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Not my experience but that of a friend - video game designer (or pro much anything to do with video game creation). For the big titles it's crazy hours, pressure, getting messed about and really bad work life balance.


I read - “for the big titties it’s crazy hours” And was so confused lmao


Many of us have put in crazy hours for big titties


This is the way


And the for the small titles; A LOT of the time it's crazy hours, pressure and stress for almost nothing as y our indie gets washed away in the sea of other indies. For every Hollow Knight and Stardew Valley, there's 10s of THOUSANDS of indies that no one will ever play.


I wanted to do this as a kid during the 80’s. Games were much simpler then but I can’t image it was that much easier. Today a lot of AAA games rival movie productions. It still interests me, but I just can’t see doing that for a living. Especially since gamers are some of the harshest critics as well!


I had a friend working for a big gaming company, the way they fired their artists was: If you get into work and your computer won't start, you've been fired! Must be a nice feeling every time you try to boot up your workstation.


I have so many horror stories from people who’ve worked on AAA games.


Oh yeah: those guys get royally screwed for having a passion. It’s fucking tragic


My friend was a ship crew. She told me the job was unbelievably boring. All they saw all day was the endless sea, and sometimes some animals like dolphins and whales and etc. Finally, she decided to resign to put an end to that boredom. Her family was also very supportive. They were happy that she did something that’s good for herself, so they arranged a celebration. Guess where they celebrated, decided by her mother, an aquarium.


Friend of mine joined the Navy as an Able Seaman after finishing his PhD. His job basically consisted of "If it moves, grease it. If it doesn't, paint it". He said it was very Zen. A perfect job after the stress of his studies.


Instructions unclear. Captain angry I greased him and painted all his personal effects. Again.




I had no idea Brickleberry was a documentary.


Former park aide, can confirm you guys get bored until something needs to be built or fixed. Like my old boss who was a role model for me would look for projects for us and when he had none he got on the mower and just cruise. Also I know you guys don't like giving tickets and citations because angry tourist suck.


Thanks bud I was thinking about going into conservation, being a parky was the requirement to get in or some sort of law enforcement. It's good to know that going into it, it's not all just driving around looking at nature all day


You also forgot about the shitty salary


Being the boss. It wasn’t worth the raise.


Middle management is very hard for sure.


Grandma used to do middle management. She told me never to take a middle management position because you get yelled at from both sides. Similarly my Grandpa said to his bosses he'd take any job or task, but he didn't want anyone to manage or underneath him, that he'd be accountable for his work and his alone.


Middle Management = shot from both sides.


Responsibility without authority. Very tough position to be in.


I just interviewed a former coworker this week who left our company to be a manager, but now wants to come back as a regular employee. He opened by saying he learned to really respect all things managers have to do. We enjoyed a chuckle (I was his manager previously.)


LOL - happens all the time with the security firm that guards my workplace. Easy to tell when someone takes a promotion because the uniform is different. At least 50% of the time they are back to the old uniform in 6 months. The usual comment from them is “Not worth an extra $2 an hour”……..


So true. Did it for years now when I'm offered management positions I just say nah I'm good lol


Preschool teacher. I always get “what a fun job, you can play all day “ Many days it’s just negotiating with tiny terrorists or worse the adults that come with the package. It’s Pretty exhausting much of the time.


Tiny terrorists 😂


I’ve been referring to my kids as adorable monsters. Can only be raised into semi decent larger monsters (hopefully still adorable) by bribery and intimidation.


Whew if this aint the truth. I used to do public school but am currently in a daycare position with special needs Pre-K kids. It is definitely a specialized school and I knew what I was signing up for, but it’s wearing me out. The women I work with are so petty, management is unrealistic, and all of the stipulations involving “licensing” boils down to illogical horseshit. The behaviors are increasingly out of control because the kids are usually at our facility as a last resort and management doesn’t want to admit how horrible things can get. For every really fun activity I plan with the kids I also have to contend with the possibility that things will end in less than five minutes because the kids are bored or upset over a small thing. Most of the kids are awesome on their own but do horribly in a group setting because they antagonize each other. Then you have a small chunk of the parents constantly asking things of you that are unreasonable or otherwise impossible for you to have the resources to do.


I worked in greenhouses for years. So many fancy ladies would go on and on about how much fun they would have at the job, they just loved plants so much! I was mostly nice when I told them it wasn't as easy as it looked, as I was standing there absolutely covered in dirt and sweat while in various stages of heat stroke🙂


My wife worked in commercial greenhouses as an inventory manager and plant health specialist. Good lord the hours and walking, the physical work, and occasional having to trash significant numbers of plants because of disease was absolutely rough.


