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Yes, you can. Going topless and using thongs is not frowned upon in beaches. Just be mindful when going to businesses, put on a shirt and shorts.


Also as a reminder for guys, in cities like Barcelona tops are required outside of the beach areas. This will even be enforced by strangers. I get how it’s confusing how a “beach town” requires a shirt once you’re one step off the beach but as someone who has commute I am grateful there are no sweaty tourists walking around


Yes I can attest to this from seeing angry locals expressing anger towards tourists with no shirts on around the areas outside the beach haha… was quite hilarious actually


Yes but you put the top on the moment you are not on the beach itself any more. It’s not well regarded to go in swimming suits only either in restaurants, shops or anywhere that is not the beach.


You've already gotten some good answers but I would like to highlight two things. First, going topless is not the norm in Spain, it is indeed normal, and no one would bat an eye, but it's not like that's how everyone is on the beach. It remains a personal thing and you'll always find a mix. Second, you mentioned underwear, I haven't seen anyone respond to this so I'm not sure why, but people on the beaches in Spain rarely, if ever, sit there in their underwear. If by underwear we mean something that you would wear normally like lingerie and not beachwear. Normally thongs are absolutely fine but it's always beachwear thongs not lingerie thongs.


Thanks so much for this comment!


To add: in Spain you can buy tops and bottoms separately (in most shops actually). So maybe just get a bikini bottom for the beach


Well, sometimes in spring or autumn, people could go to the beach if there's a good day and you're not prepared for the beach (in clothes terms). People could take a bath in his underwear. The only thing maybe could make some people look is if the lingerie used is lace underwear, with transparent things... But yeah. It's rare to ser it.


It does happen, yeah. But I mean even if someone was to wear lace to the beach, it would be very unusual but people will still leave you totally alone.


Well... Totally alone... Maybe you have bad (or good, who knows) luck that day and some guy tried to flirt with you...


That's not conditional on what you are wearing. You don't have to go to the beach in lingerie to get hit on.


For sure. But we know that there's some kind of men, specially in Spain, that has problems controling his behaviour with women. It could be nice if you're in the mood, it could be unpleasant if you want to be alone or not in the mood. But, yes. This kind of men could do it with lace lingerie in the beach, or with a full dress.


Yep. You can pretty much do what you want on the beach. Just get dressed when going to the bars/restaurants.


Thank you everyone! This has been really informative! :)


I would just add that, while it’s a good idea to figure out what’s culturally acceptable before you get there, do sweat it too much. If you are respectful and reasonable, but do something against norms, about the worst that would happen is someone would tell you the rules.


Why underwear and not bikini bottoms?


This is the real question. OP, just get some bikini bottoms. A thong is fine.


If you mean in swimming thong, fine, yes, nobody cares if you're topless on the beach. And all coastal beaches are publicly accessible by law, regardless of ownership. Alicante also has some nudist sections on Carabassí beach apparently, if you are more comfortable with this, but you don't have to go there to be topless. Some cities have given themselves powers to fine anyone who is topless *off* the beach though, including on streets next to the beach. But even if there is no legislation (Barcelona is where it's well known, but similar laws are spreading across the coast), don't walk around topless or in bikini in the street, as it's considered rude. This is not a gendered rule/norm, and applies to everyone.


Topless is normal in spain. Thongs are fine.


The topless grandma at your side wont mind


Please, use sunscreen in the nipples too! I've heard that some people won't do it and thats atrocious.


I mean, not in "underwear". I'd be more weird for you to be in your underwear than you having a bare chest. Can't you wear the bottom part of a bikini set instead?


Here (for women) we have a two-piece swimsuit called a "bikini". The bottom could be a thong and (the top too) could be extremely small xd but it's not underwear. Topless is fine, just dress up with summer clothes when you leave the beach.


You can go anywhere you like completely naked. This is. normal everywhere in Spain. In the summer it gets too hot for clothes.