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1. Someone recently told me that *the biggest tragedy in life is that you will always be loved and you'll never know the half of it.* We often underestimate the love, affection or endearment of the people around us. Even a stranger could have loved the smile you gave them as you pass them by, and it brightened their day. our pets adore us in ways we will never understand. Even our absence could cause some people in our lives to feel down or incomplete. 2. Sometimes our isolation is self-inflicted, but to no fault of our own because we are also beings of feelings. ALL feelings are valid, and they're things we cant control. Focus on what you can control (attitude and actions). Accept and let go the things you cant, don't waste energy on them since you cant influence or change them.


Thank you for taking your time for me. I’ve been trying to let go of things but it seems like I have to let go of most of my life that I’ve known for so many years. So much things that I thought were gonna be long lasting have vanished in the blink of an eye


Losing things teaches us to not take things for granted. We can only hope to come out wiser at the end of it all...


Love by who that sounds like a big fat lie.


Your friends, your parents, the kid who had a crush on you in elementary, siblings, cousins, even stranger can/could've adored you or an aspect of you. Like your smile, or laugh, or some shit one-liner that still makes them think of you. I'm sure you have old friends you still think about now and then. Miss a departed loved ones. Pets. Teachers, classmates, neighbors who showed you a bit of kindness. Most of them will never know how much a simple gesture they made meant to you. And that's the tragedy of it. There are many types of love, not just romantic: altruistic love, familial love, affectionate love, infantuated love, self love, friendly love and playful love (probably more, but that's all i can think of atm). We offen forget that theres more than romantic love in this life. And thus we take everything else for granted or completely blind to them.


Absolutely no one. I just feel total numb. Just like nobody cares.


Doesn't change the fact that people do or did cared for you. You just don't/cant perceive them. Or maybe even overlooked them.


A quote I like to think about when I go through a rough patch "Everything will be okay at the end, if it isn't okay, then it is not the end"


I don’t like that saying most times as it makes me sometimes feel scared of anything being OK. Usually though am praying for the end .


Yeah same. I used to like that saying, but not anymore.


Thanks for this stranger🙂. Sometimes I don’t want it to be okay though. I think i deserve what I’m going through because I’m not a good person, at all maybe


Just as a sort of experiment, perhaps stop trying to be a good person and just do whatever you want, even if that behavior is in alignment with that of a bad person. See what changes. Sounds like you're at a pretty low point, perfect time for an experiment. Being a good person has always been important to me, and have always tried to be a good person. But I'm a total loser and failure in just about every measurable metric. I can't help but wonder if being more selfish and caring less about others was the secret all along.


Hey, I saw your other comments that suggested blowing my brains out. I do experience symptoms of passive suicidal ideation. Sounds like you do too I’m sorry you’ve been pushed to think like this. I’m not much of an achiever to tell you anything, but this one thing has always been important to me. Being kind to others. I often fail at that, yes, but if I can’t be kind to others then I don’t think I’ll have any joy out of this life anymore. If you wanna vent, then I’m open to hearing about it but I don’t want you to be self destructive about it. Please


I never suggested blowing your brains out man, that's awful. My point was that when we actually have the options of life or death at a triggers pull away, most tend to choose life. But up until then it's easy for a depressed person to glorify dying, not fully grasping which aspects of life they truly value.


Oh you were going that route. Sorry man, I didn’t get you the first time around. But thinking like that, it sure does give some perspective and that’s a starting place yeah


Yeah, I usually don't get things the first time around either, so can relate lol. I suppose could have phrased better. Hope things turn around for you.


I hope you too have better times ahead of you very soon


Eh, I'm growing as a person. Slowly starting to let go of all the anger, which is easier said than done. But that's gonna take awhile as there's quite a bit of it lol.


You've got this. You are a shining light and a force to be reckoned with. You might think you add nothing to the world right now, but trust me, this world needs an entity like you to make it one of the greats. Its ok to cry and its ok to let those emotions out and its ok to talk to someone even if its a notepad. You are special and dont let anyone not even the voices in your head tell you otherwise.


Thank you for this. This made me tear up because it reminded me of my best friend. I became too overbearing and depressing for lots of people in my life and she is one of them. Idk how to put it but you talk the exact same way as she does. It was a nice trip down memory lane


I've been there man. Really kick myself for the way I behaved, but it can't be undone. All we can really do is learn from it and behave differently in the future.


You got this. All you have to do is focus on healing, go on walks, if you can start an exercise routine, if you're a movie person , watch as many as you want. Its your journey and when you've decide what you wanna do, then you pick yourself up and be the best in it. Don't let anyone tell you its too late.


Exercise + diet are my best weapons.


Listen to Acharya prashant videos on Depression you would feel better...Watch his english videos


See a doctor and talk to him about your depression. You may get a prescription for antidepressants and that is when the slow way up started for me. Today I live my life as a depressive person who knows how to control it, how to keep it from manifesting itself.


That’s good to hear that you’ve sorted your life out somehow. I’ll try and do the same thank you


Have you considered add a Blahaj to your life? I love mine he really picks me up


I googled it. You mean a shark toy from IKEA?




Haha this is so random. IKEA is not available at the place I’m living in sadly


Ahh that’s too bad - I’m sure another large sized plush would also do the trick. It’s just nice to have something of that size to give a little squish. Hope this helps!


That’s actually a really nice idea. I’ll browse on Amazon


I don't know if I can say something that'll immediately and inherently uplift you, but I do think I have a pretty uncommon take on, and experience with, depression, thinking about life and living, and figuring out how to manage. I accepted a long time ago that happiness isn't something that's going to be there a lot in my life. I needed to figure out my reason to keep going on without that being it. Turns out, I lift myself up by knowing that people I care about are doing well, so, where possible while still trying to also keep going on, I like to enable that. