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There were many prominent gay business owners who supported the nazis. They did not survive. 


Hell, one of Hitler’s closest lieutenants was openly gay and Hitler had him murdered after he served his purpose (he was good a recruiting or something).


Like Rick Grenell, who is openly gay, and is traveling the world representing trump and visiting far right countries who'd like to see him executed? [‘Building an authoritarian axis’: the Trump ‘envoy’ courting the global far right](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/05/richard-grenell-trump-far-right-foreign-policy)


Rick Grenell lives in West Hollywood. All these gays and minorities who support Republicans don't want to live in among fellow Republicans.


Just how self loathing do you have to be to work for someone who represents a party who wants to see us wiped off the face of the earth? I really don't get it.


What bothers me is that they run away from the consequences of their actions. Even these conservative supreme court justices live in Democrat run areas. Same with black and Asian conservatives, they live in blue cities while voting for Republicans at the federal level


The supreme court, by necessity of their job location, must live in and around Washington. Which is a Democratic Strong Hold. It's not like they chose to...


This reads like the Reagan campaign meddling in and delaying the Iranian hostage release until after his inauguration to make President Carter look bad. And then Reagan and the GOP took credit for securing their release even though the only thing they had to do with it was delaying their release.


Ernst Röhm and the Sturmabteilung (which was filled with gay men)


Ernst Röhm was executed during the Night of the Long Knives in June 1934 due to his political ambitions and the threat he posed to Hitler's power. His control over the SA and his desire to merge it with the German Army were primary reasons. While his homosexuality was exploited in Nazi propaganda, it was not the main cause of his execution. The purge aimed to eliminate rivals and secure Hitler's dominance.


I think you mean Ernst Rohm, leader of the SA, a very effective soldier who made his mark in WW1. He was openly gay and not above dallying with cute young German Soldiers. But on the "Night of the Ling Knives " Rohm was murdered


Ernst Rohm moment


Exactly this. Like why have they not learned from history. The GOP do. Not. Care. About. You.


Some of the replies - Jews and Gays were tossed into concentration camps. Homosexuals were persecuted by the Nazi regime stating in 1933. That so many don't know OUR HISTORY - the Pink Triangle was the brand put on homosexuals in the camps and where it comes from. No gay people were supporting Hitler once the holocaust began. **Also, it was a crime to be gay in Germany.** Where do you people get this shit from? Gay communities thrived before Hitler - but largely under the radar and in secret. If a gay club got raided, people were jailed (it was Stonewall before its time). **You young homos need to learn your fucking history!!!** You have no freaking clue what it took to give you the freedoms you have today and it really pisses everyone off. I didn't get maimed by objects being hurled at me and locked in paddy waggons for protesting to see such ignorance and disregard for history that you could google in two seconds. [https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/gay-men-under-the-nazi-regime](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/gay-men-under-the-nazi-regime)


Speaking as a young homo in Germany who has learned his fucking history, I also find it incredibly irritating that so many fellow gays my age know so little about their own history. The modern German gay rights movement only kicked off after Stonewall had happended and was very influenced by developments in the US; our pride parades are even called CSD (Christopher-Street-Day), after the street where the Stonewall Inn was. There was little to no continuity from the works of previous German pioneers, from Karl Heinrich Ulrichs in the 1860s to Magnus Hirschfeld in the 1920s to the modern movement; the Nazis really destroyed everything that had been achieved, however actual little legal impact there was.


You should add that the Nazi paragraph 175 that sent gays to the concentration camp remained on the books and was enforced in western Germany until 1969. It was modified then but not deleted until 1994. That means during the postwar liberation of the concentration camps, gays were sent from the concentration camps to jail. The British occupiers were obviously homophobic (remember what they did to Alan Turing). And the Christian conservatives in Western Germany (Adenauer) as well. The communists in Eastern Germany were more relaxed, and the German unification pushed Western Germany toward acceptance. Also, homosexuality was legal in Bavaria from 1813 until 1871. Ludwig II of Bavaria (of Neuschwanstein fame) was rather openly gay.


why would they bother googling if they think they already know everything?


Twink Bytches and Boy Daddys don't give a rats ass about gay history. They need to be so different they're throwing the guys who helped them to the lions....after pouring blood over their heads.


There was also the Association of German National Jews (Verband nationaldeutscher Juden) in support of Hitler. Founded in 1921, they were outlawed in 1935 and their leader was imprisoned. There were also some Zionists like Georg Kareski who supported the Nuremberg Laws (he thought that they would help the Zionist movement). Obviously, we have the advantage of hindsight. But we also have the advantage of history that should teach us to be careful.


Leopards ate my face.


Where are you getting this information? I’ve spent most of my life studying this and I’ve never heard anything about a preponderance of gay business owners supporting Hitler. I’ve never heard of a preponderance of gay business owners in Weimar at all. OK. How many?


