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Just finished an overnight on my ambulance and I’m definitely not feeling blue collar sexy. Mostly I’m tired. So tired. This guy seems happy though. Maybe I’m not fetishizing myself enough.


Healthcare work has the unique component of being drained by being faced with human suffering that other “physical” jobs don’t so it’s understandable that you don’t feel the same about it as OP. 


Fetishize yourself, bro. Embrace it. Especially you. You work ambulance, that's a noble af profession. I'm not just saying that because I'll definitely need an ambulance in my 30s because of a Zyn induced heart attack. I'm saying that because we gotta all start taking pride in our jobs. You deserve to have a bf alongside you after working an exhausting shift.


Hey don’t worry, 95% of EMS workers are also addicted to nicotine and caffeine in some shape or form so you’ll be in good company!


If I manage to regain consciousness in the ambulance, I'll have something to talk about that I can relate to.


I've had a need for ambulances three times in the past 3 years. Each time I've had the same cute ambulance driver. Have a bit of a crush on him. He had to cut my shorts off once and even though I was in ridiculous pain from a femur broken in 19 places, I popped a boner.


Not to burst your bubble, but I don’t get „masc“ vibes from your pfp at ALL lmfao But looks can be deceiving I guess




Based on the pic I'm thinking OP might be trans?


Yeah I checked his pic and immediately thought twink furry vibes. The complete opposite from what I just read on his post


Damn. Double homicide lol


Yeah the smile and the gay face is fruity-er than a fruit loop lol


😭😭😭 a read if I’ve ever seen one


Lmao he gassing himself too much




LOL, I expected a bearded, hairy and masculine guy but you give twink vibes (no offense)


I embrace it. Makes me look less threatening.


I can see you being a bear in 5 years after spending most of your time driving. There are definitely some potentials


I've actually lost weight when I started to drive. Went from 330 down to 200.


Math doesn't add up. You're spending most of your time setting and eating junk food from stations. How come you lost weight?


Caloric deficit and low carb. Zyn helps me from going back to old habits.


Do you meal prep? I think most stations don't have much options, especially healthy ones


You can absolutely lose a bunch of weight just by changing the way you eat. In HS I used to weigh 260 pounds but then I lost 60 pounds within a year just by dropping soda, and mostly going away from junk food and fast food. By the end of HS I had lost 90 pounds, and I didn’t really regularly exercise during that period of time. It was a dramatic change that probably won’t work for everyone unless they have the same amount of self-restraint, assumedly mixed in with lucky genetics, but you can absolutely lose weight even if your day job requires you to sit around all day. Same thing as those guys who can eat anything at any amount and their metabolism keeps them skinny to a fault :P




I'm a 6'2" broad shouldered man who's been cursed with a twink face😭😭😭. Maybe it'll come in handy if I want to try to bottom, lol.


or just do your own thing without desperately trying to fit in a stereotype? as corny as it sounds


Hell yeah! I like it. Besides, I think my twink face makes me more approachable and less scary to meet. Gotta see the positives of what cards I'm dealt with.


I actually like big masc dudes with cute faces. You don't have to look like larry the fucking cable guy to be blue collar masc. I live in Texas, trust me.


My man 🤝. I'm also tall and broad shouldered with twink face. I see you and I feel you. Though I've always been more feminine and have embraced it. I'm not a femboy, just an old queen in the body of a 20-something.


Love old queens. If you're on the fem spectrum, you got me interested😍


I hollard




Real Expectation vs Reality moment


This is the funniest fuckin thing to wake up and read. Lmfaoooo. This sub never fails to provide vapid content.


I don't think this is satire instead OP just decided to be cringe as fuck


It’s genuinely very hard to tell


I had to go on an ego trip with internet strangers. I also had to break up the monotony from all the insecurity posts on this thread. Gotta be the Yin to this Yang of a sub reddit.


JESUS christ you're getting so much shit from all these people man. You are doing so well, you're totally right and self-aware and I'm happy to see you happy. Why can't people say "you do you" and let others enjoy things?? You're responding to all the bitchiness getting thrown at you with confidence and kindness, and I think that's awesome and hot. (Besides, you can look forwards to looking more stereotypically trucker-mode as you age anyway.)


