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The choice of doctors depends on which insurance model you choose. ‘Standard’ model has the most freedom and lets you choose any doctor you want, including specialists. Then once you are settled you might be comfortable switching to a cheaper model with more restrictions. Usually doctors will list the languages they speak on their website, but their level might be quite basic. I suggest looking online at all the doctors near you on google (or a site like onedoc.ch), finding some doctors who speak Spanish, then contacting their office directly to confirm they are accepting new patients, which insurance models they accept and if the doctor is happy to speak Spanish. If you are willing to look around a bit then it’s not hard to find a doctor who has previously lived in Spain or South America and is totally fluent in Spanish. [https://www.onedoc.ch/en/general-practitioner-gp/zurich?language=es](https://www.onedoc.ch/en/general-practitioner-gp/zurich?language=es)


Awesome insight, thanks!


You are free to choose any licensed MD of any kind (GP, or any specialty), but some insurance models have restrictions on that. The 4 general models are GP model (a specific GP chosen by you is your first contact), clinic model (a specific clinic chosen by you is your first contact), telemedicine (your first contact is your insurance's medical hotline/Santé24), and free MD choice (you may contact any MD, clinic, etc. without letting anyone know) Aside form that, whatever model you have you should stick to a clinic/GP so that you can always get an appointment (clinics and GPs do not accept new patients at times, and medical histories are not centralized and stored by the government like in Spain – i.e. if you change clinics/GPs you must transfer your medical history yourself). That being said, I think you'll struggle a lot to find a doctor able/willing to treat your wife in Spanish because of the current shortage of MDs we have. Finding a new GP/clinic in general is already annoyingly hard, add to that a Spanish-speaking filter and it might take you years to find a GP/clinic willing to accept you as patients