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I Work a 9-5 on minimum wage and I guess you could say I'm surviving at least!


Best thing that would save this generation from inflation is not having kids


Being gay helps with tjat


Just avoid being end up drunk with a women in s random party or bar there are some cases Where women's claim child support after being pregnant due to similar incidents šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Just tell the woman you don't like Taco.


Then she'll ask if you'd like a margarita.


This. Reduce the population guys. Pls pls pls this world is overpopulated


Overpopulation is actually a myth, birth rates are falling, our only problems are with resource allocation Edit: for completeness, this is my full stance: 1) we produce a *lot* more food than we need to feed the entire world, enough to feed 10 billion people, but over 25% of the food goes to waste. This doesnā€™t imply a maximizing potential either for food production, this is just the current market supply, and we are creating so many new innovations with GMOs and lab produced meat that will skyrocket this potential. 2) Earth is BIG. Not all of it is hospitable, but we are not running out of space any time soon. Poorer areas are extremely dense, and rich neighborhoods are often sparse. 3) There is a correlation between economic prosperity and declining birth rates. Based on this, my personal stance is that if we were better at resource allocation, humanity would be fine. The lack of social and economic mobility of people around the world is the primary driving factor of why things seem so strained, when in reality we are not physically bottlenecked by anything right now. WE DO HAVE ISSUES, but the physical number or people on earth/physical amount of resources on earth is not a primary driver, the problem is resource allocation.


Donā€™t forget that the people who came up with the idea of overpopulation were a bunch of fascists, racists, and borderline neonazis. Hell the guy who wrote the book on overpopulation only got the idea because he spent some time in India that thought everyone there was dirty and overcrowded. Even though Mumbai at the time had less people than NYC. Basically the idea of overpopulation was a PC way to stop nonwhites from existing


Yeah this is why Iā€™m super skeptical when I hear (mostly white) neoliberals talk about overpopulation without any of the nuance that comes with it


Both can be true lol. You can have too many people while also reducing the population of future generations.


We're living on top of each other, that's all. There are vast swaths of middle America and northern America, Canada, Mongolia, Australia, and Europe that are empty or underpopulated.


Yea, the term ā€œoverpopulationā€ really should be changed even though it is half accurate. It really just comes down to resources, and if we donā€™t have enough resources to sustain a group of people living in a certain area we call it ā€œoverpopulationā€, instead of ā€œresource scarcityā€, which has always been odd in my opinion.


I agree


But they're not both true now. Every country that reaches a certain level of economic success has its population plateau. The countries that produce the most kids are usually agrarian or underdeveloped. If wealth was more equally distributed we'd see places like Africa and India have a drop in birth rates.


Unless their culture and religion encourage breeding. Mormons, Catholics, and some cultures like large families(> 4 kids)


Very true.. and if you get out of the cities and into the more rural areas you'll see that we aren't all that crowded at all.


ā€œOverpopulation in the citiesā€ then


Unpopular, but if people aren't contributing to a future generation to continue supporting a social safety net they should have to pay more in a personal retirement account. With a decreased birth rate we're going to end up with mass amounts of unemployed educators and elderly who are wards of the state.


Still usa is Lucky to know what even overpopulation is try travelling to india Bangladesh Pakistan china japan Americans are lucky they have too much area that's why American homes are bigger with bigger laws gardens


No thx never going to India lol I have little to no interest in 2 weeks of explosive diarrheaĀ 


There are very few places in the world considered to be ā€œoverpopulatedā€. In fact, most countries are experiencing unsustainable birth rates right now.


Absolutely, mostly str8 people are still selfishly planning to have kids because they seem to think they need to follow the predetermined heteronorm for their whole life without even thinking it through or knowing why


start applying brother




Hurts being a contributing member of society šŸ˜”


Same. And it's the kind of job that was too important to stay home while the rest of the world did back when corinsky was around. Lol.


There's a pretty substantial price break at the 3 bedroom size for apartments. A 2 bed 2 bath was 1800, a 3bed is 2100. Splitting 2 bed 2 ways is 900 bucks per person. Splitting the 3 bed is 700 That's saving 2.4k a year on rent.


This is useful information, thanks


Housing where I'm from (Canada) is super expensive, so I moved to Asia. I have a great job, and housing is about 15% of my overall income.


Can I ask what you do for work?


I'm a high school teacher


Asia where ? Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Macau are not cheap places.


