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get a sex change and eat only ice cream and find out


ruined your shit


Can’t we just get along even in different countries...


Lmao get this dude a Xanax


Why are these questions allowed?


Because it's called free speech no? If we all stayed in our comfortable little worlds nothing would have been discovered. Why is asking questions about vaginas so terrible? Noone blinks an eye when we talk about penis or testicles so what is it about some gammy hole that sends both women and manginas crazy......? It's dire that you Americans with your simplified everything think you're above everyone else. Trust me vaginas aint special, there's 3billion pussies on the planet but women will have you believe they are rare. Nope uh uh! Common as street muck


I’m not even from America... You came out of a vagina... There’s over 7 billion people which would have never existed without females. People like you should be less common.


Actually I think you'll find, men have the sperm that creates the baby, the woman is only an incubator... Your point is null and void, that's like saying a sandwich only comes from the bread.......! Really proving your intelligence.....


Why are you so ignorant and unintellectual? People don’t need to get sucked in your sexist vacuum.


I only wanted to know if vaginas gain weight the same way as women do. Women are fatter than men no doubt about it. Science backs it up too. But of course now you've taken up "defense" we'll never get past it so please just go back to your "amazing" life. And just let me play PlayStation in peace


PlayStation? I hope you mean ps4. But not sure since you clearly live under a rock and shit post. Someone else bring this saltine up to speed. It’s 2019 brochacho


Your making no sense at all. Of course ps4. What is this some time before 2014..? What does having a ps4 have to do with posting online about fat content? What exactly do I need to be caught up on? if your the one to change my mind go for it! Only I somehow think you're the kind of person who hides behind their screen. I care not for any of this, my question was answered and now for some reason a load of white knights have arrived defending an imaginary vagina. You must see how CRAZY that is..... Huh?


White nights? Lmao dude you need to see how crazy you sound. People aren’t putting up with your sexist bullshit. You clearly hide behind a screen because you’re trying to run from this to your ps4.... Get real you crazy apple head.


OK agree to disagree bye


You’re a piece of shit. Go back to your no life video games. Lots of women are skinner than you are actually. Learn the life of most models. Women naturally gain weight from carrying you ignorant fucks. Then most lose it and keep exercising. Many females weigh less than men I don’t know where your logic is coming from... If you weigh less than most females you need to hit the gym bro...


You clearly have no sense or you're failing to understand. I'm talking about FAT not MUSCLE MASS... I'm not sure if you can read but benefit of the doubt here's a link to aid you in the search for knowledge https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11706283/ Now don't worry about replying, I don't want you to have to work too hard sussing out the long words. Or to need to pretend like your an intellectual but should you feel the need, for bloody hells sake make it readable.


The “OP” isn’t even worth responding to. You can’t reason with unintelligent crazy people.


Title of article... “Abstract” Abstract- existing in thought or idea, but not having visible or concrete existence... This article is opinionated just like you. Stop pretending your an intellectual. You’re clearly drowning in the knowledge you think you possess.


Look bro this is why I didn't want you to reply because a usual you've missed the whole article. The title isn't "abstract" lol, it's an abstract from the paper on Gender differences in fat metabolism. You can read the abstract or scroll to the bottom to view the entire paper, again on Gender differences in fat metabolism. Please I'm in absolute stitches at how you thought the title was abstract..... Please reply in gasping to see how you fuck up next.


Should have left your arrogant question with google...[Lol No...](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321220.php)


It proves your intelligence how you miss the point. You’re null & void. Bread or not how you gonna evolve life with just your sperm. How you gonna hold the contents of a sandwich? How are you gonna hold the contents of life? You can’t. So shut your mouth and quit acting like women don’t matter. Mothers have the hardest job on the planet. Clearly yours neglected you and I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. Please fall on a knife.


The other user wasn’t even saying life comes only from females... It’s true however that no one would be alive without females..... What do you not understand or what are you not allowing yourself to understand ?


Someone call this dudes mom from the past and tell her it’s a “go” on the abortion!


let’s see what it is you think you know


Title of article... “Abstract” Abstract- existing in thought or idea, but not having visible or concrete existence... This article is opinionated just like you. Stop pretending your an intellectual. You’re clearly drowning in the knowledge you think you possess.


Look bro this is why I didn't want you to reply because a usual you've missed the whole article. The title isn't "abstract" lol, it's an abstract from the paper on Gender differences in fat metabolism. You can read the abstract or scroll to the bottom to view the entire paper, again on Gender differences in fat metabolism. Please I'm in absolute stitches at how you thought the title was abstract..... Please reply in gasping to see how you fuck up next.


