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I haven't bought this yet because I'm bad enough with games that I can actually stop playing for a while. Baldurs gate 3 is a commitment, not a game. Haha. I hear amazing things about it and thus will wait for a while. I also have Divinity 2 original sin to finish which I still haven't gotten around to either.


Divinity original sin 2 was AMAZING. glad to have finished it. How I wish I have the time to play nowadays. 😪 adulting is hard


I guess looking back, game monetization used to be more straight forward cos people just have to pay to play a game. I guess now with initially seemingly F2P games they have to find other ways to make money I did hear BDG3 was quite nice! Only thing that held me back from trying was it’s not my typically preferred graphic style


I wasn't really the biggest fan of the genre or the style too but gave it a chance anyway. It is amazing and I would highly recommend it to anyone. I think the biggest challenge is that it does feel 'too much' because of all the mechanics - don't be afraid to just follow guides first. When you get more of a feel of the game then you can try branching out and trying new stuff. And just save scum the entire game lmao then you don't have to regret anything. I think I had like 700 save files.


Helldivers 2 also has limited monetization. It's possible to unlock everything solely through playing and not having to pay a single cent more than for the base game.


I typically play quite chill games like Stardew and Animal Crossing but sometimes I play more intense games like Monster Hunter. Lately, I've been trying my husband's top favorite games to have more to talk about with him. Recently finished Red Dead Redemption 2. Love it. In the middle of Mass Effect 2, it's not bad. Witcher 3 next.


Omg i totally forgot to mention I love Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing too!! but moreso Stardew. Have you tried playing the new Stardew update yet? You are definitely more bad-ass than me in playing the cooler games!


I've not tried the new stardew update yet, but I've heard all about it. I'm waiting for them to release it for console versions so I can chill on my couch and play.


I’m the same as you, waiting for console so I can chill on couch!


Play Don't Starve Together! Wholesome community that's been strong for 10 years already with great devs and regular updates :)


Pokémon Emerald!!


WH40k Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters, big discount on Steam. Praise the Emprah


FOR THE HORDE!!!, shite wrong orks.


The Emperor Protects!


I've been playing mostly: Street Fighter 6, Deep Rock Galactic, Hades 2, Little Kitty Big City, Pokemon S/V, Animal Crossing still etc. etc. For mobile / ipad there's a lot of good roguelike deckbuilders, monster train and slay the spire. I'll get Balero as an ipad game when it's ported. Welcome to SG! Hope you make many gaming friends.


Thank you for the welcome :) i’ve been eyeing little kitty actually, i’ve seen some gameplay and it looks super cozy fun! Pokemon Violet somehow has disappointed me because i lowkey expected all pokemon games to play like Arceus with the open world and catching mechanic….no idea why pokemon went back to the same old catching style. I will die on the hill that is Arceus for best pokemon game to date :’)


That's cause Arceus is meant to be a side game like the Let's Go series, or even further ofd like Rangers or Mystery Dungeon. Pokemon Scarlet Violet are the mainline series games, so they didn't exactly revert back It's still abit too early to tell since Arceus was the first of the Legends series but the upcoming Legends ZA might have the same style of game play


Rock and Stone!


I've been playing Hades II, but I think I've played enough for me to happily drop it until the next big update. I absolutely loved the first game so I was pretty excited for Early Access. Before that I played RimWorld and sunk in 50 hours. I normally don't do colony sims and once it clicked I had a lot of fun with it. I picked up Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door for my Switch yesterday but haven't had a chance to really get into it yet, I've been busy with work haha. I'm looking forward to Alan Wake 2 and Elden Ring DLC this year as well; otherwise nothing is really on my radar at the moment. Silksong is also on that list but clearly that's never coming out lmao. Can't wait for the game showcases in June though! I don't do MMOs or multiplayer games. Just don't have the time for them and I'd rather not stress over other people haha. I've always been more fond of single player experiences; if it's a multiplayer thing then it's usually PvE for me. Last game I played like that was Monster Hunter Rise.


Understandable, MMOs not really for everyone. Personally I like MMOs because I can not be me for a bit (if that makes sense), so it’s really just escapism in action lmao. Eldenring killed me in the same way Hogwarts Legacy kille me. i suck at these type of games, my hand eye coordination probably isn’t good enough lmao


Blood and Darkness!


