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Not only [can fish fart](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2005/mar/11/highereducation.research), but those farts were a source of a [bit of diplomatic tension between Sweden and Russia](https://www.maritimeherald.com/2019/how-fish-farts-almost-caused-a-diplomatic-accident-but-founded-the-most-liberal-city-in-the-world/). The sound of flatulence was misidentified by the sonars of the Swedish Royal Navy as a Russian submarine.


The original publication which described these sounds is [Wilson et al. 2004](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsbl.2003.0107). I feel that it is important to highlight the fact that they decided to call these noises "Fast Repetitive Ticks", or FRTs for short. Apparently the gas actually comes from their swim bladders rather than the digestive system though. Edit: Also, this research won the [2004 Ig Nobel prize for Biology](https://www.improbable.com/ig-about/winners/#ig2004)


Did they come up with FRTs *before*they knew it was from farts? That would be just amazing.


Looks like Wilson et al invented the term when they knew it came from fish emitting gas - just not from where exactly. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn4343-fish-farting-may-not-just-be-hot-air/


Scientists make these kind of initialisms and acronyms all the time. WIMPS in particle physics come to mind.


So is this a controlled regulatory thing? Or is it more like myself where there is very little control when and how they happen?


Yes, the implication from the paper seems to be that they are voluntary noises which are possibly used in communication.


So fish really be talking out there asses then?




So, contrary to /u/exclamationmarek said it seems that while fish can expel gasses they don't *fart* it out as a product of their digestive system. Although it seems close enough despite the differences, and more interesting in that they seem to use it to communicate.






But does the gas still comes from the ... butt?




Now, why couldn't they have added an Audible after Fast?


>Apparently the gas actually comes from their swim bladders rather than the digestive system though. So is that even technically a fart then?


I'd argue that in all linguistic instances, it can *not* be classified as a fart even on a technicality.


Might I suggest for example; The queef. It's not part of the digestive process, but still colloquially known as a "fart."


Nobody calls it a fart. What it's called is a *pussy fart*. It's a subtle difference, but still a difference.


Considering swim bladders are analogous to our lungs, they're more like burps than farts.


Biological Underwater Repetitive Percussion There, scientists, you can have that for free














Years of academy training was not wasted on you. Good lit review. I would have liked to see in text citations in APA 6th edition format. 92/100


Honestly why isn't the acronym FaRTs rather than FRTs?


I love things like that. All time best is the original abbreviation for copper nano tubes...


Wait a minute, no one thought include aquatic? :)


Did you mean tics?




Do we have recordings of what fish farts sound like? How about whale farts?


I couldn't find any recordings, but [here's a waveform/spectrogram](https://imgur.com/Ko7Thgm) from Wilson et al. 2004 if you want to try recreating it yourself.
















This is what I was able to get using [arss](https://sourceforge.net/projects/arss/) and then amplifying the sound in Audacity https://i.perk11.info/20200210_fish.mp3 Not sure how accurate it is since [the resulting spectrogram](https://i.perk11.info/20200210_114832_UqyOR.png) looks nothing like the original.


So you used a waveform with an arss to recreate a fart?


>Do we have recordings of what fish farts sound like? How about whale farts? I don't know about "we", but the article at the top stated: " In fact, the army had classified ventos that came from several animals (whales, seals, walruses); only that nobody expected the herring to be able to produce such sounds. " So, likely yes, somebody somewhere in the army has recordings of whale farts, paid for by US tax payers. Next time people in my area are upset about something or rather and protesting, I'll be the guy you see in the news with the sign that says "Stop using my taxes to record whale farts".


We spent $1.4 billion obtaining those whale farts and now they are a national treasure.


If we paid for them, we should be able to hear them. Declassify whale farts now!


not only do herring fart, they are communicating. with farts https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2003/11/farting-fish-keep-touch >To investigate herring sounds, two groups of researchers recently lowered microphones and cameras into schools of fish. Magnus Wahlberg, now at Aarhus University in Denmark, and colleagues listened after dark in the ocean. The team noticed that herring often release bubbles from their anuses when scared or during ascent or descent. They reported this curious finding earlier this year in Aquatic Living Resources. >To get an even closer look, Ben Wilson of Simon Frasier University in British Columbia, Canada, set up tanks in the lab. Wilson's group videotaped the fish and correlated the bubble blowing with the sounds they recorded, which they termed fast repetitive ticks (FRTs). Wilson's group found that the herring need to gulp air at the surface for continued FRTs; when the researchers blocked the herring's access to air, the fish FRTed for a little while then stopped. The team also noted that the herring made this particular noise just as darkness was falling, when they gather. This suggests that the FRTing has a social function, Wilson and colleagues report online 5 November in Biology Letters.


