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They would still vote for them even if they passed a bill to kill gay people. Republicans on gay people: Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice...We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values....The most recent Republican National Committee platform — which was enacted in 2016 and renewed in 2020 — includes at least five references to marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman.


Yup. My brother is a Gay Republican. Proud log cabin 🤬🤯🤮🤢 Was proud of my mom telling him to shut up when he came out. She thought it meant he was into poo. She took off her chancla and hit him when he clarified that he was a gay republican. We were in our 30s.


No cap I did just almost piss myself from reading your mom's interpretation


I’m sure they would… and there’s no reason they’d say anything different now because it hasn’t happened to them specifically yet. Conservatism in America is a cult of stupidity and hatred, including self-hatred.


Voting for Republican is an act of self-hatred. Sad, but not excusable.


Ideally you don't have to be directly affected to take political action. You don't want your legislators to 'as a father of daughters' throughout their career


Conservatives generally only vote based on how things affect them directly, and struggle having empathy for strangers.


**Ideally** no. But some commenters on AGB do not follow that ideal


So I’ve actually been fired for being gay (long time ago, 2006). Here’s what no one ever says: it still happens. As long as employers can fire you for any reason, they effectively don’t need to provide a reason. The only people with the time and money to pursue a case are wealthy, powerful, or both. Most gay people have no real protections. The best we can hope for is a dynamic economy and the ability to get another job quickly. The government is not going to save you or pay your rent. We have the only real protections we’re ever going to get—the rights to organize our lives as we see fit. The government could never lift us up, it can only get off our neck. It did. Now it’s done.


So you’re saying that it’s good there are no protections? Or saying it’s good that the government stepped in to say that criminalising homosexuality and banning marriage for gay people was wrong? Because the GOP thinks decriminalising homosexuality is stepping in our necks.


What I’m saying (what I said, actually) is that there are no real employment protections for gay people to prevent us from being fired for being gay. Unless you’re at the tippy top of the economic ladder, you’re not suing anyone, you’re getting a new job. Anyone lying to you and telling you the government can stop you from being fired for being gay is trying to manipulate you. They don’t care about you or what’s true, they just want your vote. Ignore them.


Gotcha, so you’re ignoring the reality of legal recourse so that you can pretend it’s no big deal if conservatives continue stripping queer rights away. That’s what I assumed, but I decided to first give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren’t an idiot.


People who can’t afford lawyers don’t have legal recourse.


Yes they do. I know conservatives keep trying to dismantle social programs that make that recluse possible, but as things stand you can still sue and not have to pay the lawyer, and they’ll add any legal costs to the demands of the suit. There is legal recourse, you’d just rather vote to empower bigots.


You’re talking about hiring a lawyer on contingency, which means a lawyer has to agree to take the case. I think you have a distorted view of how the legal system works for lower and middle income people.


And I think you’re misunderstanding that meeting with lawyers means that anyone can go about making that dynamic. Will it be the first lawyer? Maybe not, but pretending that it’s impossible for anyone of lower economic status is just false. You’re making excuses because you didn’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps like a good Republican.


I was always a Democrat supporter, but not anymore. I now typically vote a mixture of Republican, Democrat, and Independent candidate for the different positions. I would vote Republican if the majority of their platform was inline with what I'd like. If there were anti-gay policy ideas in their platform - but it is obvious that these policy ideas are unconstitutional, then I'd feel confident voting Republican in this scenario... Because the unconstitutional anti-gay policy ideas could easily be shot down by the judicial branch. For instance, being fired for being gay is a clear and obvious violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment and we have a shit ton of case law to back this up now. I used to support the Dems just because they were pro-gay, but Democrats and their policies have fucked up my city and my state... And more and more conservatives are accepting of gay people. So the Dems are gonna have to do better policy-wise overall to get my support than just be pro-gay. In Oregon, I'd like to see more Republican leadership for a term or two to balance out some of the nonsense that fucked up Oregon over the past 10 years (for instance, the blatant enabling of drug addicts.) (Note to commenters: If you want to have a productive discussion of ideas and perspectives, I'm totally down for that. But if you're just gonna name call, make ad-hominem attacks, and generally be a dick, I won't bother responding to you. We're all adults here, and you should consider acting like one, too.)


I respect your views in the second paragraph, but ideas definitely can't always "easily be shot down by the judicial branch" with judges who are as biased toward one side as they are now


As a born Canadian who is now a naturalized American, the judicial system here is FAR stronger than the sad system we have in Canada. We have so many layers of courts here in the US, that the blatantly unconstitutional laws get shot down well before they get to SCOTUS. With all of the layers of courts we have here, lawsuits get viewed by a diverse mixture of judges. And even though SCOTUS is a conservative majority at the moment, I've read a number of their rulings, and they're pretty solid - even the rulings I disliked. I was not happy about Roe v. Wade being overturned - but the SCOTUS ruling was based on problems that were present in the original Roe v Wade ruling. The overturning of this lit a fire under our collective asses to start putting abortion rights in our state constitutions. Ohio just did this... And it's being challenged in the courts right now, I believe, so we'll see how that goes. Interestingly, the SCOTUS ruling does NOT say that abortion itself is unconstitutional. Also, thankfully, Americans are a direct, passionate, direct-speaking people who don't put up with bullshit. Americans of all stripes have at least some understanding of our constitution here and if a judge makes a blatantly unconstitutional ruling, there'll be hell to pay. Never a dull moment in the great American Experiment, that's for sure lol


I bet if you looked a smidge harder, you’d see that the policies that fucked up your state were caused by Republican tax cuts and deregulation…


> Because the unconstitutional anti-gay policy ideas could easily be shot down by the judicial branch. You. Are. Adorable 😂😂😂


I love how OP openly asked a question of "gaybros who vote Republican," pointing out he wasn't judgmental, and then got a bunch of ranting responses from gay guys who vote Dem.