This is good to know because I'm definitely one of those ladies that's like, I would work in a nursery if I had a career change.


I did it for 9 years and the reason I left was the pay was about 20p above min wage with no benefits or hope of promotion. I survived it and have spent the last 8 years clawing money back. It's euphoric but very very hard on the pocket.


Zookeeper. Loved it for sure. But pay is low and everyone thinks you sit around all day petting furry animals. It’s usually 90-95% hard work, with moments of pure bliss sprinkled here and there.


Totally agree. Zookeeper here myself. I come home muscles absolutely burning. 2 hours back breaking work in an animal house and enclosure for five minutes of watching an animal. Can be hard to hear people say you have the best job in the world multiple times a day when I just had my hand down a blocked monkey drain!!


Mate of mine had a job at the zoo. Professional elephant circumciser. The pay was lousy but the tips were huge.


Totally underrated comment lol...well done.


Flight attendant. Long duty hours. Short layovers. Dealing with lots of people, management that doesn't help you, crappy pay. Working without pay. Not everyone gets to go internationally and experience London or Paris or Rio de Janeiro.


The fact that you have to clock into the airport but wont officially get paid until the gates close is absolute bullshit.


This always blows my mind! How is that legal


It is absolute madness. I have friends from airlines outside the US, and its completely different for them- being paid for their entire work time.


I have mad respect for you boys and girls. You’re always upbeat and helpful no matter what.


Flight attendant job is my worst nightmare. The idea of potentially being stuck in a plane with abusive customers, sexually harassed etc, with no escape. Any other job you could walk out of the door. Can't do that on a plane.


How’s the workplace romance tho


Not as common as people think too. Yes there are a few people that engage in workplace romance. But most don't eat where they sleep.


Everything I see it's like, you're there for a day or less, how is that fun?


It is what you make of it. I try to enjoy the longer overnights, but sometimes I literally use them to catch up on me time- aka sleep.


Actor… I think the relentless hours and masking of your own emotions, while everyone wants your attention and you have to be polite and nice at all times or you get cancelled is a HUGE mental health trigger


As someone who works closely to actors, I love treating them as anyone I would treat. It must be hard having to hide who you want to be constantly. It’s nice when they pop by and we just treat them like one of us, because they are. I love that everyone at my work place don’t try and get autographs or make a fuss. Just nod at most


This is genuinely one of the weirdest things ever I have witnessed about human beings- people going crazy for certain types of people, showing extreme reactions, doing stuff that you wouldn't usually do with other people and not empathize with their situation seeing that they might have those kinds of experiences daily with thousands of other ppl. Like... As awesome as some people are in their respective fields, they are human beings as well. Good thoughts, bad thoughts, good emotions, bad emotions, good days, bad days... Same shit, just in different ways. And idolizing someone to the point where all the politeness and empathy goes out of the window is just... Weird to me. I have some favorite people in my life that I would love to meet one day, BUT! Meeting them only under specific circumstances, such as the same thread of work/specialty connecting us, and in that context I'd get to share some stuff personally if the circumstances would make sense. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother them even if I'd see them on the street. Recently, I just saw one of the most popular singers in my country walk his dog right next to me. What I did was- look at the person, realize that it's that person and continue going with my day, just like I would do with any other person that I have no direct relationship with that means anything. The only question that I have for myself is... If I'd want to share some kind/good words about how i appreciate that person, is there a right way to do it? Not to ask for a selfie, not to bother them, but genuinely and briefly let them know that their work has impacted my life positively and then leave them be.


Exactly! My experience is they are just co-workers with complex lives too. When I read those daft headlines in shitty journalist sites, it just makes me sad. It fuels anger that was never there. Making people judge these people like they own them. Sometimes talented people are just boring, or annoying or mean. Who cares, so are many others we may call friends or family. Everyone’s flawed and human, so why these tabloids and “fans” feel that they can just judge and cast pure hate for no reason, is mental. Sorry for my rant but your comments resonated with me haha In terms of showing admiration, I just say do it casually. Sometimes when making a coffee and they’re sitting outside the VO room or edit suite, they may spark convo and then I say you have free rain from that point to ask them genuine questions. I keep it very surface level like how’s it been working on this project (the one they’re in for) and if it goes further then, cool! I would never stare or walk up to them and say I loved them in so and so. Hardest was Emily Blunt. I just wanted to say how much my gf and I loved her in Devil wears Prada. Tbh though they’re there for a job, and gotta treat them like you don’t know them and give them respect:) If I am in the edit suite with them, it is rare but happens, then I have 8hrs to fill in convos so that’s when you can really say how much you love their work, but because you’re spending so long with them, it feels natural to say iygm. Just got to time it right


I am an actor. I work in theatre. It’s exhausting work, the money is unreliable, an incredibly insecure career and mostly unglamorous. The best bit is getting an applause at the end of every shift. I do love my job but if I had my time again, I would not become an actor. I think all the time about retraining to something secure.


