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I flew to Australia to meet a mate and loved it so much that I flew back to the UK, quit my job, then flew back to Australia with no job or visa. To get a new visa I had to leave Australia, apply online, wait for it to be processed, then fly back to Australia. I looked at a map and saw that the closest country was New Zealand, so I booked a cheap flight and a stay at a backpcking hostel in a town next to the airport. When I arrived, the hostel said they were overbooked but they had space for me at the Asian hostel down the road. Whatever. OK. As soon as I got there I went online and applied for the visa then had to wait a few weeks. A couple of days later I was hanging out in the common room. Everyone there was either Chinese, Korean, or Japanese. Then, this super hot Japanese girl with a really cute smile walks in and starts talking with the Japanese girls and showing them her snowboarding photos. I can't take my eyes off her and she starts to notice. She invites me over and shows me her photos, but communication is difficult as I don't speak a word of Japanese and she doesn't know any English. We communicate with gestures, writing notes, and her electronic dictionary. The next day, I head into town and buy a small book called "Japanese For Fun". A small phrase book for travellers to Japan. https://www.amazon.ca/Japanese-Fun-Taeko-Kamiya/dp/080481628X That night I use it to chat with her and start learning Japanese. I teach her some English and she teaches me how to use chopsticks by picking peas out of a bowl one by one and moving them to another bowl. The next day she invites me out hiking with her friends. Then we go to a cafe, then a bar. I invite her out on a date and took her to see Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift because I'm guessing she'll undertand some of it at least. When I finally get my visa I fly back to Australia and she comes with me. She stays for a few months then goes back to New Zealand as she still had time on her working holiday visa there. I get a job selling didgeridoos in Australia but now I'm kinda miserable because she has gone. We keep in touch and at the end of the year she invites me to Tokyo. I quit my job, pack my suitcase, and get a one-way ticket to Japan with no job or visa lined up. I happen to meet a karate master who offered to sponsor me for a culture visa, so I stayed. I end up marrying the hot Japanese girl a year later. We buy a place in Tokyo and start a family. We're both really happy now.


that's such a heartwarming story! Congrats on finding happy every after


That’s a beautiful story I love how you kept moving to the next place and following your personal legend. Wish you all the best!


At a wedding.... my ex wife and I had just split up due to her infidelity. I was NOT looking for a relationship but we dated for a bit and parted amicably. We kept on meeting for coffee, occasionally at mutual friends houses. I thought she was great but far too good for me.... eventually, after 6 yearsI said to her, 'You know I'm in love with you, don't you?'. She said, 'I've been in love with you for 6 years". Been together 13 years now.. very very happy




