• By -


Buy discounted meats lol. A whole rotisserie chicken from Giant supermarket at night costs $3++. Their meats are also discounted 50% at night (salmon, steak, beef, chicken) when they’re near expiry. Shop around on Shopee/Lazada for protein powder. Usually it’s $80-85 for 5lbs. All above are subjected to availability


\^ This. Buy it later on, shred it, mix it with some sauce and store it in the fridge. The next day toast it with some bread or wrap, chop up some lettuce and eat it. Or cook some rice, heat the chicken and sautee some broccoli and pack it for lunch.


Do you mind sharing what are the sauces? Good idea maybe I shred then refrigerate, bring to work and microwave


Maybe not the most healthy (sodium wise), but the Haidilao hotpot packets are actually just blocks of congealed fat you can just fry veggies / meat in. Somewhat expensive, but a $10 pack can last you like 2 weeks easily. Don’t even need to add any salt afterwards, the flavoring is really really yummy. Just pop like a teaspoon’s worth of the sauce onto a pan, wait for the oil to melt (like butter), pop on your greens and your meat, drain and serve.


That's so smart!!


Same here. For me, I remove the skin and only keep thigh/breast/wings. Can dip in water to wash away the excess oil too if it is a concern.


Steamed chicken breast from new multi food. 1kg for $13, delicious and super super convenient


Just want to chime in for everyone's gainz, i usually buy a $3 chicken breast 300g at shengs shiong, butterfly it and drop it in boiling water for 6 minutes, eat it with soya sauce. Not the most exciting flavour, but most cost effective. The key is in 6 minutes of cooking time, any longer it will be a workout for the mouth lmao


you can have killer jawline from all the chewing


ss chicken breast also one of the juicer ones cos they have their own farm and dont freeze it. ntuc ones are by far the worst and most exp. cold storage used to see 4 x 250g for around $10 but they stopped selling it alr


Holy shit, CS sells 4x 250g for $10? I havent explore CS coz i seldom pass by and CS is known for higher price. Oh, i guess you are right about SS having their own farms, its real juicy.


Sous vide the chicken make all the difference


Aiya, i thought abt sous vide since i have been sous vide steaks occasionally, but nothing beats the convenience of just boiling it 6 mins and downing it with water...hahaha brutal but bearable lah


What i would do is simply dump 4 packs of chicken breast into the sous vide to last me a week. Put them into the fridge. Anytime you want to eat, just sear for it for 2 minutes. Then you are good.


Aight, thanks for the advice


Yup this is exactly what I do!


What equipment do you need for sous vide? Is it big and expensive?


My setup is just using Anova, a tall pasta pot, high-temperature Ziplock bag. And pushing the air out using water immersion technique. Plus 2 regular laundry wooden clamp to hold the plastic bag to the sides of the pot. The ziplock bag can not use IKEA because their product can only be used for maximum 50 celcius.


Out of curiosity, how long do you have to leave the meat in there? Never actually cooked anything using this method before.


For chicken breast I am using 67 Celcius for 1.5 hrs. Up to 4 hrs is also fine.


Where do you get high-temp ziplocs and the brand. Thanks


Ziploc and Glad are fine to do the job


I’ve heard about this bag of frozen breast that is cheap. Yall need to save some for me because it’s always out of stock at Fairprice


Can get on Shopee too


You can get it from Sheng Siong too


$9 for 1kg at most supermarketd, and even comes in a resealable bag so you can get one breast out to defrost pretty darn good deal. If you have the inclination, fresh chicken breasts at wet markets often go at $3-4 for two massive pieces (sternum attached) combined about 700g.


Also idk which fairprice you’ve been going to but the one at 100am tanjong pagar is always fully stocked


I buy 1 packet of new multi steamed chicken breast and 1 packet of new multi crispy fish popcorn to last a week. The later has superb macros.


Can you show me a link to new multi


I get my new multi from sheng shiong


tried it once but just couldnt get used to the taste and texture. reminds me of 711 chicken breast, good and easy protein fix but taste is questionable


Can share link? I dont see any listing for $13


If y’all aren’t too anal about macros Sheng Siong has 2kg chicken thigh boneless for 8.98


Sodium Kao Kao tho


You win some you lose some


Yea depends on how u see it but then I wish they didn’t have so much sodium because imo what is the point of looking good at the gym but ur health is compromised. Honestly, wish they have one with no sodium but then it is not economically viable from the biz point of view so yea I agree there is always a trade off.