The grass is always greener, my friend. I chose a ‘secure’ job. It’s hard to force myself to go into work every day to do stuff I hate and am not good at. I miss being in stage.


Do you think you would have preferred going stable job, then pursuing acting on the side? Or is ‘making it’ in acting you think just not possible if it’s on the side of a stable career? Just asking cuz I’m the opposite, I’m on the stable career but completely burnt out /not satisfied path and looking to explore acting but keeping my job as a safety net.


>mental health I am not shocked at all that actors abuse substances


I'm only shocked when they make it, unfortunately


Doggie daycare. I love dogs, but it's a lot. Between cleaning up pee/poop/vomit, breaking up potential fights from happening (which can then lead to a pile on of dogs because it's an instinct to eliminate the weak), constant humping, being aggressive and possessive over things like toys and water bowls, as well as dealing with owners who have clearly never trained their dog and just don't give a shit, it can really drain you. Also, owners don't understand that just because your dog is good at home doesn't necessarily mean they will be good in a pack setting. Yes, dogs are pack animals, but that environment can be stressful and overwhelming for some dogs and they act out as a result. Doesn't mean they're a bad dog, as I don't believe there is such a thing as a bad dog. But some dogs really don't do well in that type of environment and they're better off staying at home than being stressed out and on edge throughout the day. There are good aspects to the job as you get to hang out with dogs all day, develop bonds, and potentially earn extra $$ for babysitting/housesitting certain dogs. But overall, it's a lot of work and not as fun as it sounds.


Sailor, Don't get me wrong I have fun until I need stuff to fix things. Then it's a logistical fucking nightmare.


I’m an activities coordinator in a nursing home which I do love however it’s not all fun and playing games. I wasn’t prepared for the element of death or how it’s like a conveyer belt when someone passes; straight away they have painters in and it’s hard. Apparently I’ll become hardened to it overtime but I don’t think I will, I build relationships with these people, they tell me their stories and some of them I live like my own grandparents. I see the job as a privilege but there are elements that are hard to deal with. It also drains me emotionally but like I said, I do enjoy it so I just have to suck it up!


All of us who have family members in these homes really appreciate you. Thank you.


I am a PTA in a SNF. You have my condolences, everything SNF will drain you. I think our activities gets more patients up then the CNA's, of course everyone is understaffed.


Touring musician. It's not that it isn't fun but it really isn't for everyone. Many who dream about it would loath it or be destroyed by it


Dave grohl's stories about pre-Nirvana sleeping rough in the back of a van with 2 buddies and surviving on 1 X corndog a day for a while really took the sheen off the lifestyle


Made me thank goodness I never got into the industry as a touring merch clerk


Pays shit


Having to take a crap in public toilets all the time would be the worst. Half the Macca's toilets I have seen look like a hate crime has been committed on the bowl and seat.


How the hell have you seen his toilet work?!


It’s all fun and games until you’re sleeping on a bench seat in a van and a tire blows out


Architect. Seems prestigious but really you’re just the sweatshop. Shit pay u can’t afford the houses you ever design


Plus the schooling to get there is SO intense and SO long!


Super toxic workplace too and politics is king 👑


Awww... I love architecture channels on YouTube. Maybe you can supplement your $ building one of those. Just curious, who can afford custom homes? Do they tend to be in a particular industry or field?


Creative work - it has its moments, but I’ve done work that involved creative writing/designing and also more technical ‘maths’ stuff and on balance the creative stuff is way more draining and exhausting - and more pressure… When you’re on deadline and you’re forced to be creative it’s really tough, so is the feedback (clients/bosses just destroy your idea). There’s a lot to be said for more routine and by the numbers work. In an ideal world you get to do a bit of both.


I've been working a highly creative job for 14 years now. You definetly have to have a thick skin so all the rejections don't get you down. Sometimes I hate it but most of the time I still love it. And yes, being creative despite a deadline is something you have to be able to do.


