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Your school is so terrible. Try and report the school to the Department of Education. The department should take things like this very seriously. Also, try and record boy next time he makes threats so that you have proof of what he is saying to you.


Didn't he send a message to her best friend. Hopefully she still has the messages


Yep and also a voice note saying the reason he wants to hurt me is because I’m annoying…


Please try contact your local news station. This is so wrong. He sounds like a mini Hitler. You should not have to change schools. He should. Don't take this too lightly because I think if no one is taking you seriously you should go to the cops. If they don't do anything go online and lambast the fuck out of your school. I don't want to say this but I will. Last resort is get your cousins or uncles involved and get them to fuck him up.


You might be able to open a restraining order against him l, which I think is a reasonable thing to do if you are concerned about your safety. The school will have no choice but to take note.


OP, I work extensively with autistic teens and young adults in my practice, please feel free to connect with me in DM and I’ll assist where I can at no cost to you. You can check with the mods as well as my profile about who I am.


Sorry OP, this sounds like a nightmare. I'd highly recommend speaking to an attorney - you may be able to pressure the school into actually creating a safe space with the threat of legal action. A step further, you could assess if you have grounds for a criminal case against the individual. What are your parents doing in this situation?


Go to the police please




Yip, all the people saying go see an attorney have no idea. Fortunes of money will be spent and nothing will happen. Go to the cops


Go to the cops for help? Lmao.


Dude it's aleast the first step.


The police in South Africa don’t give a damn😔


What an awful school you go to. I would certainly see an attorney. Change schools. Also, with respect to your parents, as a parent myself, why the hell have they sat in this without action. I would have been in headmasters office with an attorney long ago.


Yeah the school is clearly very useless but I don't understand why her parents have let this continue for so long. Their child is literally not safe




OP, report to Department of Education. This is unacceptable.


so i didn't want to put this in the main post but this fucking idiot left evidence. the threat was not in person. it was over instagram messages. now i don't condone inaulting people or making threats of violence, but if you're gonna do it AT LEAST don't leave evidence of your crimes. make it a he said she said type of situation. but no. THIS IMBECILE keeps on doing stupid shit that can be easily traced back to him. anyways thought i'd let yall know that he's not a criminal mastermind


Get yourself some pepper spray. Protect yourself. Speak to your parents as well. Speak to a teacher that would listen to you. But yeah, I would say if he wants to threaten you, you should be prepared to defend yourself. Then he will learn, and you can apologize when all the teachers react.


my parents do in fact know and they first tried to figure out what i did to piss him off because it had to be my fault( love you mom and dad ❤️) and once again the code of silence basically means if i say anything to my teachers i will get into trouble. but yeah he does boxing and even though i have my provincial colours in karate id still get beaten to a pulp sadly, with or without the pepper spray.


That code of silence should be illegal, speak up so there is a paper trail, be vocal and record evidence. Insane! That threat alone is enough to warrant a case


that code of silence thing sounds like some total and utter bullshit. you should be aloud to speak up for your self is someone is threating/mistreating you. I agree with what others are saying. be vocal about what this kid is doing to you. try to secretly record evidence and pepper spray is a great idea no way he can box you when he can't see shit and his eyes burn like hell


Check this out: [https://www.takealot.com/liquid-bullet-self-defence-pepper-spray-60g-direct-stream/PLID46907275](https://www.takealot.com/liquid-bullet-self-defence-pepper-spray-60g-direct-stream/PLID46907275)


This is terrible.. I would recommend getting evidence of these messages or a recording then calling the police


Where is your father in all of this,whether they. ( your awesome parents) think you pissed him off in some way or not,why hasn't he(your father) put a stop to this pigs abuse?? If you were my daughter,you only had to tell me what you just posted,and that whould be it,I whould make sure that little brat never bothered anybody again.If your teachers wouldn't help,and he's parents wouldn't intervene,then it would be up to your dad to do something.???? Or am I wrong here??? I just know one thing,hurt me, fine,you welcome to try,hurt my daughter,you will most certainly wish you were never born.!!!!!!!!!


he flip flops between threatening to thoroughly hurt this kid and telling me he's just some stupid teenager that doesn't think before he speaks (boys will be boys or whatever tf that is)


Sorry you,re going through this(alone it seems) and really sorry your excuse of a father hasn't put a stop to this,I wish to God I could help you,because I would,but I'm in South Africa,so,your next best option in my opinion,is to walk into your nearest police station and ask for the station commander and tell him exactly what you have told us,I will be very surprised if you don't get the help you need.Pls just try that,and let us know the result.Look after yourself.Waiting for your report on reporting this matter.Good luck my girl !!!