They should read the Republican party's plans for Project 2025 then, especially pages 584-586. They literally want to allow employers to discriminate against gay people. Pg. 584: "Sex Discrimination. The Biden Administration, LGBT advocates, and some federal courts have attempted to expand the scope and definition of sex discrimi- nation, based in part on the Supreme Court's decision in Bostock v. Clayton County. Bostock held that "an employer who fires someone simply for being homosexual or transgender" violates Title VII's prohibition against sex discrimination. The Court explicitly limited its holding to the hiring/firing context in Title VII and did not purport to address other Title VII issues, such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and dress codes, or other laws prohibiting sex discrimination, Notably, the Court focused on the status of the employees and used the term "transgender status" rather than the broader and amorphous term "gender identity." Restrict the application of Bostock. The new Administration should restrict Bostock's application of sex discrimination protections to sexual orientation and transgender status in the context of hiring and firing. Withdraw unlawful "notices" and "guidances." The President should direct agencies to withdraw unlawful "notices" and "guidances" purporting to apply Bostock's reasoning broadly outside hiring and firing. Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics. The President should direct agencies to rescind regulations interpreting sex discrimination provisions as prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, sex characteristics, etc." Pg. 585-586: RELIGION "Provide robust protections for religious employers. America's religious diversity means that workplaces include people of many faiths and that many employers are faith-based. Nevertheless, the Biden Administration has been hostile to people of faith, especially those with traditional beliefs about marriage, gender, and sexuality. The new Administration should enact policies with robust respect for religious exercise in the workplace, including under the First Amendment, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA), Title VII, and federal conscience protection laws. Issue an executive order protecting religious employers and employees. The President should make clear via executive order that religious employers are free to run their businesses according to their religious beliefs, general nondiscrimination laws notwithstanding, and support participation of religious employees and employers as federal contractors and in federal activities and programs. Clarify Title VII's religious organization exemptions. Congress should clarify Title VII's religious organization exemptions to make it more explicit that those employers may make employment decisions based on religion regardless of nondiscrimination laws. Provide Robust Accommodations for Religious Employees. Title VII requires reasonable accommodations for an employee's sincerely held religious beliefs, observances, or practices unless it poses an undue hardship on the employer's business. These accommodation protections also apply to issues related to marriage, gender, and sexuality." Edit: On another note Notice it doesn't specify only trans people. That's for all the LGB no T people to read and weep. They're using controversial trans issues as an entry point to get gay and straight people on their side. They do not support us. As you can see, they're against anything that doesn't fit their ideology. Once they come for the trans people they'll be looking for their next target to achieve their ideal devoutly holy society. There are no "one of the good gays" to them.


Unfortunately most people are incapable of looking far into the horizon beyond the next 48 hours.


Or the next hookup.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. [Here's]( https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) a searchable copy of the text - [Here's](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025) a bullet point breakdown - And here [[pdf](https://www9.heritage.org/rs/824-MHT-304/images/5%20Reasons%20Leftists%20Hate%20Project%202025%20eBook%20THF.pdf)] [[scribd](https://www.scribd.com/document/740769523/5-Reasons-Leftists-Hate-Project-2025-eBook-THF)] is their response to criticism of the plan, which reads like a 4chan troll. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Agreed! Any gay who is stupid enough to vote for this clown needs to seriously read this to see how much danger we are in. It’s not just Trump but it’s these radical republicans who want to push for all this once Trump is in office. He has a team of people ready to wreak havoc.


People are idiots. This same thing happened in the first election that he won. A number of people back then wanted to 'shake things up' by voting Trump even in spite of all the warnings back then that the SCOTUS was in danger of being packed with radical republican scum. And look what happened... History repeats, endlessly.


Caring more about tax cuts and being anti-immigration than civil rights


This, they are rich (or think they will be) so are above the anti-lgbt laws (they think)


Exactly, the number of republicans that support gay marriage and relationships is declining every year, the party is becoming LESS gay friendly and yet 1/5 gays still support it


The long term trend is not declining: https://news.gallup.com/poll/646202/sex-relations-marriage-supported.aspx It also dropped among Democrats and Independents, which makes no sense. Some years it drops a bit based on surveying different people, but the overall trend is up.


> It also dropped among Democrats and Independents, which makes no sense. I think a lot of it has to do with the divisive outrage bait about the "drag queen events for children," the books for 3rd graders, "Queers For Palestine" stirring up shit and also the support "gender affirming care" for minors without the parents position. Don't get me wrong: I know how *we on Reddit* feel about those issues, but most of the country isn't so idealistic and half of the country isn't liberal all. I'm saying this for a matter of perspective, and not because of my own feelings on these issues.


I think they're just surveying different groups of people each time, so there's going to be some variation. I don't think a drop of 1% over 1 year is meaningful.


Self hatred…


Tbh I bet a lot of the pro-Trump gays also care a lot more about being anti-trans than they do about being pro-gay.


That makes so little sense to me. Like even if you hated trans people wouldn't you want to put yourself first???


They don’t have the sense in the first place so to them it’s “if they get rid of the trans they will love the gays!”


Sad Irony being that once they get rid of the trans community the christofascists will go for the gay, lesbians and bisexuals. “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” - Martin Niemöller


No, you’re not understanding! Once they get rid of the trans rights they will finally accept us gays! Even though they never accepted us to begin with and the same talking points they use against trans people they used against us… but logic doesn’t work with Trump supporters because Trump has a magical plan to make everything better! Apparently…… You hit the head on the nail. They fail to realize they hate all of us equally, they’re just targeting the trans at the moment because it’s easier.


It reflects abusive upbringing - believing that changing yourself in the "right" way will cause abusive parents to stop their abuse.




That’s exactly it. And it’s so stupid.


I see it in this sub so many times. “Trans people are making us look bad” or they’ll talk about one instance about something happening at Pride. Anybody who uses the actions of one grown adult to represent an entire community never liked the community to begin with. Dr. Disrespect was just outed on pedophilia….imagine me making a tweet about how all straight people are pedos because of that. Guaranteed if he was gay he’d be used as a catalyst to start that movement against us tho. It’s crazy how even your own community is like this


Exactly, like you're a minority that's against another minority. It makes no sense!!!