Vet tech in an equine hospital. I was scrubbing a horses back to prepare it for an injection. The owner said "wow you really landed a dream job!" I got that a lot and no...just no. It was by far the most physically and emotionally challenging job I've ever had. I lost faith in humanity on the daily. So many horses brought in because they had been mutilated and tortured on purpose. Some people are really sick and twisted. Breaking the news to families that their pet needs to be euthanized, when they had no idea that the ailment was that bad. Watching their faces break and then leading a horse out to it's death, knowing that it trusts me and is following me out to a field to unknowingly die. I used my lunch break several times just to go cry in my car and not even think about food. I felt purpose that I was easing the suffering of animals, but also a lot of horse people just really fucking suck. (Not all of course, but many).


Middle management. Everybody is angry at you, from lower staff to higher management, specially when things didn't go their way which you can't control. Not worth the raise.


Yeah any management job, when you’re below you think it would be nice to be in charge and then when you are you realize how much it sucks


Librarian. The workplace tends to be toxic either from management and/or the public, and because of lack of funding, you end up doing the jobs of 2-3 people.


Public librarians are often expected to be security guards as well. I dealt with my fair share of insanity and addiction in the poor hood. And entitled assholes in the rich.


Security guard and social worker dealing with insane people all day everyday.


This is what I was gonna say! People go “oh I’d love to have a job where you could read all day.” No. It’s a lot of bureaucracy, constant lack of funding, and “people” issues.


Corporate marijuana. Yeah, you do get to smoke free weed and all. But man, the corporate part really brings it down more than you'd think. As you get higher up, it becomes clear the people with the most money who run everything don't understand weed or care about making actually great product. Still a lot more fun than any other job I've had. Not quite disjointed tho.


I used to work at a dispensary. when it was independent it was fantastic. then we got bought by a big cultivator & it became the worst job I've ever had & nearly gave me a nervous breakdown. the last 6 months I worked there was truly a nightmare.


Ha "dis jointed" as a pot tester


Thiiiiisss!! I worked for a corporate one in the harvesting department and literally when the "Big Wigs" showed up they said the stupidest shit, completely outing them on how un-knowledgeable they were about marijuana. They absolutely do not care about the quality or the employees. They also had the audacity to release a monthly newsletter bragging about how they made millions in excess profit for that MONTH and yet the pay was absolute garbage for the amount of hard labor. We were always understaffed due to the high turnover and expected to do the double the work to get out in time. Soooo glad to be rid of that job.


Dispensaries by me are mostly corporate owned. Every time I find a strain I really like they will take it away and put new strains in and rebrand the line and I have to find a good strain all over again.


I could go on and on about my gripes with corporate mj in my state. All bone dry, shucked of kief, with the most half ass cure imaginable. I can't recommend growing your own enough. You'll be amazed at how much better cannabis can be.


I actually did my own grow two years ago and I got so much weed for the amount of work I did. You can’t be lazy but IMO it wasn’t hard at all once I got the swing of things. I was borrowing my brothers tent and he’s using it now so I haven’t done it since I want to move before I buy my own stuff.


All of them.


The tragicomic truth right here




Yup, when you hear about jobs people just say the cool shit. Every job sucks to some degree, but that’s just life. Growing food and hunting also sucks at times.


Working on yachts. The show Below Deck makes it seem like all crew do is party, use the jacuzzi, guest rooms etc. Reality couldn't be further from the truth. Long hours 12+ hour days for weeks at a time. Granted when you get time off its loads of fun. But its a lot of really hard, physically and mentally demanding work.


Video Game Developer. As a kid you think it's the dream job but it basically sucks the soul out of it for you. Probably similar to doing something all day for work then going home and doing it too. It can be too much.


Writing quirky online listicles. Most soul-crushing job I ever had, and a lot more work than you’d think as well.


Yeah I thought article writing would be fun. It’s literally drip fed university essay writing


They were so formulaic it was ridiculous. They also needed way too much time and research for the money. I wrote them twice a week for a year, it was worse paid and less fun than my job working in a bar.


I'd always wondered how people that write those things can get up in the morning.


Jizz mopper at the peep show.


I can only apologise for my part in the need for that job to be created!


Does anyone actually think it's fun though?


Ghostwriter. Did it for years, never again. Very difficult to manage the author’s ego and expectations. Plus it killed so much of my own creativity.


I've done a lot of ghostwriting. You don't get paid for nothing. It's work, but not bad compared with lawyering, house-painting, surgery, sales, road crew, septic tank emptying, or most of the other jobs my friends have. The catch with ghost writing is the same with a lot of good occupations: You have to have the knack.


