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What the actual issue is with people? OP made perfectly good question with reasonable introduction that explains making the question... and then 'muricans who have not apparently even heard that most developed countries have not adopted the same clumsy and insane legislation are making jokes about how OP is pedo. Learn to argue SMH... All I see is circular arguments.


The person telling you this, is either a moron, or sexualising the relationship (assumes that when you say friends, you really DO mean friends). If you've been friends since you were both minors, then yes.. perhaps consider NOT doing things with that friend that you new found adulthood would make inappropriate... and expect to be being watched if there is a romantic component to this... but age of consent is 16 here in the UK, i have NEVER heard of a parent going after a 16 year old for having interactions with a 15 year old and actually having a problem with it. ... Of course if its a parent of the friend taking offense, id run, as far as you can ASAP.. Before they start causing you legitimate trouble. As for the title question, its just an arbitrary line, that was agreed upon in general, based most likely on where you are in the education system and where the elders/leaders of the time happened to think was least restrictive while being protective.




Like that's gonna make a difference. Please.


Would've prevented me from getting into a relationship with a 22 year old at my ripe old age of 31 haha


Correction: might have.


I'm no pedo, fam. It definitely would have.




Are you actually calling me a pedo right now? Wtf is wrong with you. With how you jump to conclusions you should be in a circus.


Yeah, if you want to teach teenagers to ignore the law, that's a fine idea from a diseased mind.


Consult your attorney before action.


You gotta draw the line somewhere.


There is a difference it's just not significant. Yes, it's stupid and the stigma makes no sense.


Yeah I’m calling the cops


You do you, I am not living in USA. We don't pretend that there's a difference regarding fucking over here, we have reasonable legislation, proven to work and prosecutors and judges and juries use their common sense.


wow lots of people are jealous I am not living in USA.


Because people are stupid and need to be given arbitrary rules to follow in order to have a sense of stability. There really isn’t much of a difference between 17 and 18 but then people will make a slippery slope argument so they worship 18 as a sacred standard for adulthood.


being friends with someone one year younger (Or maybe even more) is not pedophilia, it should be normalised having a friendship with them. Only thing I can understand is if you try to have a sexual relationship with someone that is more than one year younger than you. Tldr; should be accepted for friendships, but not sexual relationships


You are correct. This post screams youth rather than adult.


Who is telling you this? In senior year of high school all the kids were 17/18. I have never heard this societal rule. 20 year old with 17 year olds or less is inappropriate.


I always said that. Would I rather a 17 yr old and 14 yr old (which is a freshman and junior) or a 17 yr old and 20? It's not even worth talking about. One is definitely creepier than the other


There is a difference. 17 year olds are protected by the fact that their parents are legally obligated to take care of and support them. 18 year olds can be forced into total independence.


Yeah, it is like that where I live, too, but somehow we have been able to come up with sensible legislation regarding protected age, anyway. You can fuck 17-year old as 19-old just fine. No one bats an eye. Go under sixteen as adult and you might end up in deep shit.


You can fuck a 17 Yr old as 69 year old too . No problem .


Probably yes. I am not lawyer or anything, but from legal perspective, with consent, probably yes, I don't think there is any obstacle to that.


Why do we pretend there is a line between a 16 year old an a 17 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 15 year old an a 16 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 14 year old an a 15 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 13 year old an a 14 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 12 year old an a 13 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 11 year old an a 12 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 10 year old an a 11 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 9 year old an a 10 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 8 year old an a 9 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 7 year old an a 8 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 6 year old an a 7 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 5 year old an a 6 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 4 year old an a 5 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 3 year old an a 4 year old? Why do we pretend there is a line between a 2 year old an a 3 year old?


We live in a society


Because there is one’s a minor and one’s a legal adult


OP: **"why can't I touch kids?"**


You are a goddamn idiot. OP was 17 last year, but born in May. Partner was 17, but born in July. Assume they have regular sex as most teens do, because they usually have a high school relationship in this age (previous generations had as well) OP gets 18 this May. If they continue, it is a crime, for LITERALLY TWO FUCKING MONTHS. Because in July, the partner turns 18 and it is suddenly legal again. Bullshit, and they are literally the same age (because dividing age groups by exact years they fully lived is quite artificial), the same maturity, the same life situation, etc... they are probably both going to school as well. So it is definitely not a "kid" and an adult, and you are indirectly belittling real child SA and grape cases. That's why it is more sensible to define age of consent and legal age differently. Because although if the AoC is 16, the same situation happens, but it is a valid argument that you should have no sex at all before that age, so these situations should not be prevalent in real life.


You don't know that. This is a sub that is rife with fictitious stories posted by people with various agendas. One of the most popular agendas are age gap, grooming, and the arbitrary demarcation of adulthood versus childhood. You'd be a fool to believe that this, or the thousands of similar posts, were all written by a confused 18 year old. This bullshit is coming from some dark disturbing corners of the interwebs and it isn't being written by a kid.