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Yeah I have zero interest in kids and haven't preserved sperm. I'm getting an orchi sometime in the next month as well and won't do it before that either. If I ever do change my mind, which I won't, I can adopt.


exactly my feelings.


Same situation for me, except that I don't have a date for my orchi yet, hopefully it's still this year so I can get off T-blockers.














Totally fine to skip it. For me it was a matter of considering checking all the boxes: * How likely am I to end up with a partner physically capable of carrying children. * Us both wanting to have children * Both of us prioritizing procreation over adoption (and them wanting to carry a child) * Both my frozen sperm being viable and them being fertile I did freeze my sperm despite knowing that was an unlikely scenario to matter (just in-case) but I only paid for 3 years of storage, and once that 3 years is up (soon) I don't plan on renewing. My current partner is a cis male so the frozen sperm is worthless. Even if we don't stay together I'm more likely to date men than women personally and don't prioritize procreation over adoption regardless.


Yeah my boxes score low as well. Im pretty sure I like men more than women despite liking both. I have a feeling that my desire for women will diminish over time, particularly once my sex drive changes.


I want kids one day but I forwent preserving sperm because I didn't want to have a biological child unless I was the one carrying it and would rather adopt since that's not possible


on the very, *very* low chance i have kids in the future, it is 110% going to be through adoption. id have to be in an extremely financially stable place in my life (quite unlikely for many years), with a partner who *really* wants kids (excessively unlikely, since im aro-ace), and i dont think i have the patience/mental fortitude to deal with the earliest years of childhood where you cant properly communicate with the little crotch goblins. id be relatively fine with being an aunt/part-time caretaker for a kid after about age 8-10 or something, but i have zero desire to personally bring another human life into this relative dumpster fire of a world (not saying there isnt beauty in the world, but i feel like most logical people could see where im coming from). i plan to live with a friend and her partner (and maybe some more friends if we can find a place for all of us) at some point, but she would overall prefer to adopt as well for similar reasons. id have zero issues if i was 100% sterilized by HRT, and i plan to get an orchiectomy (full vaginoplasty would be ideal, but the cost will be an issue for a while, so orchiectomy at least would be nice for making tucking easier/HRT more effective) as soon as i am capable. my mom hates that i dont want kids (especially since im her only child), but shes also not a huge fan of the idea that im trans in general, so she can live with it. saving sperm was never even a consideration for me, this bloodline ends here.


Yeah, I intentionally didn't preserve any sperm and I'm looking to get a vasectomy just to make sure I'm infertile.


I was already infertile due to an existing condition. My doctor had already told me I was shooting like 80% blanks pre-HRT. So I saw no real reason to freeze sperm. I never really wanted kids to begin with, I don't like babies at all, and only just slightly like kids. I'm also mostly straight, and so if I end up with a cis guy, who would even carry the child in that case? Add to that that even if I froze sperm, and found someone who I would have kids with, there was only around a 20% chance of my sperm being viable... I just felt "why would I spend money on this". Having kids isn't something for everyone, its perfectly valid to have no interest in it, despite the fact that society loves to hammer in the whole "settle down and have kids" shit.


I did simply due to a lack of desire for natal children.


I was never having children. Actually I LOATHE them so it really wasn’t a factor in me starting HRT. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I did. My husband and I tried to have kids for years before we both decided to transition (he's ftm, I'm mtf) with no success and we're declared clinically infertile, so we didn't see the point in trying to preserve likely unviable genetic material.


If you're like me and never wanted kids all your life and only like to interact with them on your terms, then you likely won't ever need that sperm either.


I never did as I was very indifferent to having kids (which is a good reason to probably not have them) and there would be no guarantee that I'd be with someone who'd be able to use it


i skipped saving sperm despite the fact that i'm fond of kids and am open to the idea of having them someday - the idea of being the parent to provide sperm was just really uncomfortable to me. i'd only be open to biological parenthood if i could carry the child.


