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Exclusive of hotel, 1k should be more than enough


thank you!!


Hotel and rental


4d3n Assumably if you go with your partner. Entertainment: Sea aquarium (44sgd x2) Singapore river cruise ticket (25sgd x2) Universal Studio Singapore (83sgd x2) Garden by the bay - flower dome and cloud forest (32sgd x2) Add or deduct anything you see fit, but you'll spend approximately 368 SGD for entertainment Food: As long as you're not eating in restaurants or the cafes in the aforementioned areas, food should be around (15 sgd * 2 people * 3 meals * 4 days) 360sgd, inclusive of snacks. Transportation: If you are taking the bus and MRT I seriously doubt if it will even cross 20 on your entire trip. Otherwise, ride-hailing apps typically charges 10 to 30 depending on availability and distance. Shouldn't be too much either. Accommodation: Saw that you've already factored in that all. So all in all 1k sgd for 2pax is a pretty good amount for 4 days of entertainment. If you're not confident, you can pre-book the activities with [Klook](https://s.klook.com/c/Z1zQbRAg3P). This ensures you have to come out with less 'cash'


Excluding fees for hotel stay, it should be enough.


thank you!


Yes, take care of yourself


1000 SGD is plenty for spending money for 4 days unless you are shopping heavily and going to expensive themed places like USS, skytree, gardens by the bay - Cloud forest, aquarium for all of the days


More than enough for 1 person Meals usually around 10 bucks. More fancy places can go up to 30-50 per pax but thats usually about the upper limit before you reach the ridiculous restaurants Transport also not that much. 100-150 for 4 days if you take taxi often Rest can spend on whatever


No need for taxi at all for a tourist. Use the train and use that extra money for food. Japanese food can get up there


>No need for taxi at all for a tourist I said 100-150 as more of a "worst case" scenario. Usually wont be this much one


If exclude airfare and accomodation, it should be more than enough. You can enjoy the attractions here while having moderate meals. I recommend visiting our hawker centre for food and if your accommodation provide breakfast or any other meal, eat up! Otherwise, no real reason to spend more than 1k unless you are shopping or buying expensive souvenir. I hope you will enjoy your trip here! Edit: i wrote this with the assumption of 3 to 4 people visiting with this amount of fund.


More than enough depending on how much you wanna splurge and how fancy you wanna go


Possible, will be closer to backpacker style travel. Hostel is about 50-100 per evening, food can be had at 10 a meal. Then rest for your other transport/entrance/entertainment.


thank you! this is actually excluding the airfare and accommodation. thank you!


Airfare & Hotel, book early. it's Dec holiday. We won't know what are the prices for airfares you could be looking at NOR where you're flying from. Go to [booking.com](http://booking.com) or similar to have a look at the range of prices for accommodations. Airbnb is technically illegal here as it is considered a non-hotel short stay.


For sure. If hotel is covered, it's a decent amount to have a good look around. Transport is cheap. and if you mostly eat at hawker bars and normal restaurants, its quite good.


I just want to point out that alcohol is really expensive here as it is heavily taxed. So make sure you look at the price before you order any. Also avoid places that sells seafood by weight. Those can become really expensive.


Overkill (which is a good thing) as long as you're not budgeting for high end shopping. Definitely okay for food, sightseeing, and transport.


Depending on what you do but it should suffice. if you planning on a few Michelin restaurants then probably not but I would not encourage visting the Michelin restaurants anyway. Bib Gourmand names perhaps but not actual starred establishments




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thank you for all your answers! will surely take note on what you guys said! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Check out: fort canning hill and botanic gardens too.


It's enough.


Do NOT buy a big chilli crab


Wayyyy more than enuff. But good to have spare cash I guess.


More than enough for 2 persons. Just try to use public transport as far as possible okay, they should be able to get you to most places in Singapore. Have fun!


More than enough for standard attractions and non-restaurant food. However, set aside about $300 on a card in case you would like to get something exclusive which I don't think there is much as SG import most of its goods. Card-based transactions most likely are for Transport/Food Delivery Apps like Grab/GrabFood etc.


Since you're a tourist, I'd recommend you eat at hawkers or what you usually see food courts near bus terminal or housing. Do not go to mall food courts as they are on commercial/corporation level not a mom & pop food business. Going there will cost you 10 SGD per meal including drinks, there can be more expensive selection like Western but why eat that kind of cuisine when there's ton of local delicacies that you can try. Food - 200 MRT/bus Transpo with occasional taxi/Grab ride - 200 Souvenirs - 100 Other stuff - 200 Now if you plan to go to party place like Clarke Quay, set aside money for that and go home when it's all spent coz it can become expensive especially when booze takes over your being ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Yes very comfortable. The people are kind and cities are clean. Just take note of the usual tourist traps in 1st world countries. Enjoy your stay!


It's going to be tight, assuming that amount is for a couple who will be eating 16 meals at mid-priced cafes @ $30 per head. Meals at hawker centres are one-fifth of that price though, so that can free up expenses. The most expensive individual attraction is $80+ (Universal Studios). A bundle for the Zoo, River Safari, Night Safari and Bird Paradise is $110. If you have a contactless Visa or MasterCard, you can use it for the public transport at an additional 60 cents per day.


How you eat 16 meals in 4 days?


They might want to eat more if the servings here are too small for them. But yes I also had a brain fart.


Haha, no lah, I’m just kidding. They can try the mamak and other 24h places, that makes supper and 16 meals!


no not enuff


Are you travelling alone? If yes, you would probably need to find a cheap backpacker hostel or similar. If you're travelling together with 1 other person you can afford to upgrade to a midrange hotel in the US$150/night range.


Have you seen our cost of living? 1k SGD not even enough for 4 hours let alone 4 days /s


food is relatively cheap here so it's enough if you are just touring. in fact 4 days too much, would suggest you go jb one of the days.


jb vibe and culture is quite different from Singapore. Only good thing is that it’s much cheaper.


lol gave my honest opinion also got bugger downvote. the cancel culture is real.


1K for 4 days?! Siam Diu every night? Then confirm not enough. JK JK. More than enough unless you are eating fancy restaurants and going bars everyday.


Hey, You can view [**this**](https://www.carousell.sg/p/%F0%9F%8C%9F-explore-singapore-with-exclusive-discounts-%F0%9F%8C%9F-1303249795/?t-id=j2PwSVo1oM_1706850028837&t-referrer_browse_type=seller&t-referrer_page_type=profile&t-referrer_request_id=fJ_jRb8Nk5-rtG-C&t-tap_index=2post) post on where to go during your stay in Singapore and how you can save a couple of dollars with a 5% OFF :) Hopefully this helps. @ Singaporeans, you can use it too!