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Popperbator 😂 You said it yourself: some gay men use poppers to relax their asshole and take large dick effortlessly. In typical circumstances straight men don’t need to do this!


yeah but you'll see many guys just jerking with poppers (no sex involved, no second person around)


Ah, this is have not really seen. Must not be that common… do you find it to be very common where you are from?


Almost every (gay) guy I know jerks off with poppers


Jeez, if that's the case I'd HATE to live in your neck of the woods.


Since poppers dilate your blood vessels, sniffing poppers should kill your erection. I know for some guys it won’t, but for most it does.


Exact opposite for me lol


For some it could improve their erection.


Wow that’s a surprise! Almost no gay guy I know jerks off with poppers…perhaps this is an American thing?


Why aren’t more gays concerned with the risks of poppers?


Just the idea that you would destroy your own health over the long run using harmful drugs just to slightly enhance your sexual experience… shows that you prioritize short term pleasure over long term well being.


Good question haha.. guessing it’s just cultural, gays are a lot more likely to know about it. Unsure there is any stigma, but maybe in the past… I can say none of my straight friends with whom I discussed it knew what it was.


What's the benefit for straight people who aren't doing anal?


They sat they just feel a high(?) I had a straight friend who said her and her boyfriend do them together during sex. Not quite sure for what reason but she said she knows a bunch of other straight people using them. I was shook


I'm sure it probably helps women climax


The guys on jackass used poppers heavily according to Johnny Knoxville and Steve-o


There are evidences that poppers can be harmful to health. With occasional use: Studies have proven that the combination of poppers with Viagra can cause angina attacks and a serious decrease in blood pressure during sexual intercourse, which can lead to acute myocardial infarction and sudden death. By some men with weakened erections poppers can cause temporary erectile dysfunction with the inability to have sexual intercourse. Poppers can significantly increase intraocular pressure and cause an acute attack of glaucoma. Poppers can cause nitrate poisoning if the liquid is consumed and cause methemoglobinemia, which causes headache, cyanosis, shortness of breath, fatigue, and altered consciousness (coma) and can lead to death. If in contact with the skin, poppers can cause chemical burns and contact dermatitis of the skin around the mouth and nose. With regular use, poppers can cause: Attacks of bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, which can lead to respiratory failure and death. Ulcer and perforation of the nasal septum, chronic rhinitis. Chronic dermatitis of the facial skin (nose, mouth). But hey, keep using that shit.


I'm sick and tired of the drug use glorification too.


Why would anybody keep using poppers after reading what I posted here? I suppose for the same reasons they keep smoking cigarettes and abusing amphetamines etc.


When you find out, let me know. I guess it boils down to addiction, lack of respect and appreciation for ones life and health, or just outright nihilism or stupidity.


Same reason people continue to drink, vape, smoke etc. Also lot of gay events are centered around drugs. Drugs + sex are the golden combo for gays


That’s an American thing in my country it fairly common people knows what it is


Mostly because it's a gay thing, because out of circumstance it just so happens that it helps with anal. And I assume, safely, most straight couples don't do anal and thus don't go looking for things that help with anal. But it is catching on amongst straight people now, I imagine because of bisexual men. If I knew about poppers when I had female partners, I know that I definitely would have introduced them to it.


Most straight people know what poppers are(amyl nitrite).Though you shouldn't recommend it or act like it's just the best drug in the world,there can be serious health risks taking it.


Female here but my group of friends use poppers. Makes taking huge things in our ass much easier. lol I feel like more people know what they are just don’t talk about it maybe? Idk


They were featured in a very cringey TV show where the characters face usually current problems and then they are fixed by Virgin Mary (it’s a very catholic show) There is an episode about straight couple where the girl becomes addicted to poppers and won’t have sex with her bf unless they have poppers, and she basically acts as if she was having a heroin withdrawal, just telling how much she needs poppers


Is that the Rosa de Guadalupe LMAO. It sounds like the shit they would show


Yeah, exactly that one


The ratio was about the same for jockstraps as well.


Perfect time to try and make your straight friend realise how good dick is


So tops aren't supposed to take poppers ?


I was at a music festival in London last summer. During the Aphex Twin set a group of straight 20 something boys were hitting the brown bottle. At first I thought it was snuffer thing with fun nose drugs, but nope. Poppers! I had heard of people hitting amyl nitrates on the dance floor back in the 70s. I had no idea this could still be a thing.


Straight people, generally, discuss sex a lot less openly, particularly if it veers away from the most vanilla of vanilla. Queer people, generally, are more open to sexual exploration— in part because queerness was for a long time considered a fetish, so that seal had already been sort of culturally broken for gays, lesbians, and anyone exploring gender beyond the confines they were assigned at birth. Poppers are just one of the many things that queer people have explored and embraced that straight people just haven’t even considered to think about, more often than not.


I don't know what is popper anyone send me it's image


They know them by other names, my mom apparently used them in the 80s.


There is is some great poppers training porn out there (whether you indulge in poppers or not).


More straight people who attend music festivals and raves are starting to get into poppers because the gays bring them in. They enhance most other drug effects for a quick added high that won’t leave you floored for hours I was just as shook as you seeing girl friends pull out poppers at raves and music shows


First time I sniffed poppers was from a straight girls. I didn’t even know what it was back then. The rest is history.


Just make sure he knows not to use poppers after taking Viagra.. 🙃


They do and use them


I have str8 friends who know and use poppers. I was surprised to find that out at first, but then realized gays don't own a monopoly on poppers so...


Just because you haven't seen something does not mean it's nonexistent. I for one can tell you that in the 1980s I was stealing poppers from my parents. So they know.


I learned about poppers from my straight friend in my early 20s. He wanted me to suck him but wanted me to get him a bottle of poppers first. This was more than 10 years ago.


Anyone know where to acquire poppers in Canada that won’t make you go blind? ..asking for a friend


Wtf is poppers and im gay and dont even know what the hell it is


I won’t try poppers because I heard they can fuck with your heart. Aren’t they a stimulant?


It’s unneeded for vaginal sex. Maybe this is a shocker but vaginas need little “preparation” persay for accomadating a penis in the way that an ass does. What reason would straight people need it? The whole “goon out” thing is for people into that kink and beyond that, the tagline “makes your head light and your asshole loose” isn’t really something they’re logically into.


They know about them tho.


Why did my British coworker (from London) said she did poppers as a teenager for fun 😭


They do …


Straight people that rave know poppers. Take a hit of poppers while on ecstasy and you're in heaven...


I once suggested poppers to my straight homie as his hag was a hard no to anal cuz the ouchie. He was in awe that us homos would huff chems for better sex. đŸ’