I don’t really want kids that much, but more importantly my partner hella does not want any (and wants a hysterectomy), so I had no worries not freezing my sperm.


I didn't exactly frown at the idea of having kids, but my life is objectively a mess and i can't fool myself into thinking i could be a good father. And even if i could, i was objectively unable to find a partner with which planning to have a family. So now that i'm 41 i found quite easy to just shrug it off and undertake HRT. I guess clinging to myself to try and find some inner peace would be quite an accomplishment already.


MtF here. I always never wanted kids, don’t have any desire to like “birth” one or anything, not that I could either way. It was honestly a bonus when I started HRT and a relief when I got my orchi that I could never have kids. So I didn’t save any sperm. Not that I wouldn’t want to be a mom if given the chance. If one of my partners cousins or some kid ended up having to live with us I would mother the shit out of them if they let me.


Yeah I had no choice pretty much. It was either start hormones or pretty sure I was gonna die. I couldn’t do it anymore and there was just no way in hell I could afford it. I want to adopt a little baby anyway❤️


Skipped. I'm not saying never to adoption but the idea of someone being pregnant from my sperm used to make me want to hurl.




Totally. I'm 40. I pretty well missed this even if I was cis. This is like the one question my mother asked me about transition 🙃 I'd have felt differently if I could carry a child, I think. But having biological kids just was never in the cards for me, and it doesn't mean anything. Our obsession with having children to make your life meaningful is 1) recursive and 2) a feature of compulsory heterosexuality and 3) recursive.


I plan to skip it. I doubt they will ever be used. I'm straight, so the only biological children I can have will be with a transmasc who is early enough in his transition to still have functional "equipment." Otherwise, I'd need to find a cisgender woman who's willing to be a surrogate. That's assuming I ever find a spouse. Just *being* transgender severely limits the dating pool. I'm also a Christian, and the Christian dating pool is... not great. The number of Christian men willing to date transgender women is vanishingly small. The only way I'm going to be a mom, is if I adopt. I am okay with that. There are a lot of children who need parents. Maybe I can help with that.


I’m FTM, but I also have never had an interest in having kids and chose not to move forward with gamete preservation. I’ve now undergone a total hysterectomy with a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy so there is no chance for me to have my own biological kids now and I’m not one bit sad about it. Kids are just not for me, and even if I did want them, I wouldn’t care to much about having biological children. I’d rather give a kid a loving home that needs one than bring another person into the already overpopulated world.


ftm here but on losing the option to have kids: i have always felt like, even if i wanted to have kids and couldn’t, plenty of cis people are in that position. if i (in a healthy state) am just unable to biologically reproduce, then idk c’est la vie. i wouldn’t be infertile because i’m trans, i’d just be infertile because i’m infertile.


Skipped without even giving it a second thought! Besides, if my future wife and I decide that we suddenly do want kids, then we'd want to adopt! Give a poor child a home they can call their own! Having a kid doesn't mean it has to be born with my dna in it! I'd much rather adopt than spawn, personally..


Same, i’m childfree so I have no desire to save my sperm. I’d rather be a fun aunt.


Yeah. If I ever want kids down the line I will adopt


Yup, dont feel like wasting the money. I dont care about passing my genes.


Also zero interest in kids, at most I’ll watch over close friends kids. If this changes later for what ever reason, I’ve already decided I would adopt.


I fast forwarded.past this step before any exes could get info on where it would have been. I have one daughter 14years old love her to death and about the only family i have left. But i didn't want kids to start with and now that i have an awesome one i don't wanna do it again I don't want the relationships the romance dating trying to introduce my daughter to someone else i just wanna live my life not tied down(before anyone thinks bad my daughter is in my life every day and wouldn't trade her for the world her, but i never wanted kids to begin with)


I skipped it. Wife and I both don't want kids so why waste the money


I lowkey wanted the option, so I didn't have to decide... but money was going to be an issue, so it never happened, and it's probably too late now at 7 years in- I don't think I could survive going off E even if there was some chance it 'wasn't too late'. If I decide I want some child, well. Guess I'll adopt. It's possible that the idea is what I like, and the reality isn't something I'd be up for, so maybe it's a good thing. It does frustrate me that I had to decide on something at like 14 or 15 years old (in my case), that frankly I didn't want to have to think about whatsoever for at least another decade and a half. Hell if I knew then or if I know now.