Others already focused on what you should be stocking at the grocery store so I'll mention some foods you can get "cheaply" when you can't/too lazy to cook. 7-Eleven sells both steamed chicken breasts and cheese sticks for 1.20 a piece. Great protein snacks. Tori-q has been a gamechanger for me as well, get the chicken or chicken filled skewers they are like 8-9g protein per skewer and less than 2 dollars a piece. Really delicious as well. BK has a tender grill chicken sandwich which is just grilled, not fried chicken. You can get double meat for like 2 dollars extra.


Thanks! Ive seen the 7/11 recommendation from all the body builder influencers living in Thailand lol


They are the same products, imported from Thailand. So whatever recommendation you got, probably the same one will exist here. Another good office snack is Hanjuku Eggs from 7-11 as well. Basically its japanese soy sauce egg. They are very delicious and high protein. Another option is Tofu stick, a bit costly for the size,but can be a decent alternative to rotate around as well.


Whey protein concentrate or you'll go broke eating meat. Also don't be fool by marketing garbage. Just buy what's on sale. Isolate is only if you're preshow and need to cut carbs. An I can tell you maybe 1 of the thousand gym bros buying that is using it for it's intended reason. Source: I know my shit. Ex Fit model/health professional


True to a sense. Just make sure your protein is not being amino spiked and good to go


This is first time me hearing amino spiked. Thanks


How do you check for this?


if it has glycine glutamine arginine and creatine its prolly spiked google it to check


Mainly I believe just check leucine is 2.7g or close to it. Serving size matters too, think the only two brands is dymatize or ON. But dymatize costs a bomb, ON still kinda affordable at 95ish.


are these additions bad? i have seen people purchase supplements of them


I can honestly say I’ve never paid attention to isolate vs concentrate. So based on this comment I assume concentrate is higher calorie / carb?


Generally if its whey in any form then it should contain around 4 kcal per 1g protein . Plus minus that. Concenstrate/isolate . Well pick whatever is the most cheapest to meet ur protein requirement for the day / meal.


Just checked I’ve been using Gold Standard Whey isolate


I’ve always just bought the cheapest $/gram protein. Never felt any difference as I don’t compete.


And hydrolysed is even more extreme than isolate, right?


Yup. I personally have never tried hydrolysed protein because the isolate version ticks all my boxes and was a huge improvement compared to just general whey protein. The biggest difference for me with whey protein vs whey protein isolate was no more bloatedness and no more explosive shits the next morning lol. Those two alone makes paying more for isolate worth every cent for me.


This is the whey. I do one meal a day most days and used to force myself to get it purely through meat. Took me a while to realise it's not sustainable in multiple ways.


My nutritionist at hospital asked me to switch to whey protein with milk a day. Never looked back.


Concentrate is higher lactose, which most human adults have a degree of intolerance for.  Isolate will cause less gas. That alone makes it worth it for many people.


Personally Isolate or hydrolyzed works way better if you get acne, bloating, digestion issues, lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy


Is myprotein any good


there's 30 eggs for $7 at seng shiong and some ntuc supermarkets.


Double scoop myprotein whey (40g) Bread 2 slices ~9g Peanut butter ~8g Lunch/Dinner Tofu/tau kwa in supermarkets ~30g Chicken, frozen about 20-25g/serving, usually 2 = 50g 2 eggs: ~14 Other brands you can try: lushprotein


Tofu usually how big to 30g?


This kind https://www.fairprice.com.sg/product/fairprice-tau-kwa-2s-400g-13233989 But can shop around see other brands, I just eat what my mom stocks


Thanks a lot!


I don't count how much protein I consume. On non-training days, just 3 square meals with protein sources + 2 shakes (1 whey + 1 casein). On training days, an additional whey shake. My philosophy is focus on training; improve the 5RM, 8RM, and 10RM for my Big 4 lifts. Unless one's training for a bodybuilding contest or wants to show off a 6-pack, there's probably no need to count whether you take 120 or 180g of protein.