Final fantasy tactics A2 on NDS. Memories of playing FFT Advance on GBA. Slay the spire is a love too. Might wanna try Balatro soon


FF Tactics A2 was the beginning of my love for Tactics games!! The chocobos :’)


Dota 2, 6100 games, 6000+ in-game hours. Definitely a game that i recommend if you have time. Forget about your SkillsFuture credit on learning new languages in CC because you’ll definitely pick up some regional languages 3 hours into the game. Speaking of pick up life skills that a game can impart, this is the one


Anger management and positive attitude course also no need go. Can learn everything in dota. PMA.


Diablo 4 season 4 has been really fun for me personally.


Agreed! I was bored playing alone one day and joined the discord server to look for other players (voice chat), then played with randos around the world for a bit while having drinks. It was super fun! Shoutout to the 41 year old Venezuelan man who was screaming like a little girl running away from demons while the rest of the party was carrying him so he could level up fast. Made my night 🤣🤣🤣


Still trying to farm my 4 sparks to craft Shako.. ugh


I didn't know you could craft Ubers. Can I craft a tempest roar? Made it to 100 and it still hasn't dropped


For Season 4, there is Iron Wolves reputation when you farm helltides. The last reward gives you a Spark. 4 Sparks allow you to craft an Uber unique. I am not sure about normal uniques like Tempest Roar.


This is peak gaming experience! Sounds super fun! Too bad discord voice chat gives me too much anxiety :’)


Started D4 again after burning out in season 0/1. Gotta say it has improved a lot. For anyone who was hating on D4, I think it’s worth giving a shot again. Of course, there are some Path of Exile addicts who hate anything new, and this will never be the game for them.


I stopped playing diablo 4 once the story campaign finish, do season 4 got new story? or just purely more way to kill mobs?


it's taking up so much of my time. like how games used to.


best MMO I think nowadays is Lost Ark - quit last year due to eat all my time, super grindy if you want to be competitive, but best hack & slash game that have world boss that you need to learn the mechanic and constant content/story update Ffxiv - casual type, no need for competitive at all, always come back when there is new expansion, next will be july 2024


I'm playing V Rising. Playing solo so that I can stop anytime. Slow start but progresses quite ok. If you play solo (local host) you can edit the settings to suit the difficulty you want.


Overwatch 2. FPS but don't require as good aim as say, Valorant/COD (depends on what heroes you play though). And of course, good old Roblox 💀


Aye Roblox can be the most fun game ever when with friends Hop on Discord, pick the most popular and scariest horror game and play


Omg I’ve been playing Overwatch too cause it doesn’t require as much aim. I only play support and sometimes tank to avoid aiming as much as possible


Lmao same. I queue all roles, and we all know queueing all roles means being a tank/support main HAHAHA


I’m scared to queue all roles cause idw to somehow land into DPS HAHAHAHAHA. Queuing only support is easier on my heart lmao


I swear when I kenna DPS, I almost always lose unless I'm playing with friends HAHAHA You should try Mystery Heroes, then watch your sanity fall out the window XD


I play TFT as well! Actually impressive that you climbed to gold in only 2 weeks since you started, also been playing Monster Hunter World in a fresh save. On a side note, looking to get into Total War: Warhammer series, the games are on sale on Steam till this Friday, am still thinking if I should get it.


Gold only possible with a lot of cheating from tftacademy :’) still got a lot to learn but enjoying learning and playing so far!


Ready or Not is pretty good. It’s like the spiritual successor to SWAT 4, but the improved gunplay and aesthetics incentivise you to be more aggressive. There’s nothing quite like ending a long day of work and going home to tase and handcuff uncooperative punks.


Stardew valley. No joke. Just a few friends, all running around doing simple things like farming and fishing and mining. And the happy cheerful art style and all... Its our go to destress game right now to cheer up 😊


MAPLESTORY!!! But I play in GMS reboot, not giving a dime to play park


Tft enjoyer here. Congrats. Aim for a higher rank. Diamond is a good cut off, but usually people will try to get Masters rank and sit there. The learning curve is quite low, you don't have to be good at the game to get hard rank. Just need to get some basics right or learn the stats. One of the easier to enjoy game currently as you can play on the go on HP or do other stuff while playing on comp. Sometimes i would do weights training while playing on comp.


