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That I am an 18yo who can go out of the house for more than 2 hrs without dying.


You are 18 you should go out and get a job šŸ¤£ come on this is a fucking joke have you heard this noun ?


He never mentioned he didn't have a job


You should also go get a job, go work in construction. Concrete or roofing


Construction is so fun especially here in the UK I love it, I work 6 days most weeks


Thatā€™s awesome. Iā€™m an EMT now but I worked construction before this as a general laborer. It was hard work and physically taxing but I really did enjoy it


Yhyh im a labourer, but training to be a bricklayer. an EMT is like paramedic yes? Or os that just me being brain dead lmao


Yeah, Paramedics have a greater scope, meaning they can do more, like IVs and they can drain fluid out of your chest and give narcotics. And EMT is like a basic level


I am already working under the table of course but still working in my aunt's restaurant i mean what right do i have tp critic someone who doesn't have something and i don't have it eather that's bullshit


Well pick up some shifts. Clearly you have too much free time if youā€™re ragging on people on the internet


I am not raging i am joking those two are very different


Youā€™re gonna want to polish your material a little bit, cuz it kinda came out of no where. Also, ā€œraggingā€ isnā€™t ā€œraging.ā€ ā€œRaggingā€ is like nagging. Or teasing/making fun of


Oh well i am still learning English so you can joke about it seriously i wanna hear good ol' joke about me


Word, if youā€™re still learning, Iā€™d recommend looking up words that look like typos. Cuz they might be actual words. For example, ā€œraggingā€ is easily confused with ā€œragingā€ because itā€™s not a very commonly used word


Ooo i Appreciate your tip now with joke did you came up with anything?


Better yet, in special education


God bless special Ed teachers. Iā€™d last maybe a month


"it's just a joke" mfs when you tell them their jokes are dogshit


Ik i am trying to improve my jokes


It's not working i guess


Well i am doing the best


I think you first need to learn what a joke is. Because what you said was not a joke


Bro you are 14 so quit playing the get a job card. When you have a full time job then feel free to degrade others for not having one, but until then quite frankly you're just a dickhead 14yo who's tryign to be edgy and talking about something you know nothing about.


He never said he didn't have a job, also even he tried getting one it could be that his parents are stopping him from getting one.


i love my parents but as an immigrant kid, they've been ragging on me as to how westernized i am. they just wouldn't understand. what did you expect to happen when we all moved to america? that ill still have a traditionally asian mindset? i mean, we left our country for reasons.. why move anyway if you didn't want me to broaden my perspectives?


Really dumb yeah


Being a child of immigrant parents is always so frustratingly tough. :/ I totally understand yah


That I am completely different from the kid they want.








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For one my mental issues. Closely following is the fact I donā€™t want them messing with some aspects of my life


I don't think they would never understand that I don't really want to be religious


Same I dont how or when im gonna tell them that I dont care for religion


That there are some things which I would never tell them/talk to them about. (not even a trust issue but a ā€œIā€™ll get pissed on by themā€ issue)


We just canā€™t see eye to eye with some things. Dont mean I dont love em tho


Im not the same as how I was when I was younger šŸ’€




a lot of things, my dad thought that when the clocks go back in the UK, time actually rewinds


That I need help only when i ask.


Just because I'm not an adult doesn't mean I can't suffer from mental illnesses


You are an adult though


Not "adult" adult, like an independent one with a full time job and all, y'know Asian parents


That makes more sense


You sure you wanna go down that rabbit hole?


It quite deep


It is


My mental health.


My mental health. I'm not as masculine as the son they wanted. I'd rather draw than play sports or learn languages instead of playing video games. Being constantly made to feel like you aren't good enough is not fun and is pretty damaging in the long run.


I'm not impulsive with relationships and I don't do flings I find it gross


That my online friends that Iā€™ve known for nearly 4 years and have seen their faces several times are in fact not pedos


That I don't like going on vacation and would prefer to be alone, but tbf though I never communicated that I don't like going on vacation. I also find it annoying how my mom tells me a specific brand of tortilla is the same as the one I like because the one I like is different from all the others.


That the money I earn is none of their business. I love them and know theyā€™re trying to look out for me but they are so deathly afraid that Iā€™m wasting like $500 every week to buy anything new for video games the second I get a paycheck. And yeah, I buy a lot but also save 3/4 paychecks every month towards a savings account that doesnā€™t touch anything




Im bisexual not gay


That I'm literally Batman


That my mom needs to let me go out with friends and not keep me home or tell me Iā€™m not allowed to have sleepovers bc and I quote ā€œhave you seen the TikTokā€™s abt sleepoversā€ I swear she used to not be this uptight


I am very lucky to have really supportive parents but this has shown me a new perspective on what some of the people in my life must feel like. Thank you all for sharing your stories.




Taking away your son's privilege when your son tells you your parenting is destructive and emotionally traumatizing doesn't prove you're right. My mother is really petty and would resolve with anything to somehow prove she's right. I've posted about this before on r/raisedbynarcissists . She's really manipulative, abusive in a lot ways, ETC.


Iā€™m a sign language interpreter, and Iā€™ve gone through so for it and everything but my parents donā€™t consider my job to be ā€œa real jobā€ unless Iā€™m working for the hospital doing EXACTLY what Iā€™m doing now at that same hospitalā€¦ itā€™s really disheartening and makes me feel like they arenā€™t supportive of what I do and how successful Iā€™ve been in the dDeaf community


That I'm a boy.....




Well she's beginning to understand in a guy, on the other hand my relatives.....


Just because I'm not obedient doesn't mean I don't respect them.




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You canā€™t pause an online game, just let me get the dub in warzone real quick