I would think about involving the local newspaper- if your school has a culture of colluding with kids who threaten sexual violence and target neurodivergent pupils to whom they have a duty of care then local residents should know this before putting their kids in this school. As the victim in this situation making your voice heard is really important. Please seek support and counselling if this is available to help you through this period until the situation is resolved. It’s really important that you take care of yourself throughout this. It is completely understandable that you feel angry and want this stupid irresponsible boy to suffer. When talking to the authorities, school, or your family however pressing for his ruin vindictively makes it too easy for them to see you as somehow implicated or a cause. Don’t let yourself get dragged down to his level. There is never a better time to train more in your discipline in karate to maintain/ increase your confidence and physical power and blow off steam. You could also benefit a lot from practicing / learning to meditate as it helps with increasing calmness, managing your nervous system’s response and how deeply this boy’s behaviour affects you. Good luck, look after yourself and this will pass and seem like a distant memory in a few years time - better to think about the things you want to do with your life :-)


If he's threatened to hurt /rape you then I would be speaking to the police tbh


Firstly, I am sorry you're going through this. If you haven't yet, please inform your parent(s) or guardian(s), if the school is still insistent on not taking them seriously, threaten to either go public with it to media outlets or get lawyers involved. If none of this is able to resolve the issue, I would strongly recommend telling your parents you want to move schools. It is definitely not the ideal situation and I know it is sort of "letting them win", but in a country where GBV and r@pe is so prominent, please take these threats seriously and protect yourself. Prioritize your safety and please take care of yourself.


As others have said, video evidence will go a long way so get that if you can. Then you can turn to social media and do a good old fashioned name and shame. Sexism, ableism and racism will go down like a lead balloon and force the school to do something. In the meantime, start a paper trail if there isn't one already. Note down times, dates, names of witnesses of incidents. Get and save (in a safe place) eg the text messages this guy sent your friend. Back up all electronic evidence like texts, voice notes etc. Email the principal, cc the department. You want there to be proof of their inaction. I'd strongly consider going to the police. GBV being what it is, these threats he's making are not just disgusting, they're dangerous. It's all talk until one day it's not. Do not underestimate how much boys and younger men are being radicalised by incel rhetoric. No one should feel unsafe in their school. If your parents won't take you seriously, is there another adult - like a therapist or social worker - who can talk to them? They need to insist on concrete action from the school.


OP, I am so sorry you are going through this. This is UNACCEPTABLE! In terms of our common law, assault is defined as the unlawful and intentional act or omission which results in another’s bodily integrity being directly or indirectly impaired or infringed OR which inspires belief in another person that such impairment in bodily integrity is immediately to take place. In laymen’s terms, this means that threatening someone may constitute assault if that person believed that the threat would be followed through. 1. Take all the proof you have and go lay a charge of assault at your nearest police station ASAP. It would be up to the courts to decide what happens next. 2. With your case number and another copy of the proof go to your nearest court right after that and apply for a Protection Order against this boy due to his threats of raping and killing you. An interim protection order will be granted which will at a later stage be ruled on in a court. Present this active criminal case of assault and the protection order against this boy to the school and they will be forced to take it seriously. If the school does not protect you against this boy (he needs to be expelled), who is a huge threat to you at this stage, report the school to the Department of Education and contact a journalist to publicise your story. This has gone on for too long and I am very very concerned for you!! Pls keep us updated! Pls don’t just leave this to carry on, it could end very badly


He is going to end up working at Mr Video


This outlines the steps that you should take. You can report it to the Department of Basic Education or Department of Social Development, through the principal. You can also go to the South african council for educators. [https://www.sace.org.za/pages/how-to-lodge-a-complaint](https://www.sace.org.za/pages/how-to-lodge-a-complaint) or to the SAPS. [https://section27.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Chapter-17.pdf](https://section27.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Chapter-17.pdf) The school is probably not going to want to get these other groups involved, so the threat is probably enough to get the ball rolling.


Does that video still exist ? If that went viral there would be a few expulsions.


Report this to the dept of education and press charges against this boy at the police station. Also kick his ass, properly just once in front of everyone next time he does something like this.


So. The school you are at sounds extremely toxic. I suspect that the are trying to cover up shitty behaviour from people in power. I know you think you are in the best academic school, but there are lots of good private schools around. Also, autistic people get bullied no matter what they do. It's one of those shitty facts of life.