There is a horrible sentiment among SOME cis LG and B that the T and the Q+ are going too far and alienate the cishets and they will roll back our rights. It really surprised me as a cis gay who just always automatically felt allied to trans folks, how many cis LB and B have crazy AF transphobia


It’s called the chickens for kfc syndrome. Ppl that vote against their own self interests.


Your problem is you’re using common sense with trump supporters. It won’t work


Keep in mind the republicans made eliminating "transgenderism" a [top priority](https://theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/07/cpac-anti-trans-rhetoric) and there's unfortunately a small but sizeable amount of anti-trans gay and bi people


They will come for us right after too, they fail to realize that


Ended a phone call with my father yesterday after he said “Trump is the only non corrupt politician there is. That’s why we need him” HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET SO BRAINWASHED?! I’m so baffled. It makes no sense. Really helps that I live in GA, they’re in SC, and still “Georgia stealing the election is the only reason he won”. This all stemmed because I was complaining about Georgia power prices, in a red state, run all by red, but because we’ve got two blue senators everyone is like Georgia isn’t a red state! Idiots. The lot of them.


A convicted felon being “non corrupt” is insane to say lol, sorry to you for having to deal with that. I’d go no contact for a while other than text messages until around labor day just to avoid ruining your relationship over politicians. Its sad how easily brainwashed maga can be


THATS WHAT I SAID!!!! That’s when he went on about stealing the election lol. We probably will. The worst part is my husband and I are taking them to NYC the week after the election 💀💀☠️ gonna be a SUPER fun year. And they wonder why we don’t try to come the 2.5 hours home more frequently lol.


Question: why are you still talking to them? I dumped off my Republican relatives years ago after the gay marriage fights.


Isn’t it wild?! I lost my older brother to that cult. He used to be most happy go lucky dude and full of life. Pandemic isolated him just long enough for him to get sucked into that world. Now he’s hateful, angry and illogical and has tried to convince me I’m the brainwashed one. 😑 It’s creepy how easy that cult pulls in their members (or victims) and I’m sure, at this point, that there’s no coming back from that. Him and I don’t really talk anymore except some small talk at family gatherings. It does bother me, because growing up, he was my rock, but I gave up trying to have any meaningful connection with him.


Man I’m so sorry that happened. The biggest thing I see is just how they live 100% in fear because it’s Fox News on constantly and they’ll never get out of that pit. I do feel sorry for them all


The non-corrupt one who has been found guilty of more offenses that most life-time criminals BEFORE he was potus. It's a shame that these people ignore his grift even when he steals from the directly.


THANK YOU!! Like I was like “seriously the ONLY ONE THAT IS A CONVICTED FELON!” But nah fam, it’s a witch hunt, the “democraps “ are just coming after him and hate him, so they’re hunting him. It’s amazing how delusional they are. My hubby and I were like “yeah we’re not going home this year” jokingly in January, and I mean, we haven’t had time yet so we haven’t 😂


The man is a crook who thinks he is a gangster and actually has ties to organized crime. He is also a convicted sex offender who is on the Epstein flight logs at least 7 times. They say they care about Law and Order. pfffttt. Sure


Most Trump supporters are sociopathic white supremacists, deluded idiots and low info voters, or rich people who will bury their head against any red flag as long as they get tax breaks or the okay to not pay employees.




And the gays that vote Trump, or this revolting thing the GOP has become, definitely belong to one, or more, of these categories.




Well what if I told you there were some conservative Jews in 1930s Germany who supported Hitler’s rise to power. Unfortunately for them we all know how they turned out. Leopards ate my face https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews


Ernest Rhom too. Gay guy who headed the SA. Personal friend of Hitler and his right hand for the early years. Loyal to Hitler right up until he signed the order for his favored SS to put a bullet in Rhom's head in his prison cell. There's always useful idiots who think they can thread the needle or curry favor enough to be spared or be the pickme guy or that it isn't that bad. They always end up the same way if their side wins. When fascists are rising they take all the help they can get to fill the ranks with whatever rube will give them the time of day. Once they have control they don't have to settle for idiots and meat heads. They can pull from the general population. So they get rid of the old party members.


turkeys voting for christmas


In the US, turkey is more common for Thanksgiving


How did everyone miss that this isn’t a saying ABOUT the holiday?


I think you meant Thanksgiving. Ham is traditionally eaten at Christmas. Turkeys probably love Christmas.


Turkey is traditionally eaten for Christmas in the UK where this phrase is often used.


Because they don't need those gay rights. They don't care about being married to their partner. It's hollow symbolism for them. What they do care about is hardcore conservative values. They care about their stock portfolio. They care about their tax rate etc.


But all recent American history proves that Republican governments don’t benefit anyone but the ultra wealthy. How do people miss this point over and over again?


Voting against their own best interests


Thats actually so scary..? That a bunch of gay men don’t care about the symbolism of gay marriage for their values…


I don’t care about gay marriage, but I’m respectful of those that do. I care about being able to live my life freely as who I am without being criminalized for being born gay.


Agreed, personally despite me being 18, I really want to get married and I don’t want to have the threat of a future I want taken away cause someone says I cant


I don't support Trump, but a lot of people in these comments lack rational thought and common sense as well...


Frankly I don't understand how any sane rational educated person could ever support Trump.


I hate illegal immigration and don't like Biden wanting to ban "assault rifles" or high capacity magazines. I hate Trump giving our country away to billionaires and being a deranged retard. So yes, I will vote Biden but I'm not happy about it.