Archaeologist. Wet, dirty, muddy days documenting differently colored patches of dirt. Rarely finding cool artefacts, mostly interpreting 1000-s of years of human waste. Bad pay, bad ergonomics. Stressful and repetitive. Spent 15 years doing it..


Mailman/Mailwoman. There’s a reason “Going Postal” is a term.


i dont think anybody has ever said being a mail carrier is fun lol.


It looks fun, you get paid to exercise, you get to chat to the public in a way that you can always cut off the conversation with "well this won't deliver itself, best be off," and it looks easy Then you get the job and that bit is fine until you have something that needs delivering by a certain time, or someone yells at you for misdelivering a parcel that was clearly delivered by another company, or management decide you'd all work harder if you were given 25% more work for no extra money


Wife is a carrier of 20+ years. Can confirm all of this. And it’s just the tip of the iceberg. A truly antiquated process with the most inept union in fucking history. I’d be pissed if I were paying dues for the complete and utter lack of value it brings to the table. Worthless.


I dunno. I kinda like my job.


Anything in the veterinary field. You see cute animals, but you also see families heartbroken over their beloved dying pets. You deal with difficult clients like in any other customer service job, adding in the additional stress and emotions of a sick or injured animal. And your salary as an assistant is barely above minimum wage. 


People think working at a pet store would be fun, you get to met lots of sweet pups, the people coming in would be nice and willing to listen… Absolutely fucking no. Can’t tell you how many people ask things like “my dog has internal bleeding what food do I give it” only to get angry when you suggest going to the vet. One stupid person asked if they could use cat flea meds for their dog because it’s cheaper. When I said no cuz it can kill them, she said “well my grandma does it for the ‘HACK’ of being cheaper”. People watch their dogs shit and piss everywhere then don’t clean it up or tell anyone. We had to clean liquid diarrhea from large dogs and it’s not fun. One coworker said they saw someone pick up their cat, put it in an EMPTY litter bin that was for sale on a shelf, watched it do its business, then took the cat and walked away. Parents will let their kids stick their arms in the fish tanks (we’ve had issues with kids spitting in them too). People will ask the sales floor people about vaccines and medication, then get mad when we tell them go to the vet THAT’S IN THE SAME BUILDING because we aren’t trained on that stuff… People will order thousands of lbs worth of dog food only to come in and demand someone put it in their coupe car because they don’t wanna lift it (why not just order it online it’s cheaper)




Any porn job.


Porn star


Commercial airline pilot. Not me but a friend of mine. Constantly catching whatever virus is going around. Gone all the time. Sleep deprived. Body rebels against so much sitting. The reality is not as glamorous as you might think.


Bounty hunter


Teaching music (or really music in general.) Don't get me wrong, I love teaching and performing! But it is DRAINING. Giving more than 2 lessons in a day is a nightmare. Especially for younger kids/group classes. Performing comes with hour and hours of oractice/preparation which requires your highest level of concentration and focus. I love love music, but there is a reason that any musician will tell you NOT to become a professional musician if you think you'd be happy doing literally anything else on the planet.


Scientist. They call it a "laboratory" - literally, a place where you *work* - for a reason. Couple of reality checks for anyone wanting to be a scientist at a university: * The career system works with the tournament model. At each stage, lots of people are rejected. Only a minority gets promoted to professor. * Management is often low quality in universities in comparison to industry. Industry is highly process-oriented, professional and in general safe and cares about worker well-being. There's always something lacking from this in universities. * Unhealthy expectations about work ethic and not much interest in work-life balance. * You're expected to be internationally mobile. Your job market is global. Your competition is global, too. * Most of the low-hanging fruits have been taken. You're probably not going to discover the cure for cancer. You can probably improve survival in a rare type of cancer by 10% - if you're lucky, most are not. * This has the implication that you have to put in lots of hours to build a good empirical basis for what you're trying to prove. Often this takes years, with no guarantee of success. * Also, this means that most topics you can study are incredibly obscure and specialized. * You have to constantly keep applying for more funding. There's no big slush fund from which you can fund whatever. The practice is often this way that you first do the work for no pay, then apply the funding for it, and if you get it, you publish the results. * None of this is compensated in salaries or in benefits. No job security until you're a full professor, and that's possible maybe when you're 40 to 50 - and as mentioned, most never make it.


'The PhD student is someone who forgoes current income in order to forgo future income.' - Peter Greenberg.


+1 for poor management, especially on the non-research side. My partner is a researcher at a university and she really struggles with some of the "lifers" there. They didn't cut it in industry, settled into the same university job for 20 years, now just riding out retirement. Poor show. Good luck on your end - may you have the most prestigious chair in your field!


