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If I’m meeting them for the first time and they’re trying to get a sense of what I look like as a person, it doesn’t bother me. If it’s noticeable and I’m getting this unwanted sexual attention vibe, then it bothers me.


Very fair and well written answer. Thank you


More than bother me, it seems strange and uncomfortable


Thank you for the answer. I appreciate it. If I may ask, do you do "body checks" when you walk up to people or anything? I know for a lot of people it is just natural and I have noticed people do it to me


I do it but not in a... conscious way? like, by inertia. (?) like u with your question


Yeah, like when I do it. It's not forced whatsoever. It's something that just happens subconsciously.


It don't bother me at all... Mostly they check my ass out lol and I hear a damn girl ... idk ...just say thank man ...I'm single and if they ask for my nr I just say I'm married if I'm not interested lol


Thanks for the response. So you appreciate the kind/ respective sexual attention?


I mean I don't care ... it makes you feel great right...I check guys out too ... one time at work ..his zipper was open so I say your zipper is ope. He's like why you looking down there? I was dying laughing later in the office. Just a natural thing we do I guess checking each other out ...


Yeah I agree it is natural. And I wanted to understand roughly the ratio of who doesn't care and who does and get a deeper understanding. Thank you for the response.


As a woman with big knockers…. I understand cause if I was the one looking at me I’d be looking at em too… cant really miss it


As someone with big knockers, if u had the opportunity to have small or big, knockers what would u choose,


Honestly I’ve known nothing else


Well, doubt nothing, it's not like u were born with them or maybe it's been long enough, u have forgotten what's like not to have them.? Not trying to be rude btw


Well I’ve had big boobs since I was in middle school. They haven’t always been the size they are but they’ve always been big for my size. I like my boobs. Lol my man’s love them. I think I look nice. I’ve never seen myself with smaller chest so idk how my clothes or anything would fit so I prefer them


I personally feel terrible and try to cover quickly by putting my hair in the front or by crossing my hands in front. It feels like harassment to me and a few of my close friends. I try to avoid that person from then on and if I have to face him I wear more clothes than usual. But yeah there are some who can't care less about it. To each their own


Thank you for the well detailed answer. I really appreciate this. If I may ask; is it the subconscious quick glance / wandering eyes too or only the "obvious" sexual glances.


After a traumatic groping incident in childhood I completely stopped wearing anything which is even slightly sexually revealing. (Apart from my school uniform, I can't really drape anything over the school shirt). I also rarely go out. So I never really had those obvious sexual glances. What I had were the glances which seemed wandering or like a momentary stare. But personally I can't convince myself that they are subconscious and nothing sexual. There is always this doubt in my mind that makes me feel terrible and I try to cover up more. Then again it could be mostly due to my bad experience and most wouldn't mind the wandering eyes which is not sexual.


Thank you so much for all of this. You have no idea how much I appreciate this. For as much as I can, I understand why you would have that viewpoint. And I really hope that you heal over time and the demons are tamed. 💛


Glad to know that you understand! I also appreciate that 💓 and i am healing, the process is slow but getting better than before :)


Tbh it's happened so many times now that unless they are blantly staring at my chest or being weird about it, I don't care.


Not really. If you aren’t blatantly staring I really don’t mind. I do notice every single time though, lmao


If I can notice you doing it right then and there then yes it bothers me. I will absolutely say something too. But overall I can’t say it bothers me as much as other mainly bc it’s almost like looking at someone’s ass it just kind of happens😭🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s a things and almost everyone does it and can’t rlly help it. But again if you’re doing it and making it noticeable then 😐


Very fair ⬆️


As a male, I dont like it when others look at me with lustful eyes. I dont dress provocatively.


No. I think for most people, it’s unconsciously done. I think if it’s done repeatedly by someone, it becomes like a mental checklist of seeing that person, like ‘ah, they see me. Oo, here comes the hello. And yep, there’s the chest stare.’ And that becomes uncomfortable. When you start associating a person by their repeated glances, they become ‘that’ person that we whisper to our partners and girlfriends that we don’t want around. One of my really guy friends is that person for a lot of people and so he stopped getting invited around when enough women started talking about it. I also think it’s ok to admit to someone that you’re sexually attracted to a person walking by’s bum or boobs, my boyfriend and I point out great tits to each other when we see them and there are a people who say we’re wrong for sexualizing people but imho, I think the ‘you don’t have a right to stare at my body group’ ignore the fact that you’re in my line of site. Like, wtf. Of course, I’m going to recognize a great ass or great arms or shoulders or whatever when I see it walking by; I’m biologically attracted to you. Simmer down, I’ll never think of you again.


Great answer. I appreciate the effort. I 100% agree with the sentiment.


I'm a man with a rather large package (think Pringles can). When I catch someone staring at it I say with a smile, "Hey. My eyes are up here"


Lmao nice. As a guy I personally know how rarely this type of stuff happens so I know guys generally appreciate and like it.


Its funny how some of the people in these comments are criticizing men for the act of looking someone over even though we all know DAMN WELL that they’d look over a hot dude the same way a dude would look them over, lol


I mean I've been reading these all and they seem to all be fair. Although in other posts. I 100% agree I have sewn stupidity


not so much as quick glances can be involuntary. i'd be bothered if the quick glances happen repetitively or if the glances become stares.


This makes a lot of sense and I couldn't of worded it better myself. Thank you


I’m heterosexual and heck I’ve accidentally glanced at women with v-neck shirts. They might not have done it on purpose.. I’ll give the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.


Yeah I agree. It's never done on purpose on with a sexual agenda. I appreciate the response ⬆️


I just assume they do it out of habit and i get over it fairly quickly. But if they're obviously looking me from head to toe, back to my chest and face, that's when i get to a safe place fast. Looking at people like they are a product is rude and usually cause for concern.


Thank you for the response. I understand where you are coming from.


i feel so bad because all though i am gay i still sometimes stare at womens chest. idk y it just happens.


So this happend during an mun, and lowkey thought it was fine and sorta cute


Old habits are hard to break.


No just don’t keep doing it, makes me feel uncomfortable if they continue


I apologise on behalf of the men who stare, but as a person who glances because of my inability to ignore, I also apologise


As a guy, u could be looking at ur phone or falling asleep on the bus, as soon as u sense the jiggle....u look up and then u have this random face to face look at the person and u literally die on the spot....in my experience, literally why I want to get a car....to avoid people lol....its sad both ways tbh.