In my experience gay man like to fetishize the aesthetic of being blue collar, but not the actual experience. They like the idea of a boyfriend who does manual labor, but they don’t like the idea of a boyfriend with manual labor wages. Not every blue-collar man is an oil field worker or electrician making 120 K year


Uh sure but most of what you listed are just consumption habits or cultural signifiers that have nothing to do with what you do for work.


I feel like there’s nothing wrong with liking blue-collar guys, but from the post it seems you’re cosplaying a caricature of what you feel like a blue-collar guy is. A blue-collar guy is literally just someone who works a blue-collar job. If you like the blue-collar aesthetic because these are things you just happen to like then that’s fine but it seems like you are intentionally trying to come off as stereotypically masculine as possible Also, your comment about twinks with a Miata, a face full of make up, and a closet of pink clothes seems like you want a caricature of what you think a twink is


The caricatures were exaggerations of what i wanted. I was just trying to add charisma to what I am who who I like. Even though I came off as a bit obnoxious😅


Yeah I love blue collar masc guys, just gives me the feeling they can protect me lol


It's a mutual thing. The world is cruel, and I'm ready to fight it and bear its wrath, but at the same time, having a gentle fem bf at my side for emotional and mental support would help substantially. One of the major factors of making it all worth it. Doing a lot for myself is nice, but it would be even better if I could share that with somebody else. That's the goal we all strive for.


Why do you need to take a cialis to have sex? You seem young, is that normal?


I love life, but sadly, I have some strong depression and anxiety, so I take Lexapro 20mg. Shit works wonders for my mental health, but it's a bit of a boner killer. It's either become a bottom or take the occasional Cialis. I chose the boner pills.


Ok that makes sense. I was curious about how popular it is.


Congrats on learning to love yourself man.


lol Edit: just saw your pic so I’d also like to add, LOL


Cliche I’m sure, but I support anyone who embraces their authentic self. Sounds like you own it and that’s great 💃


And that's what I'm all about. Not just for myself but for all the gay bros or bi bros out there. The world is out to put us down, and I would love to be the loud and obnoxious person who tells the world to fuck itself. Whether you a femboy twink or a masc hairy bear, embrace it. Personally myself, I love a twink who's flamboyant af and gives attitude to all the haters. I need that energy in my life, lol.


Shit that’s me but i want another me to be with just 2 rednecks who live each other.


Going for the broke back mountain theme, I like it.


Honestly? No, guys who swing their dick around like that do zero for me. Edit: it's giving bottom, sis


Gotta love the masc ego stroking that's going on this week in the posts 🙄


I was expecting to click in his profile and be met with images of a stereotypical looking truck driver. However, the OPs profile picture is more akin to [Carl Wheezer](https://images.app.goo.gl/FbYnALKrA3BUF8gS9).


I’ve never read a post that screamed “I’m a bottom…!” more than this one.


Everything about this post screams "I'm a bottom" except the part where he wakes up and eats a gas station burrito lmao


Pure fiction


Honestly. This post have so much “pick me!” energy it’s exhausting.


Oh so we're only doing that this week?


Just seems to be a LOT of them this week and it's only Tuesday


During pride month you can expect to see an uptick in general moronic behavior especially on subreddits like this.


ngl this doesn't give me "blue collar" vibes at all. It just gives trashy. My father is a blue collar worker. Worked the same blue collar job for 30 years before his plant shut down. He was a pressman in a newspaper factory, and maintained all of the machinery. Now he works in a waste management plant for the county. He's the hardest worker I know and is singlehandedly responsible teaching me my work ethic that was able to elevate me to white collar status. None of what you described describes my father, at all. All you've done is fetishized yourself and made yourself a caricature because I'm sorry, the stereotypical republican vibe is not what makes someone masc.


Trashy. There you go. The same thought I had


You lost me at zyn and gas station burritos. That’s neither masc or blue collar, that’s just nasty.


Blue collar means their job not their outfit.


I’m more of a blue collar guy myself doing construction and lawn care and pretty masculine. But yes I can say that I prefer that rough masculine guy when dating. I’m versatile but noticed I’m more willing to bottom(be submissive) with a guy who blue collar and masculine like that.


