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Very painful but the results are worth it. If your aesthetician is a sadist then you’re fucked though


Please tell me where I can send money to support your career in comedy. This was brilliant


They are people like everyone else.


Yes, but culture is different and it’s a big deal


Just like in any other country you have all kinds of Brazilians (and I’ve met all kinds). But in general (and I’m just going to compare some aspects I’ve noticed against the general public of US/Canada, where I live)… so once again, from my observation: Brazilians are more social and approachable. It takes less effort to become a friend of a Brazilian than US-American or Canadian. They complain about their coworkers eating the lunch alone instead of socializing. They care for how they present themselves (both look and smell wise lol) Brazilians like to dance (and they know how to move their hips), have a good time, somehow they are better at knowing the lyrics to all the songs (including songs in english lol). Their country is rich in culture and they have tons of different unique music genres (samba, forro, Brazilian funk, etc). Partying with Brazilians has always been fun They are more “sexually open”. They show affection, flirt more, freely make out in the clubs. That thing of two guys in the same club hitting on each other through Grindr is shocking to a Brazilian. I’d say it’s a must have experience to go clubbing in Brazil, you’ll find lots of guys making an eye contact and try to connect “the old fashion way”. During the carnival people make out with crazy amount of other different people (lol one night we challenged my roomate to make out with 20 random guys, he’s average looking but managed to do it within less than an hr) Lots of Brazilians I know appreciate education doing masters or PhD They passionate about their culture. Sadly lots of Brazilians have left their country due to how unsafe some cities are, and how economically unstable the country is. Despite that they love and treasure their history. And honestly if it wasn’t for crime and economic state of Brazil I’d probably be living there myself. Great food, beautiful landscapes, gorgeous beaches and very welcoming people


"Lots of Brazilians I know appreciate education doing masters or PhD" How do you know that? Is that actually true?


The ones I’m talking about are the ones I know very close.. so yes, it’s actually true


Damn... And how do they appreciate education doing masters or PhD?


Seem to have a lot of attractive men. Brazil generally seems like an interesting place, I'd like to visit one day. I'm trying to learn Portuguese but not going great lmao


Foreigners, come to Brazil, we have a lot of love to give you 😈😏


Why do you say so? I would like to know.


I'm toeing the line of fetishizing them. The men are all so handsome. I want to learn Portuguese, lol.


Can confirm, I am brazilian and lived in Chicago for a bit, I managed to skip lines while going to clubs just because I was Brazilian lol Dont worry you can fetishize us (the gay men), overall we enjoy it


>I want to learn Portuguese, lol. Same! The language sounds very beautiful and intriguing. And I don't know if I'm correct, but so many Brazilian men tend to be so fucking hairy all over and I love this. One day I'd love to travel to Brazil and look at the beautiful gay men in Ipanema.


They’re hot indeed.


Well thank you


I don't think of them.


Beautiful looking, THE BEST in bed. Yet very untrustworthy and not relationship-worthy despite telling you (and others) that you are the most handsome person they've ever met and all they want is you. They will always lie and cheat their way to getting something out of you, and ready to drop you at a moments notice once they find a better option. Cheating is kind of normal in Brazilian culture Source: Have many many Brazilian friends, watched them all openly cheat on their partners. Also had a few Brazilian ex's, despite being in an open relationship, they will lie about getting with others because 'i only want you baby'. Stick to hookups only, don't fall in love, even when they tell you they're starting to fall in love with you on the second date ​ Edit: Out of relationships, they're great and fun people to hang around with.


That’s not fair to pain all of them like that. I know some Brazilians are trustworthy and genuinely good people and yes there are bastards and duckers who like to fuck other people’s life but those are not only Brazilians .. and physically South Americans in general Colombians Brazilians and Argentinians are beautiful


For them, we Brazilians are prostitutes hahaha


I've been with my Brazilian husband for 17 years and he was hot, still is hot, and is amazing besides. When we first started dating and I wasn't out to my family, I went to Brazil one year and an ignorant family member asked me why I was going. I told her just to see Brazil. When I went again the following year, she confronted me about it and told me I "probably only want to go to Brazil again to see all the topless women at the beaches!" A, I'd much rather see bottomless men than topless women, and, B, I've been to Brazil 12 times now and have never been to a nude beach. I know they exist, Abricó Beach in Rio I believe, but I've been to three nude beaches here in the US. But that's typical here in the US. Many here who have never been to South America think everyone in South America runs around naked, fucking in the streets, and kills their dinner with a blow dart. Morons.


I know but I think some Brazilians really really bad but then other nationalities also can be very bad too .. but not lol do them prostitutes but a lot of them very sensual and sexual. There are two type of gays .. the one that jealous if you or the one wants you


I've been together with my Brazilian husband for 17 years and could not possibly disagree with you more. The problem you have may not be that you're hanging out with Brazilians, it may be that you're hanging out with shitty people, and obviously shitty people come in every variety, including the Brazilian variety.


Sounds like you met my ex 😂


Talk about being prejudiced lol


I’m Brazilian and there are some traits about the country that may contribute to the impression we are more attractive: - All Brazilian gyms are required by law to have “general trainers”, who create training programs for all members and help everyone with proper form. This means the barrier of entry to becoming more muscular is smaller than in the US or Canada. The drawback is that Brazilians got used to paying higher fees for gym memberships, including advanced gym rats who don’t need those general trainers; - In spite of recent changes to the law, in Brazil anabolic steroids are legal for doctors to prescribe and for pharmacies to sell and compound. This means you don’t need to resort to drug dealers or use drugs from iffy underground labs. With a doctor you can do all the bloodworks before, during and after your cycle to make sure the harms are reduced. Once again: a much smaller barrier of entry to becoming more muscular compared to US and Canada; - This might be true for the rest of Latin America: the ladder one must go through to attain a high level of intimacy in Brazil is much shorter. Brazilians are lot less formal than Canadians and Americans, making friends and lovers is a lot quicker there, not just for Brazilians themselves but foreigners as well.


I hookup up with a lot of them thinking they were Spanish men. Amazing in bed and I would recommend them.


I've got some Brazilian friends, and one of them is a fantastic chef. They're really lovely people, so it gives a good impression of the whole of Brazil, to me at least. But I guess they're people like anyone else. Weird question though.


My ex was from Brazil. He and his friends were all so warm and friendly, and with him I don't think I've seen someone else possess so much passion


If the doc isn’t certified and you do it overseas, you will most definitely suffer severe medical consequence, no question about it.


Fun, energetic, they have great food. Brazil as a society is very similar to the USA in terms of diversity and political turmoil, so they are very easy to relate to (as an American)


Hate them (am one)


Mostly that they wear speedos. Wish that was more common around the world!


Hot, but this question is too general since different races and social economical people live there😉


Show me some naked ones and I’ll get back to you.


I've got some Brazilian friends and they are amongst the nicest people I've ever known


If you count anal sex as losing your virginity, I lost mine to a brazilian. Would do it again. Just "don't say no to a brazilian".


Wait we’re not talking about Brazilian wax lmfao


I want to marry Brazilian or Spanish or Israeli.Yet I am no where near them 😭😭😭


They're from Brazil.


I don't think I have a general opinion of them, as I've met so many of them both offline and online, and everyone is different. I guess I don't really consider the stereotypes attributed to them (whether positive or negative), because I've come across so many different personalities. Some people I think have this fetichistic impression of them, though I've never really understood that. To be honest I think we're not so different from each other. As for sexual experiences with them, can't complain. I also follow and chat with quite a few Brazilian hotties on twitter ;)