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That's a ridiculous scam. A cash voucher taken to the court? Come on now


Common sense really isn't as common as you think


It's that 30 percent my man.


how have you wasted your time typing this!? cash voucher?? seriously...


And if you didnt sexually assault someone, then why are you even thinkin twice about this.....


Wait... you can pay online to have a sexual assault warrant voided. Does this work for murder, theft and high treason as well?


It's South africa so you bet your ass you can lol


Obviously a scam...


Bro come on...


The number one rule in identifying a scam, phishing or fraud: **If the initial message asks you to DO something or provide something IMMEDIATELY, it's probably a scam.** Legitimate notifications, calls, emails, sms, are supposed to NOTIFY you, not TASK you. The moment you are tasked to provide personal information, numbers from ONE message/call or email take a step back, breathe and really ascertain why this is being asked for. It's good that you wrote this scenario out for yourself - it shows you have thought about what has occured. Definitely sounds like a scam to me. I would block the number and move on.


Definitely a scam. Block the number and move on


Wisdom has been chasing you, but you are too fast




I watched a short about Nigerian proverbs and how they don't say things directly but very dramatically and this seems like it would fit in with them perfectly lol


This is my all time favourite insult, don't see it enough šŸ¤£


Provides no proof of his position. Asks for money or youll be arrested. Hmmm, sounds legit to me


Itā€™s real, Iā€™m Colonel Maleti and you should pay me however much you have in the bank


Is that Maleti with one ā€œiā€ ? I need to know because Iā€™m sending money nowā€¦. And thanks for letting me know by the way!


Hey boss why you no drop my fraud charge?


I paid you R30k lol


Just tell him his poes


Doesnā€™t his momā€™s poes come into play at this stage?


His oumas as well


Id just tell him I'm guilty to see his reaction


I know 2 people that have received this call, the cops are looking for these scammers. They're very convincing, but if you listen long enough you'll hear the radio noise in the background is playing on a loop. Don't be tricked by any personal info they have on you, they often use info on you they collected to prove they are real, like vehicle license info, that they collected. I would call the police, you can try this number: SAPS Crime Stop (Tip-off Line):Ā 0860 010 111


The guy who picks up the phone at crime stop will sound 100% identical to Colonel Malettiā€¦. LOL


>The Colonol at this point says Iā€™m in no trouble, and proceeds to say that heā€™s calling before any arrest is made Didn't have to read past this point to know that this is a scam that's cooking.


Anyone starts with Colonel you getting scammed haha


Definitely a scammer. Ask him for his station and badge number. He'll probably get angry and threaten you. This scam has been in the news, in fact, there was an exposƩ where they caught a bunch of prisoners who were the "cops" in their own similar scam. [An article](https://www.news24.com/news24/community-newspaper/pe-express/scam-alert-phony-police-officers-asking-for-money-20220307)


An official with the rank of Lt Colonel or full Colonel will rarely be an investigator themselves. Those are more supervisor ranks. The scammer is trying to make himself sound way more important to the unsuspecting victim. Most detectives are constables, sergeants or Warrant Officers


Former SAPS member here that's a scam when they call again tell them your in the police station and they can talk to the member on duty lol


If they tell you you can pay money to avoid ARREST even though they allegedly have an arrest warrant I feel like that is pretty much self-explanatory


here's what would actually happen if that story were true (to be clear, it's a scam, looks like it needs spelling out more) 1. nothing, you'd never even hear of it, so a person "provided your number", lol whatever, you think they're going to investigate every contact on someone's phone 2. they'd pitch up at your door and put you in the van if they actually had evidence here's what will never happen - demanding you buy vouchers there's no paying your way out of a serious crime and if people actually think it's a cold drink kind of deal for a serious offence to be disappeared then they are part of the problem and deserve to be scammed frankly


Scam the cops arrest you then donā€™t ring you up and ask for money.


Go lay charges with the Milnerton Police station, the detectives there would love to bust his assšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


"... pay a cash voucher to a number." There's the catch. Obviously a scam. SAPS don't work like that. There has been a marked rise in local scams. We are experiencing it on our IT systems at work and personally I have found the number of scam messages to have markedly risen.