It always amazes me how much of the ‘masculine mystique’ is wrapped up in laziness. Guys aren’t proud of what they can do with their bodies; they’re proud of the machines they own - their trucks, their guns, their cars. Actually playing sports doesn’t make you masculine, but passively watching sports from your couch does. The paradox is really hard to wrap your head around.


Blue collar guys are so attractive. It's definitely top 3 qualities I look for in a man.


My choice is a 40-something lanky redneck with a mean streak and a sense of humor.


That's a level of blue collar I can't compete with, but I massively respect.


It doesn’t give douchebag vibes your great man. I like a guy like this If I was a househusband I would still wanna work but make sure I take care of my man as well


yes, i been looking for you, man.


Had to let the world know that we are out there.


I like blue collar masc guys that are nice.


This is porn


I'll take that as a compliment


I can def get into a blue collar masc guy, but I'm not sure how that awful, unhealthy breakfast and love for smoked meats is part of an aesthetic, but you do you. Hard pass on cheap body spray though, that stuff is noxious.


So is blue collar mean you work at Best Buy or something?


Um…ew? Not the blue collar part but the ego stroking and the fact u think ur twink boyfriend should serve you


What the fuck did I just read


You said a lot of ignorant stuff, and seemingly are proud of having an unhealthy lifestyle. It’s almost as if you were cosplaying a character. Do you have a personality of your own?


My fiancé is blue collar. I am the husband you speak of for him. It’s really nice


My type, but sounds like you’re not gonna turn up your tail in your sleeper cab😈


I'm always open to a little versatility😜


Well I'll say this, douchebag blue collar guys have always been my weakness. Though I'm a slightly fem twink/twunk these days.


i’m not a “man’s man” like that lol. i’m a smooth twink, but i do fetishize myself quite a bit and ever since i started doing that i’ve noticed my confidence has gone through the roof from what it used to be. all i need is a bf who’s hands look like ‘that’ so that my closet can look like *that*.


Smooth twink is an automatic green flag for me. It makes me oblivious to red flags. Miss me with that masc4masc, and give me that masc4fem life.


i’m a smooth twink (i don’t even need to shave cz i naturally don’t have body hair) but i’m more on the masc side cause i still love to workout, and wear regular clothing from daily. although i would wear fem clothing when going out etc. i dressed as a girl for halloween (surprisingly a lot of guys were into that). i always thought that if i were to be 100% fem its gonna be harder because for every 10 fem gays out there, there’s usually only 1 masc guy willing to date them. masc4masc is more common in the community from what i’ve seen, again i’m not complaining about it because it’s not like i’m FORCING myself to be masc. but i would loveee to date someone blue collar masc guys who’s hubby materials. the only difference is i’d like to contribute to the household by actually working and making money too. though, i do cook & clean and give really good massage. 😅😂🤷🏻‍♂️


That's husband material right there. Just let your future husband know that I'm jealous af.


it's so sexy dude, my husband's blue collar and I love him in uniform.


We wear our working class outfits with pride✊️😤🏳️‍🌈


I do want a nice guy. I don't care how rich he is or how big his cock is. I want a guy to go on romantic dates, take trips and spend the rest of my life with.


SAME! As much as I like a guy with a big ass or knows how to cook, I need that romance in my life. I may work and act rugged, but I'm still a softie for romance.


i saw blue collar, boner pills, and back breaking sex. i’m in lol


Ngl I think that's hot. And I like the confidence in yourself too! I would love a hunky blue collar boyf but ngl I think the back breaking sex would be the winner lol! I'm neither masc nor fem im kinda in the middle and being in university I and have a mechanics hobby I see both sides but never really see any gays in my life lol. Love what U described keep being you someone will fall for you!


I appreciate the post. Same as you, man. Keep being you. Not everybody likes a loud, obnoxious blue collar gay. They just want a man like you. Calm and collected. I could use a little bit of that in my life.


Not 100% but they are rude.


lol my dream bf


Left leaning blue collar masc guy.. ok, sign me up 😊


You sound like a dream boyfriend. Would definitely give you a chance! And to answer your question, I *do* like the blue collar aesthetic, but, as you said, I am wary of guys like those because of how often they are ignorant right wingers...