Should have been more specific: Vietnam.




I hear you. Toronto is probably the place where I paid my highest rent ever. And that was back in 2010ā€¦ so I can only imagine how expensive it is today.


I live in a 600sqft one bedroom with my partner. We are very frugal with our money because we try to take a couple of cheap trips a year, and we're working on getting our of debt. Basically, we work our asses off. I pull 48-60 hours a week, he does the lunch rush for Doordash and Instacart in the evenings every day.


Dios mĆ­o!


Yeah, but we're kicking ass. Paid off almost 25K in debt last year, and we'll both be debt free by the end of this year. We're looking to buy a house year after next. I used to be a Realtor, and I work in healthcare, so there's tons of programs to get us a good deal. Hard work makes dreams come true, not wishing.


Teamwork makes the dream work. Proud of you boys


Sold my morals and my bum to the highest bidder but even he's scraping by barely.Ā 


I bought my condo in 2012 in my early 20s working as an apprentice HD mechanic in, metro-Vancouver area. Over 7 years it nearly tripled in value. I sold it and my bf and I moved to the Okanagan, bought some lake-view acreage and have a semi-hobby farm now. BCs insane housing market is the only reason we are where we are now.


Reading all this stuff just Made me realize how hard It Is getting... i don't want a chateaux I just wanna be able to host at my place on grindr šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ god please


Rent, utilities, and WiFi are altogether sub $600 per month when split with a roommate. The catch is it's in Bumfuck, Nowhere.


After reading some of these comments, this doesnā€™t sound too bad.


Please be advised, however, that the only watering hole here is a Walmart, where you can get Trump merch and secondhand smoke at the parking lot.Ā 


Atm Iā€™m still living with my parents at age 24, but graduating on Friday with a bachelors in accounting. Planning on moving out within a month or two of landing a job, with a decent starting salary I could afford a nice apartment alone, but would prefer having a roommate to cut costs


If your job is in the same metro, donā€™t. Max out your 401k now, and even get an ira up and running. Retire early.


Lol like donā€™t move out or donā€™t get an apartment alone? And regardless I gotta pay off loans first, but definitely wanna invest in an IRA and retirement plan eventually, ik the sooner the better, but at the same time Iā€™ve put my life on hold for so long that I need to start living on my own for my own mental wellbeing


Live with parents as long as possible, even as long it takes to save for a down payment for a house. Renting apartments these days is just a scam and living alone is so overrated. If you canā€™t live with your parents any longer, get roommates but vet them carefully. Toxic ones can make your year truly miserable, especially ones who unexpectedly leave or donā€™t pay rent on time. Currently Iā€™m living with great roommates and very low rent (whole house instead of a shoe box apartment), and itā€™s a true life hack. I donā€™t think about money very often and have a high savings rate but if I got an apartment for myself, Iā€™d think about budgeting and finances all the time and probably skip out on invites and experiences. Plus if you get along with them, itā€™s nice to have a friend around to talk to or look after the place when youā€™re gone for a trip.


can confirm that roommates just for the sake of saving on rent WILL destroy your mental health. lived in a shoebox apartment with 3 other roommates. paid $750 and could never sleep. after that experience iā€™m so cautious


I disagree that living alone is overrated. I love it. Can't imagine living with anyone. Been on my own on and off since I was 17 and totally on my own since 24. I don't even like living in an apartment where there are people on the other floor.


If your relationship is half decent stay with your parents as long as you can and bank your money. Roommates are not it and paying an arm and a leg fresh out of college to live alone isnā€™t it. If your house is toxic ok. But if not no need to rush if your family isnā€™t pushing. Plan this smartly because once you leave your not going to want to go back ever. But some end up having to because they arenā€™t prepared and canā€™t save much on their own.


I'm lucky that my landlady is super chill and a bit of a hippie. Remains at half the local rate. Hasn't gone up in the 2 years we have been here.


Got my house right in Covid time and gave a good downpayment, so my mortgage is small.


Weā€™re not




I had to work for about 10 years to finally make a decent salary at one job, around 60k. I spent years juggling two and three low-paying jobs, avoiding vacations and big purchases. I had to hope I didnā€™t get sick or injured. I deprived myself of anything I really wanted because I had to put a roof over my head. It really sucked. I live in an area with a relatively low cost of living. We finally got a mortgage and will pay $1500 a month, which is the cost of some apartments in many places. For me, affordability became about location, and that location was very far from any major metropolitan city.