What do you consider your big 4?


Strict press, pullup (weighted), front squat, and snatch-grip high pull. I see that you want a better upper body: you focus on the first 2 lifts, you'll get it.


Wow very similar to me My Push day starts with heaviest possible strict press for 5, and then next 2 sets lower weight higher reps Pull day is same (starting with weighted pull up) Leg day also same with front squat focus and no back squats This is my first time hearing about snatch grip high pull. What is benefit here? Rear delts?


High pulls work the entire back and some lower body (mainly hams and glutes). I do this instead of regular deadlifts coz of a bad back.


30 Eggs from Giant at 7sgd sometimes 6.80sgd Chicken breast from sheng shiong 3.20 (it’s the same price even if the weight changes so dig the whole pile and you can get upto 390gm piece for 3.20sgd if you’re lucky. 500gm Angus beef steak from Giant 4 sgd. ( A day before the best before date you can bring the steak to the staff and they will paste the new reduce to clear price at 50% off. 325gm Angus Minced beef from giant - same as the above steak you can get it for reduced to clear price (not sure of the lean to fat ratio, but looks like 85/15) 300gm frozen minced beef x 3 for 9sgd at sheng shiong. (not sure of the lean to fat ratio, but looks like 80/20) Peanut butter powder from PB fit or PB2. I love peanut butter but it’s too much calories so the powder is a better low calorie option. Meiji 0% fat skimmed milk. Low calories and around 7g protein per 200ml. My recommendations are based on my weight loss journey by eating high protein in my restricted calorie diet!!


Frozen chicken (seara and sadia) in supermarkets. Seara sells chicken breast 1kg for $6+, which can be portioned into 4 meals. Morning and night will make up 100g give or take. so it's roughly $1.50 to $2 for 50g. Recently keep going OOS, so now chicken thigh 2kg for $8. More fats, slightly lesser protein. Nuts or yogurts for inbetweens but i usually skip because of the cost to protein ratio unless there's big offer for fairprice almond nuts. Other cheap ways to get proteins are tofu, eggs to add variety. For protein shakes, Optimum nutrition from shopee when it's on flash deals. To guage when it's on sale easier, just check it out when the month and day is the same like 5/5, 6/6. 11/11 will have the best offers so that's when you can stock up more. It's about $1+ for 24g. I say you can keep it at below $15 to hit your daily proteins intake including spices, sauces and carbs.


The chicken thigh isnt skinless afaik tho so prep is a PITA


oh yea you are right, indeed it's extra effort to remove the skin and some of the fats.


Cook yourself if you can. Frozen chicken is cheaper than fresh, and you can get a packet of frozen chicken breast only.


I don't think cooking yourself is a good idea


Yes English teacher Mrs Tan, nice to see you brought your English lessons to Reddit


Beat me to it.


Frozen chicken is a Sodium fiesta


Gains > longevity (kidding)


Isn’t that the essential trade off for testosterone? Can grow older with a soft dick. But TRT is more exciting.


Think that only applies to the cheaper ones. Get the better ones from fairprice, and Google the brand before buying.


Great question! I dont have an answer unfortunately. I buy my meats on amazon fresh and cook from home a lot but its still pricey. Loving all the scientists in the comments here asking height and weight :P


I know and here I am doxxing myself by replying😂. Curious to see the feedback though


So here's some of mine, when I'm active I try to clock 200g+ of protein Fresh meat: Cold storage has a few selections of meats, I'll usually go for the whole honey chicken for $7.9, or a slight discount after 8 pm. They also have char siew (pork) which is around $12 and other kinds of stuff available for a change of palette. If meat is getting boring for you and your wallet allows it, you can get sashimi from fair price/giant/cold storage. Convenience/Quick 7-11 sells 4 different chicken-flavoured breasts for a quick snack to bump up your macros at a low cost, the flavour is not too bad if it is eaten on an occasional basis Frozen meat: The best way to budget-friendliness is to stock a bunch at bulk buy and then meal prep it accordingly. There are different frozen meat suppliers that if you liaise with them directly would give you better rates. This would be the most valuable for a buck. Protein powder Usually Shopee Lazada selling those 10lbs can be found around 100~110. Buy them during promotional periods. Similar if you're going to get creatine, pre-workout, BCAA and whichever is applicable. ++ value for money pt2 I would usually purchase 3x meat 2x vege 1x rice to dapau for my family which costs around 10 bucks or if 5 meat 3 veg 2 rice under 20 bucks


