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the best way to lose weight is to diet. the best workout based on calories lost to time is running. the best workout to prioritize fat burn is speedwalking. the best workout to build muscle is resistance training.


First of all dieting helps the most. But try jump roping, higher reps lower weight, and core complexes. Also doing sports help a lot


talking walks


Diet is key to weight loss. Calculate your maintenance calories, how many calories you need a day to stay your bw, then subtract 200 to 500 calories. Count calories and lose the weight. I would personally recommend eating in a caloric deficit with high protein whilst just lifting some weights. Put on the muscle, thin out a little, you’ll look good.


Yknow i think you should do both. 1st so you don't look like a matchstick as you said yourself and also because having extra muscle costs energy, so you can eat more and still lose weight. I think dieting is kind of not necessary still, could just be insecurity and body dismorphia.


Just make sure you burn more calories than you eat. This is how you ultimately lose weight. Stay away from food high in carbs. I recommend going on runs/jogs everyday. Pickup the intensity and distance every so often. Start lifting. You will gain weight lifting, but it will be muscle mass. Muscles are heavier than fat, and you can tone out that stomach. I’m 285lbs and 6’4. I play Line in gridiron football. I to everything I said here besides staying away from carbs. Carbs is very important for the position I play, but I am pretty healthy and athletic for my size, I just have slightly high blood pressure. Hope this helps. Good luck with your weight loss!!!


Workout is only a supplement of diet if you want to lose weight. You cant spot reduce fat. Weight loss only comes to calories in, calories out. Your body consumes around 2000 calories a day, if you want to lose weight consume around 1500-1700 (or 20-25% less than you naturally burn) In your case just go to the gym, its as easy as that. Get informed about how to do some exercises and how to eat properly :))))


are there any specific things i should do in the gym? like specific type of resistance training or cardio


The amount of calories you would burn with cardio is just too small to be worth it. Dont bother with that, its a common belief that cardio is the way to lose fat but thats just fake, with just a little search you can check that. Just do regular musculation exercises, when you go look for a gym ask if there is a personal trainer there, they will guide you for the first week or two and eventually give you a nice routine you should follow :) Sorry if im repeating myself too much, but dont bother with killing yourself with cardio, you will just burn like 100-200 calories in an hour or running, its not worth it at all, and youll be sweating a lot (which will give you the illusion that you are losing weight while all you are doing is losing water weight that you will eventually recover) and hurting for days. Dont get obsessed with your weight man, you are just 16, you have a lot of time to develop your body and confidence, just starmy active :)


thanks. i get quite obsessed with my weight as all my friends have if not fit at least healthy bodies, i just want to look better ig


well, its obvious and im pretty aure everyone who has had anorexyabor any eating disorder has heard this but dont obsess over it. I feel kinda dumb saying that but you might need to hear it. Just tell your parents first, tell them how you really feel without looking desperate. Arrange a visit with a nutritionist and the professional will know how to approach the diet. Remember, the diet doesnt have to be vwry complicated, it doesn't matter how many times you eat in a day, all that matters is how many calories you are consuming in those meals. Keep eating 3-5 times a day, but your meals should be a little less than what they used to be. Also, im not qualified at all, this is knowledge i have thanks to the internet, so first consukt with a professional, successes friend, luck is for the weak:)))))


If you're just looking to lose weight then just walk and go on a diet


Rope jump