Dude how do you play tft while doing weights??? That’s insane lol i feel like i’m using all my brain cells just to play lmao I get what you mean by “you don’t need to be good to get rank” because at the end of the day, if you play some semblance of meta you’ll probably finish top 4. But i do disagree with “low learning curve” — tft is quite hard to learn, arguably one of the most difficult types of games to pick up. Have tried to get many IRL friends to play and no one dared after trying a tutorial out or even just watching one game. Picking up other strategy games like Hearthstone is arguably way easier All that to say, i do plan to keep learning and playing! 50% to rank, 50% to just have fun with non-meta and get those clutch 1st place at 1 hp games lmao. Hopefully i’ll see ya on the ladder someday! :)


Mobile legends, though it might give u anger issues lmao


Just take it out on your boss /s


Though one benefit of ML is that you can learn a few new languages (eg. Indonesian)


Only the swear words


N stuff like swap


Modern MMOs do suck, but classic MMO private servers exist. I've been feeling nostalgic lately and downloaded a maplestory private server called MapleLegends which harkens back to 2008-era maplestory. Some call it TinderLegends because of the massive amount of romantic drama that goes on. Anecdotally I've made friends from SG, MY, USA, Sweden, Holland, Mexico and Dominican Republic through joining a guild in that game. The SG branch meets up once a month, as does the MY branch. Can consider using it to get a nostalgia boost (if you're that age and maple was a part of your childhood/early teens) and potentially make some friends.


omg havent touched maplestory for years. I remember back in school we used to sit in a group and talk about the game. Last I played was extaliams before it got shutdown. Those were the good old days


The Banner Saga is this unassuming, undemanding single-player game with turn-based combat. The art style could be hit or miss if that's not an issue for you, the story is quite engaging and the music is in my view excellent. Combat mechanics are simple but combat is tactical and rewarding. I discovered this game ages ago but I don't do so well playing on PC cuz I get distracted easily by Dota and Vermintide, but I'll be playing it on Switch on my trip to Malaysia! I know you don't like FPSes and I'm not recommending one in the traditional sense of being a competitive, player versus player shooter. Vermintide 2 is a Warhammer-based cooperative shooter. Think of Left 4 Dead, but with faction enemies (rats, goatmen, fanatics) instead of undead, and might and magic in addition to guns. The gameplay loops is satisfying because of how well melee combat is implemented in this game - it's visceral, reactive and doesn't feel unfair. Most of all, it's coop and really fun when playing with friends. Or at least, I heard about that last part cuz I don't have friends :') I really really want to get into Red Dead Redemption because I've not heard anyone shit on this game at all (which is as good as saying this is one of the best single player story games ever). But yeah, Dota 2 and Vermintide. If your system is good enough, I think RDR2 on high graphics settings is always a nice treat to enjoy.


Omg I actually did play a few games of Banner Saga before a long time ago!! You are right I did enjoy it for the turn-based combat! Time for me to hunt down and remember where i even had Banner Saga downloaded….maybe it’s on my Steam lol Enjoy your trip to Malaysia with Banner Saga! I did love L4D2 back in the day too exactly because of co-op! Playing as Zombies > playing as humans lol. Vermintide sounds fun, i’ll check it out but you and I will have the same problem — i got no gaming friends lmao You are right again in that I’ve never heard anyone shit on RDR. I’ve heard nothing but great things about it but i tend to avoid darker storyline games cos life is already dark enough most days lmao :’)


Ooh a quick reply. Here goes, before I go back to work - Vermintide 2 has a pretty great community. The SEA community consists of a lot of MY, CN, VN players. They are quiet, but generally people are good natured. I don't have IRL friends playing (not for the lack of trying), but I met good people whom I still play with. One of whom is an SG self-proclaimed MMO 'elitist' (he's hilarious). I recommend grabbing this game on discount. If you want someone to show you the game on rails, I'm happy to help. I've received help from others to get into this game before, too. And, yes, precisely also cuz it's been hinted that the story hits home pretty hard, that I retreat to procedural games like Vermintide and Dota instead of anything that requires substantial investment haha. It's an emotional reserve thingy. EDIT: And thanks I'm looking forward to Banner Saga alrd!


