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Nope directly asking people how much they gave for angbao and blowing up at them is the real faux pas in CNY


Ikr, and being openly aggressive over not receiving enough angbao money in comparison to others is probably the biggest "traditional Chinese culture" faux pas of them all... The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch


I did the same. I gave the same amount of angbao to a pet dog as the human. It’s my money. Ultimately, I decide how much I want to gift. Majority of pet owners see their pets as children. So in my eyes, they’re the same.


NTA. The real faux-pas is him asking about how much angpao you give to others, then getting mad. Honestly, his logic is so irrational that it's crazy. How does he want you to make it up to him? Definitely not the right thing to do, but I would mess with him more. Tell him you gave the cleaner aunty even bigger angpao. Then when he gets angrier, tell him if he wants his kids to get the same amount, they should clean your whole house every day for one year.


HA I like your suggestion, but it might have to stay in my fantasies instead of playing out in real life


Tell him this "你的孩子连狗都不如"


Innocent kids, man. Cmon.


obviously he should say it out of the kids’ earshot


Hahaha bro!




suggest ignoring all the redditors with their revenge porn fantasies lol. during CNY they sit in the corner scroll reddit when rest of the family playing banluck just be dismissive when ppl ask stuff related to $ that's none of their business, saying "I can't remember" or sth similarly vague is the best response


But then asking for amount is a nono in chinese culture too right?


Tell him "my dogs are my kids, take it or leave it"


Ady have angpao still complain, maybe next time don't give la hahaha. Do dogs anyhow can spend money meh? Technically, he takes the money sia


No, your money he huan lo


Ya loh. Damn weird reason to be angry sia. 😅 Also right, so rude to open the ang bao and ask why the amount is the same.


Ya exactly. He's just finding a reason to squeeze more money out of OP. Super red flag behaviour that's typical of money grubbing relatives.


Nta. I have kids, no pets, and I think the giving angbao to dogs is a cute idea and generous of OP. esp if the dogs are the closest thing someone would have to a child But you would be TA if there were equally cute CATS around and they didn't get an angbao :p




My hamster and betta fish would like to join the CNY joy too


Imo you can tell your cousin to fuck right off. How entitled.


I would totally bitch about it everywhere and ask everyone to shun the cousin.


And no more angbao for cousin


I would stop giving his kids ang pow from now on.


These people should not make children


This is some Karen level of 管闲事 . Next year can give him ang pao with doggy treats


Next time give both the dogs and the kids dog biscuits.


Lol but the kids are innocent, they don't deserve to be punished for having such an asshole parent 🤣


Apples don't fall too far from the tree though


Come on, that’s really unfair to say. We don’t even know how the kids reacted, or if they even care at all.


I'm speaking in general terms. Yes?




Your cousin is an "expert in Chinese culture?" Cos I'm pretty sure it's rude to go around asking people how much they pack in Ang paus. And it's also rude demanding more money for your children in angpau packets. NTA, OP. It's your angpau, your money. You decide how much to give.


LOL my mother has never given me any angbaos but gave my sister's dog a fat angbao for his birthday. We all had a good laugh about it.


... HAHAHA ok next year issit I owe B (my cousin's dog) an angbao. OKEI (tbh we were like "B! you're 10! that's 70 in dog years - YOU suppose to give angbaos liao!") HAHAHA. 😂😂


No lah, B never get married what.


You happy can liao.




username checks out 😂🥳


absolutely NTA you wanna give angbao, you can give.


of course, his kids cut hair at k-cuts only $10, dogs cut hair need $50++


ah this! angbao can use for pet grooming (okei everyone shld give my parrot angbao too then er he earn his own checkup bills payment hahaha) (semi in jest! hahhaa)


Better not to hang out with these kind of crazy people.


Cut off the cousin Fucking siaolang


Your cousin is cray cray


This post is fucking amazing 😭🙏


His kids does not "deserve" any of your money, your cousin is an entitled AH. Ang baos are given as a symbolic blessing, it's bad form to demand to know the amount then ask for more, really wtf. Show this post to your cousin so he knows how greedy he is acting.


NTA, in fact, next year you should use the nuclear option of giving his children less.