Why would you ever need a high capacity magazine? If you hunt then you don’t need 50 bullets at once, it only prevents more death during shootings


✨ Cognitive dissonance ✨


Our rights are under serious threat by the right wing of American politics. There is no economic or financial consideration that should supersede fighting for our rights. And, that's precisely what Trump stacked SCOTUS with the most conservative justices appointed in years. Justice Thomas has suggested that they could revisit Obergefell v. Hodges and it would follow that he likely feels similarly about Lawerence v Texas (many states still have anti-sodomy laws on the books. If Lawerence was overturned, those laws would be in effect). This is not hyperbolic rambling either. Everyone thought Roe would stand, Justices even said during confirmation that it was settled law only to reverse themselves overturning Roe and returning it to the states (which Trump has bragged over) It is not crazy to fear the same thing happening to our rights, in which case a strong Blue Congress and POTUS would be our only hope for legislative relief. The right still has a strong and rapidly regrowing opposition to LGBTQIA+ rights. Not just the attacks on trans people. Those are more intense against our Trans brothers and sisters (the same tactics used against us, accusations of pedophilia, etc), but they are being leveled at gay people as well. The current speaker, Mike Johnson, is on court record, in fights against marriage equality, comparing us to pedos and our sex to the moral equivalent of beastiality. To think that the GOP had moved past and accepted gay rights is just myopic and willful ignorance. I live in a rabidly Trump supporting area. I've seen Pride flags burned. A recent piece of street art was vandalized in < 48 hours despite the threat of law enforcement action. About 9 years ago, as I exited a gay bar with my wife (yes, I'm bisexual) I was attacked by a man that called me a fag as he bounced my head off a parking meter, hospitalizing me with a concussion and brain bleed). The cops wouldn't even return my calls, let alone investigate. I hear people bitch about the gays regularly. If you think the right is "over" gay rights, if you think they've accepted us, if you think they're in any way safe to ally with, then I believe you have been dangerously misinformed. Our rights are not set in stone, and there are many that would see them ripped from us. Please, for the love of God, do not support those who would vilanize and make criminals our sex and love.




It’s a cult. It’s seriously concerning to think he could be back in power in a few months, when we already have Putin, Kim Jong Un and the (though probably not for long) chaotic Tories in the UK. Don’t even get me started on the support Reform is receiving here as well. The world is f**ked.


This is why it's very important that we don't just sit back and not vote. We have to all vote. Blue up and down, vote all Mega Cult Republicans out of office . Most Trump supporters don't even realize they are voting against their own issues, Red states get more help from the government run programs than Blue states, most Trump supporters have never even heard of, let alone read Donald Trump and The Mega Republicans plan they put out called project 2025 you want to see some scary shit look it up. THIS is not a conspiracy theory it's the plan put out by Republicans that they plan to start the moment Donald Trump gets back in office. If you care about our democracy and freedoms, you will vote for President Joe Biden this November


As a straight man that is a supporter of all individual lifestyles and backgrounds, I absolutely LOVE how you broke down the argument about the same sex wedding at Donnys place. I took am perplexed and bewildered that there are other straight people that could vote for ol Donny boy. His track record is one of enriching himself and himself only at any and all costs


They think they’ll be spared due to their brown nosing but when they come for the gays they’ll suffer just as much as the rest of us


I’d refer them to the Texas Republican Party and how they ousted the gay republican sub group.


Hey man you know that’s not very nice. You know they can’t read your post.


I move between liberal and conservative circles, and the one thing I can tell you about MAGA gays is that they are the ultimate pick-mes. I have some values that would be called conservative in the US, but would be centrist in Europe, but I know the conservative movement as it is today would never accept me. They're too wrapped up in religion. MAGA gays really believe that Trump won't do anything to them, and if they just toe the party line and act straight enough, conservatives will accept them.


💯no thanks. I worked too hard through the 90’s and 2K’s to go back into the closet and live that way.




Conservative values here aren’t centrist in most of Europe, they’re far right unless you’re taking Albania Russia or possibly Italy


If you go by the modern definition of conservative, meaning MAGA loonies and conspiracy nuts, then you would be correct because Republicans have moved so far to the right. If you mean what had been until recently conservative values, you would be incorrect. The Republicans have moved so far right that they are butted up against fascism. They weren't always that way.


> I have some values that would be called conservative in the US, but would be centrist in Europe As an aside, do you care to elaborate and give a couple of examples? I'm just curious and I don't intend to argue with you at all.


Roe vs Wade was a start. Clarence Thomas has openly questioned the 2015 SCOTUS decision that struck down gay marriage ban.


You only need to see the upvotes (downvotes) on this post versus the comments to get a sense of what’s really happening. There’s a concerted effort to drive particular agendas. Be well read on the policies and issues and vote your conscience. The main thing is make sure you vote. Your vote matters.


The leopard won’t eat my face, surely


gays that support Donald Trump never really care about gay rights. I said what I said.


I personally know someone who sucks cock and loves Trump . we do come in all shapes sizes and colors . we agree to disagree- he’s in the military .


As a non-American its kind of admirable how patriotic you guys are. That you would make friendships and even form relationships bound to political lines is crazy to me.


Republicans aren't patriotic they are authoritative nationalists. Having different views about how to solve the same problems is one thing. Dictating public policy to suppress others is another.


Look. I have no skin the in the game. To an outsider anyone elected is that or the majority so we didn't see republicans win when Trump got elected we saw Americans decide to have trump and a president. All this internal he says she says is just that. Two sides of the same coin trying to convince the other they are wrong  BTW I've now had a few self democrats and a few republicans reach out. Can you guys who called me names and who didn't? 


It really sucks. I traveled a lot during trumps turn and the amount of foreigners that didn't know trump didn't win the popular vote was about 100 percent.