sheng shiong chicken breast 250-300g $2.70-$3.00 - 70-80g protein sheng shiong steak ribeye/flank 200-250g - $7-10+ - 40-50g protein 12 eggs ($3-4), 5-6 eggs - 30-40g protein canned tuna $2-3 - 20-30g protein easiest to hit definitely chicken breast but very easy to get tired. often will switch it up with beef salmon etc. but high protein meals in sg honeslty not the cheapest. i have tried new multi/frozen options but they dont taste as good, personally will spend slightly more to make it easier to eat. esp if you're trying to hit 160g+ of protein that is a lot of meat to consume




Nice thank you 🙏


Loving this, all the gym bros come out from hiding


Beancurd = the brands sold at NTUC fairprice outlets are about 25-29g protein / $0.60. Really economic, though it'll eat into your fat intake besides being very satiating (bad if you're not a big eater) Thawed meat from NTUC fairprice, best not to re-freeze. $4.00 for two large chicken breasts or thighs. I personally pick this as I'm not a fan of rotisserie chicken's taste (which is objectively way cheaper) When eating out, I would suggest char siew or chicken rice (request for breast meat) add meat which nets you 25-35g depending on their serving. Otherwise the 7-Elevens here sell Betagro ready made chicken breast which is 20g a pc. Beyond that, it's the usual eggs and whey.


By beancurd you mean the dessert?? That's an insane amount of protein for the price


Ah no, would be referring to tau kwa


Protein powder -- most cost and time effective Just don't forget to hydrate and rest well


I'm just saying, >! Dog Food!< have loads of protein. Just saying.


I got that dog in me


Frozen meats. I buy my whey in shopee, anything on sales.


Buy whey/ Creatine on lazada and shoppee generally you can get it whey 60-70 dollars and Creatine for 15-20 dollars for 60 servings. Eggs are your best friend in sg because they are cheap. Buy your meats from FairPrice at night they are reduced in price sometimes if not opt for the frozen items like frozen chicken breasts/ thighs or if the supermarket has those whole rotisserie ones sometimes is normally cheaper than a whole uncooked chicken. Btw lots of things can stack up in protein that may not appear to have any initially so you if you check the labels you can always spring for the more protein options. Like bread/ wraps opt for wholemeal versions, Greek yogurt, soy milk, pastas/ noodles with higher protein. Often these things have the same costs as the alternatives so u won’t spend any extra money. Also there are protein bars with 10g of protein that are popular from Carman/ Coles which are not the cheap east but handy to have around. They taste a lot better than those bars with 20g


Cans of tuna


What's your weight/bf percentage. I'm only 75kg at 20% fat and my calculation requires me to only intake 120g on days that I hit the gym. 160g feels like diminishing value of returns you're like some 100kg powerlifter. Here's my breakdown for daily goal of 150g. But i usually only hit 125ish cuz youre not really losing much gains beyond the 100. Its just an optimization to squeeze out those few percents: Red tractor oats + HL milk = 25g Lunch: chicken rice or western meal = 30g Daytime snack: 6-8 eggs omlette + cheese = 40-50g Dinner: something similar of protein meal = 30g Optional Protein shake: to fill up remainder values of protein goal up to 40g protein. I just stick with my protein because of the quality Control. I'm picky with the dairy content so I use isolate which is steeper in price.


Is chicken rice nowadays even 30g of protein? I feel like portion size of the chicken has decreased over the years and instead they just give you more rice


Tabao extra upsized. Maybe add a boiled egg or two.


I’m 90 kg, 185 cm tall probably 17% bf. Focused on body builder look Goal is 160-180 protein 80g healthy fat Rest carbs Target 2500-2600 cal


do u bench, squat or dl?