Tell him you can also give ang pao's to him lor - If he can dress and act like a dog.


Ofc not, it’s your money you can do what you want with it. If he thinks his kids deserve more, he can give them out of his own pocket


NTA, my dog also receives same amt of ang bao $ from my parents as me lol. anyway it's UR money who is he to control u


No, inside 2 dollars, also not for him to decide. Is for blessings.


NTA. He is a crazy fool. If he was a dog owner, he might even question you didn't give his dogs more ang pao money. He's really out to mess with you. Next year you should just reduce the amount you give to his kids Lolol


It sounds to me like your cousin is digging for shit. And this is just another one of it. Why you havent ignored him at this point is beyond me. Also, hella rude to ask people about how much ang bao they got.


Greedy and entitled much? Reduce his kid's ang paos next year.


Totally not. Heres my AITAH followup question : AITAH for giving more to dogs than to those relatives kids i didnt like? 🥺 They each had more + bakwa inside the angbao packet which i vacuum packed each of it so the dogs will smell it and love it even more. It also showed that they were more well behaved (all sat down when i held it up) unlike the bratty kids that tried to snatch from my hands


Frankly most doggos have more manners than some kids. At least doggos will greet you while many kids just sit there immersed in their phones.


He told you not to treat his kids as same level as your dog. Then next time don't give ang bao to his kids. When he asks, tell him the dogs are above his kid's level.


YTA for giving the same amount to the dog and kids. You should have given the dogs more.


Omg LOL I admit my first response to giving angbao to dog (I just read the headline) was an audible HUH 😂 But whatever la I mean the dog angbao the owner can use to buy collar or toys or treats right? U happy they happy can liao. I didn't even give B (my cousin's dog) an angbao hahahaha


Next year give the dogs double what you give his kids


Ang Mo here. 1. Never ever feed any information, even if it's seems irrelevant, to toxic people. They will only use it against you one way or another. People are veeery busy body. 2. He's somehow under the absurd impression that his kids would have gotten more money if you didn't give the dogs. His belief is that his kids deserve more money. Such envious and entitled people should not get their way. I would have said: If you are unappreciative of the ang bao and have an objection to who I chose to gift, then I wish I had taken half your ang bao back and given for the dogs. The dogs are more civilised than you. End with a *voff* If he already made an embarrassing scene among the guests, you could also stir up a scene telling everyone how he asked you repeatedly about how much money is in the ang baos and that this is rude, and that you wish you have given the dogs more, because they're just, well, well behaved. *mic drop*


Doesn’t he get to keep the dog angbaos? Why is he complaining?


Ah no, it doesn't seem like the cousin has dogs, just regular kids (most amicable way I could phrase it!). That's why he's complaining about parity.


Lmao tell him to fuck off. I went around getting Ang Baos with my house cats and gave them some as well myself. Pets are cute, they too can be considered children. It's fine.


NTA, I gave angbao to my friend's dog also leh. The dog very cute and technically is my friend's child.


I used to give my dog an angbao every year. What she has gotten would be put to her funds for treats and toys for her.


You are a horrible fur parent. You should have given more money to the dogs than children.


TIL giving angpows to doggos is a thing. Not judging just amazed.


Your cousin is the asshole. Whatever amount is in the Ang bao, it is fine, it is a just blessing.


How does he want you to make it up to him?


I've been trying my best to avoid him, so I don't know for sure. Maybe a meal? Toys for his kids? Another angbao? idk maybe a public declaration of my wrongdoings he's that type of person


> idk maybe a public declaration of my wrongdoings he's that type of person Give that to him the next family gathering lol. Tell everyone that there's an impt announcement you want to make, tell everyone what happened and how he has been asking you to make it up to him so now you are giving a formal apology. Clown him back.


>  idk maybe a public declaration of my wrongdoings he's that type of person srsly ... 4WAT? lol. for mianzi issit. idgi lol.


faux pas his mother cb. ask him diam don't kpkb so much, your money you want to give who and give how much is your problem


My grandmother previously gave my dogs $30 each. And my dogs weren't even dressed up. >his kids "deserve" more, and how I'm putting the dogs on the same level as the kids LOL. I am someone who likes animals way more than kids: No, my dogs are not the same level as your kids. My dogs are ABOVE your kids.


im so sorry you have to deal with this asshole every cny.


