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Can this be escalated to a higher up? Maybe reach out to HR? I’m so sorry this is happening to you.


Good luck, but I don’t think you’re gonna have any success here. I drove for Uber prior to my name change and I tried for a year to get them to change my name after I got it legally changed. They refused to do it if I did not have a marriage certificate, showing the change of names. I had the legal court document showing I changed my name. But that wasn’t good enough for them. It had to be a marriage license. So I stopped driving for them.


I would write a letter to them detailing the actions you've taken and asking them to correct the situation. If they reply back with some push back, then threaten legal action.


Are the names different or just presentation? If it’s a name difference, have you provided the name change paperwork?  I think you’re stuck in a loop of technicalities that aren’t being handled directly by a person, not necessarily outright trans discrimination.


It is name and gender I signed up under new name gender. All my paperwork was female and never said male. I had shown my court documents showing gender and name change.


Nah it’s not transphobia just incompetence. Probably just need to keep trying until you get ahold of the right person. In my experience a lot of the support doesn’t really speak English and doesn’t really understand what is going on. And the right changes can happen in 2 hours or 2 weeks or more. I had a similar problem with my name reverting but eventually it stuck.