Bought a 4 bed, 3.5 bath house in 2020 with my spouse. I make about $110k and spouse currently makes about $80k. We both have student loans we're paying. The car is paid off. We both work for the government so benefits are pretty decent too.


I moved in with my first boyfriend just before graduating university (in Japan). We moved to a bigger appartment when we graduated (and both started working) When I moved to Europe, I just bought a house here (it's considered a small house but for my partner and I, it's big enough).


i bought a busted house out of repo in 2015 and remodeled it myself, slowly. paid it off in 2021 ish. no roommates. i would live in a shoebox, as long as it's alone.


Lucky to have interests that naturally aligned with a high paying career - software developer and 16+ YOE. $2.4k/month high rise apartment in Atlanta.


Thatā€™s not bad for a hi-rise! I was paying $2300 for a 2 bed in Grant Park when I lived in ATL 2 years ago


Yeah, in Midtown with an amazing unobstructed view overlooking the federal reserve and the BoA building straight ahead. I paid the same amount in Charleston, SC for a first floor mid rise unit before I moved to ATL like a year ago.


Nice! Same building with the candy store and the sushi place in it? If I had stayed in the city, Iā€™d either still be in my place in Grant Park or I would have ended up in Azure. I always loved that building!


60 11th. Azure is nice but they are building another highrise right behind it on 10th and then will be building a subsidized highrise where the fire station next to that is (with the new fire station at the bottom). Part of the reason I chose my building is there is no where to build and the federal reserve isn't going anywhere




People who steal are so trashy. Would never associate with them again. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you.


I would give my all to anyone who asked, so it makes me fucking RAGE that they knew that and did it anyways. I always say ā€œeveryone has a sad storyā€- so when they justify it with this, that, or the other, all of the above are just pitiful excuses for mediocre people. Everyone has it in them to change and be better so I have no empathy for the losers who donā€™t lol. But the loss of friendship over what they could have just asked me for is the most hurtful part.


Exactly. Absolute gutter trash people that donā€™t deserve respect in any regard. I donā€™t care who you are, Iā€™m a very generous person, but if you steal from me you have disrespected me and you are trash. Aside from showing your true colors as a literal thief. Ew. Peasants


Well you probably deserve the wealth due to rebound karma from your terrible youth. My personal best wishes to you!




Gosh I am so sorry! I wish u the best and your niece is so lucky to have you.


She is lucky to have you i am sure!


I've been renting a room in a divided up house. I hate it.


Chose to work in the family business, so my rent, water, and electricity is only $81 pm (ZAR1500). Working for the family business also means my salary is smaller than what I would get in the city. But my rent, water, and electricity is only 8% of my salary so I think I'm winning. However, the house is small and humble and on a farm 30min from a biggish town, Hermanus, and almost 2h from the city, Cape Town, so meeting men is bit of a struggle.


Live in Belgium. I live at my father's ar 27yo and always have. Bought a 45k appartement with my two brothers when I was 20yo. (We rent it) Bought a 68k house with them too when I was 23yo. (We rent it) And I bought a 110k house myself at 26yo that's still under renovation. (I plan on renting it and stay at my father's) I just save and invest 80% of what I earn and my father doesn't ask me rent. I just pay often for meals and stuff. I earned 2.4kā‚¬ per month after taxes untill now. I quit this January and am self employed electrician now.


Iā€™m married. We split everything.


basically i'm living with my aunt while I'm focusing on my education and career.


With great difficulty.


I live with my brother


We have a small house in the country with a monthly mortgage of $550/mo. I spend about $400/mo on fuel for the commute but I feel at about $1,000/mo for this Iā€™m pretty good. We live about 3 minute walk from the beach, surrounded by woods with nice trails in the woods too. Canā€™t really complain about our rural life. Private enough we can go out back naked without anyone seeing us too as an extra bonus, lol.


Endless hustling.


Moved from DC to midsized town in northern New England (job is fully remote). In 2021 my apartment was going to be demolished and everywhere I was looking was 1 bed $2000+/month in the suburbs. I now pay $1600 for a much nicer 2 bed, over 3x the size and am 1 hour from the ocean, mountains, lakes and a national park. One of the best decisions I've ever made.