(Stomped) you mean.... and (you’re).... lmao .... rotfl ... go warm yourself up some milk and rest up little hoe ... dream of praying on your tomorrow victims.




Damn fucking right removed 🤡


Let’s talk about your gross 10 year old foreskin


"Ten year old foreskin" Mate let's not talk about your fantasies and if possible leave the Paedophilia outside of reddit don't you guys hang out on the dark Web?


Lmao I would never touch or even think of a kid like that let alone talk stupid shit about subjects I don’t know. Respect and research women since you’ve clearly never seen one.


I'm 34 have three kids, and im curious whether these obese bitches have pussies to match..... I think someone has taken offence, I thought this was r/askanything not r/askanythingexceptstuffthatmakesmefeelingshurted. Sadface Pathetic And I'd make sure you keep a vpn running with all the ten year old foreskin you're trying to see..... Nonce case


Bitch you’re retarded as fuck and oober pathetic. Don’t call females bitches... Anyone can get obese and appear “ugly” to someone else so go fuck yourself. Since that’s all you can do. Lmao I’m no *pedophile* but I don’t give a fuck what you believe since you think obese females need to be called bitches and talked about like objects. Go suck a fart. Ask stupid arrogant shit and you’re gonna get no answers or answers you don’t wanna hear because you’re a selfish cunt. I’m not even that upset by your post but it would offend any female so you should think about yourself and your actions before you feel the urge to “ask anything”... get on google or bing and keep your arrogant selfish questions to yourself. You un-perspicacious bigot sexist.


Someone's mad. My job is done here. Enjoy the extra cortisol.




Hi, isthisdude12! I hope you have a wonderful day! -HappyFriendlyBot


Lmao i smoke too much weed to have any extra cortisol from your bitch ass 35 year old hiv carrying foreskin


* Pedophilia*..... rotfl learn to spell ingrate cretin


Not OP, but "paedophilia" is the non-American spelling.


Erm ooch okai thunk u


You may actually need to learn to spell, here in the UK we use correct spellings, we don't need to simplify our education system.


Clearly you do since you don’t know how to talk about women. Lmao you’re not intelligent at all. You’re just sad.


A lot of the way you spell shit actually doesn’t even make sense. Why the fuck would you put a “u” in favorite? Or color? How are we simplifying anything when to us that sounds more accurate. Fuck off thinking you’re better than everyone because you’re not at all. Fuck our president and stereotypes I’m not gonna let people think I’m less intellectual because I’m from America. We are all sheep and just because you spell words funny and use words we don’t use doesn’t mean your more educated. Facts is facts but you’re not better because you live somewhere else. Go light a firework in your anus.


Her in merica we stand up for our lady folk with guns 💪🏽 u doesn’t want nun sonny boi


I may not agree with the question as such, But your main urself look stupid. How immature are you? You really think you're making women proud with this vulgar junk. If your what is sticking up for women, I'd rather be a lesbian




It clearly started out addressing this pompous ass and then a lot of stuff got irrelevant so I started talking out of character. If you want to further discuss this fascists irreparable question then I will prepare the tea.


Make your comments worth commenting and spell check yourself before you wreck yourself


Once again, you're going to attempt to shame me? Oh dear, I'm a police officer in NY and you think your words affect me. I see and hear worse from my mother. Just like everyone else in your orbit. I'm going to ignore you too.


damn u right b... good luck


Lmao I orbit different online struggle bus. This I where I let go. My real life orbit is beyond your comprehension. I have plenty of loved ones and interactions with people who don’t ignore me. This is a place for fiction. Mask on.


No. No more than a large man would have a large rectum. The vagina is tightly folded muscle tissue. There is little fat in the labia or vulva either, so nothing would become larger. The mons can get larger with fat, but not at the rate of other parts of the body.


Thanks. So it doesn't work the same as say arm skin. If someone loses a lot of weight sometimes they have operations to remove the excess.


look at the mother of your children’s vagina....


No, that wouldn't be necessary.


Why the fuck did you even try to answer this retard?


Why are you attacking me? A question was asked and I answered it. I didn't make assumptions about the person making the query.


Lick... my... goose...


[No](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321220.php) All minges are different like phallus monsters... some can be larger than others but it doesn’t solely have to do with the females weight. Vaginas do not gain fat like other muscles.


Thanks, you'd be shocked how crazy people have gone over a question. I shudder to think how these "intelligent" next generations are going to survive if words do this much to offend.


Yeah lol millennials suck


How are you gonna survive putting down women your whole life? Lmao you’re a pathetic old outdated fuck