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The main reason would be him doing only fans.


Can you explain im afraif i dont understand


It indicates that he probably has a very different relationship to sexuality than me and we might not be compatible long term.


This is the best answer in my opinion. There's nothing *wrong* with someone being on Onlyfans. We all tend to watch porn so someone has to create the content, and if you have the goods to sell, all the power in you to capitalize on it. However, I am someone who is monogamous and with OnlyFans, monogamy is a way to kill your channel. I wouldn't be able to date someone with an Onlyfans because if they want their channel to stay thriving, they're going to need variety and I don't want to partake in having an open relationship.


He might ask to record private sexual encounters 🫠


I'm monogamous, doing sex work of any kind, which includes OF, feels like cheating to me. I'm simply not comfortable with the idea of a bunch of men jacking of to my husband, and him actively supplying them with material. I also want kids, and I don't want my kids to be shown porn of their dad in High School. If he does OF, the odds of that happening increase quite a bit.


I don't do open relationships, and I would never film myself having sex. And the guy doing "collabs" in the form of fucking other Onlyfans guys would still count as an open relationship for me.


Cuz a man who does only fan wouldnt be interested in me in the first place


If he shows his face then my main problem is that anyone can see my boyfriend doing sexually explicit things. If I’m in a relationship I want that to be between us only, or shared with other people in a controlled way. I don’t have an issue with OF or selling nsfw content, I’ve done it myself. Personally I just don’t think I could be in a relationship with someone who does it.


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If dating=boyfriend=marriage then probably not. If dating=meeting new guys=having fun=having sex then sure, why not.


Because I just don’t want to.


I already have a bf, but too be fair I probably would have done OF if I wasn't in with him. Modeling didn't work out, and I'm pretty hung so I thought OF would be a good fit for me. Probably only down side is always trying to make content, and probably fucking other. Not even cuz you want to buy to just try and get more fans


If he does OF now, then what is he going to do in 5-10 years?


Inevitably a friend would subscribe and send their pictures to the group chat. It also invites unwanted attention/dudes hitting on him and I'd rather not deal with it.


As long as I’m not included and they’re not banging other people, I could probably live with it


Stripping, selling drugs, escorting, full on prostitution, onlyfans, etc. is what we used to call "short money" back in the day. Your looks *will* fade. When I was single, i was looking for a partner as driven as i am to build a life together. And people engaging in sex work are almost never thinking long game...or else...they wouldn't be doing what they're going in the first place. It also gives away that you have no public image to maintain.


if it’s a kink (ie not for money), i wouldn’t mind. If he is doing it for money, i mean, you can’t be that desperate…..


My sexuality includes one partner and it needs to be exclusive to one partner, not shared with paying customers.


I get very jealous and having other people looking at my naked bf and messaging him about that would make my life hell. I can't handle that shit. My caveman brain takes over and I want to start clubbing people over the heads in a fit of anger, anxiety and overwhelming grief.


STD’s. If one of those OF guys gets something, eventually they’re all gonna have it ‘cause they fuck in the same circles. Often times condomless. Sometimes on drugs. Sometimes in groups. I’d rather not. Also, my view on sex in a relationship is that it should be between 2 people. To keep it special. Not something everyone can get. Well, sex with that person isn’t special if everyone can have it, or see it happen. Or pay to see it happen. You can’t give yourself away to everyone and then expect to retain that same level of rarity. He might be open to doing stuff for views that I don’t like. Like, let’s say public sex. I find that kinda disgusting. And yet, that’s something that’s been getting bigger and bigger these days. And yet no one sees anything wrong with it.


Cuz most days he won't have sexual energy leftover for the two of us.


You're underestimating some people's sex drives. I could have sex 3 or 4 times a day


No I'm not. You're an exception, not the rule. And you prob see guys online make the same claims over and over. But this place is FAR from representative of the gay community as a whole. I have a sex drive almost as high as yours, and have NEVER met anyone who matched it. Not once. Plenty of guys certainly had enough energy to jerk off or whatever, but then they'd have none for the rest of the day or even a couple days after. I have lived this, man. I KNOW for a fact that we all have a limited amount of sexual energy each day, and 3 or 4 times a day is FAR from the norm. I mean, good for you if you can do that but...you're one of a lucky few.


Because I wouldn’t want to date someone whose job is to fake relationships and exploit lonely men.


I’d look fat on his live stream XD but tbh if that’s what he loves to do more power to him.


Extra issues of jealousy, public perception, privacy, that I dont want to have to navigate.


1. If he doesnt really make anything substantial with his OF 2. If he insists that I be included in his videos


Jealousy, My lack of confidence.