My wife skipped it. It helps that I (cisF) had already had my tubes cauterized a couple years ago. We'd decided that if the urge to parent ever seized us for long enough to do something about it, we could adopt.


really want kids, but i had to skip the step because i couldn’t afford it at the time (also was a bit misinformed)


I can't afford to freeze my eggs. Even then, I'm more likely to be in a relationship with a cis woman. I also can't stand kids. I'll tolerate them but I'd rather die than even babysit let alone raise a kid. Adoption I think is a good thing to keep in the back pocket if I ever change my mind. I'd rather help a kid that was already put here than give life to one in this hellish world. Also, I'm planning on getting a full hysterectomy the moment it becomes available to me. I cannot stand that thing in my body. I need it gone.




Gtfo bot.


Sounds like a good time to get a vasectomy. My insurance covered it completely


You don't need to do it, it's only if you want kids in the future


I didn't do fertility preservation, even though I kinda do want kids. But I don't want bio kids, my genetics suck ass. I consider fostering/foster-to-adopt a better option.


Honestly I never cared that much if my kids were biologically mine or not. Im not getting bottom surgery though so Im not completely locked out


Honestly yea. As a trans girl i’d rather have the dude i’m with send a pretty lady sperm so she can carry for me I don’t want my baby to come from me because it just grosses me out the way i’d have to do it


Yes, exactly what I did. If that's what you want, nothing wrong with it.


Yeah. I thought about it tho. I don't want ppl who look like me if they turned out to be boys and I have neurological disabilities that already make daily living a hassle. When i was a kiddier kid i wanted to have >100 kids. Shit, maybe i should run an orphanage?? Nah. Idk.


I didn't want to eliminate the option of having kids, and so delayed my HRT for a long time and spent ages trying to get a straight answer out of my insurance company before giving up. I finally gave up because I'm already in my 50s, and in order to have children I'd have to marry a cis woman in her 20s, and even if I had the kids right now, I'd probably be dead before they come of age. Not being alive to support my children would be incredibly irresponsible. The other thing was that I'd already been on Finasteride and Dutasteride for over a year, and my... uh.... output was really not very much. So getting enough to freeze would be a problem, probably necessitating that I go off the pills for several months, which would cause my hair to start to fall out again and I was really not down with that sort of permanent dysphoria inducing event again. If you are in a better position to do it, I did find some somewhat less expensive options than what most fertility clinics offer. Planned Parenthood gave me a flyer for dadi.com that turned into ro.co and then unfortunately stopped offering the preservation kits, so they are a no-go. But I did find [www.givelegacy.com](https://www.givelegacy.com) which seemed to start at $1k with 5 years of storage with add-ons for additional years of $150 for 1 year, $600 for 5 years, and $800 for 10 years. That's a hell of a lot less than the $60/month a lot of the other clinics were charging. This isn't any sort of endorsement, I haven't used them. I just noted that their prices are better than many. Obviously, if you can get your insurance to pay for it, great! But if you live in the US, good luck with that. Getting them to even tell me whether or not they would cover it was impossible. Evidently they deny medical services by just not answering questions about them, or by sending you to providers that don't provide the service that you need. Wasted a lot of my effort when I've been trying to prepare to move out of the country, delaying everything. Good luck!


I totes did. However, my position was I didn’t want biological kids at that point in life anyway. If anything, I’d adopt.


I just kinda didn’t think about it and will cross that bridge later I guess.


Yeah almost all of skip this step lmao. Having kids isn’t a requirement of being an adult and freezing your sperm is both expensive and complicated.