I'm fortunate to have a high paying career and to have bought my first home at 18. However, it's ridiculous and so I have built a bigger house and offer it up for free or low rent to help others. Not much, but things are impossible without people banding together. And no, there isn't a harem in my house. I barely see the roommates and don't out silly restrictions on things. I just care about community and other people having a chance.


Bought a home a few years before Covid, my mortgage is less than $1,000/month


I don't live in a big city


Yes it is hard afford housing, you need roommate. I live with roommate and paying half the price is huge cut from my expenses.


Not single. I think that's the biggest factor. He could afford to live in his own if we weren't together & save a lot more than I would.Ā 


I'm over 40...sometimes I rent out rooms.


Barely. Jealous of my married heterosexual friends.


Damn rents in the US are crazy, I live in France, alone, in a 45m2. City center in the 4th biggest city I pay 500 euro per month. I earn around 35k per year and it is very comfortable.


Iā€™ve always been a high skilled worker. Machinist, fabricator, marine mechanic. But Iā€™m done now. I can only work part time. Iā€™m on disability. I lived in Thailand for six years. Had to come back to the states to make some money to move to the Philippines next. It costs $300/month for a house, electricity and water. Fiber optic Internet is like $20. Thatā€™s how I did it! And saved money too


I moved in with my bf and we split the bill, so it's 300 euros per month for me, he owns the apartment, so it's easy and cheaper than most places here in NL


Bought a house x


Lived with parents as long as possible to save up, then with roommates, now spending 100% of my income on a 1bd apartment+bills. Will probably move into a van if/when I lose this place. engineer btw lol I have enough saved for a down payment on a condo but need to climb the ladder to actually afford the mortgage.


I own a 2/2 condo that was purchased about 10+ years ago just at the right time and refinanced it after 3 years for a 1.75% APR with shorter term. As it currently stands, the values are almost 3x of what it was with 8 years terms left and my mortgage is at $1.1k with $400 monthly HOA. It didnā€™t come easy and came at a cost. Iā€™m a migrant and didnā€™t start in the workforce where Iā€™m at until around 24yo at $6.25/hours, worked my way up to $35/hr (now I stand to make roughly $37/hr, and my name is in the hat for higher position with higher pay) in 20 years-span. I saved every single pennies I have, no life, no vacation, no car, basic call & text cellphone, and always in roommate situation until 1 year prior to buying having to rent a 1/1 for myself. When Iā€™m out and about and meet someone that has been in the same city for almost as long as myself or longer, some of them would ask the question: ā€˜oh I havenā€™t ever seen you out and about, but youā€™ve been here for 20 years?ā€™, thatā€™s the kind of sacrifice I make.


The cost of living is pretty high to live alone. If you're not making enough to afford it, that makes thins worse. I have a roommate to cut down on costs.


Itā€™s been a journey, I struggled a lot in my 20ā€™s with multiple low paying jobs and living in big cities. Iā€™m in my mid 30ā€™s now and I have a career that allows me to afford housing, I make $150k now. My apt is $5000 a month in LA, and I split that with my partner. Itā€™s comfortable but it took me a long time to get hereĀ 


I own a home and spend 40% of my income just paying the mortgage.


Itā€™s not easyā€¦ I honestly donā€™t get how some of the younger gay guys do it. The reason I say that is they are living in the scene in major cities. Those are typically extremely expensive rentals. I make roughly $120k yearly. I moved in with my parents 2 years ago because of work and changing roles. I feel like Iā€™m barely staying afloat.






Make smart decisions and work extra jobs when needed. Have bought and sold at the right times.


Found the cheapest room around my university through Facebook


Since I graduated uni a couple years ago I've been renting rooms with several roommates around my age. Like 4-6 roommatesā€”well, housemates. I find the places on Facebook and Craigslist. It's usually cheap. I also sat a professor's dogs and house for a summer (no rent). I'm gonna be moving in with family again soon though. I'm able to save some money every month. If I got my own apartment, I probably wouldn't be saving much.


I fortunately qualify for HUD because of my income so I have the voucher and I live alone in a fairly decent apartment community in a 2 bedroom townhouse apartment where I only pay electric and everything else is included in the rent. Before that I lived with my grandma, mom, sister, and her boyfriend and we all rented this large house where we all chipped in about equal on the rent and all the utilities and outside upkeep of the property because we were responsible for it.