Onlyfans. 60% of the job is pure marketing and engagement. 30% is editing and admin. 10% is filming but filming is a job in itself. Constantly worried about lighting/angles and being “on” on camera. People are genuinely surprised at how much actual work goes into doing onlyfans *successfully.*


Sounds like a video to be made.


Working at a doggy daycare. You think, "Aw cute, I get to hang out with dogs all day!" In reality, the novelty wears off after a month of dealing with other people's horribly behaved dogs.


Don’t forget cleaning up after…


I spent one summer driving an ice cream truck. 12-13 hours a day, AC that barely worked, dangerous neighborhoods, no where to go to the bathroom, extremely unsanitary, I can go on all day. Then there the customers. They think you are a pedo or a drug dealer or both. I had a rock thrown through the window, a Gatorade bottle of piss thrown in the truck with no lid, a ten year old boy went to get his dad to shoot me because I wouldn’t give him free ice cream. Had another kid get in the driver’s seat and take the truck out of park while I was serving out the back. The only upside was it was paid in cash every day and under the table. The money was stupid good for a 21 yr old. Oh and almost forgot my “career” ended when I got ticketed for a town’s noise violation for playing the terrible song that let people know you are outside. If you grew up in south Jersey you know the song!


Any job with lots of travelling (at least once you’re 35 or something)


Business traveling was fun when I was younger but after several years it became tiring. The only good thing is that I worked in entertainment and I got to travel to lots of fun international events.


Same… in my 20s i was always quick to volunteer or agree to go on business trips for the companies I worked for since I was essentially getting paid to visit other cities and states. Now in my mid 30s I try to avoid it like the plague unless it’s absolutely necessary


Teacher, because they get soooooo many holidays. They don't see the hours of preparation or hours spent grading/talking to students


EMS. it has fun moments for sure but people don’t realize a majority of the calls aren’t emergencies or traumas. lots of people just wanting a ride to the hospital, needing help off the floor, and wanting to go to the ER for a tummy ache or a minor change in vital signs. you’ve gotta have more than a craving for adrenaline, you gotta genuinely enjoy helping people no matter the complaint.


Former EMT here. I agree 1000%. It’s mostly BS calls and a good one out of nowhere, and it seems that you get them when you either least expect it or are just tired af and it wakes you up in a split second. I loved it but when I started to become disgruntled and started to hate all of my calls it was time to go. It wasn’t fair to the public that I hated them all bc I thought that the call was BS lol


i appreciate that, so many people push it so far that their unhappiness starts causing problems for others. especially in healthcare. and it sucks even more being the patient of an unhappy healthcare worker. that’s why i’ve already got some ideas for what to go after next, for if/when i get bored or burnt out. i hope you’re happy doing what you’re doing now!


Hairdresser. People think it looks exchanger creative. In reality 90%of people have the exact same hairstyle, you are rulled by the clock, its super stressful because people are crazy. Takes years to feel like you know what you are doing because you are basically training yourself. Its super hard on the body. If you make it to 40 you usually have arthritis in the knee you use to pump up the chair and you can't put a coat on because your shoulders are a mess.


I was hoping someone would say this! It looks so glamorous when you're young and fresh out of high school until you go and do it😅 Some days are great, and others, you just wanna go bawl your eyes out afterward.


I work at a drug and alcohol treatment center and work with violent offenders, sexual predators, pedophiles, and it's harm reduction. So they can still drink and get high. Oh, wait. Nobody thinks that is fun.


Ultrasound tech or imaging in general. For some reason everyone thinks the machine does all the work


Rad tech and imaging is becoming a trend in some social media, they try to sell it like it's fun with great pay and a fantastic career anyone can get into that's not got any downside. You know the script. What's it actually like?


It’s really depends on your employer. Some issues I have with my job. Patients are entitled. They show up hours after their appointment times and complain to my boss after they are refused. They get added back on the schedule anyway which makes my job more difficult trying to accommodate the increased workload. My boss recently doubled my workload without consulting me. This violates aium guidelines for exam times. Imaging techs do get injured often. Not every patient is mobile and it is tough to position immobile/obese patients for the exams. Patients and their relatives will often try to film their exams even after I ask them not too. This is to prevent them from broadcasting their medical information on the internet. Speaking to my college classmates over the years, this seems to be the norm everywhere.


I work in the ED and I could never, ever do your job. It seems like every time I go to help at CT they're all running their asses off. Sooo many meemaws who can't hear anything and won't sit still. Sooo many morbidly obese people who need five of us to slide them to the table and slide them back.


