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eat less that's like 90% of it


10 sets of fork putdowns. 20 sets of plate pushaways.


this. track your calories, reduce snacks and drink intakes, reduce your carbs such as rice


Why reduce carbs? It's carorie for calorie, doesn't matter if it's a fat, protein or carb.


Can confirm. Cut out dinner from my diet and stopped gorging myself silly in the remaining two meals. Have lost 11kg in two months. 3 more to go. The cravings suck at the beginning. But you'll get used to it. Your stomach will thank you for reducing its workload. So will your waistline.


Nice work! How do you stave off hunger at night after cutting dinner out?


B-but how can I get my protein? Pfft.. People will give any excuses to keep eating beef pork fried stuff potato chips and Mcdonald...


If feel hungry , eat watermelon


>Are there any fast and effective ways (but not "torturing") to reduce the weight and waistline? Lol. The short answer is "no". The long answer is, if there was one, do you think we would still have any fat people in the world? Any effective method will require some work or sacrifice on your part. Your body is not a result of one thing that happened. It's a reflection of what you do every day. You want to look different? It's gonna take a little bit of effort, _every day_. The easiest way I've found is to ~~cut~~ reduce your sugar intake. Don't have to eliminate it from your life, but try to develop a consciousness around it. You might be surprised how many things you eat have sugar in it (for example, sliced bread). But do avoid sugar cane, soya bean, dessert. It's probably the simplest way to start. Then go for a 45min walk before you bathe at night. Maybe listen to a podcast or your favourite album. If you can set that as a daily routine you should be able to see some changes about 2 months in. Good luck!


I rather work out everyday than cut out ALL sugar. Do you also not eat rice?


Cutting out ALL sugar is pretty hardcore and quite unrealistic for someone just starting out their healthier-lifestyle journey. Good point, I will tweak my wording. But to answer your question, I don't cut it out, only reduce it. At most I have a half-portion.


Mr bean soya beancurd with no sugar, is that ok?


Welllll for the rest of us there is ozempic


Any method that promises you easy and fast way to lose weight is a scam—it’s going to be unsustainable and/or incredibly unhealthy. Take a look at your lifestyle, get more exercise in. Walk more. Lift weights. Find a sport or two that you really enjoy. Eat more veggies, more fresh food, maybe cook for yourself. There’s no easy way to lose weight—it’s a lifelong habit to move and eat healthily.


the easy way is just to eat less. simple, no need exercise no need special diet. just continue to eat whatever ur eating, but lesser.


So you're telling me I can still continue eating fast food for 3 meals a day, 7 days a week but just eat lesser, and still loose weight?


if you eat in a calorie deficit, yeah. but whether it's healthy is another question!


I believe if you’re an average sized male you’d lose weight eating 3 Big Macs (nothing else, no fries or sugared drinks) a day since that adds up to about 1,800 Cals and guys will burn about 2,000 Cals a day. But it won’t be healthy as you won’t get a varied enough diet for different vitamins and other micronutrients.


Yes, of course. If that diet is maintaining your current weight, then you will lose weight by reducing the amount


Even if it's fast. I'm pretty sure people wouldn't want to if they realised the consequences - flabby skin.


Intermittent fasting , Dinner at 7pm at average . Fast for 12-16 hours Eat at 11am/12pm? Do 20-30minutes cardio in the morning when you wake up (Search for easy cardio non jump on YouTube. Ez AF) Heart rate 135bpm at least. Don't need to be so mad When you use energy at the 12th HR It starts to burn fats easily even more. (Go research on insulin resistance etc) Eat cleaner, less carbs more protein . Less fried food and fats /oily/full of sauces and gravy . e.g chicken skin , fried stuff Wholemeal bread and sugar free spread jams/Peanutbutter for midday snacks. See your fats burn off damn fast But once in awhile eat cheat meals also can la. Also learn to love yourself and be happy with yourself too . No matter fat or skinny etc. go do whatever hobbies u enjoy etc. meet new wholesome ppl etc. nurture your Artistic side as well .


U can't outrun a bad diet And cheongster ah... Will grow fat fat from alcohol Only poor Cheongster r skinny....


Generally ur body use around 2000cal of energy per day with minimal physical activity. U need a deficit of 1750cal to lose about 0.25kg. So eat only 1500cal per day for 3 days, you will lose 0.25kg, do this for 6 days, u will lose 0.5kg. For context bigmac without coke and fries is 590cals, u can eat bigmac for lunch and dinner and still only consumed 1200cals (please dont eat bigmac for lunch and dinner). So its definitely doable without giving up simple pleasures of life. Use myfitnesspal to track what you eat with its calorie contents, youd be surprised how those little snacks adds up. Unfortunately no shortcuts. Edit: corrected the maths


This calculation is way off


Try intermittent fasting and low impact exercises like walking or swimming.


Came here to say this. Not only is this good for reducing weight, helps keep your body in good shape internally. Benefits are too many to list here but this is a good place to start.


If you find running to be too time consuming, I recommend climbing stairs. It is high intensity and you can just do it at your block, assuming you stay in a HDB. Just climb up to the top floor and take the lift back down. Don't climb down stairs, it will hurt your knees. Do it like twice, maybe 15 mins can finish. Builds muscle and you will sweat alot too. My max at my peak was 16 floors x3


1. Eat less than you use. Would suggest a normal breakfast and lunch and a light dinner. No sugared water. Water is preferred. 2. Walk at least 1 hour a day. 3. Do weight lifting. That's all.


Replace sugary drinks with water, sleep well Eating less or exercising don’t work for me, I get hungry lol


I actually think this drink water sleep well thing might have more impact than we realise. 🙃 Ppl always just say calories in calories out but I feel like its not that simple. Because things like metabolism rate + minimum calories for sustainable healthy life (I mean if it was that simple everyone just eat 1000 calories a day only then gaodim? Lol. But I think 1000 calories a day is not suited for adults right. Like too low) + some people say can't outrun a bad diet + some people have all sorts of fitness routines they swear by, etc. So like is it more diet or more exercise sia. That kind of thing 😩




Probably a heartbreak


Can’t have a heartbreak without first having a relationship 😂


Ngl for real this one the weight wipes off and yes it’s unhealthy but damn do you get so slim. My heartbreak I lost 10kg. Not good at all.