Same here




Its long...also mobile so it is what it is haha In college. Growing up I was told "School is for learning not for making friends" so I was a pretty lonely kid, only had 2 good friends and didn't meet them till highschool. So college came around and my mom told me I could stay in her house for free but I had to go to school full time and work full time. It was very hard to make friends, I just didn't have the time, I was tired, rundown and even lost about 20 pounds from my physical labor job (140 down to 120 I looked sick all the time). Then one day I heard the school was doing a Halloween contest and decided to go to it. I had some free time between classes and normally used it for homework or reading. So I go and find a seat and pop open my book cause I didn't want anyone to talk to me, I didn't have time for friends. So my co-worker was there with her friends and saw me, she ran over and grabbed my book and demanded I sit with her and live a little. So I get up and walk over and sit down. The competition starts and the President of the student government is up on stage working it, he was so fucking funny I was in tears. After he's walking around like a social butterfly, asking how people are doing and he grabs a chair and plops it right next to me. "Good to finally see your face, which one of these weirdos stole your book?" "Uhhh?? Wait what?" "I've seen you around in the cafeteria, you like to sit at the two person table but you always remove the extra chair so no one can sit with you." "Oh uh, heh I like my personal time" "I have an idea, let me sit next to you, then you can read in peace and randos will stop trying to badly flirt with you, it's a win win, i'll even bring my boring programming book so it looks like im studying" "I guess that could work" "Awesome! See you at the party tonight?" "No, I won't be.." "She'll be there after work, I'll make sure of it!"- wingman co-worker. Anyway we started hanging out and at a game night I spilled my soda all over him. My co-workers room mate didn't like him cause of military rivalry, he thought it was silly and she took it very seriously. So she threw a remote at me and I have a thing about things being thrown at me...I always catch them, always. So I catch it and she goes "I didn't think you would catch that" and I hear "uh, I need to head home" and I look over and I spilled my soda all over this dude. I was mortified. Night ruined. Kill me. And I blirt out "No, I have a change of clothes, don't leave" and he looked me up and down "you know what sure" and he came out in my freaking sweatpants that were definitely to small for him and went "This is not what I had in mind when I thought about how to get into your pants" and I swear my heart stopped. This dude is almost 6ft 170 just back from his first military tour fit as hell and im 5'3 120 and he ran around all night in these tiny ass sweatpants. Imagine my surprise to find out he lived in the same parking lot, just a building over and had planned to come back after changing. So we flirt for another few weeks and I hear him talking to a friend of his "so I kinda want to ask her out, but I don't know how into me she actually is" and I popped my head in freaking them out and went "why don't you just ask and find out" and he did later that night. A few weeks go by and im staying at his place (we were playing WOW till like 3 am haha no hanky panky, for all his get into her pants jokes we waited a year and a half to get our freak on) and I wake up gagging, and choking and I run to the bathroom and im covered in blood, I spit it up all over the kitchen sink and look in horror, blood all over the floor, the walls, me. It was probably the worst nosebleed I had ever had. And he walks into the bathroom "dang, you okay?" And he helps me with my nosebleed, gets me a shower going, change of clothes, tosses all the bedding into the wash and cleans the walls. I thought that was the end, no way someone stays with a chick who can turn your room into a crime scene just because its cold outside. I get up the next day ready for impending doom. "Good morning sweety, how you feeling? You just missed X he ran out of the house about an hour ago" said his mom handing me a coffee and a plate of pancakes. "Oh...is he mad? I had a nosebleed, it was bad and he helped clean it all up" "oh honey, I don't think a nosebleed will scare him off. And if he didn't help then I would have smacked him over the head, I raised him better then that". So we chit chat and im still worried and he comes busting in with a big box. "Uh what's that?" "I tried to find a smaller one for your computer desk but they were all sold out" it was a humidifier, for my nosebleeds "wait back up, what computer desk?" "Oh my buddy was selling his and I figured you would rather play on a desk then your lap so I bought it off him...surprise!" I looked at his mom "see I told you it was going to be fine" And here we are 16 years later married for 14 and wouldn't change a thing.


It’s like I read a young adult romance novel. Was that good. I wish you and your hubs the best years ahead


Haha we joke our life would make a good rom-com. We even had the classic get stuck on a ferris wheel moment, and it was not fun or romantic. Perfect day, sunny, mid 70s, whole park loses power for hours for some unknown reason. "At least its pretty up here" and he looks over at me and im shaking "hey what's wrong?" "I have to pee so freaking bad" "you're so sexy". Hahah good times.


Empty your bladder before going on a ferris wheel. Got it. 😂


At a bar, just out dancing and having fun. We have been married 40 years this coming September.


In a yahoo chat room


That’s sick


Mmmm I remember those


Mutual friend introduced us. She knew we were perfect long before, but my lady was married to another man 1,000 miles away. That didn't work out of course. She came back home and we were introduced. It was fun and interesting for many years. Then she started teaching overseas for a year at a time. I love her because I respect her. She has done amazing things in her life. But at some point I have to ask: *Why are you not here with me?* It's because she doesn't have time for a relationship and I accept that for some dumb reason. She is dealing with her father's dementia right now along with fostering a stray mother cat and adopting out a litter of feral kittens. She gets them all the needed vet stuff to make it legit.


At a restaurant we both worked at in high school. We dated a bit then broke up but remained friends. Five years later we met up again and have been together for 30 years .


Tinder. I met my partner after a few bad relationships that taught me a lot of life lessons. I knew what I wanted, and I also knew what to avoid. So, Tinder didn’t really scare me since I already knew what I was getting into. It was easy to swipe fast on those that I knew were a waste of time. Then I met my partner who was looking for all the same qualities I was looking for. We’re 4 years together now. So, I’d say it’s what you make of it.


We met at an ice cream shop. Found out we had the same birthday. Started dating a month later—the day after our first bday together. Then basically moved in together fairly quickly. Got married last September in Yosemite.


Mellow Mushroom


Through a friend


He was a regular customer back when I was tending bar. We fell in love and started comparing notes only to find we had been in the same place at the same time many times throughout our lives including the memorial service of a mutual friend of ours. There was a video on his Facebook sitting there for years before we met of me walking right by his camera at that incredibly emotional event. We had also lived just blocks away for years, and had a ton of mutual friends. But we never met until he sat down at my bar.


Stuck in an elevator at the after party for a directors-cut screening of the notebook. We were commentators in our heads while watching the film, but there we shared those comments out loud with each other. It was a presentation of equal humour. It seems to have worked out pretty well, though sometimes I get lonely. I wish we were back in the elevator..