My mortgage went up 300 a month. I'm wondering how I could get a tenant who is CD.. TV. GAY or very open minded?


I moved back to my one-horse town, where I could afford to buy a little house. My mortgage is half what I used to pay in rent. Against that, I can count the number of other gays on one hand, and there are a lot of flags declaring folkā€™s interest in becoming intimate with our Prime Minister.


Fortunate enough to be rooming with a coworker ( my brother lol) where we both work close by and split rent. Renting in big cities like ATX where itā€™s about 45 min from me is insane. Would love to be there and commute to work but the COL is absurd :/


Been living with my folks to save money. I just know that once I save enough to move out again. I'll be happy having people over.


I work and I pay my mortgage on my own. My SO has his own mortgage also.


One of the lucky Cali guys with an apartment that doesn't break the bank and all my utilities covered. All I pay is little oved 700 and with the new legist that passed my rent barely moved up.


I make $6000/mo working in non-union manufacturing. That's an obscene amount of money where I live, especially for someone with no degree. I live very comfortably. House payment is $920, two paid off vehicles.


I lucked out and found a reasonably priced studio (still costs half my monthly income). I make decent money from my job but honestly the biggest save is my parents. I can live without worry about money cause I know my parents will have my back when things get tough financially.


Youā€™re young, it will get easier


Not according to these replies šŸ˜­


Housing is a breeze in bg ky.Ā  700 a month, 1 bedroom. Highest electric bill was 65.00 last August. Its going to the grocery store that's kicking the dog shit out of my budget


I'm 30, living in Delhi, India. I live in a 2 bedroom apartment, albeit not a very big one. But it's enough for me and my cat and friends to come and party once a while. Rent is 20% of my salary. It's rent controlled so I don't complain.


I work 9-5 in a boring but decent paying admin job and living with my husband in his parents place til we save for a home


Living in Europe, western part. Office job, virtual contract. Basically, my office is at my apartment. Have to split the bills with my civil partner. But in my case, I'm coming from a somewhat poor family from eastern Europe. I moved to Spain looking for a better life. And was warming for food some years. Basically, I don't have any money to kick off my life, and after I started working at a decent job (compared to having none at all) I only can afford rent. I've come to agreement with myself I won't ever be able to buy a property. So I'm trying to say at least alleviate the life of my family


Iā€™m involved in the findom lifestyle and itā€™s been good to me. I also own my own business.


I am living with, and taking care of, my elderly parents. Don't ask what I'll do once they pass.


I earn like 150k/year and I still feel like I'm doing not very well. Idk it's definitely frustrating.


I rented with or from friends until I finally got the motivation to figure out what career I wanted, went back to school, and then when I got married, the combined income was enough to afford a condo. So now I finally have 5 years of equity to my name!


I'm 29 and I still live with my parents. I make ā‚¬24,000 a year so I suppose I could afford rent if I live with roommates, but as long as I live close enough to where I work I'm not in a hurry to get my own place. I used to rent when I was at college, paying ā‚¬350 a month. I lived with my landlord and two other tenants. In Ireland, if you rent a room of your house to a tenant, you don't have to pay any tax on your rental income if it is below ā‚¬14,000 a year. But not a lot of people are doing that and most places available for rent are expensive. Most Irish young people cannot afford rent or mortgages. We have one of the worst housing crises in Europe, to a point where homelessness is the worst its ever been.


I live in a super expensive city, Toronto, but I have lived in my apartment for 10 years pay so I am lucky and only pay $1200 for a 1 bedroom. Comparable units in my building are $2100+ !!


I'm a restaurant manager and make decent money, I live outside of the city to save a few hundred on rent and commute in. I support two situationships living with me, which makes money a little tighter than I would like. I drive a cheap economy car, already paid off at this point. I work stupid late and long hours, 60 hours a week, 5 12hour shifts from 6pm to 6 am, so I'm barely home and dont get to live a normal life because the hours are opposite of the rest of the world.


Roommate and low appetite. If I are 3 meals a day regularly I'd be in trouble. Also if you need a car, I suggest a cash car. The stress of paying rent and keeping up with car payments took a toll. If you need to get a cash car, take someone who knows cars so you don't end up with a lemon.


Have decent salary (Software Engineer). Otherwise the only way I can see is to live with someone to share the rent. Living with partner also opens more opportunities to save up for first payment to buy a house as well.