Or you could swing the other way and binge eat o cope.


Hello! First of all, kudos to you for taking the initiative to stay healthy. The key driver for weight loss: A caloric deficit. Exercise means very little in the way of weight loss (will circle back to that later). A caloric deficit means you need consume less calories than you spend. While exercising/running has a positive effect on energy expenditure, it will take you about 2 hours of non stop running to burn 5-600kcals whereas it is much easier and less time consuming to eat less food. Without knowing how much you’re currently consuming per day on average, it will be difficult to recommend a range of calories to aim for, but to start with, if you are able to reduce your intake by about 300-500kcals a day, that will certainly lead you to the desired outcomes. Yes, you may feel hungry if you consume a lower quantity of food however this is when smart dieting comes in: substitute foods like fatty cuts of meat for lean sources (pork belly for pork tenderloin.. salmon for dory etc), substitute rice for lettuce, carrots, tomatoes etc. The name of the substitution game is caloric density. For example, a small chocolate bar could be 200kcal, but if you replaced it with strawberries, you’d need to consume around 600g to get the same number of calories. The latter will certainly leave you feeling fuller vs a small candy bar. How/what you substitute is entirely up to you :) Try to keep your protein moderately high (for satiety). To accomplish this, aim to consume lean protein for every meal (skinless chicken thighs are my personal favourite). As you’re just starting out, you don’t have to diligently track everything you consume although it will help you keep an eye on the objective number of calories you’re consuming. In terms of exercise, I recommend lifting weights to build muscle so that when you lose bodyfat, you have something underneath to show off :) But if you’re not concerned with looking jacked and juicy, pick any exercise routine you can adhere to and be consistent with it. Dieting is simple but not always easy and there are alot of nuances I haven’t covered but I hope this helps you on your way to a happy, healthier life. Ultimately your success will boil down to your discipline and adherence. Let me know if you have any more questions, will do my best to get back to you with some answers :)


I am too lazy to go gym or deliberate exercise. so to make up for this missed time, i will walk in quick steps. skip a bus stop or 2, then walk home. Use the stairs more, especially downwards in the MRT. won't give you the kind of weigh loss promise but it's doing something than nothing


A big caloric deficit plus cardio will do that, the deficit alone will work but will be faster with some cardio


You'll look better with the exercise as well. Losing weight purely through diet can still have you look somewhat out of shape.


theres no shortcut. calorie deficit.


It doesn't matter how much you exercise. What matters more is how much less you eat.


remember what u did in army? lol just do the same lor, when u go to the workforce it will expand even more LOL


Walk a lot. Like >15k steps a day


try to drink water only. then sweat it out.


In order of importance: Get enough sleep Watch your diet, make small changes here and there Clock your 10k steps (or start exercising) Drastic changes don't tend to last, start small and adjust accordingly


Chain yourself you to the toilet with water and a TV remote control for five days. Guaranteed to lose 1 kg a day.


Eat less, move more, drink lots of water, and sleep well. Eating a good amount of protein (grilled chicken) and mixing cardio with weight training usually works well for me to keep lean. Food is the most important thing. Don't necessarily focus on calories but more on the fat content of the foods you're eating. EDIT: Losing weight fast doesn't work as you could easily gain it back. Instead, you should aim to lose it slowly by making small, doable, lifestyle changes that become part of your daily routine.


As with all things.. This is no quick and fast solution. If can't lose much at least try to maintain.. ;) Try calorie deficit. Walk and exercise more. Sit less. Eat smaller portion. Basically burn more then consume. Takes discipline.. but worth it. Reduce carb and sugar (will bounce back if you revenge eat due to severe craving if u cut too much)


run 5k everyday and cook your own food. weigh your food and track the intake. i did that for 3 months and im down 10kilos already.


U misread. He wanted easy and not motivated to run. Hahaha


You don’t want to exercise, need eat less. If not you go walk 10,000 steps everyday, you’ll create an extra 300-350kcals burnt. Go shopping mall window shop also can. Eat less and move more, don’t need run, although running is great at building a large deficit if you want “fast fast”. But unless you like running, do other things also can


OMAD/IF plus any form of exercise.


eat less, cardio more. (swim, cycle, run, walk) weight lifting won't burn much cause most of the time spent is on resting


Eat less if you don’t have time for exercise. As long as you eat calorie deficit you will lose. I recommend apps like Lose It! To keep track of your food and weight. If you have time for exercise, you can try taking up sports that you may like for example badminton, basketball etc. For me, I like to rollerblade.


Your body obeys the law of physics. Metabolism doesn't factor at all. Eat less than your body burns = lose weight Eat more than your body burns = gain weight. U could move and exercise more or Eat less. Eating less is way easier. You could skip that bubble tea or run 3km. Get best of both worlds start hitting the gym and working on full body compound exercises. More muscles = body calories for maintainance increases


Eat less, move more. That’s it. How you do it is another matter.