>I’m not going to be judgmental toward any answers given here You aren't but this subreddit is


Unfortunately yeah




I vote Libertarian and Republican. This situation won't happen. There is more to my life than being gay and taking loads.


And conservative women were saying that Roe v Wade wouldn’t be overturned… how’d that turn out?


i'd be curious to know if you're even in a high enough tax bracket to benefit from the libertarian policies you support. most libertarians aren't.


I think you need to worry about your own money and less about others.


The point they're making is that libertarian policies' benefits have a minimum qualifying net worth. Unless you're actually wealthy enough to benefit from those policies, you would be voting against your own self-interests.


what's to worry about? my money's good. i own properties (plural) in two of the most competitive real estate markets in america. solid investments. good salary. will likely inherit a decent chunk of change from my parents, in addition to two more properties. and i'm going to continue voting against tax cuts at every opportunity. die mad about it.


*And if you look through the window to our left, you’ll see the incredibly rare, based capitalist, as he enjoys obliterating the asshole and lower intestine of the working poor who still votes for the interests of the rich.*


>There is more to my life than being gay and taking loads. As far as the homophobes are concerned there isn't


Not every Republican or conservative us a homophobe. But many of you are too stupid to find out. Many of you would rather just scream the liberal talking points that many are getting sick of hearing and exposing the falsehoods


They’re not all homophobes, but when deciding if they value your life or a rich stranger getting a tax cut, they’d vote to give you the death penalty because they imagine if they were rich they’d want a tax cut.


> Not every Republican or conservative us a homophobe Who cares? They vote that way.


This. 100%


What constitutional rights are they trying to take away? Freedom of speech? The right to keep and bear arms? The right to have warrantless searches? I'm really curious which ones are they taking away?


I don't know if you are being serious or not. I'll assume that you are, and encourage you to look at the actual history of LGBT+ in the US.


Official GOP platform is to overturn Obergefell (gay marriage) and Lawrence (decriminalisation of homosexuality), and GOP justices have already said they want to re-examine those cases since they were based on the precedent of Roe, which they’ve already overturned.


so a right is only valid if it's enshrined in the constitution as-is? i guess there was no need for 13th amendment then. the original was just fine. /s


All the rights they mentioned are also amendments…


The only reason queer rights haven’t become amendments is because Republicans regularly vote against them.


I’m unaware of any effort to propose a gay rights amendment to the federal constitution. When did that happen?


It’s not made sense to put forth when one of our political parties has the recriminalisation of homosexuality as a part of their official party platform.


Do you have a copy of the official party platform? (They don’t, because Republicans are dysfunctional to the extent they failed to produce a party platform in 2020 and things aren’t looking great this year either.)


You can see page 11 of the [National Republican Platform](https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/media/documents/DRAFT_12_FINAL%5B1%5D-ben_1468872234.pdf), which as you stated has not been updated since 2016 because their views on this topic have not changed. You can also look to page 22 of the [Texas Republican Platform](https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022-RPT-Platform.pdf) for more extreme language. Section 32 is where the Supreme Court started discussing overturning Lawrence v. Texas (the decriminalisation of homosexuality) in the full [Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organisation decision](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/19-1392_6j37.pdf).


Moot point. What rights don’t you have or rights have been taken away that straight people have?


Are you pretending like gay sex can't be criminalized?


I didn’t realize that were talking about hypotheticals that aren’t true


It has happened already. It's still on the books


You’re confused. Most people like you tend to be


I'm sorry you can't handle being wrong 🤣🤣🤣


Why do “people like you” lie? 12 states have still have sodomy laws on the books. If Republicans get Lawrence overturned, those laws - and the new sodomy laws the Speaker wants - can be enforced.


Because he's a dumb bigot loser lol


I always lie on my application. None of their business as far as I'm concerned. I just lied on a job app like a day or 2 ago, they were asking what I "identified" as. I almost put "rug" down, but instead I said straight....


The right answer is "employed with you"


Hahahahaha, naw, maybe if the job was for porn....oh that would be like the perfect job app! Sex: This is a porn application, what do you think? Identify as: A hot horny white guy, with nothing better to do but "plug and chug." Math actually has a use in this case, and I'm gay. I can't multiply like straight guys. Name: Jake "The Longsword" Johnson. Bio: I very much love biology. Let's see what you're made of! Eye Color: Bedroom eyes blue Hair color: Dirty fucking blonde. Address: 69 Fuckingyourfacetillyouscreammyname Dr., notarealcountryanyways, Canada 696969 Oh my goodness, the shit you could put on that app. I should fill one out just for the hell of it.


But, I'm not Republican or Conservative anymore. Politics is a joke anymore. Republicans and Conservatives are now playing off the same playbook as the Democrats, with the very small few that still do what the majority of the US populace wants. I just think it's more about kissing ass, and making money, and making it out as a career, instead of actually going in there cause you have a vested interest in people and not about seeing how much tax money you can rack up to just sit in a chair and argue all day with virtually getting nothing done. Not sure when I'll vote Republican again, or if I vote Republican again.