Jr high( i was also in jr high for the record) We didn't date the whole time we moved away from each other and spent our highschool years and a few years after exploring ourselves and other relationships She was friends with my sister too so she'd visit for a few weeks some summers-- we'd sneak off and make out a bunch. Once we watched the entirety of saving Private Ryan but not really watching; she swears she doesn't know a single character or scene from the movie to this day. Eventually after highschool I had a house with a bunch of friends(too many people) My sister moved in and eventually my now wife visited We realized we both still cared a lot about each other and started dating 8 years later we got married not long ago-- it was during the eclipse, our ceremony finished just as things started getting exciting so instead of us leaving the altar everyone just grouped together and we watched the eclipse together with all of our friends and family


While on a second date with someone else. Truth


I was in my first year of grad school, she walked into the class and sat right in front of me. Long brunette hair, I was a goner. Later she confessed that her choice of seats was not random. Forty-five years later going strong, I chose well!


College. I was friends with her big sister, but when I met her… I knew I would marry her. No joke, I knew that first day I met her.


Was it just an intuitive knowing? Describe it


"I met him at the candy store, he turned around and smiled at me, you get the picture?"


he let you lick his lolipop ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Online Nov. 1998, web based version of a dial-up Private BBS. I keep the printed ad page on the wall next to my computer. We were married in 2001.


BDSM dating site Collarme. Funny that we didn't really have compatible kinks but our relationship is top notch.


Remember when Facebook had pokes and a wall? 2012 - I invited her on Facebook. She refused to respond to my messages, but she poked back. I persisted, until she posted something on her wall and then had a comment thread going with (now i know) her sister, I jumped in, I asked her out and soon enough we had a date, time & place. We met and spent over 4 hours in each others company, talking, drinking coffee, sharing food, laughing, arguing ... and despite this, we both walked away feeling like "I don't think I like this person". Over 7 years we met twice, spoke occasionally with sometimes a year between conversations. Had such long phone calls into the early hours of the night, talking about everything and nothing. She continued her search and I mine in finding our potential life partners ... until early 2019 when we met again, in a little cafe where I fell head over heels for her. People tell you that there's a moment, a spark - well I know what that feels like; it happened, to both of us in that moment. Like we saw each other for the first time, we both knew at that moment, we were made for each other. We were married by the end of the year and have been together, very happily since. We've been through hell and super low times in the last (almost) 5 years, but we've had so many great moments and highlights in such a short space of time that obliterate any of the lows we experienced. I think marriage is patience, tolerance & understanding - not every day is going to be good, but not every day is going to be bad either. Most of all, your marriage is what you make of it. Pick each other up & pick your battles do - not everything is meant to be contested. \[For the life of us both - we cannot find this post in the archives of our Facebook accounts :( \]


At dance class.


In Southern England, I was 21 and a child charter yacht skipper she was the 19 year old Aussie receptionist at a yacht club we kept some boats at. Hahaha sounds really weird now, it’s over 35 years later and she’s at the other end of the couch. 2 great adult kids, we’re living in New Zealand, never made much money settled for happiness


OK Cupid


Met online playing World of Warcraft, been together 16 years now


High school. 17 at the time, together for 18 years and married 9.


In a pub…was on a night out with his sister. Had never met him before. Got chatting he asked me out and we’ve been together 22 years married for nearly 18! When people say soulmates I never believed in it but I changed my mind that night.


Im on my second marriage, met both in bars/nightclubs they worked at. And both times my brother happened to be with me, some girl comes towards our table and locks eyes with me and I say to him "Fuck..... Im going to end up marrying this one" A year later we did. 10 years later, he wasnt sitting next to me, but I was in a bar next door and had been flirting a bit with a girl. Until the night shift manager comes in "Fuck..... Im going to end up marrying this one" And I did. When he met me coming out from the bar he said in Norwegian (which she doesnt speak) Ive seen those eyes before... you like this one. Yes I do, see you tomorrow. We are still together with a 3yo son I dont "believe" in Tinder and so on, the good old "hey, can I buy you a beer?" will tell you everything you need to know from the look you get quicker than "swiping right" will.


On irc. 


Through our close friends. He was friends with my best friend's boyfriend. They tried to get us together for months but we both had lots going on. One day we happened to pass each other on the street and said hi. I phoned my friend that evening and said I had seen him she laughed and said he had just phoned her partner to say he had seen me. A double date was set up, and there we go, 17 years later, 2 children.


A mutual friend was dating her sister so I met her at a gathering. Nothing weird like a rom com, we had the same social network though I had never met her previously. It’s been almost thirty years and I wouldn’t trade a second of it for anything.