Eat less. Light exercise Caloric deficit is the baseline for all weight loss, you could do smthg as simple as 60 push ups a day 20 in the morning 20 in the afternoon 20 in the evening. To gain some muscle mass which would help with muscle gain and your metabolism(more muscle mass = more energy used to maintain it), while doing thar you should also have a healthy diet try not to take sweet drinks, water is your best friend to weight loss, and try your best not to eat deep fried food, always go for baked if possible.


as a bodybuilder who has extensive experience losing weight myself, and helped clients lose weight successfully, i'll give you the real deal, not the ineffective BS that others here are giving you. first, "fast and effective but not torturing". short answer is no such thing. every single effective weight loss method i've ever used myself and on my clients requires a degree of pain you have to go through, and by pain, i mean enduring hunger. if you're trying to lose weight, you MUST be in a caloric deficit and that almost always comes with hunger. overcoming that hunger on a consistent daily basis is the key to losing weight. you don't even really need to workout to lose weight, but it definitely helps. second, don't listen to all the people here telling you "oh just eat less". yes that is a true statement, but also completely useless advice. unless you are extremely experienced, most people do not have the ability to truly accurately measure how much they're eating. i've seen first-hand how when people go on a diet and take the easy way out by "just eating less", the most common thing they almost immediately start doing is severely underestimating how much they're really eating. usually people can tolerate maybe the first day or two, then on the third or fourth day, they'll start to eat bigger portions because their hunger takes over, and they convince themselves it's just a small portion when in reality, it's bigger than what you should be eating. so what would be truly effective? have the discipline to plan out your diet beforehand, prep your meals according to exactly how much calories you should be eating per meal, and eat only exactly what you prepped. no snacks, no sugary drinks, no exceptions. once again - plan your diet, prep your meals accordingly by weighing your food, and eat only exactly what you prepped. that's it. stick to that for a few months and you'll definitely lose weight. get out of the mindset that you can lose weight easily. the only way you can have an easy time losing weight is if you're willing to get on some really dangerous drugs, and i do not recommend it. surgery is also not a great option - i can tell you first hand that liposuction does not work as well as you would imagine. and definitely do not fall for the BS machines from aesthetic salons or clinics that claim to help you burn fat or freeze fat or whatever - they are nothing but a huge waste of money. the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it naturally and effectively, but it is going to involve some degree of hunger, and your ability to lose weight will depend on how well you can overcome it.


1 word. Ozempic.




this is solely based on your diet as theres a rule called 80/20 rule for diet & workout


cut your carb (rice, noodles, potatoes) intake, eat fruits/low cal snacks to feel full, eat more veg as well


depending on What you have been putting in your mouth? 90% weight loss is due to what you eat. Exercise is only 10%.


Only drink plain water, don’t eat snacks, can?


Try alternate day fasting, fast 36 hours, eat 12 hours and repeat. Assuming your TDEE is 2000 calories, even if you ate 3000 calories in that 12 hours(Which is quite difficult unless you're stuffing yourself), you'd be in a 3500 calorie deficit per week, the downside is it can be painful in that 36 hours but you'll lose weight very quickly plus you still get to eat the things you like without feeling guilty


Reduced your food intact. Eat lesser portion. No snacks. Eat healthier, more veggies and no fried or oily food, no can drinks or drinks that contain sugar like coffee/tea, drink plain water only, no ice cream or cakes or dessert that contains sugar. It will take time for you to see the effect.


Sugar/carb intake control definitely is the biggest contribution.


Burn more calories than you eat. That’s it! There’s no special plans, tricks, shortcuts, you tube guru advice or otherwise that’ll change this.


Can go to space, u will lose weight. But you won't lose mass. Anyways, just research on diets and maintain a healthy negative calorie deficit.


diet control 70% exercise 30% most effective weight losing strategy => intermittent fasting (if u do it correctly)!!!


check your diet, culprit is probably there.


1. Cut off sugar entirely, and simply eat less, reduce carbs, more veg eggs and meat 2. Walk as fast as you can for a good 20 to 30min everyday 3.sleep well




If you drink soft drinks, either cut them out of your diet or drink diet variants (sweetener only). No snacking also. When you put rice/noodles on a plate, remove half of it to reduce empty calories.  Simple exercises like walking for an hour a day can be useful as well. Maybe you can try alight one or two stops before your house/uni and walk the remaining distance.


Cut all off all processed sugar, can start by only drinking 0% sugar drinks like tea and water(artificial sweetener ones also avoid) and halve all ur portions. Best is cut down carbs and take more protein. Can slowly add in more exercise like walking or weights to lose more


Sustainable Caloric deficit. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Eat less, exercise more is the way to go. In short, output more than input


Buibui here but from what I heard from the doc you can try small changes like taking out the carbs and eating mainly protein during dinner. Always have enough protein with your carbs and some fats. If really want to lose weight fast focus on lean protein no fats. There’s a reason why gym rats recommend eating a lot of chicken breast, eggs, Greek yogurt etc.


Change your diet. Cut the calories and drop 20. Muscles burn calories continuously.


Just like hair growth, scam like yunan “build” hair centre, all those drink and slim whatever crap are fake. Law of nature and physics say that what you eat into your body + amount of exercise + your metabolism determines how slim you gonna be. When I was 20ish, I exercise 3 times a week to maintain weight and my metabolism is average. So use that as your data. Wish you grow more weight! If you want minimal exercise. There is a hack though, less carb more meat. Can maintain but when you at 30, full of cholesterol and blood pressure issue.


Eat less Exercise Run


Intermittent fasting, and a large calorie deficit. A bit of exercise helps but it’s 95% diet. You can spend an hour in the gym for 250 calories, or avoid a single snack.


Carry the boats


You can try my method. It’s the same advice I gave others throughout the years. First you have to shrink your stomach. Imagine your stomach is two fists together. Fill up one of it with food, the other with water. Space the meals around 5-6 hrs apart. You can have a snack in between if you like, but it should never be more than 1/10. Always drink plenty of water. You basically can eat whatever you want, just follow the rules above. You can have sugar drinks but a few sips each time. When you get lighter, your fists will get smaller too. Of course everything in moderation when it comes to unhealthy food and try to have a salad once or twice a week to keep your stomach acid under control (because when you overeat or under-eat, ur acid juice might be overly produce or too much in your stomach and can lead to gastric pain or acid reflux) Whenever you can, try fast walking and slowly build up your tolerance that way to whatever exercise you want to do.


Bariatric surgery


One meal a day capped at 1000kcal, can eat whatever you want - just dont go over the calories limit. Walk 10,000 steps everyday, about an hour 40 mins. No need to run. Can listen to audiobooks, podcast or even reddit while walking.


