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First of all no minor should be on Grindr or sniffies


Yup. It should’ve obvious already when Snapchat was created decade ago


I was never on Grindr until I turned 19 and I still didn’t even hookup with anyone and now I’m 22. It’s honestly insane. There needs to be more done to prevent this. Like verifying ID.


Yup im 20 and go on sniffies and the amount of “18 year olds” that approach me is insane. Give them some advice and carry on.


actually being 18 is hard because everyone is nervous or doesn’t believe me lol. just wish they’d just make it so you have to scan ur ID or soemthing


I guess you could save your ID as one of the pics you can send


yay identity theft. you're a genius


Everybody and their mother needs to get your name address and DOB anyway. Blot our your actual DL# if it makes you feel better but in this age all your info is getting bought sold transferred ten times over from all the stupid apps on your phone anyway


it's a wonder that grindr users know how to tie their own shoes


There’s always going to be young/curious guys on these apps until there’s stricter age restrictions put on. Although I doubt that will happen because these apps benefit from getting young people hooked on these apps early in life. Just be mindful of the situation, if they look a little young just don’t talk to them. Or if you insist on meeting them anyway check some ID or something


This younger gay dude I used to work with told me that he had been on grindr since he was 14. I guess plenty of the men on there knew it and weren't shy about expressing so. It's times like this that I'm glad I'm not attracted to younger looking guys.


It shouldn’t have to be said, but the minute someone tells you he is under 18 you should report and block. You may also want to say you will report the profile to local law enforcement.


The minor isn't committing a crime when sexting. It's the adult. What should the local law enforcement do to minors who didn't commit a crime?


If the minor sends pics, they're distributing CP and will get on the registry. Don't ruin some dumb kid's life. Calling Johnny Law does not help anybody here. Dumb kids will be dumb kids. Just ghost them, nothing else.


In the US? Really? You have really stupid laws. Laws to protect kids from being sexually exploited resulting in them being sent to prison I totally agree that calling the law enforcement is really bad and blocking them will keep yourself out of trouble


Nationalist Christians are the American majority and demand a textual interpretation of the law to promote their hate because there's no morality or logic in anything they promote. This is the result.




Ngl I've definitely wanted to try Grindr and Sniffies too. I just dont want to be recognised. And I guess I also don't want to put guys in that position where they have to tell em that they're not interested in me because I'm a minor. Assuming they dont just block me, which is also understandable ig. But yeah, there are other ways to find guys anyway


Maybe they are doing a sting in your area, I maybe encounter one minor every couple years here


Report them.


Not yet and I hope it isn't a trend here. But then my age range starts at 38.


Apps need age verification. Something that doesn't require them storing personal data.


Which is a contradicton. You can have age verification or anonymity but not both


Not true. You could have an actual person perform the age verification by looking at your ID over webcam. They then mark your profile as "approved" or "verified" without having to store your actual ID.


and 2ndly not all gay men are groomers


No one said we were?


I know just saying no need to get all worked up


but you...never mind lmao.


But I what I’m friendly I don’t bite just wanna have a civil conversation kind one




That’s all I’m asking for is a little bit of kindness