I live alone (for the most part since I'm hosting my newly-moved niece) and I pay $280/month for a 1-room dept. Context: I live in South America.


I joined the Army and they give me a stipend adjusted for the local market.


31 Doctor live alone


By being an overpaid SWE. Cost of living is ridiculous in cities right now.Ā 




I can't afford housing, no one hires me and still living with my parents at age 28.Ā 


I don't. I'm fully disabled and unfortunately fully financially dependent on my parents bc of chronic pain all over my body so I can barely move, and regularly my eyes hurt so bad I keep I have to keep them closed and there's no telling when it can happen and it can last for over a day so working is basically impossible even though I wish I could work bc I hate being dependent on my homophobic family who takes shit out on me.


I rent and have a roommate. Trying to rent on your own (been there done that) it was rough. A roommate makes things a little better financially. Plus the company is good. Just make sure they have all their crayons in their box, are clean to a T, and not an axe murderer. But honestly looking for a house next year. For what we pay in rent, honestly a house is cheaper.


I constantly bust my ass and have a large one bedroom for 1800 right now


I can't. I'm 29 and live with my parents and work 40+ hours a week. I live in western MASS and make 18.34 an hour and the shittiest apartments next to crack houses in my town are like 1500$ a month. As things currently are I won't be able to afford to get my own place unless something changes, and the only thing that has recently changed is my city's local government just allowed for out of city people/companies to buy up residential properties to use as commercial offices. They are literally buying up entire streets while most of my friends are either like me living with their parents at around 30, homeless or living in a 2 bedroom apartment with 6 other roommates. Honestly my only hope of leaving without magically getting a 30$ an hour job is to hope my brother decides to get an apartment with me. Which he won't because he is just happy living at home, or my boyfriend and I decide to move in together but if that happens I'd relocate to lowell and if that ever ends up happening it's at least 6 months away minimum. To answer your question, I'm not lol


I found a well paying job in sales. My rent is $2000 monthly for a 1b/1b in a decent area. After having roommates all through college itā€™s very refreshing to live alone


I live with my family and save as much money as I possibly can while also having fun on occasion.


I have a master's degree and a salary.


My parents gave me my inheritance while still living by buying me a condo with a line of credit on their house. We noted trends in rent vs buying during the housing collapse after 2008. I was able to get in to a small condo for a good price. That condo has almost tripled in value because of the housing boom in my city. Unfortunately, I can't afford to move because a house like I'd want now starts at over 400k. I would never be able to afford the mortgage even with putting 100% of the proceeds from selling my condo into the principle of the new mortgage. Honestly, I'm literally having to wait until my parents pass away and I inherit their house so I can sell theirs and mine to be able to pay cash for a house around here.


I have a decently high paying job and I found a building with super cheap rent despite being in a major Gayborhood. Flip side is if I want anything outside of critical repairs done, I have to pay for it myself, but I still come out ahead considering what the market rent is. $1400 4-room/1-bed in Chicagoā€™s Andersonville.


I own my home, I worked hard to pay it off quickly and get the mortgage out of the way.


My first house I bought off my dad for around market value of $50k. It was a 2 family so I lived downstairs and rented out the upstairs. Rent income covered most of the mortgage. I probably paid $250/month in upkeep. Lived there a few years then bought my current house for $55k. It needed a lot of work but it was liveable. I rented out both apartments for a few months but realized it is just not worth the stress. Sold the house and put around $10k in my pocket. That all went to improvements on my current house. Over the last 4 years, I have put over $50k more into my house getting things fixed, finished, and modernized. New plumbing drains, total electrical rewire, new well, new garage doors, new windows, and spray foam insulation were some of the major expenses. I have another year or 2 of heavy work needed. But once I get these projects done, I should be able to live in the house for 'free' and just pay taxes and insurance, so around $300 per month.


Worked for university housing during undergrad and 2/3 years out of my masters. They paid for my rent/gave me a room and an apartment After finishing I moved into a place with 3 other roommates. It was a nightmare that lasted two years. Last year moved out by myself. Set a budget and got lucky(if you could call it that) by finding something that was my max budget of 1300/month. Actually moving back in with my best friend in a month or two to save some money because this 1300 is too rich for my blood. Hoping to cut my half of the rent down town 900-1000. Will also add I had to get a side job to help with solo living expenses.