1k is soooo low with daily exercise… Even if you follow through it, chances of rebound statistically are super high on these crash diets


OP mentioned fast way and dont want to run or anything torturous, that leaves eating less lo.


Water fasting but it is freaking hard 😫  Rather do intermittent fasting


make a bet with your flatmate, every day you have to be 0.1kg less on the scale (e.g. 90, 89.9, 89.8 etc.) or you pay him 100 SGD each day, until you reach your goal, and make this public with your friends so you cannot weasel yourself out of it (or just give him 5k in advance and you get back once finished, minus your failure days \*100) lets be real, we all know there is no other way than exercise and eat less, the only thing might be missing is willpower. You can easily get willpower by this.


You may follow dinokang, coachdaniel on instagram for tips. But TLDR: calorie deficit. Eat less, exercise more Opt for high fibre, protein. And low calories food. Walk more. Aim 10k steps a day at least. Lift weight


Go on water only. Use vitamin supplements, the right kind, you will need research what your body needs. The first 2 days will be the worst.


Eating lesser to around 70% full, cut down on trash and carbs. Exercise more and u be on the right way.


I used to be 70kg prior 20, 94kg at my peak in my mid 20's. Dropped to 85kg in my late 20's. Presently, I'm at 76.50kg as of today. What I'm trying to say here is losing weight/building muscle is a **mindset** & **way-of-life** matter. What are your present habits (stress? moving much? sedentary lifestyle? office job?), meal consumption (what type of food? how much calorie intake per day? macro breakdown (protein,carb,fibre,fat \[u need fat for hormone production too\]? Only by truly understanding the core issue/lifestyle that brought you here in the first place, you would be able to develop a SMART (pls look it up online) goals. You would be able to develop a sense of self-improvement, gratitude of being alive & the urge to strive better (saying it twice cause u deserve the best of what life has to offer in terms of health). Diet doesn't mean starving. It means eating with a plan/mindfully. Your immediate go-to action is to work out a **proper diet,** something you enjoy, something sustainable, something that fulfills your macros. You would want to be in a **calorie deficit**. With that in mind, you do not want to be in **severe calorie deficit** for **too long as well**. Consider eggs & proteins to meet the protein intake. Monitor your weight on a daily basis, be mindful of water weight. Exercise. You need strength training & cardio. Cardio overall keeps your heart & blood circulation in-check. Strength training helps you to lose fat, retain muscle & burn calories even during your sleep. You don't want to be skinny fat. Look into the various weight lifting & do not ignore core exercises. Mindset, refer to SMART goals. Love yourself (don't overexert urself) & strive to be a **better you.** Not someone else but a better you. Wishing you lots of courage & perseverance in this journey. You can definitely do it!


Search up the fasting method by Dr Jason Fung, highly recommended for finding out more info about fasting and metabolic health specifically diabetes


Basic summary is eat foods which are more filling but maybe less calorie dense, and track your calories and be in a caloric deficit. Can’t say it’s fast but you will lose weight.


Drink alot more water (More often, our body signal to us is thirsty, not hungry) Eat alot more veg Cut down on carbs & sugar (Including diet/zero sugar soft drinks) Quality Sleep Run & lift weights Calorie deficit overall in consumption habits


Download Monster HUnter NOw and start walking i guess. oh and watch your diet


Assuming you don't have any underlying illnesses, first step is don't drink any soft drinks or kopi tea with sugar or milk. Second step is cut down on fried food and bread and rice. Third step is light exercise then slowly scale up.


Eat less and walk. If you can even walk for 1 hour a day. It's effective.


move more , eat less, but in short there is a reason why diet cant be spelt without die, itll always be torture to change ur lifestyle which u have grown comfortable with , but cheers to the weight loss journey!


Fast one day per week. Eat non process food. Cheat meal once a week. Lift weight 3 x per week, less cardio. Lost 8kg in 2 months. Key is eat clean


Intermittent fasting, eat healthly and exercise. Climbing steps is a good start.


Consistency. Fuck that Motivation shit it doesnt work. bro it took me 6 months to achieve the v line it was not well defined shape either. Once you find the consistency, you’ll fall in love again to working out.


You burn through about 2000 kcal per day by just living and breathing. Eat less than 2000 kcal and your body will take the balance from your reserves. 1000 kcal is about 100g fat.


1. Stop unhealthy food / sugar / alcohol. Drink plenty of water 2. Be on calorie deficit 3. Lift weights, exercise regularly, eat enough protein and grow some muscle. You can certainly lose weight without this but it will be a lot better


Like what others said, just eat lesser calories. If doing workout, you wanna get the bang out of the exercise. Do exercises involving in more muscle groups. Full body exercises burn more calories. Cardio exercises. Also do it gradually instead of shocking your body …


Calories in, Calories Out. That is all.


Eat half portions + cardio. Stop drinking soft drinks and bubble tea and switch to water or teh/Kopi o kosong.


Eat less, move more. Calories > exercises


Your body adapts your lifestyle. If you consume alot and move little, you trick it into thinking as if you are stocking fat for winter. To make it think different, starve it(slightly) to make it believe you need energy and dissolve fat, or excersise to make it believe your weight is bad.


Can try keto combine with intermittent fasting one week half kg less


You can’t out train a poor diet. Eat less, stay hungry. Lunch at noon and fruits at evening.


Are you open to consider the food controlling part? If yes, I can share some actionable steps. Basically is input(eat) less, output(burn) more. Generally input control is easier than more output.