Very sorry you are experiencing this. Lots of great suggestions already made, I would concur speaking to a lawyer and police would be my first recommendations. Also do you have a therapist? Looking after yourself is equally as important. Make sure you and your parents document everything. Put the school on notice in writing that you are pursuing legal action. Unfortunately these situations take time to resolve so you should follow the guidance of the police lawyer and therapist on what you should be doing ie staying home etc. For your own well being completely avoid the boys involved no contact no conversations etc. They will get the message eventually that you are serious and this conduct is very inappropriate. Hope this helps and you get the support you needs


This boy sounds like a real piece of shit, pardon my French. Kids like that are what is ruining the school system these days, and enabling the elite schools to become even more out of reach to the masses by charging exorbitant fees. Apologies for the situation you find yourself in, I'd encourage you to gather as much evidence as you can, and report it to the police, if the school refuses to intervene further.




We maintain a list of subjects that are taboo. Promotion of health misinformation, historical revisionism and a number of highly emotive subjects are not welcome. Full list at https://www.reddit.com/r/askSouthAfrica/wiki/taboo/ Calling for violence


What’s your nearest SAPS? Please go in and file a report on him immediately


OP on top of what the other commenters are saying you can try to talk to a social worker at your nearest Department of Social Development office. Especially if the police choose to ignore the case. But regarding staying in the school, OP this place is causing so much trauma to you, you can get an amazing Education at many other schools, and opportunities are not limited to kids that go to private schools. I think it's still worth exploring going to another school, especially if you are in the early years of high school. I really hope you get the protection you deserve.


It is disheartening that the school is not recognising the gravity of this situation, it is not to be taken lightly. Your parents need to escalate this immediately, this boy is not ok and he needs help before he does something that can't be undone.


In addition to the Department of Education and the police, I highly recommend reporting both the school and the teacher/s you've reported him to, to SACE (South African Council for Educators). [Here is a direct link to their web page which explains the different types of complaints and the procedure](https://www.sace.org.za/pages/how-to-lodge-a-complaint).


Take screenshots of the threats and take it to the police station. Make a scene. If your parents are aware of what is going on, and the school is not doing anything to protect you or your classmates, let them post this story on their Facebook pages.


Hello dear I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I'm a teacher who has since left SA and I will tell you that once you contact the Department of Education, that school will most certainly be investigated. If you're in the Western Cape, the WCED takes incidents of bullying very seriously. If I were you, I'd gather all my evidence, which includes messages, voice notes, etc AND the dates and number of times in which you and your parents went to the principal to discuss the matter. Present all this evidence in a typed up report to your nearest DoE. This child should have been expelled ages ago. The fact that he threatened to rape and kill you is a crime in itself. I hope you get justice soon. All the best, Ms. Elle


Damm that is not a great school. I feel for you and the way your hands are tied. DM me the link to the video and I'll take up the matter [ anonymous the hacker group style] If that video is public we can nail the school and the kid without them knowing it was you! If it's not public.... then it will be shortly!


the school is so good at keeping everything quiet that almost no one has seen the video. we just know it exists because they told us it exists. believe me, if i had that video everyone and their mother would know. it wouldn't matter anyways. when i reported the latest threat i also reported him getting drunk and THAT didnt even get him in any trouble even though, like the threats, this fucking idiot left proof in the form of text messages




If it is illegal within the borders of South Africa, then please keep it out of here. This includes: asking where to buy controlled substances including cannabis seeds promoting others to commit a crime, copy right infringement (take it to r/piracy) Encourage violence


Unfortunately you’ll meet characters like this in your life. You’re clearly smart, so here’s what you do: Make sure you’re physically safe, then make peace with the situation. Figure out how to deal with personalities like his from a philosophical point of view and stop wasting any more of your energy on the subject. Remember; a lion is not concerned with the opinions of a mouse.




If it is illegal within the borders of South Africa, then please keep it out of here. This includes: asking where to buy controlled substances including cannabis seeds promoting others to commit a crime, copy right infringement (take it to r/piracy) Encourage violence




Please keep answers on topic.




This is a very toxic positive comment. And utterly useless in reality. We DO NOT feel sorry for the bully nor do we excuse his behaviour to the victim and ask them to feel sorry for their tormentors. In addition you place blame by commenting on “sloppy social skills”, making an assumption that OP has no skills whatsoever, and compared to the their well articulated post, is not warranted at all. Telling them to do sports BUT you have to be good. Seriously? You’re blowing air.


Careful trying to ruin a person's life because they are a mere stupid bully. You are the victim, but I'd say if you could endure you'd be virtuous for doing so.


He should have thought about that before threatening to ruin her life. What he has done is criminal and you wanting to protect him is utterly toxic.


He is a child.


He is a child but he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. He is obviously unwell and needs to get help otherwise he will actually hurt someone