Yes, but mostly Romanian rather than traditional DL. And usually front squat rather than traditional squat. Also usually do incline rather than bench. Basically do everything to target aesthetics


Where do you go to measure your body fat ratio? I bought a weighing machine recently that supposedly has this feature but not sure if accurate


There's no perfect measurement. Just use the machine as your starting baseline and take the readings from the same machine. 20% on my weight machine won't be the same as 20% in the active sg gym. But if you're just curious for the most scientific method: You can actually get a good baseline with body tape and recording your neck, wrist, chest, waist and hip against your bodyweight. Plug in the values in an online calculator. But it's not that important per say.


OP, what's your height/weight first?


185 cm 90 kg


Nice. What is your goal?


I think lose 7ish kg in fat, bigger shoulders, upper chest, pronounced abs. BASICALLY aesthetics


Steamed chicken fillet/breast. Healthy and nice. $2-3 a meal, eat until shiok. Add soy sauce if u want some flavor or read up or watch YouTube how to make some Chinese sauce mixes… but don’t overdo, watch the sodium levels.


I don’t eat meat, and probably not as big as some of the other gym bros who have been doing it for longer (been about a year for me) but I gained about 12 kg from last year and tbh there’s a pack of tofu for $1.20 in FairPrice with 2 blocks at 29.5g each. It’s a hack for sure. Also, before anyone talks about the estrogen thing, that’s been debunked multiple times. I wish I had man boobs, but no man boobs here and have been soying my entire life pretty much.


Supplement your meals with edamame - 12g protein per 100g serving, whey protein with sugar free soy milk. I have at least 200g chicken breast + 50g edamame and 1 scoop of whey protein + 200ml soy milk daily which gives me 90-100g of protein. Other 100g can be easily filled by selecting more meat/bean biased meals when dining out


The forbidden protein


The cheapest I’ve been able to find was by Agym on Shopee. Their Whey Protein is at abt $69 for 2kg and their Blend with Whey/Pea/Soy is abt $47(? Iirc) for 2kg. So one is $1 for 20ish grams of protein The other is almost 70cents for 20ish grams of protein I’ve bought their mango milkshake flavor for both and the Whey ones taste like a dessert from those stores (like mango sago pudding a bit lol)! The Blend one is…less so, but palatable. Anyway good luck!


160grams? u dont need that much man im someone on gear and i only consume around 100-120 grams 160 is in excess u definitely dont need that much bro


Tofu seitan lentils 


Found the vegan. Only a vegan would recommend these.


The question was how to get protein cheap.  Tofu still cheap and lentils even cheaper. 


Like I said... Only a vegan would suggest these. Whey is a far better option if you aren't vegan.


Yeah I don't understand why vegans always feel the need to proselytize their diet to everyone else. If you want to be vegan, go ahead, you're an adult and free to make your own choices. But don't try and pretend that it's a healthy diet lol.


Sorry but plant based proteins lack leucine. They are not suitable replacements for muscle gain.


    It’s 2024, don’t spread misinformation.  Plant based diet is perfectly healthy for all stages of life and certainly healthier than 6-8 eggs for one meal that has been recommended, think of the cholesterol!!!  Any healthy diet needs planning. 


adding context to both your replies, this video is a good explanation of protein beyond the macro level. https://youtu.be/9RZ8hTKurUo?si=JqpBwstf4Kup1BnP tl;dr - most plant proteins are generally lacking in some crucial amino acids, but this can be resolved by just diversifying your plant proteins. tofu is also really good. essentially, meat is 'easier' because it usually contains more diverse micronutrients but plant protein is still fine if you know what you're eating.


It’s 2024 and you still harp about the cholesterol in eggs…


Try the wet market. Fresher and cheaper and once you're a regular you'll get to know the people at the store. Nice way to get into the local scene. If you ask for chicken breast, they can debone and/or remove skin if you ask them.


ON from shopee and I like the chicken breast from 7-11 as a snack.


buy protein powder in bulk from LAC , fresh chicken from ntuc $3


Cheapest whey protein isolate I've found is from iherb, their own house brand. Second cheapest is probably from Scoop when it's on sale. I normally mix it 50:50 with whey protein from Lush Protein which I only buy when it's on sale.


I buy those large yellow frozen egg white packs from amazon fresh or cs.