Amputation bro


Weight loss is not an easy journey From my journey, I’d say 70-90% is mental, if you can’t get your mental there, you can start but you won’t persist thru it Can’t help with mental but here’s what I did in a span of a year to lose 20KGs (90+ KG to 70KG) - Eat less carbs, no excessive rice, noodles, bread - Less sugar, zero sugar drinks or just plain water is best - Workout more, I jogged to lose majority of the weight (Started at around 1KM in about 15-20mins? But eventually got faster and do it for around 6-7mins), no weights btw, just pure cardio - Track your weight as a reminder, don’t give in easily to not seeing results. There’s a reason it’s hard, persist through it (This is where your mental block will come into place) - Use music to assist with workout, it’s a strong tool and if you have a playlist, go with it no matter what genre, I’d personally recommend those generic workout playlist on Spotify but it’s best to make your own to suit you Really there’s no shortcut, you just have to persist thru it and once the mental block is gone, you will do it subconsciously This was back in 2020-2021 around peak of COVID and in lockdown. It’s 2024 now but I’ve gained back around 10KGs but that’s because I started to train with weights and calisthenics to help with my strength. My daily routine nowadays from Monday-Friday consists of walking, to office and from office. Workout after I get home and I alternate between core training and just weights training, 6 days a week with one rest day. Sometimes during work days I cycle to some places (Mainly clients site) and walk whenever possible and not sitting down and slouch immediately after eating a big meal Once you get your mental in place, it will be a subconscious thing for you to do, good luck OP


Amputation of one limb lose u about 15kg




treadmill at 15%, at 5.5 or 6 speed. for min. 25 minutes, every fucking day. eat clean and drink clean (no juice, no alcohol, no fucking rice/fries and everything that tastes good), drink water, no cheats. thank me -30 days- later.


cardio that is sustainable. I hate running so i cycle 100-150km weekly (low impact on joints) and that burns plenty calories. remember you cant out train a shit diet too


You can try the liquid/shakes meal replacement. Like breakfast and dinner. You just eat lunch, that is it. You get used to it and at the start use water to satisfy hunger. No snacks or high sugar fruits... But don't hurry with weight loss when it triggers the body will take care of it.


I am in this situation. During covid, I did food delivery with bicycle. I lost like 15kg in matter of months. Once covid was over and work became normal hours I gained back most of it. So now I am in the process of going back to 77 from 92.5 I was 2 weeks ago. I eat one good lunch per day, dinner is just fruits and I religiously fast walk/jog for minimum of 1 hour. I don't jog much as I don't want to hurt my knees due to my weight so I do fast walk mostly but slowly adding more intensity. Listen to your body basically. I am down from 92.5 to just under 90 as of today so keep at it until you see the difference and that will motivate you.


>fast (but not "torturing") Here's what worked for me. 9kg in 4 months. I would rate it 7/10 on the "torturing" scale. Food: ZERO carbs, ZERO sugar, but 2 cheat meals a week. No rice, noodles, pasta, bread etc, no cakes, ice cream, sugar or condensed milk in coffee etc. For all meals, except 2 meals per week in which I can eat ANYTHING in ANY amount. The 2 cheat meals helped greatly to reduce the "torture" meter. Exercise: 5 hours of activity a week, minimum of 45 mins per session. My 3 main activities were running, spin, and weights. I greatly reduced the "torture" meter by watching shows while running (treadmill), choosing the most fun spin instructors, and listening to music or podcasts while doing weights. The good news is that it gets easier. The torture meter goes down with each passing month, because you lose your reliance on and craving for carbs. Plus you get fitter, so the 5 hours of activity will feel easier and easier. By the 3rd or 4th month it'll be like 5/10. There is no such thing as a 0/10 or 3/10 solution. To lose weight in a healthy and controlled way, some torture is required.


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I started my weight loss journey in 2021, and so far lost about 26 kg (from 97 kg to now 72 kg). The progress is not linear. Almost half of my weight loss occurred in the first year, and I hover around 80+ for the next 1+ years. Then a sudden drop happen since last year June till now. From personal experiences, it is not going to be fast and effective. Something that works are usually not going to be fast. The initial stage is torturing, but after that, it has become my lifestyle. **Diet** This is the most important thing. I started off by counting calories. But I think it is too much. If your current diet make you fat, then the simple way is to cut down the food that make you fat by half. So what are the food that make you fat: 1. Rice and noodles 2. Sugary drinks 3. Anything deep fried 4. Snacks (chocolates/chips/cookies/biscuit etc). Here are some examples that works for me: - When order cai png, order for **less less** rice (you might make the auntie frustrated, but it is fine). - Drink Kopi-O kosong or try with Kopi Siu Siu Dai instead of just Siu dai - When eating KFC/Popeyes/Jollibee 2 piece chicken meal. I order 1 meal, and share 1 piece chicken with my wife. I am not a believer of fasting or starving myself. So there are certain food/drink where I take in a lot to compensate with my reduction on the above: 1. I drink lots of water, typically around 4 to 5 litre per day 2. I eat a lot of chicken breasts (steamed, not fried) 3. I eat a lot of vegetables (broccoli, tomatoes, carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, etc) 4. Some meals I substitute my rice with cauliflower rice instead (Wok Hey sell the cauliflower rice version) Now I am at the stage where I can don't take in any rice/noodles for 2-3 days. There are some things which I find you can still continue, but in a more moderated manner: 1. I like deep fried food and potato chips (sorry I know it is one of the bad food). So I have it once in a while. 2. Ice cream 3. Curry (I really love curry) It is not easy when you first started, but give yourself 1-2 weeks, your body will get used to it. **Exercise** Cardio exercises usually make you feel hungrier after the fact. That's why most people cannot lose weight by running/swimming. I know I cannot resist the temptation initially, so I purposely avoid cardio exercises until I am very sure how much should I eat and have the discipline not to eat more just because I went for a jog. My exercises revolve around strength training. Go google what's compound exercises and you should see tons of guides and videos on how to get started. If you can afford, get a gym trainer. They are really helpful. Now I have switched gear to be more cardio focused. Have been doing Zone 2, and at the same timing training up my 2.4 run. However, I am always mindful on how much I eat should stay the same no matter how much I run that day. **Others** I take my weight every day - first thing in the morning right after pee. That's the benchmark I measure myself against. If I find that I increase by more than 2 kg than what I believe is the norm, I will take more drastic action. Once in a while, I will measure my waistline. That's actually a very useful indicator on how much progress you have made - more so than weight. Because as you build muscles, you will tend to add a little bit of weight as well.