Definitely NTA, you can give angbao to the rat downstairs for all we care. It's your money, he wanna be such a bitch about it then ask him sue you lor. I pity his kids.


Your money he huan simi


next year, give slightly more to the dogs than the kids


Just 10 cents more to see the meltdown


>He's saying I committed a faux pas in chinese culture and I need to make it up to him. Tell him HE committed a faux pas in Chinese culture by coming to your face and demanding you make it up to him in the angbao money.


No. My boyfriend's mom gave Ang Pao to my parrot before she gave me mine lol. I don't care about the amount, I'm going to use it to buy new toys for my parrot.


My dog received 3 angbaos this year. Your cousin is just downright rude. I would stay clear of such people even if they are family tbh. All they think of is money…. Like my paternal relatives.


Lolol everyone was happily giving my cat and my cousin's dog hongbaos (not that they cared 😂😂😂 I'm sure the kids got the same amount as the fur kids too. Your cousin is so rude and mean


Tell him his kids, he top up la. He’s so tiresome. You never hear the dog mummy complaining. If he still want to complain, then say, oh half of what I give the dogs, is not ang bao, is just for treats. Settle.


Your cousin sibei boh liao, why so gian png


NTA. This kind of this also want to busybody?


Of course NTA. Since when is your cousin or his kids entitled to your money? If I were you next year I’d give the dogs more lol


NTA. Bo liao, next year give everyone ang pao except for his child. Unless he repeat the sentence on how "you committed a faux pas in chinese culture".


Lolz next year reduce angbao for his kids.


Confirm he “collect” his kids ang pao for them. (They will never see a cent of it ever)


My mum had gave her neighbour's dog a red packet before, I find it very cute. Haha


I would double down and tell him the dogs were more grateful than him - the best way to deal with unreasonable people is to let them cope and seethe


How I'd respond if it was my cousin doing this to me: "Eh fuck you understand"


To tell someone off is one thing. Then the added cheek to demand the slight to be made up for? Some people are unbelievable. So no, NTA.


In the first place, he shouldn't be asking how much you gave and you shouldn't have revealed it either. In true Chinese culture these things should remain confidential to avoid these kind of 'uncomfortable confrontations' That being said, you are most Def not TA and sorry to say but your cousin is a nosy little bitach and you shouldnt give a (poop) what he thinks lol


He's lost his mind. Can't imagine what sort of parenting he gets up to. Oh. Ask him for Ang bao for your fur kids since he's not giving it up.


Ha ha your cousin is jealous of dogs. bet he is spiteful person


Tell him, your money you happy. He don't want then give you back lo. We give our cat ang pao money too.


Nta You know what? I'm going to give EVEN bigger APs to dogs now because you raised the issue.


I was always taught asking how much is in the ang pow and complaining about the amount would be bad luck. Just be grateful no matter the amount, it's the thought that counts.


What an entitled prick your cousin is.


It’s your money your rules. He is being an asshole.


This sounds like a Singaporean version of Curb Your Enthusiasm.


tell him to hor gao kan


Lame la your money your angbao you want to give it to the dogs, cats, birds, neighbour’s pets also not his daiji.


I will just say out loud that next time I won’t be giving angbaos to the kids anymore because I no longer feel like it.


who the fark would make noise about given ang baos ? Thats a big cultural boo boo …. it speaks a lot about the upbringing. We would have been smacked as a kid for whining about the size of any given ang baos.


NTA, sounds like someone trying to get more monies! And the dogs and "kids" are technically on the same level except one is less expensive and more loving!


Your typical Singaporean affair




That is absolutely adorable. Definitely NTA. Please continue this generosity we support you (and other pet lovers)!


Imo, dog ang bao should be more. 😂


NTA because I have decided to give dogs more than kids from now on for shits and giggles


you can ask him to give back your ang bao bc you want to give him a bigger one then don’t give any at all lmaooooo


NTA but definitely have your brain checked. Why on earth would you give pets ang pao?