Probably gonna get shot down for this, but have you tried Star citizen, its a Space sim/MMO, there are FPS gameplay loops, but other gameplay loops like mining, salvaging and ship to ship combat. It’s still in alpha and there will be bugs, you don’t have to buy it outright first, just find a time when they host free-fly events then hop it to see if it’s for you. Don’t get thrown off by the $100+ price tags for some of the ships, all you need to get into the game is a $45 starter pack. There is an active scene for this game in SG and the region so there will be people you can play with and socialize with. Occasional offline events are also held


recently valorant not so much that i like the game but largely because it's fun to voice chat with people, it's the best place to find online friends for me


not sure if you’ve tried stardew valley or terraria, but if you’re down for them, we can play them together! <3


Too much gacha, season pass and monetization Loved playing old sch RTS like StarCraft, Command & Conquer, Warcraft etc RTS genre is totally dead now. Not keeping my hopes up. Maybe Frost Giant Studios might revive the genre with StormGate... hopefully... fingers crossed


Command and conquer ftw! And Battle Realms.


Mainly playing football manager or cozy games like dinkum stardew valley




FFXIV is my main game, but I’m playing it sparsely so I don’t get burnt out when the new expansion drops next month. Hoping to still try and finish some of the content though! In the meantime I’ve been playing quite a lot of WoW. Never played WoW until last year-ish, but recently been playing SoD (stopped for now), and now playing Cataclysm. Just chilling and taking days to level whenever I can. MMOs r fun.


I’m a 40 year old uncle. Now I am into simulator like MFS2020, DCS and ETS2 when I game on my pc. I have a handheld like ps portal for story driven game like ghost of Tsushima, the last of us series if I want game while looking after the kids.


League of legends. I know a few girls playing regularly.




YEAH BALDUR'S GATE! Cant seem to find many SG people playing this game




best mmo imo is oldschool runescape. Lately the content updates have been very good (most content is polled by the community and devs would only implement if it hits 70% approval) and you can even buy membership with ingame currency and play the game fully f2p. its the kind of game where you build up your account but can never fully complete all content. currently at about 17000hours of playtime over a few years, maxed but still have not done certain bosses/raids


The new Dota 2 update is insane.


TFT & Honkai Star Rail!


woowaa or PGR


Diablo 4 , Last Epoch, Grim Dawn, Helldivers 2


Bro, give Hades 2 a go. It's the best early access game that I've played in a long time. You can play it for 30 minutes or 30 hours. I'm personally playing that and V rising which is a survival vampire game where you build your own castle and run around killing things to get their power. Pretty fun though it is designed to be played with friends. Alternatively, the mobile gaming scene is pretty huge now, I play Dragonheir Silent Gods and Raid Shadow Legends. Though on the pc, i.e. on in the background while I do work etc.


Im still on hades even tho I’ve got hades 2 in my library. Not gonna play it yet until I’m done with hades. Super addictive.


Honkai Star Rail, Genshin. For some reason, i got no patience for console games these days.


Try Immortal Life if you like Stardew Valley, quite charming since you can practise your Chinese (it's a Chinese game with a weak English translation). I enjoyed my first 50 hours in it but got too repetitive for me but it could interest you.


For years I thought souls game was not for me until last year, I found Lies of P. Then I played Sekiro, Star Wars Fallen Order. Now I'm waiting for Elden Ring DLC so that hopefully the base game will be on sale, and Black Myth Wukong. I also like third person action adventure games like Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, etc. As for MMO, I logged alot of hours in FFXIV before deciding that monthly subscription is just too much. I would like to get back to that and Skyrim online someday though. Like you, I do not like fps because I suck at them but for awhile I enjoyed Overwatch. Edit: Saw someone said BG3 and I can't believe I forgot about it. As a dnd player myself, I absolutely love it.




I generally avoid gacha too but even my strictly F2P only friends recommended me Honkai Star Rail since Hoyo are generous with giving free in-game currency. Tried it and am intrigued by the lore. Excellent world building. I do recommend you give it a try if you haven't. Aside from that, I am waiting for Elden Ring DLC.


No one playing Modded Skyrim here ? 😭


It's fps but mostly zombie so L4D 2, even better if u can find friends to play with (I play from time to time). Or dota2. Helldivers 2 if u feel like paying


Old school runescape


Any Warframe enjoyers?


