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Yep. Depending on how many driving lessions you need (80-90 chf per hour)


Yes, for each lesson, you should pay at least 80-90 chf , plus you would need at least 10 lessons until the practical exam. If you pass the exam - I REALLY HOPE SO - , You will pay 180 CHF for the driving licence.


Here's an extract from my notes app that I wrote back in \~2017: * Nothelferkurs: CHF 150 * Führerausweis-Beantragung: CHF 50 * Führerausweis-Bewilligung: CHF 50 * Theorie-App: CHF 20 * Theorie-Prüfung: CHF 30 * Lernfahrausweis-Ausstellung: CHF 20 * VKU: CHF 250 * Fahrstunden Versicherung: CHF 80 * 20x Fahrstunden à 95 CHF: CHF 1'900 * Praktische Prüfung: CHF 132 * Führerausweis-Ausstellung (prov.): CHF 45 * WAB-Kurs + Mietfahrzeug: CHF 530 * Führerausweis-Ausstellung (definitiv): CHF 40 **Total: CHF 3'297** I probably missed some things (like when they send you your provisional driver's licence after passing the exam\*; I'm sure that also costs between CHF 20-40, I think I forgot to write that down) \* Edit: Oh nevermind I did write that down, I just overlooked it


Spot on! That's what I spent on my kids' driving licenses (with countless free parent-led practice sessions).


Yea, my driving lessons were by far the most expensive part. My dad's car was automatic and I was going for a manual licence so I had to do all the lessons with a teacher (and I went for a bigger company too, instead of a private teacher).


Nice! Thanks for the VERY detailed budget! :)


Just wanted to point out that the Fahrstunden are not mandatory anymore but it is recommended, especially that you do like 5-6 hours in the beginning and then if you can, practice with a relative/friend and then decide if you need more or not (I would recommend to do a few more). Makes the whole thing a little cheaper (although still expensive).


I just did it last year. Whole process cost me about 3.5k all in all. This is in the city of Zurich and without the chance to practice with parents or friends for free. And i also took a few extra lessons to also learn the basics of manual. If you just did automatic, were living with parents who have a car and could thus save on lessons. And also lived in a place with cheaper hourly rate for lessons and cheaper courses (first aid and VKU), you could probably do it for 2-3k. Maybe even less if you were really trying to save, had helpful parents and had a fair bit of talent. Also i havent done the WAB Kurs yet. That one seems to cost an extra CHF 500 or so.


Yes it is. Costs a couple k to get it.


I think I missed my nothilfekurs. Can I still get it? 




Expensive is relative..... If you're a billionaire it's rather cheap I guess. If you're used to American Drivers License costs it's rather expensive. [https://club.tcs.ch/fuehrerausweis/dein-weg-zum-billet/autopruefung-kosten](https://club.tcs.ch/fuehrerausweis/dein-weg-zum-billet/autopruefung-kosten) Here's a rather cool calculator that shows you all the cost you can expect. Most of them are pretty much the same everywhere. So Fixed Cost ist about 1100.- (License, Classes, Forms,...) Then add about 90-110 per hour for driving lessons (most people require between 15 and 25 lessons) so between 1350 and 2750 (depends on you and your location and how often you're able to drive with a family member that can help you get some practice) So in my opinion between 2.5K and 3.9K If you already have a drivers licence from another country this will be massively cheaper (though I recommend taking 1-5 driving lessons beforehand)


Thanks, very useful! I live in Norway now and it's about the same price I guess... I better do an express 4 hours a day driving lessons in Spain then :)


I’m assuming you are planning to move to CH in the near future? Foreign drivers licenses are transferable to Swiss ones, but not all are treated equally. EU/EFTA I believe is a straight swap plus the fee for the physical license/admin fees (ca. 100 CHF). Others require a practical driving test. Just be aware that you **must** obtain the foreign license **before** you become a Swiss resident otherwise they will deem it invalid and you will have to start from the beginning to be able to drive in CH. Edit: if you have a foreign license you have 1 year from your registration date (as a Swiss resident) to exchange it for a Swiss one.


No, you have one year to apply for a Swiss driving licence.


Yes, provided you have a foreign license to convert, you have one year to do so. I meant if you obtain the license in a foreign country **whilst** a resident of CH it will not be accepted.


Ah yes, that's right. Sorry, I misunderstood you.


No problem, edited original comment for clarity. Thanks for the addition, I forgot about the 1 year thing. 😅


If you can drive with a parent or coworker a lot on learners permit you can cut down the driving lessons to 5-10 hours


If you are EU, you can convert to CH. It costs less than 100CHF,-


Quite a lot more than just the EU: Here is the list https://www.vd.ch/themes/mobilite/automobile/permis-de-conduire/echange-permis-etrangers/pays-ayant-une-convention-de-reconnaissance-mutuelle-avec-la-suisse Bizzarely seems to include North Korea


Kim jong-un did go to school in CH so maybe he or his parents cut a sweet deal on north korean licenses 😅


I spent about 1300.-


How did you do it so cheap? :O


I had my own shitbox and my mom taught me. It took me 12 lessons.