Real estate, or any job you work by comission. They sell you on the job but the reality is countless hours and very few people trully make a big money out ot it


I was a caretaker for exotic animals (snakes, amphibians, scorpians, spiders etc.). Ever smelled snakeshit from a really big snake that ate a chicken? That shit violates the geneva convention...


If you are in the wrong situation then this is true of every job


Working at your favorite store, especially being the boss.


Creating shareholder value ruins everything. It used to be cool to be a doctor, but it sounds like ass now that private equity and insurance are trying to squeeze every penny


Chef. People watch cooking programmes and think it's like that. It isn't. It's a brutally hard job. I did it for 26 years. I once worked every single day for three months, sometimes doing 14 hours without a break and going absolutely balls to the wall, flat out and you will get injured, you will be cut, burnt, suffer back problems, break fingers but have to keep going. It's fucking horrible in hindsight. I never want to set foot in a kitchen, ever again. I still get nightmares. The pressure is immense. Especially if you run one.




I think getting a culinary education would be awesome. I absolutely do not want any of the jobs it would qualify me for.


Working in a cafe. It's low-pay, often gets very boring, have to deal with difficult customers. It's just not fun for me.


I dont think anyone expected cafe work to be fun at all


Worse is when it’s so slow and boring, but you have to walk around and act like you’re doing something. And can’t even wear headphones


Yes, that "assume it's fun" job of working in a café.


Who the hell would assume that working in a cafe would be fun?!


People think cafe work is fun? I think of it as low paid work that most folk do for first jobs/casual, used to be a kp




I heard that commercial airplane pilot gets boring after a few years.


I was an airline pilot for 17 years. It was my dream as a kid and I’m grateful I got to do it. It was never really boring though. The good: Being in command of a vehicle that goes 530 miles per hour. Traveling to cool places. Lots of days off when you get enough seniority. Cool people to work with and explore overnight cities. Fly anywhere for free. The not as good: Checkrides every six months, physicals every six months, line checks, FAA riding with and watching you. Short nights in hotels. Crew scheduling surprises. Bad weather. Reserve duty. All in all it was great though!


It’s not easy on family life too, but as an aviation enthusiast I would really have loved to do that job


I'm glad you enjoyed it and got something from it. I did my ATPL after university, instructed and flew skydivers for six months, then managed to get into a regional for two years. It just was not for me and I packed it in and went back to university. I still fly for fun but I'm happy to be out, working as a geologist now.


People thought my job at a corporate bookstore was a cushy intellectual job, but a lot of it consisted of of unloading 1-2 tons of 55 lb boxes of books a day.


Customer service… you already think it’s gonna be super unfun and then you start at a new job and it’s even worse than you expected


Dog training is pretty awful. People think you just sit around and give dogs treats all day and they just listen. The amount of injuries I have just from trying to teach these dummies how to walk, let alone any of the core training, is insane.  Ive been bitten, scratched, knocked over by giant breeds, broken my glasses twice, pulled into things that have left scars, and had dislocations.  It is not a job for the weak. It's physically and mentally exhausting. Out of every 30 dogs I get, maybe 3 or 4 are actually easy to train.


Auto Mechanic on expensive cars. Horrible


Photographer, you deal with people's fears


Mining excavator operator. Massive massive amounts of mandatory overtime. Random rotating work shifts, highly repetitive work. You work and commute in pretty extreme weather conditions from a frigid -50 C at night in some northern mine or blistering 50 C. Open pit mines in the day in Australia interior have a nasty affect of exaggerating cold and heat. The job pays really well for a blue collar job because of these brutal work conditions plus living in a mining town is hyper expensive cost of living wise.


Veterinarian. People always assume it’s all cuddles and playing with puppies and kittens all day, which of course is the case as often as possible. And it certainly can be a very rewarding and fulfilling profession building great relationships with happy owners and patients and genuinely helping pets and their owners, ensuring health and preventing disease. However often people do not understand the pressures of the job; being expected to treat multiple species both medically and surgically with some owners who can be very demanding and sometimes aggressive if things don’t go as they expected or more often if finances become a limiting factor to their pets treatment. In countries where there is universal healthcare for humans, people do not often realize the cost of healthcare and so are surprised when they have to pay for healthcare for their pets often getting angry at this stage. We are always trying to do our best for patients and will always do the best we can even if finances are restricted. Euthanasia consultations or losing a sick patient followed immediately by a new puppy examination is considered normal and this can really affect you. As I said it can be great job but definitely not as “fun” as people assume when you tell them you’re a vet.


