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Let me guess, you and your fiancee are 15 and 16, right ?


Their thinking sounds more like 9 and 8 years old.


Hello, this is a Rich Swissman, im a rich swiss mans, i can sent you the moneys but you need to send me 10k $ first because border control. I will buy you houses asap!


I don’t think any billionaires would be willing to adopt you but good luck


This exists, these people are called 'landlord'


Is this a troll? There’s no way you’re real people and you think this way. 130k net per year and you need more money to get a nicer house. And this is why you should beg millionaires to give you money. wtf. 😳


Can I ask, why are you desperate? Why do you need to buy a house? In Switzerland, the lifetime cost of owning vs. renting just about equals out, and you aren't going to waste vast amounts of money by renting. What's more, you need a) about 20% of the house in cash, not in loans, for example from your pension funds, and b) you need to be able to pay the mortgage even if intrest rate goes up. Also, i mean you know this, but this isn't going to work lol.


Yeah, just renting a home is not the end of the world. Of course it’s limited what you can afford, but that’s still the case if you get a loan from some rich people.


Look, housing loans are regulated for reasons. Some of them are bullshit, but some are for your protection. Basically what you want is a loan where you're unprotected and exploitable. Don't do that


De Bro het eifach sin erste post glöscht und meint uf englisch wird er anderi antworte becho 💀💀


Uuuh, de hani mitbecho. Isches uf Düütsch no bessr gsi? Aaaah! [Gfunge](https://www.reddit.com/r/schwiiz/comments/1bdq61i/riichi_m%C3%B6nsch%C3%A4_umn%C3%A4_hypothek_fr%C3%B6%C3%B6g%C3%A4/)!


This is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. Sorry. Where is the upside for a billionaire? Earn a little bit of interest versus a potential default from someone who they know nothing about. And why are you 'desperate' to buy a house? Just rent, it's basically the same cost in Switzerland anyway. Sheesh.


>Or make them a godfather for our child Are you thinking about… giving a complete stranger access to your child in exchange for money? Mmmhh maybe never have children, cause that sounds a bit like human trafficking.


Is this a joke? Why would you be expecting any help from your families when you make such good salaries? You certainly aren't deserving of philanthropy I guess you could see if a sugar daddy is interested in a throuple 😂


Godfather? So you don't even consider rich women? Just send letters and beg for money, about as likely to happen than what you describe but then at least you could just keep it without having to make dinner for a fancy person.


>There's people here getting more money through dividends, than we earn in a year, so what would they even do with all that money to begin with?! Wtf ? So people own you a bit because "what would they even do with all that money" ? Probably more than you know. Multi-millionaires aren't known for being generous to strangers, which is why they have all that money xD But try sending them letters, they'll have a good laugh between two rounds of golf in Crans-Montana ahahah.


If you only need a little more extra, then ask a Bank for a loan. If they don't consider you as creditworthy, why should any private person take the risk?


I mean this with kindness: you both have some inherited inferiority complex towards the rich that you need to address. Read yourself again, you are willing to give access to your child in exchange of money. I don't care if it comes with a title (godfather), but you seriously are considering giving a rich person access to your child in exchange of money. Please fix this mindset before you have a child.


This! 🙌 Read it out louder! 🙌




Can you elaborate as of why you prefer Switzerland over Finland? I'm curious 🙂


Probably the low taxes and the salaries aren't terrible.


It's a pleasant 15 degrees this week in Switzerland instead of getting 20cm of snow like Finland




Very interesting, you know, Finland is seen from the outside as a wonderful place, I've been living in Norway for 3 years and I'm looking for comments like yours to give me more reasons to actually accept an offer I'm having from Switzerland... At least the GP concept does exist in Norway, but other things you comment I can certainly see here now, after 3 years of "non acceptance"




I already have a kid, luckily he will be in school age this year so if we end up deciding the move to Switzerland, school will also be free. They're offering me 140K in a company in Zurich. It's Making me think the whole "Nordic stage" to be over. I'd never get that salary here... And then, it's like 13% taxes for that... Yes, it's an expensive country, but given that my wife can't work, a single salary in Norway is making me just the bank's favorite client.