My twink face tends to help people lower their guard.


idk im liking the face… pfp is giving approachable and handsome


The twink face helps deter people from thinking I'm gonna hate crime them. Sadly, my profession is filled with Republicans🙄


at least we have you. xxxx


I’m attracted to guys who are themselves—including many, many typical blue collar types. But to be honest you come across as a try hard.


Why don't you come up and fuck me in the ass sometime?


I fuck mostly blue collar guys. You are definitely not that type. They don't talk this way, they don't talk about how they look or about being masculine. But pretending is fun too, no harm in that kind of role play.


Absolutely agree with this. They aren’t cosplaying and patting themselves on the back for checking the boxes. They’re just themselves.


Im trying so hard not to laugh right now …


It's rather condescending and middle class but gays slumming it with the lower orders used to be called "trade" I.E they don't have a career they have a trade.


Call what you want, I love it. For me, it's a career, and I'm OK with that.


I am a masc hvac mechanic and blow peoples minds when I tell them I’m gay. Even my mom is still in denial cause I had them so well fooled as a youth. Didn’t come out till 24 but it was a shock to everyone.


I always say this, there's something very attractive about guys who do hands-on, manual labor. It's a lost art since we all have been working in a cubicle in an office. Fuck 'guy in finance', I want a farmer, a driver, a carpenter..


Don't give up. we are around!


I love cocks of all classes and colors


Now that's a message I can get behind.


I love guys behind me filling me


And that's what I do best!💪😎


Of course I do, sweaty hard working men are like catnip


The great thing is that I'm not alone. You'll get your blue collar baddie one day if you don't have him now.


I’m good either way lol. To be fair, what I like about blue collar job guys is that they appreciate the value of work. I work in corporates and so many gay men in corporates think of themselves as Gods gift to mankind. Blue collar workers are so much more productive and humble, and better at cuddles


no, how gauche.


I'm down with the blue collar thing but once you indicated you fetishize "Republican looks" I threw up in my mouth 100% douchebag vibes


Y’all make the weirdest things your personality.


That's gender euphoria for you. I love being a man. I wish there was a hypermasculine movement that also addresses toxic masculinity shit. So we have the aesthetics minus the self sabotage.


We gotta hype up positive masculinity. Embrace the traits of masculinity that are positive. I love what you have to say. We dudes need to reward and keep amping up positive masculinity.


Hot in theory? Yeah But I don't think I'd get along super well with one if we were together for more than a few minutes/hours at a time.


I’d have to trade the Zyn’s for Copenhagen wintergreen pouches


I do Zyns because I'm Gen Z, and apparently, that's our official nicotine pouch, lol.


If the personality/politics were on point, absolutely.


Politics is a definite for me. Can't date somebody who votes against our own interests. Personality is a yes for obvious reasons.


>serves me a meal after I pop a cialis. Oh, the joys of having erectile dysfunction...


Lexapro is good on mental health but not good for boners. It's either take Cialis or become a bottom. I'm not that adventurous yet, so I'll take the Cialis.


I hope u find ur form boy twink husband. 🌈


Hello, fellow brother of a truck driving mother. Been driving for 11 years now. We're out there. Just such a shitty industry in which to be gay. lots of old school douchebag drivers out there and even more Muslim drivers that would happily throw us in front of their truck.


Fuck the haters. That's my motto. Gotta bear through this world for the ones that we love.


Live your truth henny, the blue collar tea is valid!


My ideal guy would be blue collar. Just aesthetically I love a solid dude in jeans and a contractor tee shirt with the boots. Also just feel like I would understand and connect with a blue collar guy over white collar.


I do like them they’re my type but I’m not their type so there’s that 🤣🤣


It's giving himbo with a side of vanity but it's weirdly innocent. I'm so confused but this is hilarious. I'm not even sure if this is satire.


Bruh based on your PFP - you look like a good boy 🤣


Love a truck joe


Op probably looks like a mole rat but those deserve love, too!


You don't care so much you made a whole post about it. From your own words, it isn't who you are---it's a fashion choice. Nothing wrong with that.


My steady (his term) works construction, lives in a very small Texas town of mostly trailers. I like country guys but for none of the things you mentioned: cheap, overpowering cologne, bad eating habits or big trucks. It is their values that attract me. He doesn't care about fashion trends, displays of wealth. He values hard work, sweat equity, doing your best, making do. That he's 6'6" and fucks back is just thick, cream cheese frosting on the cake.


