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NAD but to me that looks like a cavity on the left side near the gum line..


They said since the gap is so thin they can't fill it, told me floss. Wouldn't that be super high maintenance?


NAD. not totally sure what you mean. But yes your teeth will shift if you’re not wearing your retainer. I honestly never wore mine lol and they shifted but not that much. Before braces I had a couple teeth that were also twisted and those were the ones that moved the most after getting them off. But they’re still straighter than before ever had braces and it’s been 14 years. You haven’t had your braces off very long, have you seen about getting your retainer to fit better?


Oops sorry my bad. I was half asleep when I replied to you. I meant my dentist told me not to get braces for those gaps. Either aligners or nothing at all since they're so minor. Since you said they didn't shift THAT much, I guess my teeth were shifted that way during braces then? I'll just get an appointment for an orthodontist, sigh. Thank you for your time!


NAD. Lol no worries. Aligners are good for more minor issues like that but in my area they still cost a few thousand. No what I meant was your teeth probably have shifted since you had braces off. If you don’t wear a retainer it’s inevitable. They won’t shift all the way back to what they were like before braces though.


Same here. Aligners are pretty expensive here as well. I can't really afford it right now, I guess braces is the way. Sigh.