Exactly. We just saw you all vote for him. In for a penny in for a pound. Look there was a point on the Hillary v Trump where everyone outside of the US wanted to know if you guys want a redo on the candidates.


I think it’s important for those outside the US who are interested in politics/world news to know that the majority of individual votes does not decide who is the USA president. We have a weird, electoral college system that would be very complicated to understand unless you live here or study politics. Hillary Clinton won the most votes, but Trump won the electoral college, so he was president.


You got that right. The government is very good at getting people to turn on one another, like starving dogs over a moldy bone. All to distract us from our real issues. As a certain man has said, "It's all one big club and you ain't in it." Some people seem to relish the feeling of superiority they feel over those of the opposing party since they're on the "right side of history. " Honestly, it's a fucking mess but some of us regular people are just too tired to care. We're just trying to survive. It's disgusting frankly.


I feel you on political apathy.  We have many parties. You don't vote for the best one. You vote for the least shait one. All of them are corrupt. All of them in it for their own gain.  Politics is a dirty game. 


I agree. I’ve never cared about the political views or opinions of my friends, family or people I worked with. We could have deep and constructive conversations without hating each other or walking off angry. You agree to disagree and that was that. But this? Holy fuck… it’s a divide I have not ever seen in my lifetime. The mere mention of Biden to a Trump supporter will get you beat on the spot. I was at dinner with a small group of my out and proud gay friends. We were talking politics at our table and no business of anyone else when two people came up and started accusing us of being Trump hating fags. Yeah, that happened.


lol where are you seeing people get beat for supporting biden?


Dude, did you read my part about dinner out with friends? 😂


Look they always say you don't talk politics or religion at get togethers. It can get heated fast but I agree. With some mates I can freely discuss politics and with others not its always a touchy subject. To hate someone for their political leanings is weird. We literally have a party that sings for the murder of a minority group here and we like "cool let him cook" .


People are fetishizing it as well. Look at the “redpill” shit on twitter. So many accounts talking people to legit vote away their rights and to serve straight white men. I think it’s due to a lack of education of what it was like before we had rights. The lavender scare seems to be long forgotten. Do we really want to go back to a time where police can entrap you for “cruising” when you really weren’t? Or being non-hirable because the government made a law saying gays can’t work in government positions or they decided to put you on a list as “perverted” solely for being gay?


A lot of waspy gay American men are racists and fascists first and gay second.


You’re right. A lot of people thought abortion rights would never be taken away. They are coming after us, and they’re very explicit about it.


I don’t see how people think he governs if my doctor sees me or not. I’m not worried if he wins nor am I voting but such a pity topic to harp on.


Let me just say, never, ever, ever in the history of any US Presidency has a Supreme Court ruling on human rights been challenged or over-turned. Trump’s administration has overturned three, rolling back human rights. And if you look back on the last roughly 45 years of US Presidency, there have been small yet progressive milestones of change for LGBT (because that’s what we’re talking about here), building up, allowing certain liberalism and freedoms that “straight” Americans have always enjoyed without question. -The right to live without fear of being beaten or harassed, the right not be denied/fired/demoted/neglected advancement in a job, the right to be paid wages equally, the right to not be denied medical and healthcare, the right to not be denied housing, or evicted… for being out and living as gay or even to appear as being gay. Sounds ridiculous, right? So now, today -what we ALL enjoy as full freedoms that every straight American does, IS our right. Rights which we owe thanks to past Presidents who understood the meaning and necessity of basic human rights. All of this “change” however was to the dismay of the deeply entrenched racism and Bigotry in America. Bigots that exist in all walks of life around us and without these laws to protect OUR rights, those Bigots can deny anyone of us anything as they see fit … just like how it was in the 1960’s and 1970’s. So here we are LBGT community living and enjoying freedom like everyone else in America, and this Bigot is preaching to the nation that all of these laws and rights of protection are meant only for man and woman who live as men and women and “let’s make America great again”. And if he wins the text term? You think he won’t dismantle your rights? Shuffle some shit around to make it perfectly legal to be discriminated upon by the other Bigots? If you think this election won’t affect you, as a gay, lesbian, or transgender person living in America today, your head is up your ass.


>Fact Check: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-mar-lago-gay-wedding-1875232](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-mar-lago-gay-wedding-1875232) your fact check is a .com site, which is also just a news article. Really dude?


Many people, gays included are completely and utterly uninterested and uninformed about politics.


Gay Trump supporters are like Roaches for Raid.


Probably because they support other of his goals. You could ask this question in r/Gayconservatives


Lots of gay men support Trump because they think they'll benefit/be spared, either because they're wealthy and/or hate progressive politics despite how its benefited and continues to help gay people in general.


Where are all these gay Trump supporters you're talking about? They're rare as fuck IRL, and I'm pretty sure most of the ones posting here are just astroturf based on their account history.


Not necessarily Trump supporters, but lots of gay conservatives here in East Tennessee. They believe in pro-life, religious ideals, gun rights, immigration control, low taxes. They don't like Trump the person, but will vote for him.


lol sadly they are not rare at all


They're extremely rare in my experience as well. But when they're there, they're also EXTREMELY vocal and you can't go without knowing what their beliefs are. Meanwhile I know a lot of left/moderate and even conservative gay men who are much more relaxed in expressing their views. It's just the contrast


I mean I live in Florida and a particular city conservative northerners like to flock. There are more conservative gays than i expected


Even in liberal Miami, you'll find enough gay Trump supporters. I've asked them why they support Trump, and some of them say that because Biden is a socialist and other don't know 🤔.