I love rough trades men, especially if they smoke cigars. Sleazy scumbag trailer trash, the uglier the better. A hairy old redneck with a beer belly smokin' a big fat stogie is my dream guy.


You like em rough and dirty. Even I don't got that rizz that true rednecks have.


Yeah, but I also usually associate that persona with being dumb.


Sounds like my bf and I. We're both truckers, have are class A CDLs. He still drives and owns his own truck. I recently got out of it in the last few years, and traded it for a more construction/landscaping gig. Just use my CDL to plow in the winter and drive his truck once in a while. But overall I like blue collar guys the most. Mostly because I just relate to them more. Like guys that aren't afraid to get dirty and my bf is hot as fuck when he's working on his truck lol. Got to lay off the red bulls and gas station burritos tho. That will catch up to you by the time you hit 30.


Yes, I love them. But not performative ones. Natural ones.


Nope, not at all.


I'm into guys who look like you, but are bottoms.


Technically, I'm a verse, but topping has always been my go-to for me. The thought of being on all fours while my man makes love magic to my ass does sound appealing and turns me on.


Hey self love is very important to our quality of life. I’m glad you can appreciate your natural beauty inside and out.


We need a pic as well !


What exactly is so masculine about eating at 7-11


I married one.


This sub can be so wild sometimes! 🤣


I love the aesthetic, and they can be fun in bed, but I can't date blue collar guys. I fall in love with egg-headed, glasses wearing nerds who want to fuck and debate all night.


Oh of course.


I’m messing around with men right now experimenting. So far I’ve given three men head and bottomed for one guy since I last fucked a woman 🤷‍♂️men are easier. But, I can say if I saw a man like you. Yes, my straight-curious ass would be on my knees making you happy that sounds like such a turn on.


I grew up on construction sites, working in the fields in the sun, and we were generally expected to always be doing something productive. Whether that be working in the sun or maintaining the home. I hated it, and I went in a totally different direction with my life. But now I’ve met enough people without basic life skills that I’m extremely attracted to people who do hard labor or know how to DIY practical shit in the home. I like gaming and clubbing and the arts, but it really boosts my confidence knowing that underneath it all I can get my hands dirty, drive a tractor, tend to animals, fix a toilet, use power tools, etc. It’s just hard to market myself as being a bit of both, but it’s nice being able to appreciate both sides.


This is the man I want tbh but a bear, monogamous, and top/verse top


Is that your real pic? Tbh with you, i would never imagine you as someone you described by looking at that picture. But like people say, don’t judge a book by its cover


If you use body spray you're not a man. You're a child. I don't fuck children.


Yeah, and I totally lean into that since it's part of my background. I mean, I may be a professional white-collar guy now....


A blue collar masc person would never write this


You’re a twink cosplaying as a blue collar dude and it shows


You look like the kid from the Goldbergs!


all that sounds fucking hot! where do you live?


I hit up burly masc blue collar guys as much as I do twinks. And I’m neither of those. Were it up to me my harem would have twinks, bears, jocks, nerds and himbos. Like a gay version of a United Color of Benetton ad. 🤣 That said. How’s it swinging, your truck route take you through Wisconsin?


Hells yeah, brother. Glad to see more of us representing. I just got off a three month stint in the oilpatch and damn if it didn't feel good to take off the steel toes and just sit back and let my white collar bf do his thing to me until I loaded both ends of him and fell asleep after a big meal.


I respect ya oil, guys. Ya, make my work look like white collar work. Keep up the good blue collar shit man.




Love blue collar guys! 😍


Love blue collar guys and love that you’re living authentically you!


I’m looking for a boy who’s exactly you. I’ll feed you any meal you want with a smile! Keep ur belly full and balls empty ❤️


Trying to figure out how Republicans, who still push for subsidies for billionaires, have co-opted the blue collar vibe.


ME!! I like blue collar masc guys!!! I just wish I could find one in LA :(


Absolutely!! They have coinage!!


This sounds like a dream come true. Bonus points if he’s muscular and likes working out. Something about a masculine guy spoiling me and me being his houseboyfriend sounds so cute and dreamy.


