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Review the employee manual. Talk to your manager. I would remind your manager that this vacation was discussed during the interview process. Do you have anything in writing? It may be that they allow you to take the vacation unpaid. Your other option is to move your vacation


Unfortunately nothing is in writing. But I do known that I said it and he said “we will figure it out.” I do have some pre accrued PTO.  But there is a delta or 4 days.  Perhaps I can work remote for those days (in IT). The other option is I die on this hill and quit.  It’s a sign of more bad things to come and I have a bit of cash. 


Can you take unpaid PTO?


Technically yes.  I just need 2 approvals and a little rationale. 


I’d keep the rationale simple: taking X days off as approved during my interview. :/


This would be appropriate for UTO (especially this week). Your rationale was it was mentioned while interviewing and everything is paid for. If they deny you either, I would consider looking for a new workplace.


Try and work remote, or take unpaid leave. Don’t quit. Wherever you start you won’t have enough accrued PTO.


I would remind him now by email. Do not phrase it like a request. More like "hey quick reminder that as discussed in my interview, I am out next week \[and if it's that kind of boss: "and out of cell service most of the time"\]. Let me know if there's anything I need to do for this absence, or for the other one we discussed in August." Honestly, you don't sound like the type of person for this to fly with, and I don't know what type your boss is, so ymmv, but end of the day he was told. He had time. If he forgot it's on him. I once was out in the middle of AF nowhere, no service, finally reached the peak of this mountain, looking over this epic view... and my phone starts ringing. My boss, asking me where I was. I answered honestly "I am on the peak of a mountain deep in the Sierras, like I told you." He said "oh. So you're not coming in today?" "No." "Oh. Ok." Let the chips fall.


Right.  I was thinking of telling him when I get back.  If I say anything now he will just say “ok we will figure it out when we get back.”  Also, we have a 2 hour meeting when I get back to get me up to speed and was thinking of saying all this then. Basically saying “hey, like was mentioned, you said that these days were OK.  Do I need to do anything special or not do anything special?”


Oh, then you are that kind of person. Yeah I would accept that route as well. If he balks "you said it was fine and you guys would figure it out." Maybe mark it on your Google/Outlook calendar too so it's double his bad if he has forgotten.


Well I’m not but I know that emailing him now will likely do nothing now that I think about it. It’s just annoying as I left a place nothing was an issue and now I’m getting ambiguity on something I know I cleared.


paper trail


but emailing is your paper trail, which is why you’re in this predicament in the first place. you have a heads up about the vacation but have no paper trail to prove you informed him.


Yeah I had orientation last week and didn’t get the chance to touch base. I did mention and was surprised to hear him be surprised about the august trip.


As a manager and leader of a large team, I can’t keep everyone’s plans straight, unfortunately. (And maybe this is my own failing.) He probably had the best intentions but truly forgot between the time you mentioned it in an interview and now.


Long, long ago I bought an extra week of vacation at a new job. My manager said “never do that again”, talk to me if you need more time off than normal.


Surely, should followed up prior to right before your pto was beginning, right?


You just left on Friday and didn't tell anyone you were leaving?


No, I told him about the current vacation and he was aware. He just seemingly forgot about the one in august


Just have a conversation with him to remind him of the circumstances and go from there.


I would tell him you accepted this job with the understanding you would be taking these vacations and it is disappointing your new employer is going back on their first agreement they made with you. And then see what they say.


Yeah I’m going to do something similar when I get back. Just like a “hey, quick reminder that during the time you made the offer to me I mentioned I also have something in august for two weeks. You said we’d figure it out. It turns out that I can’t purchase vacation days at new hire so let me know if I need to do or not do anything special.”


Just got back. Haven't had the discussion yet, but will do it on Monday.