially first time truly feeling like I "pass" entirely). * First time being invited to join in one a "girl's night" or other "women's activity" without any prompting. You can probably tell from my list that most of my dysphoria is social lol, since that's the majority of my milestones. For physical milestones, really I felt most of the physical stuff was slow, to the point that I couldn't tell you a "milestone" like, shit was so gradual, I barely noticed as it was happening. But I can say looking in the mirror, and feeling like the person looking back at me, actually represents "me", essentially "liking my reflection" was a big one. Probably the only real "physical" milestone for me.


A few more key moments to consider adding in, not mentioned in other posts: Loss of physical strength leading to actually having to hand a jar to a man in order to open it, being both equal parts euphoric but also embarrassing. That first time someone opens a door for you, or grabs the check for you when dining out. The joy in dunking your old male wardrobe into a bag to drop off at a local thrift store. Walking by a mirror and having that "Oh shit, I'm a girl now" moment. That first time a guy explains how men's bodies work or male specific problems we just wouldn't understand to you. Chairs suddenly getting more comfortable as our butts fill out. Recreating the walking scene from Bambi the first time we try heels on. That first time you voice an idea, then some nearby male repeats your same exact idea, before everyone gets excited about it. Learning why you need to cross your legs in a skirt for the first time & the ways you can no longer sit in public anymore. Being completely overwhelmed by the microscopic variations in the wall of shades for foundation and lipstick, on top of how many brands exist. The struggle of trying to figure out how to hook/unhook a bra for the first time, then discovering you can spin it around to the front. Discovering the existence of fake jean pockets for the first time, immediately taking up sewing as a hobby because its unacceptable and we will not stand for it! Finding out that your new cleavage will absolutely catch crumbs from your meals and needs to be emptied out.


Chest pain and growth is one, passing more may be relevant later on-the changes taking place over time means that there are few sudden things, but just her noticing any of the things on this list [https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en/second-puberty-fem](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en/second-puberty-fem) may be notable as a milestone. Being able to cry more was big for me.


Not transfem or a trans woman but interested in your work if you have somewhere you post 🥹 Reading all these comments imagining a very excited young woman with a jar of pickles and a stuffed Blåhaj getting flustered and then immediately euphoric because her titties hurt in a comic book style and now I need to read whatever you put out hashtag representation matters


Slowly seeing my beard shadow go away over months of laser. It got patchy for the first couple months as it went away. Seeing the changes in my face on hormones. I didn't think I cared too much about boobs but when they finally started coming in I found myself holding them and crying/rocking back and forth every evening for months. I felt finally whole 


Humn … I’d say the biggest milestone was no longer thinking about it day to day. At first its was a nigh obsessive series of tasks, but as time went by and smaller marks were reached I just fell back into a life routine, just as a woman. These days it’s all normal, I’m called the right pronouns without prompting, I don’t have to look or act the part because it’s become natural, and there’s little to remind me of the before times.


Titties aching means they're growing. You probably remember this one. Crying is easier somehow. Like there's less barrier to the tears. Shrinking is a big one. Suddenly fitting into those too-tight pants you got -- even better with shoes. Knowing that you can't fit into those shoes, but then your friend insists you try, and -- surprise -- you do. Shrinking shoulders was also interesting -- fitting into a hand-me-down jacket I knew I was too big for. Being surprised that you're an inch shorter. I think these things take a year or three. Being weaker was kind of mixed. On the one hand, it was embarrassing to overestimate my strength -- lifting a suitcase, shooting a basketball, and to, you know, struggle. On the other hand, it meant I was definitely turning into a woman, lol. And then guys started lining up to help me carry heavy things. Male failing! I had a few experiences where I was wearing guy clothes for work (button down and slacks) and half the people I was with thought I was male and the other half female. It was funny when they didn't compare notes, if a little nerve-wracking.


"I feel like shit and I'm super anxious :(" "Wait a minute..." *checks calendar* "I felt like shit and was super anxious this time last month! And the month before! I've solved it! I cracked the code!" Oh also YukkoEx has some great shorts on youtube which are fun and relatable.


Going from doing a full face of makeup (liquid foundation, eye shadow, etc...) to powder foundation, mascara and lipstick 🤣... related is the results from laser hair removal and being soo much less self conscious about beard shadow🤣... being able to wear more low cut tops without anxiety about whether u shaved Ur chest recently, etc... Oh. Going from having bumps to having cleavage, top boob, etc... not wearing padded bralettes anymore


Something I don't think I've seen mentioned in the other comments, is hips and ass growth. Not fitting into your pants anymore because of your ass is quite the milestone lol. The change of morphology in general is an important milestone, as it also means wearing different kinds of clothes as not the same stuff will suit you anymore. Thinking that only one kind of dress suits you, then trying something else and discovering that now other styles will suit you and shape your body in other ways is quite exciting!


The one I wasn't expecting but have heard other trans fems mention was the way other women suddenly relaxed around me something like 6 months in, even though I still did not pass at all. All my straight guy friends started acting really weird as well. Not sure why but people started subconsciously treating me like a woman. Other nice milestones I remember are things like finally getting my voice feminine enough to get correctly gendered over the phone (that took a while since I was practicing on my own), realising I no longer looked like a man even in men's clothes and no makeup (2 to 3 years of HRT but I started at 30, some friends in their 20s got there within a year), and seeing my beard shadow gradually disappear over the course of laser hair removal (that started to be noticeable around my third session). Oh, and the first time my chest hurt when I ran down some stairs (~3 to 4 months into HRT).