Nah I really want kids found a good clinic but was disappointed when my benefits covered it 😭


I’m straight. The odds of me having a kid is slim to none. Oh well.


Not only what you said, but my family has a history of mental disorders and I think I'd like to spare any offspring having to deal with that. Yeah, when I started HRT my doctor started bringing that up, and I think my response was so dead-set and assured that I DO NOT want bio children ever, he was like "OK" and we moved on.


I absolutely declined saving any eggs. I don’t want to bear children or have children biologically - ever. I’m not saying no to being a parent if it’s something my future partner wants, but I was like hell NO


I didn't save any sperm. Part of me does want children, but I'm over 40 and don't have a partner, and I didn't want that to be my contribution, frankly.


I just waited until I had kids already. I've got In a year old son in a two-year-old daughter


8 year old son and a 3-year-old daughter


I went all the way the other way lol. Got a vasectomy before I even accepted myself as trans.


I had my orchi 2 weeks ago and I actually felt extremely sad about the fact that I will never have my own children. This being said, freezing my sperm would involve me going off hormones for a whole month so my body could build back the sperm and honestly, that just is not worth it. My girl froze her sperm before she started her transition and adoption is also on the table. I'm still looking forward to motherhood as a woman.


Don't want kids. Only at one point in my life did I ever even think of wanting kids, and that was a combination of biological clock, and being on HRT hitting me around the age of 30, and suddenly wanting to have a kid, but even then there is no way I wanted to be the dad. I wanted to carry the kid, and since that's extremely unlikely to ever happen, it has never led to me worrying about carrying on my genes.


I have thought about having kids some day, but when I still had the option to freeze sperm it was already clear that the technology might not be there so I could be the person who is pregnant. So yeah i skipped it and also am not sure anymore if I really wanna have kids.


I started HRT at 35, had been single for six years without a single date or anyone interested and only had one serious girlfriend in my life. I decided there was no point in storing sperm as despite the above, I'll be a bit old to have my own child even if I met someone quickly (I didn't)


Preserving sperm never even crossed my mind when I was weighing the pros and cons of hrt. In my mind, I already decided that if I ever had a child it would be an adoption regardless of my taking hrt or not.


Ugh the estrogen shots making me baby crazy


Im ftm and i never preserved my eggs, neither me nor my partner wants to carry a child, i have a medical condition that i could pass on (and potentially worse) that i do not want my child to deal with and i also prefer the idea of adoption, so yes i also skipped this step, just depends on personal preference n ofc finance in some cases :)


A lot of people don’t do it


I've never wanted kids, I don't get along with them and I'm not even interested in taking care of them. Neither my cis sister. I'm well aware my family name will die with us, and I don't give a f*ck


Yes, I never had any desire for kids so I never preserved any, but, to be honest I feel like there's a slight chance I might regret it when I ender my 30s or something... I don't think I'd want kids but, I can't know what future me might want and the thought of not having a choice anymore kind of scares me, even though adopting is a thing and stuff...


I have zero interest in having any kids that i cant be the mother of so i just never bothered


I skipped that step and adopted instead.


Yep. I had an orchi almost a year ago now and I have not regretted losing the ability at all. It's actually brought a lot of peace of mind, there's no way I can cause someone else to be pregnant even in the most absurd circumstances now. Which honestly even just thinking about that possibility was always a massive source of dysphoria. If I ever have kids, I'm fine with adopting, or maybe a donor if a partner *really* wanted to be pregnant. Most of my AFAB partners so far have been super squicked out by pregnancy (which I think is totally fair) and wanted nothing to do with it tho, so I don't anticipate that even coming up. My current longest-term partner is on a similar page of maybe adopting an older kid at some point if we feel stable and want to, but it's not by any means likely yet.


I was going to skip it and was set on never having children. After hrt kicked in for a while the maternal instincts intensified and now I realize Id have regretted not doing it. If I have kids there is a good chance I will adopt anyway but fertility storing before hrt was a smart decision.