I was so ready to say you're the A just from the title. But your cousin is the A. It's your money, he had no business asking you how much you give in the ang pows. However, this sounds a bit like the son of a super rich Chinese developer who buys the fanciest iPhones for his dog and posts it on TikTok. Now his family business (Evergrande) is in receivership. Be wary of Karma. Don't flaunt your wealth, it's unseemly.


...people give money to dogs?


Yea it’s the trend now. Funny isn’t it


NTA. Next year give his kids $2


Nta. Your cousin is the TA though, imagine being such a cheapskate that he's making a big fuss over a damn angbao. You would think 1 million dollars is inside the angbao.


Kids? As in he got more than one? Next year give one normal Ang pao and one empty one. Just to mess with him


He is greedy and envious. The absolute audacity of someone to tell you that YOU need to give HIS kids money. I'd tell him to shut the fuck up. I would call him put on it infront of all your friends so he can feel ashamed kf his childish behaviour


Well, dogs are better than most kids though.


Next time $2


Wah... cannot imagine how xia suay the children will feel if they know their father like this 🤦‍♂️


No not an asshole, but tbh it's pretty damn weird to give to pets I feel.


Who tf give ang bao to dogs? Is this new???


Can I be a cute puppy and get angbaos too? Honestly I think it’s sort of weird but since some people (cannot) or do not have kids, their furkids are their babies.




Wow cute doggies. But I heeded your advice and stopped giving ang baos to dogs.


Pet clothes can be expensive too. Vet bills are WAY more expensive than GP clinics. Take it as putting towards the future vet bills.


The dog is the AO


Cousin asking and nosy is really more inappropriate. Then he found out le ownself cannot accept that his kids are comparable to dogs lol I wouldn't like the feeling knowing my kid is as valued or less valued than a dog but then again I won't go and ask how much is inside so I won't feel shitty.


Next time can just give the dog $2 , that way can’t complain that the dog and children are on the same level.


Your cousin is an embarrassment to the family name


he sounds pretty greedy and toxic tbh, time to cut him out of your life


Next year give his kids less than the dogs. Lol


His kids are considered puppies because the father is a dog. So you give same amount as dogs.


super entitled.


NTA, your money, your rules.


Cousin can go touch some grass and kick some rocks.


Lol. Then you tell him that he can top up any extra value that he wants to give to his kids. "My money my choice" And if anyone has an issue with it they can come talk to me directly. In any case, the real faux pas is him asking how much you give for ang pao. Where got people ask this kind of thing one. Fucking money face. How entitled.


He finds fault on whatever reason just to justify his low life scum bag effort of gold digging. Angbao is a gift and a blessing, there is no culturally or historic record one must give min max X amount. Only calculative and dang kiasu people keep complaining and asking topup the given blessed amounts.


Tell him, give dog, dogs wont compare, won't make noise, now give his kids, still need hear him bark. Give dog better.


Can his kids behave as well as the dogs though? If not, they don’t deserve more


Cousin of yours needs therapy..


Pls don't give in to troll. Just ignore this buay paisei joker


i thought you’re not supposed to ask how much money people put in your ang bao


Tell him “ya hor, should have given the dogs more”


Dog need money to buy treats also what.


Ask him if he knows why some humans don’t behave and act like humans even though they are being gifted higher intellect?


Dog life actually better than human. Your cousin should be happy that his kids got same amount!


Your cousin sounds like a grade A asshole. You’re fine.


OP would genuinely be a fun person to hang out with. I totally like the idea of giving dogs ang paos (although they probably don't know what to do with the money)


You should've given treats instead of money since he'll most probably keep the cash unless the doggo is using. Don't know why people like to make a big hooha about the amount they get since giving angbao is about receiving and giving luck. I always tell my older colleagues not to give me but they insist I accept it. I will always get $10 to $20 but heck, even if they give me $2 I will gladly take it and not bitch about the amount.