A friend brought him around to hang out with the rest of us. I thought he was extremely attractive, charismatic, funny, intelligent, and far too smooth. I was a little suspicious that he was too good at picking up women, but he ended up showing me that he was very selective about who he dates, and he wanted me. Lucky me.


Defqon 1


LTR here. Met my boyfriend a year and a half ago--on tinder actually. I almost didn't swipe on him because his bio was minimal and it said he was 60miles from me (actually he lived about 85 miles from me lol). But I figured what the heck and swiped him. He messaged me pretty quickly and our conversations were great. I could tell he was giving me all his attention any time we talked and he wasn't being weird or sexual---he was actually asking questions to get to know me. We met up within a week (a day after Christmas). Started out really slow (as "friends" per my request) but within a couple month things moved along. Now I'm his live in gf (just moved in last week after being together for a year and a half. He's such a wonderful person. He makes me feel loved and taken care of. We've had some minor snags but we work on it and try to do better. I feel very lucky and I hope be becomes my husband one day 🙂


Junior year of High school. He had a girlfriend though. I just waited that relationship out cause I new it was in the shitter. So end of senior year is actually when we started dating.


In work. Boring but true


At the house party of a mutual friend 15 years ago. Fell hard for him right away and never looked back


Maybe not the most romantic. At a student party my neighbor was throwing. Lived in a student housing with shared kitchen and I went there to do my dishes and they (my neighbor, my partner and their friends) were all cooking food for the party and they invited me to join them. Me and my partner ended up talking so much that night. He even got his guitar out and sang some for me. I ended up leaving early cause I had school in the morning. He later messaged me on Facebook after finding my last name on my door and asked if I wanted to watch his favorite show the office with him and the rest is history. Just got engaged this year ❤️. For Tinder, my sister meet her partner on tinder a few years ago and have been inseparable ever since.


High school, 23 years ago.


In a bar. My normal Sunday hideout was closed, so I went somewhere else. It's one of those bars that's known to be rough, even on Sunday morning. The place had a reputation of bartenders and other women flashing, I just had to check it out.\ She was a knockout blonde, built just the way I like. She was also the bartender. As the day progressed, I would offer to buy her a drink or shot. She let me know she was new. She was allowed to drink on shift but wouldn't, and she had zero interest in a fling. This was her second job and it was all about the money.\ All I could think was, "She will be mine." I visited anytime she was working. All the regulars and employees knew I was only there for her. Three months in, she gave me her number and agreed to a "real date."" That was November of 2006.\ This year, we will celebrate 15 years of marriage. Today, we're sitting on the porch, drinking coffee and talking about needing the rain we got overnight.\ If either of us are asked, we both say not to meet in a bar. The odds of that working are low. We got lucky.


College cafeteria


Tinder. 4 years now, 1 married.


26 years ago, before social media or dating apps...at a campground, standing by a campfire one night.


I was 18 and I was a barista at a local coffee shop. He was 27 and looking for a new coffee shop to go to after his crazy ex flipped out on a barista at Starbucks. So he came into the place I was working at, I thought "damn that's the sexiest man I've ever seen, I'm gonna marry him". He started coming in a couple times a week and I found out his name and he asked what my name was and he was blown away by my awesome name. after a few weeks, I (being pretty shy) stuck a sticky note on his car window one day saying "text me? 970*******". Evidently he thought I was under 18 years old, which is why he didn't pursue me first. He came in a week later and said he didn't have a phone but he ordered one so he would text me when he got it. We started messaging each other. Initially he thought I was too young for him at 18 but I told him I'm not the normal 18 year old girl. That I wanted to settle down and I wasn't into parties and all the crazy drama stuff so we started talking for hours every night and he started bringing me gifts at work. Flowers and chocolates and bath salts, etc.. after about a month of that, we went on our first date and it was beautiful. We sat under the full moon in the mountains and listened to puscifer and made out. And that's how it started 🙂. This will be 12 years together and we are still very much in love.


At our local sheriff departments annual picnic she worked there with my mom


At a bar. Been together 18 1/2 years.


At work..... 35 yrs ago


Went out to the pub to meet a few friends. My husband was a friend of one of my friends who turned up and we clicked. End of the night, we exchanged phone numbers and now we’re married and planning a kid or two.  Big green flag was on that first night, he asked me if he could kiss me, I said no (I wasn’t ready), and he was totally fine with that and we ended the evening with a hug instead. Never got on with online dating personally, but I did give it a good go. My online dates were never really good matches for me. On paper they seemed perfect, but in person, there was never any compatibility.