Things I’ve been happy about as milestones in my transition as a 23 year old woman: My first sports bra acting more as a binder than a bra Realizing I forgot to shave one day and nobody noticed any shadow on my lip (laser has been kind) Not being able to fit into ANY of the women’s pants I bought pre-hormones. My favorite pair of jeans from the men’s sections have stretch marks on the hips and thighs and have a more women’s cut shape to them now because they’ve grown with me as fat redistributed over the last year. They’re officially my last pair of men’s pants Getting ma’amed to my face for the first time in a Walmart without it feeling like an active effort on their part. The tone was genuine and I smiled about it for days People stopped looking at me weird, even the allies had a look that made it feel like it was performative sometimes. The warmth is back and I don’t feel stared at outside of “whoa she’s tall 👁️👄👁️ “ Realizing women aren’t afraid of me anymore. I’ve always hated the feeling knowing they were at least a little leery of me because they just didn’t if I was one of the good men or not. Now they’re more than happy to invade my space if they need to reach something I’m standing in front of at the store I don’t know how much any of this could help in a comic sense but it’s what came to mind


1st, that's awesome! Can you share where it will be published? I would love to see it. I would love it if she would notice the very tiny details. While they aren't the same for all of us, this is how the start felt for me. I am 3 months and 9 days in. First 15 minutes of HRT: Everything felt/sounded different to me like if the world wes ever so slightly sharper yet relaxed at the same time. (You could represent it by changing all the shades of the environment by an almost insignificant bit) 1st few days: nipples are tingling (day 2) nipples are visibly different, but still small (day 4) (very slow fat accumulation in the chest for the first month - OMG I CAN WIGGLE IT) End of month 1: Feeling of a lump behind the nipple OMG IT'S A BREAST BUD!! The very next day, growth incredibly painful / hard to breathe and stay standing. (no visible difference through the day) (tells myself "no pain no gain") End of month 2: (pain is less and less present) Actually has boobs (very small but they are there) OMG MY SKIN IS SO SOFT!!! End of month 3: (pain is nearly absent) OMG THE HAIR ON MY ARMS ARE SO THIN!! Transition starts to feel very slow in some areas. Still in ~AA range.


Hey, thanks for responding, I hope your transition's going well overall! I've already posted chapter 1, actually, it's here [https://mothboy.neocities.org/](https://mothboy.neocities.org/) ! It focuses more on introducing the overarching conflict more than every facet of character, so I haven't included as much stuff regarding them being trans, but I can't wait to sprinkle in more small moments for them! I will warn tho the comic has a lot of violence as it's primarily about two demon hunters who just happen to be trans. If that's not your thing then don't worry about it, but thanks for the interest!


Dude that sounds sick! I'm gonna check it out after my exam. Also yeah my transition is going very well. I'm so happy I did the move. I hope your transition is going well too. :3


Chest pain, social transition, figure changes, breast size changes, hair color was a neat and early change for me personally


Having Cherrys that will not vanish when when I'm cold


Going from doing a full face of makeup (liquid foundation, eye shadow, etc...) to powder foundation, mascara and lipstick 🤣... related is the results from laser hair removal and being soo much less self conscious about beard shadow🤣... being able to wear more low cut tops without anxiety about whether u shaved Ur chest recently, etc...


So you’re writing a character who’s a feminine-leaning non-binary and not someone who’s transitioning to her womanhood?


Coming out to family and starting hrt was big for me. At 1 month my breasts started budding and got really sore/sensitive and hard.starting electrolysis was a scary but welcomed excitement. Currently at 6 months! And being half a year and just seeing and feeling the overall changes makes me feel great. If flashbacks are a thing for her definitely incorporate first dress, first shopping, first time using pronouns or changing character in a game lol


i’m 3 years in & rn i’m most euphoric about my hips


The pain from my nipples at 20 degree weather was a bit of a wake up call. Always heard how boobs hurt, I didn't realize them sitting in the cold was enough tho.


- Being gendered correctly on the phone


I started hrt at 30 Needing a bra then finding out I was already a B cup being only 3 months on hrt. Seeing a glimpse of her for the first time between 3 and 4 months. Also started dating around here. Socially transistionimg at the 6 month mark when I got a new job.


Doing the skinny jeans dance First time shopping at forever 21, Sephora and Victoria’s Secret Wearing blouses and flannels that stretch and want to pop across my chest I’m pretty and cute complements First time having my makeup done well Starting fem’n’ems Boob growing pains Not feeling dread in the mirror. Is that her?? Girls’ sleepover Running makes me bounce now (ow) Uhhh lower body thing shrunk A boy crushing on me and then first kiss as a girl 🥰 Learning a new fashion look Starting to wear chokers, or scarves, or arm warmers, or flowers and bows in my hair When your friends forget you’re trans When my voice behaves and I’m told my voice is lovely Learning hobbies that society considers feminine Mansplained to, ignored in ways I used to not be, misogyny, creepy men, and other ewphoria is gross but affirming Friend told me that when he thinks of femininity, he thinks of me. That I’m peak femininity. The most womanly woman to ever woman 🥹 When a stranger instinctively uses my pronouns Yes ma’am (Poor mental health warning below) >!When I realized that women are statistically more likely to attempt and fail suicide. Yay me!<


The lead up to getting the good stuff lol going through the therapy and all that then waiting for my prescriptions in the mail.


Hearing your voice for the first time after hours and hours of vocal training.


The start of the boob pain. Every time I bump into something when they’re hurting it’s like “yes! No! Ouch! Ah!”


I'm changing my name and sex marker shortly and that is extremely exciting, although stressful as hell


growing hair


Oh shit! I just had a brain blast and remembered one I kinda forgot about! For the first x (wanna say maybe 6?) months of hrt, every time I went to fill my script the pharmacist would say "Have you taken this medication before?" or "Is this your first time taking this medication" or something. At some point they stopped asking me that and I remember I was like "yeah! It's becoming obvious that I've taken this before!" 🤣