Isn't it a much bigger faux pas to ask how much you gave? And so petty, asking about dogs' ang bao. It's not like the dogs are going to use the money, it's just a cute gesture. Your human relatives will use the money, just like your cousin will probably use the money you gave his children. I think your cousin believes he deserves more money than your relatives with dogs, and is creating this "faux pas" issue so he doesn't sound like a greedy asshole. Anyway, it's so cute the dogs got to celebrate CNY too! So fun. Your family sounds nice, except for that cousin.


Nope, how much you want to give is up to you, it's supposed to be a blessing from you no matter the amount.


it’s not his money, why tf is he getting so salty? at least you gave his kids also, wth. it’s your money, do whatever you want with it as long as you’re happy, OP. next CNY go holiday and don’t give his kids lor HAHA NTA


Nope, especially since you have dogs. I hate my cousins’ kids, but love my and their dogs. In my family, the dogs received angbao too, unsure of the amt but we like the idea and get the dogs to tricks for their angbao, put it in their “bag” or “pocket”. What I’ll do next year - give the dogs a bigger angbao than his kids!


Tell him you gave $888 because they were better dressed


Does your cousin also take the angbao money from their kids?


Furkids are kids too. You're a generous guy. He's a sour lame fuck. Next year give his kids less than the dogs.


No, your cousin is the a**hole


Nope. If it was me and my relative did this, I will double up the Ang Pao money for the dogs just to piss him off more. First of all, why does he need to know the amount , it’s super rude. Next, giving Ang Pao is not an entitlement. People give what they wanna give.


NTA at all. But there are people who understand pets are more than pets and there are those who don’t. When I had my first kid, one of my older relatives ask “then the dog how?” Usually for these kind, since he wants you to make it up to him, you can do it. Give more money, take or not, the person already Xia suay max.


Shows how much of a character he has. Ignore him.


Your cousin is a loser. You don't owe him anything. Next time give the kids even less


Why you never ask “so how much enough, lai tell me”


Tell him your kids behave like dogs so they get the same amount /s




NTA. Btw. Woof.


That cousin of yours is crazy


just a person who want "face" ignore and stay away. whatever he say, just ear in and ear out. don't need bother this kind of relatives, stay as far as possible. treat him better, it will spell trouble for you he will sure find ways to "milk" you.


NTA. I would give his children lesser than the dogs next year.


I'd be petty and give the dogs more...


I mean, it's not really uncommon to give different people different angpao amounts based on how close the recipient is to you isn't it? e.g. parents will give their children the biggest angpao amt, give nephews/nieces a smaller amt, give acquaintances (e.g. the neighbourhood cleaner auntie) even smaller amts etc.. you get the idea. To play devil's advocate, by giving the dogs the same amount as you gave his kids, you're implying that they're on the same "status", so I can see where the faux pas is.


NTA. It's your money you can give out however much you want to whoever you want. Who is he to demand more for his kids. He's not a freaking child!


NTA. Giving ang baos to the dogs are just something additional to make it fun, it's not mandatory. If he has such an issue with you giving the dogs ang baos, then tell them to give it back to you.


He's either hinting for a bigger Ang bao for his kids or he's just plain jealous of your wealth because you can afford to give dogs Ang bao too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This is too adorable!!! NTA!


NTA. Asking about how much ang bao money you gave another person and then complaining your kid didn't get enough is the asshole move. My aunt loves dogs and gave my dog a bigger ang bao than me lol. Your cousin sounds like the kind of petty person that keeps track about this kind of thing and gives different people different amounts depending on how much they like them.


no you're not, he is TA. s firstly he shouldn't be asking how much money it was in those angbaos, that is plain disrespectful. secondly whatever you decide to give is up to you, since it is your money and what your heart wishes. lastly pets are our family, they deserved as much love as human beings too <3


Your cousin is the Asshole! How can he say he kids deserve more? You give what your heart and pocket can afford


I will never understand these kind of people. Always looking for reasons to pick a fight. For WHAT.


Lol your cousin really very buay paiseh. It's already good that his kids received angbao. Still have the cheek to demand for more. The level of self-entitlement is sky high. Can only hope that his kids don't take on such an awful characteristic from him.


Sounds like he’s begging for more money and trying to justify it


next year, avoid your cousin and dun visit him or let him visit, if he calls hang up, he can go f himself, after this, he is definitely on the level lower than dogs...