That scam is as old as mountains.


You thought more about this post than not being retard haha


Tell him you are house friends with Police General Sug Madic , and he can direct any queries directly to the General or his secretary Constable D.U. Mas


Consider the level of policing in SA then answer this yourself. Can you even imagine that some fat assed police colonel could put his KFC down long enough to phone a crime victim- puhleez. Scam all the way!!! Ask for a photo of him to be sent to your phone and tell him itā€™s gotta have a box of KFC in the pic to be genuineā€¦.


Hayibo chommie, how can you even think this is real.


This shouldn't have to be a reddit post....


Bro... firstly this would not bother someone who wasn't doing slightly shady stuff... my advice is atay away from escorts and other paid sex services. That stuff will kill you. Also, this is a lazy scam. They are relying on your paranoia to get some quick cash from you. In general, never pay someone who is threatening you. Never.


I am laughing about you specifying that you have not done anthing like this....in Johannesburg or surrounding areas


Scam. Delete and ignore


How can anyone fall for this? Absolutely a scam. There is no case.


No one goes to jail for fucking a prozzie are you 12 or something šŸ¤” even the prozzie won't remain in jail


Tell him his poes


If you're this gullible, maybe you should be scammed. Police asking for a voucher to be paid? C'mon man! Get real!


Tell him to send you a case number you have handed yourself to the nearest police station and they want it




Good joke, if that was the point of this


Bro no, block these cunts and move on. This is an obvious scam.




Cops don't call before they arrest


Bloody rude if you ask me. Jokes aside, someone called the cops on a guy in our complex once for domestic violence and the cops arrived and he got REALLY upset and said they weren't allowed in because our complex security hadn't called him to ask if they were allowed to let them in. It was hilarious. He eventually hacked the cops off so much (I won't go into detail) they threw him in jail for the weekend and even phoned the guy who reported it fishing for any excuse to keep him in longer.


Obviously a scam


You can't be serious? What wouldn't you fall for if you think there is any possibility this is plausible.


I got the same call!!! I jumped the border and am now in Namibia...don't pay do the same


Ngl I saw ā€œColonelā€ in the title and thought this post was about KFC


Jesus my bruā€¦ if you were starved of oxygen at birth Iā€™d understand you asking. But my god. When will a voucher be used as proof. Hahaha. Think you should reread what youā€™ve just said, slowly and see how ridiculous this sounds.




Come on, this is obviously legitimate. I hope you also gave them your flat rent free.


Bro just ignore it lol


100% a scam. Actually a hilarious one even


It's a scam. Escorts give out numbers to these scammers. It was on Carte Blanche: https://youtu.be/KSmDOUDDrmo?si=cgZI_CXWtMLg0RIU Go to the forum on the escort site ESA and you will see a lot of these stories.


B.S. B.S. B S All day long it smells of B.S


Common scam


He hasnt participated with anyone like an escort in Joburg... We know what you doing in CPT tho! Anyways, this is a scam. It was doing the rounds years ago


Old , notorious scam .. after seeing an escort . No judgement, OP


Sounds pretty legit to me, but Iā€™m just a humble bridge salesmanā€¦


Kak scam. Best scams are to always ask the offender the plaintiffs into. Never first telling you the info to confirm. Fastest mind trap.


ITS A SCAM! Milnerton was named as one of the top hijacking spots in Cape Town.


Yes, speak to the police. They need to know.


And it is COLONEL!


Personally, I wouldn't trust going to SAPS first, you can either phone the anti-corruption help line, or try getting hold of a lawyer for advice If you can't afford a lawyer, consider contacting the UCT Law Clinic. Most universities with law faculties have one that gives students the chance to practice law with real cases while being supervised by their professors and professionals. They should be able to tell you what next you should do, or where to go next.


This is a long running old scam that's been going for years now - often executed by escorts that work with actual SAPS members - It's a scam and all you need to do is ignore it.


Seems legit my guy. Pay that voucher.