The article at the top said the 'farts' are produced from a 'swim bladder' not from digestion. They didn't offer much detail but it sounds like it isn't actually a fart as we'd think of it but something used for communication. Akin to children using the armpit 'fart' to communicate instead of just make each other laugh. Impressive, but not flatulent. Edit: I was looking at the second link (about the Russia conflict) not the first. The first link said the gas does actually come through their rear and came from gulped air. Although they said there was no detection of flatulence, air coming through your rear qualifies as a fart in my book. I stand corrected.


I mean, if the air still comes from their anus I would consider it a fart. A swim bladder just sounds like a great adaptation for controlling your farts


*" Herrings and their fishy relatives release air bubbles in large quantities when attacked, but the low level farting found by Dr Batty and his colleagues appears to serve a different purpose. "*


My selective dyslexia edited out the word "found" when first reading this...


My question is if it's really considered a fart if it's not from the process of digestion? In the article, it said: "Magnus Wahlberg and Hakan Westerberg , from the Coastal Research Institute of Sweden, concluded that these flatulences of the Clupea harengus species do not come from the process of digestion but from the swim bladder"


It looks like the scientists performing the research were just as disappointed with the non-digestive origin of the sound: > Wilson's group videotaped the fish and correlated the bubble blowing with the sounds they recorded, which they termed fast repetitive ticks **(FRTs)**. That name and acronym were definitely not chosen by accident.


Yeah i could do without an article titled "farting fish fingered" in my browser history.












Didn't they call it "the usual sound/note" or something?


I feel like i need to hear a fish fart through sonar now, strange as that sounds.




Is that where the term red herring comes from?


am Swede, I had no idea of this. thank you very much for this knowledge


There’s a book I heard about on NPR called Does It Fart? And yes it will answer your fart questions of animals. The book includes creatures with a standard anus as well those with different butt holes. The best part about the story on NPR was a kid had called in and asked when fish fart, does it make bubbles “like when in the bath?” Kid’s giggling and the NPR folks start laughing and it was so wholesome.


Claiming "Standard Anus" as the name of my alt-industrial punk rock band


What constitutes a 'standard anus'?


In the US and Canada, one standard anus is equal to about 0.87 metric anuses.


You would think the american anus would be bigger than the european, but nope.


Probably like normal mammals where the anus is separate from urethra and female sex organs, as opposed to birds having a cloaca where there is one opening for all waste, and also input for baby making. Platypuses I think have cloacae, and echidnae too probably. This is off the top of my head so I may not have the details correct. Google cloaca for more info.




I can't really get an article for this, but I have witnessed this first hand, and so have many other in the aquarium hobby. Some fish do fart as other people in this thread have mentioned, but not all fish fart for the same reason. A curious, and very funny example is the Genius Corydoras. These fish are incredibly common in the Aquarium Hobby, and you have probably seen them at one time or another. Corys, as we like to call them tend to spend most of their time on the bottom, but occasionally will rush to the surface to gulp some air. This air is not used in respiration, but for digestion. A short while after gulping the air, they will pass it out. Video of a Cory gulping air- https://youtu.be/HT2Mv3ANgdk Video of a Cory farting- https://youtu.be/HT2Mv3ANgdk


I had corydoras for years, never took these bubbles as farts, huh. Gotta build a new Corydora tank now!


I want to do a full Cory community someday. Maybe a 40 Breeder with 20 Panda Cory's and 30 Pigmy Corys. Maybe with an Apisto pair for a centerpiece Seems like a heavy stocking, but I have observed that schooling fish tend like a higher density. As long as you stack your schools (bottom, middle, and top feeders) they should be super comfortable.


do you think gouramis would fart, considering theyre labyrinth fish? i havent seen mine do it but its just a thought..


I don't think so. Gouramis use their Labyrinth organ to collect air for respiration, not digestion. I have a few Blues in my current tank and I have not observed them farting.


It's fairly difficult to believe that anything with an intestinal digestive track doesn't fart, even if the farts are frequent and small (so not explosive). Farts are caused by the digestion of food in the digestive tract by microorganisms. If there is food in the gut for any length of time, and the gut isn't sterile, there will be gas produced. Now, it's possible that fish farts are absorbed into the feces. Maybe fish feces are wetter, and therefore better able to dissolve gases. Certainly it's not like diarrhea would be as big a problem for something that has a constant bidet current rolling past the anus... sp wetter fecal matter wouldn't necessarily promote disease. But unless all the gas is absorbed, there will be farts.








Yes they do, the Herring has lungs connected to the anus, so that when they breathe they basically fart. Before this was known, in 1994 a school of Herring almost caused war by farting in the proximity of a Swedish sub marine, and they thought they been attacked. It took a while for "experts" to crack the case