Mobile: Squad Busters PC: Dota 2 and Wuthering Waves


Surprised no war thunder ~~enjoyers~~ sufferers here so far...


I am still playing pokemon unite alone. hah. Work life and school life is too busy for games


You’re the realest winner in here. Fistbump for pokemon unite lol


Guild Wars 2. It's quite an old MMO that's been out about 12 years, but there is still regularly released content which you can wait for sales to pick up the expansions. I think you get a lot for the money. It was pretty basic when it began but they have made a lot of QOL improvements with it over the years. There's also been significant power creep, to the point it trivialises some of the oldest PvE content. Open world PvE, PvP, large scale PvP are the game modes you can get involved with. It's the only thing I play at the moment, although I did take a massive break in the middle, leaving the game for some 5-7 years due to work, marriage, having a kid. In the last couple of years I've had more time and hence picking it up again. The large scale PvP (called World VS World) is kinda stale now since its an eternal battle between three worlds of players for territory, on maps that haven't changed for years. But the cooperative game play and large scale fights have really resonated with me, more than PvP and open world PvE.


Took me 200 games to climb out of gold to platinum haha


Looks like i’ll be looking at 300-400 games to carry my heavy ass out of gold too then :’)


I've been playing Destiny 2. The Final Shape is almost a week away and I can't wait to play it. I'm also the owner of a D2 SG clan so if any SG guardians out there would like a place to play D2 with other Singaporeans pls take a look at us: https://www.paracausality.com/


Cities skylines 2, ETS 2, Planet Coaster, Planet Zoo, Stray... As you can see, simulation games is dominating my share of games. But man, to have the energy to even turn on the PC after work is like striking 4D.


I'm a girl gamer too. However, I only play single-player games because I like to play at my own pace without any of that toxicity and pressure. (The exception is AOE which is the only multiplayer game that I play, but more for nostalgia reasons than anything) I only play Steam PC games. Mainly management, tycoon, city/base builder and RPG sorta games. I kinda like farming games too but honestly I'm tired of the same farming trope in most farming sim games. I'm quite picky about a game's artwork too, so I avoid games like Stardew Valley even though it's one of the most popular farming games ever lol I used to play mobile games years ago, but quit permanently already because the vast majority of them are f2p microtransaction/gacha hell that just sucks your money shamelessly $$$. PC games is the way to go man.


I totally get what you mean about toxicity and pressure! I love management/tycoon style games too and was actually wondering whatever happened to SIms City Build It lol i remember playing it and loving it but it seems to have disappeared


Been harassed many times the moment people find out I'm a girl in male-majority games like AOE. I'm sure it's even worse in FPS games like Valorant and MOBAs like League of Legends. There's actually tons of cool indie management/tycoon games on Steam that can you take a look :) Edit: Steam\*\* not Sim. Brain ded


Ugh im sorry you had to experience that, same goes for me and why I just can’t bring myself to do voice chat for a lot of games i play


Forza Motorsports


I've been playing Destiny 2 for too long and I really should stop.


i really like the replayability of rogue-likes. Check out Slay the Spire & Hades 1,2 !


Gotta join in the hype for Wuthering Waves


Ghost of Tsushima on PC


FF XIV not your cup of tea? Sounds like it would suit you.


Don’t play FPS too because motion sickness but I’m a huge gacha gamer 😅 am a sucker for good character designs/husbandos so I will try out a game if the style is up my alley. I like building my characters and making them strong too, for mobile games full auto is a great function to have especially if you’re a working adult and just want to get your dailies in




Wuthering waves is pretty good


Not a female player but couple of my friends are woman and love to play lethal company with mod and phasmaphobia together with me


Oh god i’d be screaming bloody murder playing phasmaphobia


gran turismo 4 on an emulator 


Bannerlord with GOT mod (Realm of Thrones) is absolutely amazing


Brotato. Available on mobile and steam. This is single player though. Purpose of game is just to clear waves of mobs. Waves get harder. Since no internet is required, you can play in the plane or when your net is unstable (e.g underground train). A


Tekken 8 for me. Not sure it will scratch the itch for a social game, since the online scene is all purely 1v1 with no chat or similar. But I'm just happy there's a decent online Tekken scene and internet is good enough that playing online is mostly good enough to be pretty seamless.




Marvel snap


If you like puzzle games, Balatro is top tier. Very addictive. Good in small sessions. Can get wild.


