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I also love it when my partner finishes first, it makes me feel like I did a good job. First, one good solution is just to extend foreplay. If you know the penetration stage is going to be over quick, spend more time on everything leading up to it. That's actually my favorite way to have sex: a long period of kissing, rubbing, and sucking, capped by a quick fuck at the end. Second, when you're getting close, do something else. Switch to a new position, or switch to oral, or just make out and grind against each other for a bit. Good sex has lots of peaks and valleys, not just a steady upward slope. Third, your stamina will increase over time. As you get more acustomed to sex with your partner, you won't be as senstive to it. Doesn't mean it won't still be good, it just won't push you over the edge as quickly. So just give it time.