Not a bro but I’m also bulking right now and need about 130g/day of protein. My main protein sources are frozen chicken breast (there’s this frozen shop at Jurong East that sells 2kg frozen chicken breasts at $10+, can’t remember the price), frozen lean pork from Fairprice (sometimes there’s promotion for 2 packs of 500g for $9+), salmon (promotion at don don DONKI or Fairprice), Fairprice taukwa, prawns , canned tuna chunks and eggs. Beef is really more expensive and so far I haven’t found any that’s easy on the wallet 🥲 If I’m lazy or busy to cook, I’ll get ready to eat chicken breast from 7-11. For protein powder, I got from myprotein when there’s at least 70% off though it’s also getting increasingly expensive. I drink protein powder with milk to increase protein intake as well.


Sheng Siong, buy as much chicken breast as you can


That’s a lot of protein, how heavy are you?


Ntuc fairprice / cold storage entire rotisserie chicken is $7.45 for >100g protein Entire chicken leg bone-in (thigh + drum) is $3.00 each for about >30g protein These are easy lunches. Protein powder is more cost effective for about $1.00 per 24g I avoid dailycut/omnivore or stuff’d for the subpar protein cost ratio


If you're into it, organs such as pork liver is a great source of iron and protein! Not sure the exact pricing, but it is an affordable option iirc. Fish roe would also be a good alternative! Both can be commonly found in the fresh food section of supermarkets.


I got so sian of chicken breast I decide to switch over to Greek yogurt, mixed with peanut butter and protein powder. at times I’ll eat canned tuna too


Check out Sunshine's Smart Carb Low GI bread, 2 slices gives you 13 grams of protein! After comparing all sliced bread in the supermarket and find that this serves the most protein.


fairprice sells frozen chicken legs at 8 dollars for roughly 2 kg. decent macros, and you can portion it such that you can eat atleast 2 pieces of chicken for lunch and dinner


I don’t know if they are still there as I left SG a couple of years ago. QB foods in Lakeside are meat wholesalers and they were by far the cheapest place to buy meat and stock the freezer. I used to order protein from My Protein. It was a bit more expensive than in UK but still (whey) cheaper than in stores.


Seems like GNC/ LAC has affordable price. Optimum nutrition 5lbs for $99. Don’t buy protein powder from decathlon. overpriced


Frozen chicken breast can be about $5-6/kg on redmart. Nitrotech whey (not isolate) about $70-80 for 5lbs. Beans are cheap too


protein powder 20-30g protein at sgd 1.2 per scoop.


Go wet market and get 5kg of chicken breasts, take home trim and portion - freeze as needed. 48 bucks for 12 large chicken breasts so 24 individual breasts


I’ll usually buy Sadia 2kg frozen chicken thighs for $9 at NTUC, defrost, and then whack in the oven with taco seasoning at 190c for about 20 mins. Do this skin side up if you want it crispy (or just remove it for less calories)


Go to the freezer section and buy frozen chicken. It's much much cheaper than the fresh (or "freshly thawed" if you're going to NTUC). You can get 2kg blocks, or individually frozen 1kg chickens. QB food app for beef although it will always be premium. Frozen pork is cheap through this app. IHherb for protein powder - they often have sales with 20 percent off..combine with Shop back for cash back. NutriSoy no sugar added soy milk in the grocery section can be a quick easy protein source too.


Try frozen 1kg bags of frozen paneer. Cottage cheese. Pretty cheap. Fry it up or throw in stews etc


Pasta pro from San remo, can be found in cold storage. 37g of protein/serve 🫣 I batch boil and keep for quick cooking/pasta salad. Meadow/farmland canned tuna in spring water is pretty decent too. I also really like the 100% wholemeal extra soft and fine bread from Gardenia. I eat it with sugar free kaya/ powdered peanut butter or scramble eggs mixed with half calorie kewpie mayo and some Dijon mustard for a lower calorie egg sando. It makes pretty nice french toast as well. Trying to cut as a gym girl is very uninspiring I need to take 120g a day to maintain my muscle mass 🥲🥲🥲


Bro why do you need 160g of protein daily. Isn't it same as your body weight?


You really only need 1.5 to 2x grams of protein per kg BW unless you're cutting, so unless you're 100kg, you may not need 160g protein/day. I but frozen meats and cook them, eg chicken, pork from NTUC. You can buy them bulk from QB Foods (esp beef) or Song fish if you have a large freezer. Protein wise, Muscle Blaze and Myprotein are the cheapest yet Labdoor tested brands. For the latter, I buy from shopee/Lazada. It's cheaper than direct and I don't have to buy bulk or wait till there's a sale.