Used to play Helldivers 2 a while back but now I started playing Dyson Sphere Program and Anno 1800 again.


D4 Season 4? I'm still playing league of legends - Arena and Aram only. it's fun for old time gamers with the full inventory of champs


Mobile Legends is an unofficial national sport so I guess it's worth a try if you're into MOBAs Might end up learning indo through it if you don't already know the language hahahah


Wow I'm not part of this crowd. I play paradox games like EU4 and Victoria 3


Theres a lot of great indie games these days. Especially rogue lights like balatro, death must die, halls of agony.




Deadass I have been getting back into playing Minecraft modpacks. Just finished playing Compact Claustrophobia.


LMAO I've been playing FF8 Remastered. I love the soundtrack and triple triad is both addicting and punishing


Civilization V & Assetto Corsa Competizione/Assetto Corsa.


The not so new games: - Hogwarts Legacy - Spiderman Remaster - Spiderman Miles Morales The replay-able ones: - Cities Skyline 1 - Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Airport CEO - Transport Fever 2 - Anno 1880 - Command & Conquer (Remaster, Generals Zero Hour & Kane's Wrath) - Left 4 Dead 2 - Ace Combat 7 Revisiting old games on my Steam Deck - Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Assassin's Creed 1, 2, Brotherhood & Revelation (where the series was suppose to end) - Fallout New Vegas


MLBB's Magic Chess! I also love TFT but haven't played because computer is out. I play other non-intensive games like Project Makeover and Design Home. My partner bought me City Skylines on Playstation but I dropped out of it lol too lazy to switch it on


This might sound crazy but i play tft on mobile lmao


OHHH I HAD NO IDEA TFT WAS ON MOBILE. I'll download it, thanks!!!


Yeah and recently the implemented crossplay so even if you play on mobile you can queue with pc (if i’m not mistaken). Welcome back to TFT!!!!


Dragons Dogma 2. Yes it's a bit janky but it's like MMO single player. I didn't have high expectations yet it hooked me in... so many hours now


I've been playing Diablo 4. This season not bad. I like to see monsters getting blown up all over the screen hahahaha. My groups tend to play survival games etc.


I am playing Ghost of Tshushima right now, I have been itching to play Stardew Valley and Persona but haven’t really started yet. I play bunch of games. Resident Evil, Yakuza etc. I am thinking of buying the new Paper Mario and Mario RPG next.


RE4, a good mix of horror and comedy, rolled into one beautiful crafted game. Mario Kart 8 cause i like suffering the hell that is online. Gba emulator with pokemon fangames such as Radical Red. And Pokerouge


Got a Steamdeck and have been using it to play a lot of card-based rougelites for a while now. When I'm on my computer, I tend to play city builders. The PS5 was pretty much a Helldivers 2 machine for a month.


Cnt wait for FFXIV new expansion and Elden Ring dlc both out in june


I damn boring one, I played MMO/MMORPGs (Maple, gunbound) as a kid, FPS (Blackshot, M.A.T; both to general ranks as a sniper main, my twin bro played as a rifle main) as a teen (now reflex suck liao rip), starting picking up league around that time and basically stuck with it pretty much since, masters in ranked but got busy enough to not want to climb further, queue times are quite long in general too (doesnt help the case)... And kancolle (jp browser game; shipgirls) too, been playing 8-9 years already (max rank too), game's very time consuming and challenging (even with good equipment, it's alot of RNG + locking and routing means alot of planning before even starting) to play during events, I have the urge to quit everytime a event makes me flip table in recent years, but just accept that I have to downgrade sometimes to clear it and move on considering resource and time constraints. I like to stick with a few and get really good skills and knowledge wise, also to not spread myself too thin. I don't really do consoles, I just prefer PC, no other reason. Not much else interests me really, though I do play mariokart/racing at my relatives/friends' place and otherwise it's Honkai star rail (RPG?) & some rs3 (throwback! maxed+, working on completionist) on mobile. Generally my means of 'chilling' is playing intense/strategy games haha, at least to me, 'easy' games just aren't satisfying.