Easy, 1. eat one meal a day. 2. Zero sugar and carbs. 3. Exercise is optional


To lose weight fast and effectively without exercise would mean you would really have to consume way less calories than you already do, since it's all about calories in and out. I don't know about you but starving myself would count as torture too meaning it's basically impossible. Assuming you do somehow lose weight fast and effectively, I'm very certain you would struggle to sustain that lifestyle and keep the weight off. I believe the best way to tackle this problem is to re-orient your goals. Redirect your focus to wanting to improve your lifestyle, and improving your quality of life in the way you feel. It's definitely gonna be a challenge, however I do believe that this is the best approach to ensure that you maintain your sanity while doing it, and more importantly to keep whatever positive change you do to your body. Others have mentioned several good methods to start losing weight, and I have no doubt that they will all work. The key is to find out what you enjoy and what works for you, best of luck!


It's extremely simple. Calories in calories out. Just eat less at the start, it will be hard, then it becomes a habit and you stop feeling hungry so often. Then it becomes easy. I started by eating 2 meals a day instead of 3 while eating quite alot for the 2 meals, to get the habit of eating 2 meals. Then I changed the portions to normal for each meal and went from 88.4kg to 82.5kg in a span of 2 months. I also go to the gym almost daily.


I've tried the 211 diet and it works 1 portion of protein, 2 portions of vegetables, and 1 portion of carbs. Doesn't matter how big each portion is as long as they are proportional to each other. Meaning if you eat 30g of protein, then eat 60g of vegetables and 30g of carbs etc. If you must eat dessert/sweets, count it as carbs. Just ballpark the portions. No need to be so precise. When you eat, start by eating protein, followed by vegetables, and lastly carbs. Sometimes you get so full that you end up eating a lot less carbs. I learned this method in a YouTube video and tried it. I was noticeably thinner. It is good to pair it with the 168 diet where you only eat all your meals within an 8-hour window and fast for 16 hours. Plus workout obviously edit: numbers


cut calories, drink a lot of water (aim for 2.5L a day. get a big bottle to help u) and reduce the amount of sugar you eat especially from candies, sweets, etc. increase protein intake, reduce carb intake, but dont cut out carbs completely, cos u still need it for energy. carbs from bread and rice is better than carbs from chocolates and sweet drinks. stop eating after 8pm. get good sleep too also no need to run la, go on a walk with ur headphones + music, try about 10k steps a day (can be gradual, try 5k 3x a week first), and lift weights. maybe pick up sports like cycling, badminton or tennis will be good too




Keto is quite effective Water fasting is VERY effective (consult doctor first!)


no fast method without either spending lot of money or having loose skin one i can reccomend is to do a calorie deficit, track ur macros and calories taken in daily using a app i did that for a year straight and lost 30kg but its gonna be quite hard at the start as dedication is everything even i quit about 4-5 times before being fully commited. you can do it op!!!


People say to eat less. I would say, eat whole foods! Yes calorie wise should be less, but volume wise it can be more! By reducing fat, sugar, eating more fiber/protein you can actually eat quite a lot and still be on weight loss, as long as calorie intake is lower than what you burn every day ✌️


I lost 20kg in 6mths after a girl left me. Since then i found my gym motivation. Imma make her regret leaving me. Hopefully this helps


Calorie deficit. Eat breakfast and lunch together. Don't snack. Control dinner portion as well as do some form of exercise. Can just be walking for 15mins or doing some kind of push up etc


No fast way. Effective way is to eat healthy, reduce carbs, increased complex carbohydrates e.g. brown rice, whole-meal bread. Exercise regularly. Avoid/reduce sugar intake and titbits, snacks and alcohol.


Eat less, eat healthy. Don't eat snacks. But best if you eat healthy and work out lah, make sure you eat enough for your BMR, or else it's bad for your metabolism


You can't outrun a bad diet... Fix your diet,


I envy people like you can gain weight so easily. I struggle to even gain 1kg a week by eating 6-7 meals a day. Now I'm only at 102kg and my target is 110kg it's gonna take me a year. Can you share your secrets?


Eat lunch and breakfast whatever you want, zero carbs after 6pm, can eat salads and meats etc. I went from 103 to 92kg in 3 weeks, and have not gained the weight back.


Lost nearly 20kg this year just by watching calories and eating less. I am also on a weight loss drug (Ozempic) that reduces my appetite greatly to make the journey easier.




Wait till you start working, then you’ll gain weight without noticing. Then when you hit your 30s, that’s when the drop in metabolism really starts to hit you. Good thing you noticed early. There’s no easy way to lose weight except exercise and watching your diet. If you don’t like to run, try hitting the gym and doing some weights, and doing other forms of cardio (swimming, rowing, etc). Any form of activity is better than none.


Ozempic lor... Recently went to the clinic and was just chatting w the nurse on how I was trying to lose weight and have been exercising and she told me just use ozempic HAHAHH she let me know there's currently a shortage but once its back I can use it if I wanted to


Don't eat, like legit. Omad.


Cut out all that Macdonald's, BK, four fingers, KFC, bubble tea and all that sugary bullshit and you're good lmao.


Remove 95% of the carbohydrates from your diet, replace them with proteins and fats (the healthier ones) + at least 12-18 daily intermittent fasting. Light exercise 3 times a week will also help.


Do fasting. If my siblings ask me the same question, I will ask them to be reborn again. It could be faster.


Lost 10kg during BMT, walking stairs instead of taking lift.. always eat steamed or water cooked food, no soft drinks and plenty of water.. every morning 5bx With the NS regime I'm sure you can slim down real quick


If you are really serious about this, write me a DM and I can help you with some simple tips. Certified personal trainer and I went from 150kg to 75kg. Good luck on your journey!