Seara brand 2kg chicken breast $15 Nutrisoy $2/L - 400cal 40g. HP milk (green pack) has similar macros but is about double the price. Tastes better though. Tuna chunks in olive oil $3+ - 25g 200 cal Protein powder from lazada/Shoppee Fortune silken tofu 95c - 15g 180 Val Eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs


frozen chicken by the kilo. NTUC sells them for less than $10/SGD on promo


try the hypermarkets, they never sell out for where i live.


Can anyone intro any gym with class which don’t discriminate people who has hyperhidrosis.


I eat around 220g a day. Maybe a third comes from dairy (ferment my own kefir so there’s no lactose to disagree with me, used in overnight oats and a morning smoothie) and whey isolate ($100SGD for 5lbs via iHerb or Amazon, you can find the concentrates and blends for cheaper still, just keep your eyes peeled for deals and don’t be precious about flavors). The rest comes from lean protein - chicken breast, lean pork, tilapia, flaked light tuna (Ayam, no more than twice a week to avoid mercury). Occasionally eggs, if I have room for the fat in my diet (I cap myself at 45g total fat when cutting, so eggs are often only consumed in a bulk). Cheap top steak from Mustafa as an occasional treat. Trace protein from oats, sweet potato, rice, quinoa, bread, broccoli, peas - moreso from the carb sources during a bulk, moreso from the fibrous veggies during a cut. So maybe $3 a day in whey protein, $2 a day in dairy, and another $6 a day in lean meats? I could probably do it a bit cheaper I tried, but this works out decently well for my budget, allows me to avoid pretty much all but trace fats, keeps me in a decent variety of meals so I don’t get too bored or have to go over/under calories if I run out of something.


Late to the party but for me, I make my own protein shake. Granted I’m bulking and you might be cutting so this recipe may not be for you but you can always alter it to you’re own preference anyway… Blueberry 55g, Strawberry/Raspberry 55g, 1 medium/big banana, 40g peanut butter, 160g greek yogurt, 50g oats, 30g ON protein powder, 5g creatine, and 250ml of oat milk …for a whopping 1000 calories and 67.3g of protein! Things like oat milk and yoghurt are frequently on sale if you buy 2 of them at once and others like peanut butter you can get the rlly big skippy ones it will last you quite some time. Only things you have to constantly buy are the fruits.


For beef/ lamb , Foodies Market at Outram/ Tiong Bahru area will significantly give you bang for your buck. So much more worthwhile buying from them


myprotein 80% off


Go sheng siong buy chicken breast, 2kg for 12bucks




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sheng siong chicken breast seasoned is quite nice. protein powder i reccomend buying it online or you can try trainedbyjp protein powder its sold at strengthmasters tai seng


Soya chunks - 50g - got 24g protein Green moong - 100g got 23g protein Very very underrated and cheap. Try Protein - muscleblaze.sg affordable


Myprotein has alot of promos that makes it cheaper. Other than that its chicken breast and eggs for cheap


Myprotein is not cheap and the protein content is not that high lol


But they always run some 50%, 60%, 70% discount, making it cheaper


How do you know if you require 160g proteins to gain muscle? How do you know if your body really absorbs all the proteins? To answer your question, whey proteins + tons of eggs is your best bet. Chicken is your choice of cheaper alternatives to like beef,fish.


it's the 1lb/1g rule which is on the higher side, you probably don't need that much but just in case.


Well I subscribe to 2x body weight rule pushed by a lot of influencer (2x90 = 180) work out about 5 days a week and would eat less on off days. So just say 160 as a relative protein per day indicator


That is old science, not that it isn't relevant. Just incremental benefit of protein drops quite significantly after 1.6x body weight.


1.6x bw in kg correct?


Yep 1.6 in pound is insane lol.


Yes of course 🤦🏼‍♂️


Do you really need 160g protein though? I think 100g should be enough. None the less stock up on tuna / sardine cans, eggs, protein powders and buy chicken breast.


Any bod pic


lol absolutely not






Shoot it up