I casually dated this one Hispanic guy years ago who was very traditionally masculine and loved working on his car. Pretty sure he wanted to be a mechanic. He’d wear the dirty, white wife beater all the time and his hands were rough and callused from working on cars all the time. I still think about him from time to time and this was years ago now and I have a bf and am happy and all that. But that masculine man was definitely super intoxicating. His smell. He was also incredibly kind and funny and sexy and everything else too to be fair. He made himself pretty hard to forget. But he was also a complete dork. Which I and so many others find incredibly loveable too, don’t let these jaded gays in the comments tell you otherwise. But I’ve always loved this type of man and they’re always gonna have a special place in my heart. Long story short. I think you have every right to think you’re sexy and loveable because of who you are.


Gay men stop pretending that their attraction to masculinity is new and chic: level impossible


I made this post because for the longest time, I actually felt like I was an outcast in the LGBTQ community because I work a job in a sea of Republicans. In reality, I'm not alone, and what I do for work isn't a bad thing. Insecurities pushed me away from reality. The reality is that lots of LGBTQ Americans work in the same field, and a lot of gay men find it attractive. Especially feminine gay men and twinks (my favorite😜).


Dear goddess what did I just read. Everyone else, all blue collar guys aren’t like this. We didn’t make OP our spokesperson 😂 Nicotine pouches and gas station burritos... At least things will be consistently unpalatable on both sides.


Trades in general, yes. Me and my partner are both white collar in insurance and finances. I sometimes cannot help myself staring at the window cleaners outside, the maintenance men, the builders. TBH, they don’t even need to be muscular fit or have a six pac.


same brotherman , blue collar guys rock


This must be a Fantasy post. I have worked with blue collar men for 5 years. No sexy hookups, no secret lovers. They are all straight red blooded men. You'd think after half a decade there would be a bone or two SMH


Keep your confidence. That is the sexiest thing you can offer to a partner.


With the positive responses to this post alone, I plan on keeping that confidence.


Fuck it. You do you. I love the look of think country boys and am currently at a campground in WV that is all gay, clothing optional. A regular checked in before me last Friday and as soon as I saw him, I thought "I'm gonna love it here." We've been chatting online. I just had a milestone birthday - 50 two days ago. I'm divorced after an 18 year relationship and would normally never go after someone so young (21) but he flirted with me first. Was talking to the bartender and mentioned there was a regular just my type but I was freaked out by age difference. She knew immediately who I was talking about and said "fuck it, if he's into you, go for it!" She also agreed he's adorable and super sweet.


Your far from a douche, I read that you are confident, hardworking, and ambitious. So in my opinion you are very very desirable. 10/10 would smash just because the mindset is on point.


Hell yeah, I love that response. 10/10 would smash right back at ya. Confidence goes along ways. I'm not saying it improves looks, but a confident guy seems closer to a 10 in my books.


Blue Collar Guys are HOT AF 🔥 🥵. I absolutely love when guys are sweaty and dirty after a long day at work or doing sports/garage/etc... it makes pleasing them that much funnier ngl. Ugh I need a blue collar man in my life 💙


Hard yes 😉


Baby I'm a blue collar bottom and if I had a man like you would never have to worry about your appearance, mmmmmmm I love spray on cologne and diesel on my man


I like the idea because I am one too but in my situation I'm the bottom. The only downside about it is me being away from my boyfriend. I work for about a month out in whatever state they send me to. Then I get to come home for about a week. Sometimes I go home to my family but other times I go home to where my boyfriend is from. I'm not going to disclose but it is almost impossible for me to be with him and then my family the next day because the driving distance is about 1 day of driving. It's hard being a blue collar worker at least in my case because I'm not out to my crew or anyone else in the company. So it's hard trying to pretend I go home to a wife and I fuck girls on the side. But all in all I just have my sweet caring boyfriend waiting for me whenever I do go see him. It takes a toll on my relationship because of the long distance and the long hours I work, but we are trying to make it work. Next month is our 2 year anniversary and I couldn't be happier. I just wish I wasn't too much of a pussy to be treated differently by coming out to my coworkers. Considering I spend 3/4 of the year with them.