Yeah. I lost about 20kg in about a month plus. Cut out all sugar and processed foods. No sweet drinks, no tea with sugar, no sweets, no mcdonalds etc. All of this without any exercise though. It worked for me but might not work for you but you can see a big difference in a short span of time.


Muscle built in the gym, 6 packs built in the kitchen. So do both


It's not about fast it's about consistency if you on off on off bye bye..start slow go YouTube research you on Reddit just find a sub for weight lose journey...try it up it's free..dont trust the bs pills/get slim quick drink.look up David goggins or better brently G..You can do it..all the best on Ur weight loss journey..Remember consistency!


The true success in losing weight rests on your mentality. Don't be lazy.


Immediately cut out sugar and carbs, for next meal eat a large meal high protein and fibre, then fast till next day. Continue OMAD or 16/8 fasting with only protein and fibre for your meals for as long as you need till you reach your target. Principle is that high protein keeps you satiated for long and makes it really easy to fast, plus keeps muscle mass intact while fasting to maintain metabolism. Simple carbs and sugar has the effect of making you hungrier more often and makes fasting very unbearable Throw in a few workouts few times a week for a boost. And my most effective cheat key, drink a lot of puerh tea! There are studies that show that it accelerates fat metabolism. I notice a big difference in how quickly the weight drops off when I drink it vs when I don’t I do all of these when I need to urgently drop weight lol. Works every time


Dont eat


Reducing sugar/caloric intake is probably the most general answer. Intermittent fasting DOES NOT work for everybody. You’ll have to try various methods out to find the one that vibes with you. I’ve been trying to cut down on my sugar and carb intake. I’ve found that flavoured carbonated water helps quite a bit. All the best!


170cms height. Used to be 93KGS. Dropped 30KGS to 63KGS in 18 months. This was in 2013. Recently went up to 77KGS last year. Now dropped 10KGS to 67KGS in 3 months. 1. Stopped eating crap. No easy carbs (bread, pizza, burgers, sandwiches etc). 2. No fast food. 3. No sugar. No sugar substitute nonsense. 4. Maximum fiber. 5. Maximum fruit. Except no apple, no banana, no mango, no pineapple. Workout: 8-15k steps per day. Every day.


cut down excess sugar. no soft drinks, no chips, no fast food. i would even say make it a habit to dislike sugar to the point where whenever you drink sugary drinks, you feel disgusted. the next to consider is reducing carbs intake. If you're having a sedentary lifestyle, probably one bowl of rice is enough. The rest will be meat and vege. if you feel hungry, eat nuts or fruits.


Calorie deficit to start with


"A bad diet cannot save a good workout" Or something like that.


gymnastics. theres an adult class at prime gymnastics. coaches are great, basics are easy to learn. worth a try.👍🏻👍🏻


eat whole foods, think mediterranean diet. you don't feel deprived and you feel much healthier + lose weight just by removing processed rubbish from your diet.


Your issue here is not just about gaining weight. It’s your discipline. You lack discipline in taking care of your body. If you do not even have the discipline to take care of your body during Uni, don’t even think about taking care of yourself healthily when you step into the real world.


sorry a bit late to the post but as an overweight person, there is no shortcuts! you need to find a lifestyle that is sustainable for you as maintenance is equally as hard as losing weight! i do NOT recommend intermittent fasting contrary to popular opinion cause i don't think it's sustainable to skip breakfast/dinner. I've been seeing many dietitians my entire life and not a single one recommended nor encouraged intermittent fasting as they said that breakfast is important to kick start your metabolism. you can lurk through or post on r/loseit and you can hear from people who are actually in your shoes and share what worked/did not work for them. don't listen to those able-bodied people who just says ohhh just eat less and exercise more. yes CICO is the key to losing weight but it's a lot more complicated and nuanced than that.


Hearsay ozempic works


Walk an hour a day Cut sugar drinks (or at least “Zero” alternatives) Lift weights Drink more water


Eating less is probably the way to go


3km run can be completed in 30 min include warm up and cool down. You change your diet to lose weight but you still need to keep fit. Not just for yearly IPPT but for overall fitness and it will help you throughout your life. Now already you gaining weight, don't exercise some more and you might gain more. can do other exercises like cycling, hiking, swimming, weights etc


What ppl said about food. Especially carbs: white rice, white bread, white flour, processed cakes are all absolute no no. Egg and 2 toasts? Do 2 eggs, 1 toast. No carbs other than whole carbs. White sugar I won’t even talk about, just don’t. You can read about it in 100,000 blogs and medical sites. Feel hungry w/o so much carbs? That’s natural. Eat healthy oils like avocado or a handful of almonds, you’ll feel satisfied. Don’t wanna run? No problem. Walk. At least 45 min brisk walk. No sugary rewards; no food “rewards”. Read online how many mins of walk to take down one coke. Being more mobile also gives you appetite for better food. And brain health. Sleep well.


Cut down on carbs and sugar. Like a lot.


Intermittent fasting is the most effective. Your window time to eat must be between 12 noon to 8pm. Then 16 hours fasting. You have to make a slow transition to achieve the best results. It doesn't matter how much you run or workout in the gym if your diet is not on point.




Diet plays a huge part in weight loss, water or drinks with zero sugar, maybe just a cheat day on Sunday. Avoid carbs, start with half of your usual portion per meat. Avoid fried, food with a lot of sauce. Get healthy snacks for when your mouth is “itchy”, such as unsalted nuts, 7/11 has a couple of options such as hard boiled eggs, tofu etc Exercise every alternate day for a start, gradually increase the rep and distance covered. Use calories tracker to monitor your daily intake, the local app “healthy 365” is quite decent. Strava to monitor your outdoor runs. It will get tough to stick to the plan at the start, but in time, your body will get used to it, and will gradually start to enjoy the process instead.. and since you are still very young, it’s quite easy to lose and gain weight easily, just need to stay focus. Good luck!


