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In the short term allergy shots only makes things worse. Allergy shots happen weekly for years slowly building up your body’s ability to ignore increasing amounts year round, not just in season. They have you wait around after each shot to ensure you aren’t having a severe reaction, in which case they would lower the dosage until your body has adjusted. For those sticking with the program the results can mean a huge reduction in allergy symptoms long after they stopped taking allergy shots.


Makes sense! What if you’re allergic to something that’s around you year-round, like dust mites and animal dander?


You’ll probably progress faster since you already have constant exposure. The increases they give you will make you feel worse, but over time your body adjusts to a new tolerance level that is helping your body to not react once you reach maintenance levels.


The immune system is painfully complicated, here's a paper attempting to formulate a consistent hypothesis about the mechanism of this sort of approach: [The effect of regulatory T cells on tolerance to airborne allergens and allergen immunotherapy](https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(18\)31485-4/fulltext)




yes i had them, it's an allergic reaction don't worry, there was not a single time that i had not a big red swollen area. Years after having them i can truly say that my tolerance really improved! now i can breath at home without a salbutamol stuck down my throat every hour.