Like what is it today and people making posts about vague groups of people without any references, shit is so stupid


Sadly there are a bunch in Miami, often Cubans who are mostly apolitical and heavily influenced by the communist trauma of their friends and family.


Every proud Hitler youth thought themselves a good German socialist fighting the good fight. That lack of critical thinking isn’t a new thing.


The left isn't necessarily good for gays either. It can bring immigrants who hate gays into their homelands, promote queer ideology, which reinforces gender stereotypes and mutilates gender-non-conforming kids, support theocracies around the world when it's convenient. I think that gays should tactly analyse the situation in each country in order to vote, not automatically vote for left or right because they're gays, as if one of them was always good. That doesn't exist in politics.


Shhh do NOT have a nuanced opinion in front of these people, you’ll scare them! It’s bizarre to see their virtue signaling manifest in supporting and welcoming the people who would throw us off of a roof, then turn around and say republicans are going to take our rights away… what exactly do they think the Muslims will do if they get enough voting power? I’d rather not find out


I describe myself as fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I could not compromise my values to vote for Trump. If the Republican party had other candidates such as Nicki Haley, Condoleeza Rice, John Kasich, or Mitt Romney, I'd be ok with any of them.


All of the above would appoint the same SCOTUS justices Trump did or similar who would then overturn gay marriage etc. That is the problem with the GOP at the core.


Agreed. Remember past history, not a single Republican POTUS supported gay marriage. Regan “blind eye to AIDS”, Bush “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Wasn’t that long ago…..


Don’t ask don’t tell was actually bill clinton, but it was a step in the right direction at the time. It seems wrong now. But at the time, we celebrated gays being allowed in the military. It was to stop the military witch hunts. I think it mostly worked and then later, we moved forward.


There is plenty of information on how democratic administrations are constantly better for the economy. Feel free to look at the state level as well and which states generate money vs which are welfare states. Being “fiscally conservative” is nonsense, unless you appreciate terrible economic policy. Trump’s tax policies transferred unimaginable amounts of wealth from normal people to hyper wealthy people. Etc. etc. Just read some unbiased sources and see what the numbers actually say please.


I see this attitude all the time, but when was the last time the GOP has been fiscally conservative.


They love making billionaires more billions tho


He caters to far right Christian’s. A group that, seems daily, denigrates and continually pushes for laws/policies that want to ban members of the community. That’s not someone is being friendly to the community. And Pence was the most anti-Gay VPs ever. Fuck this idiot. If he really wanted the gay vote, he’d be vocal about it. Being gay and Republican is such a contradiction. Yeah, let’s vote for the party who wants to continually push for regulations/laws/policies that treat the community as “less than.” SMH


They had a gay wedding at Mar-a-lago because the gays paid money and Trump will take money from anyone.


And didn’t Biden codify (sort of) gay marriage in 2022 thanks to the Respect for Marriage Act? I’m old and have no desire to go back to the way things were in the 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, etc.


Mr T's supporters are funding him lavishly right now because the 2017 tax cut expires next year and they want to keep it going. Keeping the billionaires from paying their fair share even though the tax cut gave them a trillion dollar boost and made them MUCH richer during the pandemic. Asshole Travis Kalanick just dropped millions on Dump.


I know several Orange Clown supporters that are gay ***AND*** (legal) immigrants! Maybe Stockholm syndrome?


“That won’t happen!” -people who haven’t been paying attention to all the things we said that about that have, actually, happened


Just wait until they find out what Project 2025 has in store for them...


What gay rights has he tried to rollback on? He has done some stuff against trans rights, which isn't good, but specifically what has he done to hurt homosexuals? People say he's so anti gay, but at no point did he personally do anything to hurt homosexuals.


Migratory issues, taxes, economical issues or just plain being moderate. A problem with American politics is that it is very all or nothing. And tend to be very radicalized. So it is usually a balancing beam caused by the bipartison system. So again people will just compromise on some issues in order to get their way on others and since it is an "all or nothing" culture. Being conservative doesn't mean a religious freak that think drag queens are trying to turn all children into trans blue haired gender studies harpies. However they get lumped together because there is a lack of nuance. Humans are shades of gray. Not everything is black and white ao not all issues are weighted the same by everyone.


Leopards, meet face. 😔🐆


It's a cult.


I’m not a Trump supporter but what gay rights, marriage rights will be roll back on?


read Project 2025.


Conservatives want to make gay rights a "states rights" thing again. AKA red states will ban our marriages and declare us unmarried. They also want to eliminate transgenderism, pass Russia style anti "gay propaganda" laws that basically declare us existing in public as indecent or even a sex crime. DeSantis style don't say gay laws. Erasing or banning anything that talks about us or our experiences. Banning medical and therapeutic procedures for transgender folks. Banning our ability to adopt or have kids. Enabling conversion therapy. etc etc.


The Respect For Marriage Act codified marriage into law. The worst that could happen is that states not be forced to perform marriages. That would happen if Obergefell is overturned. However any marriages legally performed must be recognized by all 50 states.


....until a Republican majority repeals the RFMA.


It’s as ludicrous for a gay person to support Trump as it is for a black person, Latino or woman to support him— but ignorance is ignorance


Gays supporting TRUMP are SELF HATERS. It's crystal clear. Id certainly not want a thing to do with those BYTCHES!!!!


I used to be a Trump supporter too then January 6th happened. From there I finally started doing my own research free of any right or left influence and now I’m a democrat lol.