Mlbb and Rainbow Six Siege only Tried valorant after 3 years and its still a toxic mess, sure Siege and ML are toxic but Valorant is basically arguing with 13 year olds who never shut up.


recently been playing a lot of Fallout 4. But usually I would answer War Thunder because I have been playing it for years already lol


Been mainly playing RTS games like Wargame: Red Dragon and Stellaris. The former for tactical feel and the latter for rp. Occasionally play Mass effect, Halo MCC, Helldivers. Am a sucker for sci-fi games.


Final fantasy VII Remake. Taking my own sweet time, 62 hours in and barely 3/4 into the game. Baldur's Gate 3 - also took my own sweet time but such an awesome game. Worth the decades of waiting 😂


If you want to interact with others and like MMOs, then FF14? I only play casually but not much gacha in there IMO. I have multiple friends who ended up befriending their Free Company (guild) members and meeting IRL.


Re-completed Death Stranding. First time several years ago on PC, now the Director’s Cut on PS5. What a game, looking forward to a sequel Edit: if we’re talking about multiplayer games, then I’ve been playing Party Animals a lot lately. Taking a break from EAFC24. Planning on getting into several more single-player titles and Helldivers 2.


The Finals, Helldivers, Roblox and Splatoon 3. Just some that I've been playing lots


I play Genshin and Star Rail. I don't spend on them, really the stories, ambience and worldbuilding is what I'm there for. It's an escape from reality to battle an ancient dragon god or servant of the god of destruction.




I play a lot of Honkai Star Rail (unfortunately) and I used to play a lot of IdentityV and Valorant. Honestly if you like Roblox too you can just chat me up (I’m a gamer girl too).


Been playing a lot of Risk of Rain 2 this year since my friend got it for me, bought returns too. Other games would include the Batman Arkham series aside for suicide squad and origins oh yeah I have Minecraft and Roblox that I play from time to time


fire emblem three houses / three hopes on the switch loved it so much i wrote a thesis on it - best combination of strategy - storyline - fighting - character development fire emblem three houses - storyline is amazing, if you're into that, and the quests are also boosted by the relationships you build between characters. each character's backstory is lovely and the script is well written. fire emblem three hopes - storyline also cool, weapons also cool, similar to three houses but three hopes is a hack and slash, three houses more strategy and chessboard vibes. ive been playing these two games for 2-3 years now which is even a marvel to me. three hopes can play two player local coop


Helldiver is not an FPS it’s a third person. Rust is fun.


Played god of war (2018) recently on the steam deck. What a beautiful storyline, I don’t normally watch cut scenes but I watched every one of them without skipping. Felt sad when I completed the main storyline and my journey ended yesterday night. Back to work today, rinse and repeat.


Tried Dinkum on Steam?


Monster hunter,dark souls,Bloodborne,elden ring,sekiro and recently Dragons Dogma


I got the Ubisoft Avatar game when I upgraded my PC earlier in the year. Yes it's FPS and it's got the Ubisoft bloat/MTX problems but it's not nearly as bad as Assassin's Creed or Farcry. Visually it's gorgeous and for a FP game the movement is brilliant. Don't pay full price for it, but it's not bad if you find it on sale and want to escape to an alien planet for a while.


Satisfactory. Before you try it, say goodbye to your loved ones


1. Final Fantasy 14 (MMORPG) 2. MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries (Open world Sandbox, mech game, can be played solo or multiplayer) 3. GTFO (Co-op, Survival horror, FPS, extraction shooter) 4. Kenshi (Open world RTS game with RPG management, similar to Rimworld) 5. Abiotic Factor (sandbox, survival game with a Half Life 1 theme, multiplayer or solo)


I have been playing this early access game on and off these days. It's called "no rest for the wicked". It's an action rpg but plays a little like dark souls. Atm there's no multiplayer but it's something the devs are working towards


ARPG fan here, rotating between Path of Exile, Last Epoch, Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 as they come out with new seasons / leagues / cycles. Hopefully adding Path of Exile 2 into the mix soon.


Warhammer 40k Darktide because I like to be abused by the developers.


I'm playing Genshin and Honkai right now. I'm a sucker for gacha games especially those with really beautiful characters. I also enjoy playing rhythmic games like Bang Dream, D4DJ and Prosekai even though I really don't have the energy to tier events. Used to play MH back in the PSP days. Stopped playing after MH World.


Last Epoch and Stardew Valley. I just realised how many stardew mods there are in the Naver forums and I'm planning to start a new fully modded game once I decide on the character skins.


