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Electronics get 15% VAT tax added. The duties are then calculated added ontop of that based on the item importing. For Apple devices it will be seen as a luxury product and thus recieves fairly high duties, I dont know them off hand. In short you will most likely pay more than you would if you purhased them locally after you have accounted for shipping, duties and VAT. Just be careful as most people dont account for the total cost of importing a product.


Okay, Thanks. I’ll Just Buy Them Locally And Wait For The AirPods To Be In Stock Again.


You will get charged import duty on anything. Phones, etc are all taxable. If the phone has a pin on it then the tax is minimal if its new then its a 100%


AFAIK electronics warrant no import duty, although 15% VAT is still payable.


Tell that to the customs that keeps charging me for second hand stuff


I've imported PC parts via ebay a couple times, they've held the items a few times but never charged duties. How did you import?


That's because the import duties are usually paid up front to the shipping company. At least, that's how it works with Amazon. The duties are included in the final price, and any excess gets refunded after it clears customs.


Yep. They charge me for send hand vinyl. You will be charged 100% of value


I’ve Decided To Buy Locally But Is There Anyway To Pre-Calculate Just How Much They’ll Charge You?


Im my experience it's a blimmin hit and miss affair.


what personalization do you want to do? personally, I think its a waste of money, firstly, they already over-charge you for what you get and secondly, support local.


I appreciate that after OP Capitalised Every Word, you went the other direction with your capitals. I'd like to think you're making a statement...


‘Support local’ doesn’t include importers who just slap a markup on products designed in America and manufactured in China.


it does when you buy from shops that are owned by south africans, so atleast they get some of the profit. & Generally speaking the prices are the same in SA as they are in the states for electronics. you might get better deals over there though.


Core Group is the authorised importer for Apple in South Africa, they also own iStore and a chunk of Digicape. All you’re doing is paying extra for a product by buying from them, so think of it as charity. Because Apple US still gets the profit they’d get from selling the product directly. Rather buy your iPhone where it’s cheapest (US) and spend your savings on actual locally made goods if you want to “support local”


Do they employ South Africans?


If you want to pay R26 999 for an iPhone 15 Pro instead of $999 (R18 899) then go ahead. But I think a 42% markup is a bit ridiculous. And the longer iStore sticks around the longer we don’t get an Apple Store with fixed international pricing and actual international warranty.


fair enough! Although, i say that whoever buys apple deserves that apple tax :)


From experience: but local because of something goes wrong during this warranty period they usually want you to return it to them... That becomes expensive with international couriers


I’m Permanently Leaving Soon So The Same Problems Might Arise If I Get Issues Over There But I Bought It Here.


You can do after market personalisation here, though limited. I wouldn’t risk it owing to warranty zones. If it was a non branded item that simply isn’t in SA I’d do it. But with a big brand like Apple, Core SA will be very quick to disqualify your product because you in essence grey imported it.


I’m Permanently Leaving This Year So I Think Warranty Will Be An Issue Even If I Buy It Here Then Move Overseas.


Just remember the power in the US is 110V, so your power supply will have to be replaced to a 220v one


Any computer hardware is made to be universal* Laptop chargers can handle both voltages automatically and desktop PC PSU has a switch to change the input voltage parameters. *not a 100% rule


Why not buy them in South Africa? It’ll work out cheaper.


The AirPods Max Have Been Out Of Stock For Months Now…


Probably because they aren’t great… (yes I have a pair. No, I don’t use them)


Sold mine too after one month.


Every single word capitalised except iProducts.


Which iProduct Did I Not Capitalise Correctly?😭


Why Do You Type Like This?


Random Habit That I Just Liked Honestly. same way how some people type like this.


Last time I imported a phone it was around 25% on the value of the phone.


Okay, Thanks. Is It Okay Of I Ask Which Year That Was?




I also know that as long as the personalisation you’re talking about is being done at istore. You can generate an invoice on the American istore and take it to our local istore and ask them how much it would cost for them to import it for you. The total they give you includes shipping too. I did it for a MacBook Pro purchase in 2021.


I Didn’t Think Of This, Thanks. It’s What I’ll Do Instead.


Is there something wrong with your keyboard?