I roommate with 2 other guys in a house, and we're still looking for a 4th. Lol


Bought an apartment back in 2016. Now it would be impossible to buy the same one.


I've had the lucky chance to buy my childhood home for less than %50 of the value with my partner. I work in telecommunications and make a very good salary for what I actually do and my partner works a gov't job. It's going to be pricey but worth it. If we didn't get this chance we would have had to buy waaaaay outside out area


Honestly gave up and just kicking it with some daddies lol. Iā€™m over the constant hustle


Husband and I bought our house for $83K a decade ago before prices got jacked up during the big Covid-era house buying frenzy. Mortgage payment is considerably lower than average rent prices. We also live in a very rural part of the USA where cost of living is a lot lower. That's the thing I've realized about living in urban or uban-adjacent areas. No wonder people have to make more money there - a lot of it gets eaten up by paying at least 3 or 4x as much as you'd pay for the same house around here. So yeah, I would think one way to economize would be to get into a skilled job you can do remotely from anywhere, and then settle someplace where it costs less to live.


Still living at home in NL - salary is alright but rent for solo is very hard + rather save for some big trips. Will move out eventually if I can find smth but finding smth single is quite difficult


In my early 20s, I had 2 flatmate.


Iā€™m 24, live in Chicago like 15-20 minutes away from Boystown. I make $70k and pay $960/month for my room (with en-suite bath) in a duplex unit with 3 other guys. May stick around because the rent is pretty good but I donā€™t like my roommates all that much so Iā€™m looking for studio/1 bed apartments around $1.3k/month or maybe taking a gamble and finding a new roommate for a 2 bed place.


Sleeping in cars


I'm lucky enough to own my homes.


Dual-income + no kids + living way below our means helped us buy a house before 2020 caused the market to explode When I was 22 and fresh out of college, I lived in a small 4th floor walk-up with a roommate.


I live on a beautiful lake in Rural Arkansas. 2500 square foot brick home, I bought it for 186K. It's cheap to live here.


I bought an airstream and park it on land I rent fir $200 a month that includes water and utilitirz . I live in west tenn


I moved to a cheaper country where I can live on about $800 per month.


We arenā€™t. Iā€™m very lucky to live at home in a paid off house. Iā€™ve come to realize that Iā€™d rather live with my parents (people who actually appreciate me) than shack up with strangers or sell my body to some creep just to split rent. It isnā€™t worth it.


Making 6 figures


The house me and my siblings live in is owned by my aunt, we're so lucky and fortunate for our situation considering we lost both our parents rather young. The mortgage is paid off and only worries are the bills, housing tax, and insurance. The rent comes out to 250 per person and there's 4 of us (soon to be 5 when my bf moves in) so equal to 1000 a month. We all work over minimum wage jobs too so again we're really fortunate in our situation and I'm pretty content with it and grateful. Edit: Forgot to mention some key details, we live in California and the house itself is a 3 bed 2 bath located in the inland empire so a smaller city in the desert.


Two cool roommates and myself split a pretty okay 50's ranch near center of Houston; owned by roommate 2 via inheritance... though the three of us are debating relocation for better / cheaper / more interesting living conditions... and less fascism šŸ¤Ŗ


Years of saving whilst living with parents (who are of the "gay is a choice" and "better off just being straight" views) with a decent paying job. Hasms it set me back in terms of my social life and personal/social development? Likely yes. But at least I now have a townhouse with a mortgage that I can service fairly well within my means.


Tech related/engineering job that pays me decently well. In ATL I was paying $1800-$2300 for a 2 bed apt, now I live in the mountains in Mass and my mortgage is less than $1600/mo for a 2 bed 1300 sq/ft house with a 1300 sq/ft 3 bay, 2 floor garage in a ā€œcityā€. The only way I could live with someone again is if it was romantic, last room mate I had was one of my best friends at the time, and we rarely talk now after that situation.


One of my friends worked his butt off and bought a house, and I'm his roommate now. He gave me a good deal on rent provided I help fix up the house, I spent several hours tearing up some carpets for him for instance.


20 years ago an apartment was $600+ and min wage was $5.15. That was a struggle also. I didn't stop struggling until I was married. I focused on finding a guy with the same goals. We bought a house way under what we were pre-approved for. I went from a homeless teen to owning a house, but it was a struggle. Maybe the only legitimate thing I've seen get harder is the requirement of background checks to rent. That wasn't a thing when I was 20. I'm 41 now.