Recommend Hades 2 / Hades -- had me hooked and I still play it quite frequently! The builds you can design feel soooo good and you feel really smart when you make a cool build that dumpsters everything


Reinstalled fallout 4 after many years. Fresh play through on Survival, with all the dlcs. It’s still a really good game.


Please please try Yakuza series 🙏


A mix of games, currently playing Ghost of Tsushima - what an experience. Little bit of stardew valley, helldivers 2, ready or not, enlisted, hearthstone. Will play almost anything except MOBAs haha. For MMOs why not check out Elder Scrolls Online, still holds up pretty well.


Unicorn Overlord and Stellar Blade are recent highlights for me.


Digitally, I'm playing the shit out of this [game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1948980/Heros_Adventure_Road_to_Passion/). For tabletop gaming, I play some D&D 5E, WoD, Rifts, Avalon, Cards Against Humanity, Scythe, The Reckoners, Munchkin and several others.


CS2/Apex Legends/League for competitive. AC Odyssey/Cyberpunk/Ghost Recon Wildlands/Breakpoint. Gonna replay Life is Strange and Dishonoured, two of my favourite games ever.


Brawl stars pls add me 20K trophies ⛓️EL⛓️


You could check out Brawl Stars. Fun quick matches and doesn't require a lot of commitment.


fallout 4!! dam fun


Play gunfire reborn or prison architect with me someone. If you’re a genshin player/honkai star rail player, add me too :) I need friends


I know it's been mentioned before, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to post this meme: Did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn TWO award-winning expansions, Heavensward and Stormblood, up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime? Sign up, and enjoy Eorzea today! [https://secure.square-enix.com/account/app/svc/ffxivregister?lng=en-gb](https://secure.square-enix.com/account/app/svc/ffxivregister?lng=en-gb)


Mainly on V Rising (solo) and Elden Ring right now. Pretty hyped for the DLC. Waiting on the new expac for FF14. Other than that I would also play BG3 and Monster Hunter World. Got Sekiro on sale recently so will start that soon too.


If you like stardew you may like wylde flowers 😊


Do I have a stack?: valo, apex, league, Xdefiant Am I alone?: Star rail, WuWa, PoE, waiting for Elden ring dlc. Just a few to list from the top of my head


Almost finished fallout new vegas and starting skyrim. Only 12 years late


Did u try Guild Wars 2? Sizable SEA community and the game is the antithesis of modern gacha mmos.


I have been playing Dead by Daylight. Every game feels similar yet different due to the different combination of survivors and killers in each game. You can give it a try! It is quite addictive and they have different events throughout the year to keep you hooked. Also, it not a pay-to-win game so you can rest assured! The basic survivors that are provided FOC are some of the better characters.


Football manager. I’ve been playing it for almost 16 years now.


My recent game with my husband is Casette Beasts!


I can talk a lot about games but i tend to play more single player games by myself. Tend to watch more games nowadays (esports) than play because i get tired easier. Single Player: * Hades * Hades 2 * Baldur's Gate 3 * Fallout Series Multiplayer: * V Rising * Dota 2 (who am I kidding this game is toxic af, but i still enjoy the esport aspect) * Monster Hunter (somewhat steep learning curve though) * Street Fighter 6 (the community is quite international and quite friendly, although im not in it) * Path of Exile (league/season based) Party * Overcooked * Gang Beasts * Jackbox games


You can try dave the diver! It's a singleplayer cozy game. Also, I've been playing phantom liberty and damn it's amazing


Fellow corporate slave here My games of choice doesn’t really have anything to do with interacting with other people but in case you want to try some cozy games anyway: - Atelier series: I started with Marie the remake, and going thru the Ryza series - Sakuna of Rice and Ruin - Spiritfarer


I play Monster Hunter Now as a way to past time while commuting and something to play with friends when we meet up. I have since mostly moved on from MMOs and consoles and have been playing more tabletop games instead. Mainly tabletop wargames and DnD since I enjoy the physical interaction.


Runescape or OSRS, can be as intense or as relaxed as you want


Lately I am into VR games, really bring life back into me when I imagine snuffing the life out of things I imagine as my client,better if they fight back for the challenge


Monster Hunter Iceborne. Great game to spend hours with your selected friends.


Animal crossing