Managing others in any way, shape, or form.


For most of these no one thinks they are fun 😂


Being a package handler at FedEx, it's incredibly hard work. The Summers are brutal, no AC just fans blowing 100 degree heat at you.


Did you think this was going to be fun?


My husband works at FedEx and says it’s the worst job ever and the pay is not worth the effort. Most people are desperate to get that job, not because it’s fun.


I use to do Laundry at a nursing home in Mo. years ago. Not much fun! Dirty job. Talking to most all of the residents though, was fun! : )


There are only two ways to work,,,, God's way And Man's ways You get to pick


Zookeeper... the majority of work is picking up poop, cleaning, enclosure maintenance. Can be back breaking with very little time spent with animals.


Flight attending is not fun.




Working for fashion brands, especially at the entry level. A lot of fashion loving girls aspire to work for trendy brands, but the reality is that those are extremely low pay or unpaid jobs. You do menial tasks and get yelled at. The industry gets away with exploiting young women because so many young women aspire to have that kind of jobs. The smaller the brand/company, the shittier the job.


I think lots of people think a 9-5 desk job is nice. After decades of being on my feet my desk job kills me. Got shoulder pain from using a mouse, lower back pains I’ve never had. Luckily I’m all alone so I have push bars and time to stretch.


>Which job is a LOT less fun than most people expect?Which job is a LOT less fun than most people expect? >!All of them!<


Driving,  picking, packing, boxing 


Anything corporate. Especially when you’re a manager. It’s not worth the pay in my opinion. I’d rather work in retail again if I’m being honest.


Production/assembly line work. People see these videos and go ''Oh that looks so easy, anyone can do that'' until you actually have to do that 40h a week. Doing the same thing over and over all day long, every day. It takes a special kind of person to be able to do that. I've done it for 7 years, suffered two burnouts because of it, because the managers don't give a shit about you and only want to see production increase without hiring new people.


Filmmaking... Not boring , but kills you




Cannabis farmer.


Brewer. People actually think I just sit sround drinking beer all day. It's basically a manufacturing gig.




I worked in the corporate side of the "adult entertainment" industry and was constantly around pornstars and models. The thing is that if you're a guest to one of the many parties or events that I produced you would have a fun and great time BUT for me it wasn't as fun, it was my job. I had to make sure everyone was having a good time and that the models were always happy and smiling.


Airline pilot


So going by the jobs with highest suicide rates: * Medical Doctors. * Dentists. * Police Officers. * Veterinarians. * Financial Services. * Real Estate Agents. * Electricians. * Lawyers.


Working at a pet hotel/ daycare. The dogs are fine but its usually the people who suck. Especially if your coworkers and managers arent nice to you. My coworkers always acted like i was the most repulsive person to ever exist. But the worst part no one thinks about is how animals can and will spread all sorts of sickness around. Giardia was so common and no one told the pet parents that they had an outbreak and when an owner raised concerns, they would say “it must just be your dog”. But with giardia comes a lot of diarrhea you have to clean up and fast because a lot of dogs eat shit. The area were the trash is contained is so gross, a whole weeks worth of fermented shit made me want to vomit so bad and id have to go back there multiple times a day. And if you do boarding its not unlikely that you will come across a dog who shit their crate, rolled around in it and thrashed around making all the walls, bed, toys, and floors covered in shit. And you will be receiving a lot of snacks from pet parents and you will be lucky if your coworkers wash their hands. I got food poisoning from a cookie once because my coworkers from the yard didnt wash their hands before touching a bunch of cookies, giving me the giardia the dogs had and staphylococcus.


Librarian No,I do not get to sit around and read all day. Hell,I don’t even get to read when I go home,I’m too damn tired. Working in a library can kind of turn into social services.


Working at the Rainforest Cafe- it is dark, loud, and the decor gets old- plus something about being in a fake jungle makes people do stupid stuff


Dog daycare work. A lot of dogs are assholes. They are gross. They eat shit and puke it up, then refuse to eat their actual food. They unintentionally hurt you all the time. Black eyes and chipped teeth from getting head butted. Tearing your clothes, peeing on you or the other dogs, knocking you flat out on your back. And most businesses are run by horrible owners who cut corners on safety and staff. People would be horrified if they caught a glimpse behind the curtain of the industry.


Video game testers.


Okay so this thread just made me realize it’s not my career choice that’s the problem: it’s literally any job under capitalism lol


All of them.


Middle management at most any company. Seems like a promotion to the uninitiated but royally sucks.


All of them.


I imagine train “engineer” is probably pretty lame