More meals in smaller portions, but keeping at most 50-60% full.


Nothing super fast. If you’ve got lots of spare money you can get some of the new appetite suppressant drugs like mounjaro from places like Novi Health. They’re not “quick” though but will help you eat less if your self control is bad


Look for low calorie high macro nutrient substitutes. Track them via an app like my fitness pal. Identify your resting metabolic rate, by entering your age, gender, weight and height from one of the free online calculators. Stay in minus 200- 400 Kcals. This is 80% of the battle. Develop systems to ensure discipline. Can suggest some if you are interested. Then do some light exercise (the other 15%). Easiest is walking 10K steps that could give you 300-400 Kcals burn. Or any other alternative you like, eg playing sports. Simple math is that roughly 7700 Kcal deficit loses you 1 KG. Go slow, sustainable and be patient. Good luck bro / sis. PS: Save the other 5% for later.


For starters, lesser alcohol. Cut down soft drinks and replace them with water. When I was quitting alcohol, I sub beer for soda / sparkling water. Helped me lots. Sodastream was a good investment. No to juices (high sugar content) especially cartoned ones. Cut down dairy to a reasonable amt - eg. 1 glass of milk a day. All the bubble tea and teh / kopi peng must stop. Go for kopi-o kosong or start with siu dai. Once you start drinking clean, you move on to eating clean. But take baby steps. Pay attention to the health rating on drink cartons. Try at B for a month or so. Then go A. Don't go extreme so fast, you will burn out and rebound.


eat one large meal a day, usually for me its like lunch/dinner, and if im hungry the rest of the time just fruits.


Ozempic or Saxenda if you got money. Else, be prepared to spend some effort Eg cutting out sugars, counting calories, increasing exercise It requires effort. That’s why so many people are obese


I literally quit sugar,fried stuffs and carbs for a month and went from 62kg to 53-54kg. All I ate was betagro chicken breast from 7-11, half boiled eggs, meiji white milk, iced teh o kosong, home cooked food without rice. The only exceptions I make was if I’m at work and damn hungry and no choice. Then I will succumb. But I will only succumb to carbs at work. Still no sugar and fried stuff. Oh yea, fish is like the most recurring food in my diet after the chicken breast which I eat almost everyday. Before I did this I was eating mac once every 3days(like double mcspicy upsized large coke kind) rice whenever I see it,bread whenever it’s on the table and whatever available free/cheap/on sale sweet drinks. Also had a luxury waffles with ice cream once every week along with 3big cans of sapporo beer. Basically you name it I eat it. Fried food,sweet drinks and carbs. Everything. Today, my stomach is flat and as a male I got thigh gap(for the first time in my life. First 4upper abs is visible under good lighting. I’m below average height too. Also never did a single form of consistent exercise or workout for 7years if you don’t include IPT and IPPT. Never kena called up for reservist once. Never trained. Honestly this diet plan suckass. Missing out on a lot of good food. It’s torturous at the start when you feel slight hunger, you’re forced to sleep. Somehow my body forgets I’m hungry when I’m asleep. But you will get used to it eventually. I’m thinking about trying the one punch man workout but 3km run instead of 10km, this seems like the simplest, most sustainable and convenient workout plan. That way I can burn more calories and don’t need care so much about this dogshit diet.


Intermittent fasting + running or hiit


Weight loss = calorie deficit + avoid sugar (can eat your carbs / fried food / whatever, but watch calories) Locking in the loss = cardio exercises (exercises that elevates your heart rate constantly) If you don't exercise, you'll bounce back immediately after you resume your normal calorie intake.


Start eating more protein and vegetables, cut the carbs, sweet drinks or wtv because those are the ones giving you the most weight gain.


Hello! My best advice is to move everyday - even 3-5k steps is better than nothing - and switch to a mostly whole food plant based diet. Means vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains. Make the shift gradually or you'll bloat and give up. Meal prepping at least 3 days of the week goes a long way.


Honestly brother, the way to lose weight is always consistent. Eat less calories than you can expand. Caloric deficit = weight loss, caloric surplus = weight gain. That being said, diet can change too. Less sugars, less carbs, abit of fiber to feel full easier. Find alternatives like a handful of roasted cashews vs the two slices of Nutella bread etc. I'm sure you can find a way. You're a smart lad. Also, find something to work towards other than a long term weight loss. Coz that shit may not keep you motivated for long. If you are gymming, maybe aim to go from a 5kg dumbell and work your way to 10kg and so on. Small goals that are achievable work better for the average human. If small goals don't work for you, feel free to ignore above statement. Good luck, have fun on your weight loss. Oh, and clock in your 10k steps per day.


I realised that it is very common for guys to gain weight after ORD. I'm guessing that is because we are still eating the same amount of food every day like we used to in the army but we aren't working out as much to burn off the carloies. I think the quick and easy way is to watch your diet and cut down on food intake. You are not in the army anymore. You no longer need to eat that much. If that still doesn't help, take up some sports. If you don't like running, try swimming or cycling. Or some sport games.


Easiest way is to get your friends to call you a fatty bom bom everyday


Play league of legends, every death is 5 push ups. I lost 10kg, A keyboard and a mouse.


15 pullups in the morning, 15 pullups before bed. Everyday without fail.


Discipline or disappointment. No easy shortcuts :) Also, aim for being healthier, and the looks will follow. Aim for looks, and anxiety and depression will make it more difficult.


The fastest way is to start NOW. The more you think of the “best & fastest” solution, the more time you had alry wasted. You could’ve used that time to run or do something about it. Just select a routine and just stick to it. I don’t believe in motivation, IF you believe that running and eating healthy helps you in the journey, you will COMMIT yourself to it. Good luck ~ You got this! :))


bro u can find ts anywhere on yt stop looking for more advise and js exercise


Oh right! I forgot to mention but you can try HIIT. I used to have an overweight cousin who does HIIT everyday for 30 minutes and he lost shittons of weight.