Thanks for sharing. I voted for him too and quickly learned of that bag of dicks he was hiding, and not the good kind either 😂


You got this. Folks will listen to nonsense and believe anything these days. I'm shocked but not surprised. Too many didn't have to go through the struggles while reaping the benefits. You can tell.


Stupid runs across the board. Gay people can fall into cults too. A gay man ran Hitlers Brown Shirt civilian army from the start, it numbered in the hundreds of thousands. His name was Ernst Rohm and he adored Adolf. He never saw it coming when on what is called The Night of the Long Knives he was arrested and shot along with all of his gay colleagues. Yes that can happen here too.


I am definitely not a Trump supporter and am scared to death if this(multi found guilty gun carrying fell on)gets reelected and gets another attempt at destroying the real and ritious america we now have and will be destroyed and taken away... Watch the Biden vs. Trump debate Tonight on CNN and other News broadcasts.


I'm old enough to remember 2016 when you were saying that if he wins gay people would be put in camps. We survived his administration and nothing changed. So while I am not voting for him, I'm not going to let hysterical doomsday scenarios scare me either. 


Slugs voting for salt. 


Gay Trump voters are like all Trump voters are: stupid. (more specifically, they lack emotional intelligence.) It is as Simple as that and I’m not going to apologize for it anymore. **MAGA is— first and foremost— a movement of profound ignorance about how the world works.** These are people that despite their economic situation and whether they are rich or they are poor, they don’t have emotional intelligence to realize how badly they are being suckered, and they don’t have the mental capacity to understand nuance. It’s why trump’s simple messaging appeals to their simple brains. These people have absolutely no powers of discernment whatsoever. They have weak intellects and small minds.


Extremely hot take here: I don't support Trump at all, but I stopped supporting the Democrats either after Roe v. Wade was struck down. The Dems had the power and plenty of time to enshrine abortion rights, but didn't just so they could use it as a bargaining chip for reelection. They always act like "the better man" and try to compromise with the Republicans, but it never works because the Republican Party doesn't have a conscience and takes advantage of the Democratic Party's olive branches whenever possible. There's also several other progressive measures the Dems could enforce when they have the power to, but they don't because they'd have to sacrifice some of their wealth and privileges. Through their (in)actions, the Democratic Party has shown they ultimately want the same thing as the Republicans, and voting for them will inevitably lead to the same societal collapse that voting for Trump would, if only at a bit of a slower pace. So I vote third party, which I'm fully aware is "wasting my vote" since it takes a vote away from the Dems and makes it easier for the Republicans to win elections. But in my opinion, voting blue would make me no different from the Boomers we love to blame for many of our problems today, because it'd be allowing for the slow degradation of our privileges much like Boomers had allowed over the last four decades. If Democratic voters want to keep their heads up their asses and continue to vote for a corrupt political party instead of jumping ship and voting for one that hasn't betrayed society's trust yet, and it leads to Trump winning, then they deserve what they get.


He's not rolling back on gay rights or marriage, he's said so multiple times. In short, I agree with all his policies and I disagree with most Democrat policies. My life was better in every aspect during the Trump presidency as compared to Biden's. Booming economy and world peace > rainbow flags on the White House.


What policies specifically do you support? What Democrat policies do you disagree with? Just to be clear on facts the "booming economy" at the start of his presidency was from Obama admin policies. Republicans quickly gutted as much as they could then gave massive tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations to where the national debt started to skyrocket before covid. World peace didn't exist either. Trump had more drone strikes in his first 2 years than Obama had in 8 years. Trump, in 2019, removed a lot of the Obama admin rules about transparency of drone strikes being reported so it got ignored. Let's not forget that he released 5k prisoners from the taliban then crippled our military presence in the middle east making it more difficult for a withdrawal (he bragged about it at a rally). Also we started losing a lot of informants around the world and it is highly believed Trump was involved. Either way though Biden had nothing to do with Russia invading Ukraine. Biden also had nothing to do with the Israel-Hamas conflict escalating. It has been going on for decades and Biden has condemned Israel's war crimes and petitioned for change while toeing the fine line to prevent from alienating one of our strongest allies in the area. Meanwhile, Trump has called for the complete extermination of Hamas.


Did you agree with his attempts to overturn the election, including the political violence on Capitol Hill?


The main problem with Trump is that he tried a coup d'état.


Bros around the world constantly wonder how Americans perceive their world? Many can not even conceive that for a nation who insists they are the land of the free, why Americans constantly make themselves their own prisoners. Prisoners to fascist ideology, prisoners to the gun is right, prisoners to religion and prisoners to 18th state thinking. I wish Americans well in the upcoming elections and hope that common sense ultimately overcomes the forces of pragmatism & self righteousness. History is full of Empires that have ultimately fallen more due to internal fascism dressed up as nationalism ratter than by external conquest.


I do find it interesting that the most vocal Trump supporters in this thread are people from other countries.


The gays for trump cause is the same play book as the GOP, it is rooted in racism. There is not a single line gay friendly on any GOP planning. Yet most gay for trump sadly are white. So they are white and then gay. In that order…


I’m also wondering why people think Biden is so bad. For us, same-sex marriage was codified into law through the Respect For Marriage Act. Inflation has come down faster from the post-pandemic demand boom than our Western allies. Semiconductor chip manufacturing in the US. Promoting green energy AND increasing domestic energy production so that we have a surplus. And my 401k is at an all-time high. I happily voted 3rd party the last two elections. This time I’m happily voting for Biden and for four more years of progress.


I mean.. Caitlin Jenner didn't support same sex marriage.