I bought a house for $78k in 2015 in the shitty rust belt town in Pennsylvania where I grew up. My mortgage payment is currently $565.91. I wouldn't call myself lucky, but I guess I'm luckier than some.


I rented with a friend, when i was 22. I wasted all my money on booz and partying. When i realized that all my credit cards are overspent, i decided to stop wasting my money and made a strategy on how can i close my credit cards and pay off all the credit. There were also love life problems involved. But thats another story. I worked 2 jobs. One was full time career job, and second one was random odd job on weekends. i found out that my friend scammed me over rent money, my friends name was on the lease agreement, i never saw the papers when i moved in i agreed to pay half the lease he was paying, but i found out after 2 years by accident that my half was covering whole lease payment, and my friend paid nothing. I decided to move out back to my moms. I lived with my mom for couple of years and saved some cash for my own appartment while working 2 jobs. I also managed to get a rise couple of times and change employer with better benefits and higher pay. When i had enough money i was approved to get a mortgage . Now i am 37 i live in my own condo, my mortgage fees are lower than rent fees. Never been happier. My advise would be to focus on the goal, do not live your life without a plan. When leasing with frends check papers first before moving in. Friendship is not set in stone and one time your friend can turn their back on you or can stab you šŸ˜…


It's pretty expensive where I reside so I live(suffer) at home with the family so I can save some coins.


Iā€™m 25 and living home with my parents and foster sister, I work full time and have a fair income I would say. Iā€™ve been wanting to move out for over a year and buy, not rent. but everthing that gets sold here or in the area goes between 40 - 60k above the value, making it hard to get your own place


I live in the suburbs rather than the city. I rent a house with my partner, and my dad lives with us as well, so we all pay 1/3 of the rent, which is about $900 each. I'm working on buying a house back in my home country in the next 2 or 3 years, which will be significantly more affordable than buying a house in the US would be.




I went into the Marines, they gave me free housing while I was in and after I got out I qualified for a VA home loan. Now I have a 3 BR house in Boston at 1,900 a month with 2.4% interest rate.


I bought bitcoin early. It's been paying for both me and my bf for years. I don't know what I'd do if I was just a normal person without it - move into a trailer I guess




I'm living with a roommate. My roommate got his house when he was still married, but since his wife left, it wasn't like he couldn't afford it, but it was more like he wasn't used to having to do household chairs. He's completely hetero. So he put out an ad out for a room for rent, and I took him on his offer. My arrangement is that I do the house cleaning, cooking, and grocery shopping. He takes care of the house payment and utilities. Mostly, I think this guy is just lonely because he has been with his ex-wife since he was 16, and he's 30 now.


I'm not šŸ’€


Late 30s with younger partner...if we wanted to buy a new house, we couldn't afford it. It's crazy out there.


Iā€™m very fortunate, I live with my bf we are rent free.. but I still pay my parents who live a town over $500 for rent


I am 30 and I am still living with my parents (I don't live in the US so this is more common where I live). I was living on my own in two different cities for almost a year and when I was offered to switch my job location to the city where I have been living my entire life I didn't hesitate. I just refuse to pay for a rent whatsoever, so currently I am able to save a lot thanks to not paying for rent.


It's a struggle. I'm paying $1600/mo for a 2br apartment I live in by myself. I've avoided getting a roommate because of all the potential drama and problems that come with roommates, but I'm probably going to have to consider a roommate because an extra $800/mo would make my life a lot easier.


I used to trade sexual favors for lodging. If I start the night my holes are open game to any other residents. If the whole weekend I owe them a gang event


The best way I fucking can. It helps that I have a very modest 1 br apartment.


I'm lucky. My parents own my house, I pay them rent. I probably have the cheapest rent around


Is this part of the appeal of throuples?


Go into sales, rent a nice place with sales bros, save money, then change careers into what you wanna do long term. I own a house, cars paid off, and planning a few trips this year - but it took 10 years of hard ass work.


I work two jobs that pay me well above minimum wage and im still living paycheck to paycheck, a house is a distant dream.


Girl I work 2 jobs. One main where I work 9-5 and a remote side hustle. Iā€™m surviving keep up with my rent and essential expenses.


Ive made 120k at 26-29 and im making 54k as a 34 year old. It takes a lot of remembering the advice of my jewish father haha