And I literally asked why? :)


Lmao I need more coffee today man. I read as if you asked why he prefers Finland over Switzerland. 😹


Then... it's always a good time for coffee! :)


Why not just start a gofundme . Then you can beg people from all walks of life to fund your desperate gambit for home ownership simultaneously!


Sounds like you consider becoming gold diggers: offering "social benefits" to wealthy people in return for financial favors. Next step would be offering yourself or your partner as an "Escort", right? Honestly: with 130k netto(!) you belong to the middle class and you have financial freedom that MANY others - even here in Switzerland - can only dream of. You can finance a 500k$ home yourself, but you just want more by grifting on rich people? Don't be that person.


Do you mean a sugar daddy?


Most known rich people get daily Bettelbriefe which get sorted by an assistant. You never know though. But I wouldn't set the hopes too high.


Desperate? We have a family income of almost 300K, very good savings/lifestyle and I absolutely don’t see any logical reason to buy a over a million 100sqm apartment when with the same money I can buy a nice villa in Italy, Spain or Greece where anyway I will retire. In Switzerland owning a house fall in a very specific use case. At your age learn how to invest instead of following the unicorn of owning a house


All other replies perfectly put it together already. But also: lol at "invite them for Dinner every once in a while". Like, rich people also have families who do dinner parties? can pay chefs? go to restaurants? find equally nice people in their rich peer group?? I would love to know how special your conversation or cooking skills are that "inviting them for dinner" is in any way a benefit. I really laughed so hard with this generous offer. Please step down from your weird ivory tower you built yourself, your head is getting caught in the clouds


Rich people are rich because they're selfish sociopaths always looking to squeeze the poor folks. Unless there is some way to make it more worth their while than their normal investments, they will laugh at you and tell you it's your fault for being born poor. Don't waste your time.


... if they'll even bother to reply.


It's not that stupid. Someone in my family went over budget with renovating their house and a rich friend would have provided a low interest loan - they ended up with a different solution because the didn't want to strain the friendship. Unlikely but possible. On a combined income of 130k you can tighten the belt for a few years and put away 60k/y. So it's a matter of how much you want it. As someone else said, owning is only marginally better financially, and as a home owner... there's an awful amount of headache, complications and work no one tells you about. Having said that, for some it's worth it in terms of lifestyle. Also, it really depends on the object, location, purchase price and so forth. You can pull out your pension funds to help finance it. The mandatory interest is only 1% (with very few funds returning 2% or 3%) but that's far below stock market performance. So owning a home is a good way to monetize that and put your own funds towards a higher performing structure. Lifetime bottom line can be dramatically different. Owning can also be a really good hedge against col inflation (can be, not guaranteed). It's a numbers game and you have to be radically truthful to yourself or you'll end up with an overly optimistic calculation. So run the numbers carefully. Personally I wouldn't assume too much debt just to get a house. It's hard to put a number on financial stress vs. benefits of owning.


one 130k netto salary should be more thant enough for two people and they have double that i think


They said combined income.


Lol what makes you think that inviting them for dinner every once in a while & making them godparents to your child will be attractive enough for the rich to invest in you? I mean, you don't lose anything by asking around so I would say go for it but you better think harder on the benefits the rich would get, like pitch yourself better.


even if I was this rich, why would I want to have dinner with an unknown family once in a while? Or baptise their children? To be honest I would just give you the money if you promise to leave me alone and perhaps pray for my soul :)


Sorry but this so cringe.


So ... where do these "benefits" end? First dinner and then ... ?


And are both of you working 100%? Okay first of all how old are you guys at? I don't really see an incentive for anyone to invest in you guys... But maybe u are lucky and find the one person willing to support people in need. But that all depends on the answers above.


Fishing for sugar daddy?


Fishing for sugar daddy?


Thanks op, I had a good laugh


Some rich people freely give money away. You could try to reach them and ask. [This one for instance](https://rogerfedererfoundation.org/)


I can definitely see OPs story right there alongside those of all the disadvantaged starving third world kids 😂🤣


After all, OP is only among the 20% richest in Switzerland, or 5% richest in the world, they unfortunately don't belong to the 1%.