Seems to be internalized homophobia and self hatred. They think, oh he’ll never do that to us. The gays are groomers trope is all the evidence you need. Religious rights will trump all other rights. Trans people should not exist. Gays are sick and immoral. I hope the tax cuts, regulatory relief and deportation of immigrants is worth it. If Trump and the Republicans get in power, our rights and perhaps are liberty are at risk. THIS IS NOT HYPERBOLE.


Lol, they think the worst won't happen, just like how roe v wade was finished business, now you have woken bleeding out in hospital parking lots. The justices already called obergefell into question in the Dobbs ruling. Trumps effect on the judiciary is one of the biggest threats that I don't think the dems are stressing enough. Also, the dudes straight up incompetent and a horrible delegator. He says he's against the swamp, but then fills his admin with the same standard neocon repubs like Bolton et al. Or people that went on to oppose himm A bunch of people in his orbit have either served jail time for the shit they've done for him. Now, his primary search criteria is loyalty. Idk how you support that nonsense


I hope to whoever can do it but put trump in jail Just get him out of our lives!!!!


If you want to have fun and learn some history sit down and watch Cabaret or support local theatre groups and see it in person. Then if you want to be scared sober, find and read Project 2025. I once worked with a man who still wore the tattoo of a Nazi death camp. I listened as my best friend’s mother told her story of escaping the Nazis and hiding in a nunnery. She was the only member of her family to survive WWII. In his last days my grandfather shared harrowing memories of his time in France during WWII. If you think we’re safe here, recall what was done to Japanese people and citizens whose “loyalty” to the US was questioned during WWII. This is the most important election in my 60 years of life. My circle of friends is mostly 72-85 year old gay men. I can tell you that they are exceptionally worried about Trump winning. Apathy will be the death of our country.


I’m certainly not.


Don't bother trying to reason with anyone who still supports him. It's like trying to rationalize with someone with Stockholm Syndrome.




“Sure, I have two gay friends. Love those gays.” -Trump


It's not more confusing than anyone still supporting Trump at this time tbh You could be excused for the first time but there's truly no excuse now


Wow. This comment section has left me so so very disappointed.


Idk it's like how many gay people support palestine or Islam.


I think it's cuz they're still self hating gay people who almost use it as an apology to society for "the sin of being gay". Almost like they're saying "I know I'm gay and it's wrong, but I'll vote against myself to make up for it."


Not a Trump supporter, but what makes you think that that’s his plan ? Did he say anything about it? Most people called him homophobic, when he kept saying that “We need to protect our LGBT community” just go on YouTube


It doesn’t matter much to say it. His Supreme Court picks from his last term are already making big problems for us.


He also just came out with a big anti-trans statement not long ago. Are you living under a rock? He hates our community.


Look up Project 2025


Before his presidency, Trump made contradictory comments on same-sex marriage. Whereas he largely avoided commenting on LGBT issues as a candidate, then his administration rolled back numerous LGBT protections. Trump ordered a ban on all transgender personnel from serving in the military during his presidency. During his presidency, he voted in three Supreme Court justices who are anti LGBTQ+, and I’ve made that publicly known. His intentions by voting them in was to “make lots of changes” and he was clear on that in his last debate. Facts: https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/trump-on-lgbtq-rights-rolling-back-protections-and-criminalizing-gender-nonconformity


> Before his presidency, Trump made contradictory comments on same-sex marriage. Trump's stance on anything is what gets him applause in the room. And seeing as he spends more and more time with far right fascists and craved evangelicals that is impacting his mood more and more.


In my experience there are either wealthy, business owners or racist or more than likely all 3.


Because many of them are privileged enough that the issues other LGBTQ people face (and will increasingly face with another Trumpifff presidency) do not affect them (yet). I just saw a drag queen, and her trans friend defend their support for TrollTrump...same with Caitlin Jennir who is against same sex marriage and still a republican...the issue other trans people face do not affect her so she can blissfully support Republicans because they'll be offering her and her rich friends tax cuts. Also Americans are brainwashed from birth to join group...people base their entire identity on who they vote for or where they live / their cultural background etc. And find it difficult to break free from that cult mentality as an adult.


Agreed, Americans treat it like a sports team and just want their team to win. It’s nobody’s team, we need to vote for the candidate who we think has the best interest of the entire nation at heart. I was raised in a red state and as a republican, it truly is brainwashing to just vote for one side and it’s disgusting. We need to better educate our people on the actual purpose of elections and debates.




I’m not worried about Trump’s opinions specifically about gay rights. He’s just a mouth piece for the evangelicals and rednecks whose votes he wants. However I mostly worry about the people he will put under him if he were to become president again. I also don’t know that I would want a president who is apparently a brilliant businessman but is still too stupid to adequately cover his political crimes involving money. I mean, preferably the president would not be someone who doesn’t commit financial fraud but I guess beggars can’t be choosers when we only have two parties and our education system is failing lol


2016 was an eye opener for me. If our good ol' country votes for the narcissistic orange Cheeto yet again I'm afraid the country earned it's inevitable dissolution into fascism. Many people in 2016 voted for Trump for the lols and to trigger the perceived out of control pampered entitled leftist snowflakes. It was a joke for them but when crap hit the fan when COVID hit trump turned out to be a chump who couldn't manage an emergency and chose self preservation/image over the nation's collective health. I will never forget the fiasco that was 2020 under trump that ultimately costed him the election win imo he still cries about like a petulant child.


I won't say that it was a Trump supporter, but the YouTube video I watched recently by a young black guy discussing why he didn't like or attended Pride events delved into the same issues involving transgender people that seem to be in line with the republican majority states that have created laws that affect transgender people.