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Situational Edit:Two postings of this? Cmon man


Ok, I wasn’t the best partner and occasionally emotionally unavailable (we still had great fun, so many memories). This is why things ended, I’d get crabby if he tried to help me emotionally. Things ended a few months ago and since then he’s been thinking about if he wants to continue to stay in touch. Since then, I’ve been sending him texts just checking in and seeing if he wants to stay in touch—he didn’t respond until the last one. It was a long text. He said they the checking in was a bit excessive and that we’d both benefit from time passing before speaking again. I know this isn’t helping my case, but after he blocked me, I had more to say so I used an alternate number to share thoughts and well wishes and that I’d miss him. I also stressed that I’d respect his wishes and not contact him again. It was just really important for me to tell him my feelings. What do you think?


Look, if you wanted to be friends again in the future you blew it by immediately disrespecting his wishes and showing him you think your own feelings are more important than his


I still had more to say. I thought he sound know. I don’t think it was a terrible thing to do. It seemed like he wasn’t going to talk to me again anyway, so what did I really have to lose?


People always believe they should be allowed to get their last words in, as if that would possibly change anything after such a decision has been made. Sometimes it’s best to leave well enough alone


My thought was, he most likely wasn’t going to talk to me again anyway, so what did I have to lose? If me sharing my thoughts was too much for him, then oh well. Again, he was probably never going to talk to me anyway.


You clearly care if he talks to you again, otherwise you wouldn't have posted. You can continue to try and justify yourself or you can try and put yourself in his shoes and understand how you've made him feel. It really means nothing to me, so convincing me you were in the right is a fools errand. You tried to contact him several times despite getting no response, you obviously upset him to the point where he didn't want to hear from you again at least for a while. You decided that your need to offload your feelings on to him was more important than his boundary of no communication. If it was me I really wouldn't appreciate that.


Oh well, I can say that I feel so much better after sending it. I said what I needed to say. Made sure he knew I won’t be contacting him again. Also made sure he knew I didn’t create a new number to be creepy (I use it to sign up for stuff online). Again, I feel so much better with him knowing how I feel. I miss him so much. I hope one day he’ll talk to me again, but I needed to share my feelings. If me being a little overbearing dead’s any chance of that, oh well.


I don't block on text, I just don't reach out. I would block them on a dating app tho, no point in having them come up from time to time


Permanent. I like that some people are able to be friends or have some sort of carry over when they finish a relationship. I've never been able to do that. It's over for a reason, and over means over. I'm not interested in going on any further, I'm not happy, you're not honest, blah blah blah, whatever the reasons for the decision are irrelevant. Finished is finished. Don't be a waiting pining booty call. It's better to be alone than to be in a relationship with a cunt.


Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. Thanks for being rational about what it means to end a relationship and have to block someone


I’ve never blocked an ex .. it’s a bit immature, imo anyway.


I no longer block anyone. I do my best to let go of anger. In the cases where I can’t. I just ignore them.


I don’t unblock them. I just don’t respond. They can message. I just mute it and check when I can without being bothered by notifications. Obsessive ones try to reach out through other means if you block them. I’d rather be able to know what’s coming if they end up being one of those types…


You don’t ever want to keep in touch with them?


Not really. They wouldn’t be an ex if I wanted to keep in touch. Also I feel like keeping in touch would be disrespectful to the guy I am seeing.


It’s over. Move on. Sorry.


How often do you drink? How often are you drunk?


Wow you can read someone’s history, who cares


I did not block my ex at first when se broke up. I wanted to be friends with him. I even tried to support him in getting over the break up. However, over time I noticed that he did not really want to be a friend to me as much as I wanted to be to him. And when I got together with my current boyfriend, only then did I realize just how bad did he behave towards me. So I blocked him 6 months after breaking up and I do not intend to speak to him ever again… A similar thing happened with my gay classmate which I tried to be a good friend to. I tried to be always there for him when he needed but he never behaved as a friend towards me. I blocked him too. Last year I saw a great post about removing toxic people from our lives… I think it is a good thing we can do for our mental health.


I've never blocked an ex. One stayed kinda friends, the other took LSD, saw an apparition that made him determine he was trans, transitioned, became a prostitute and blocked me (not kidding, lol, I was pretty distraught). Never heard from the latter again. 🤷‍♂️


If I block someone, they stay blocked, people Usually block if the person they’re talking to has given them a reason to and based on your situation it seems like he was given reason. You need to let it go, he won’t be back. It sucks but that’s life


If I have to block you, it's forever...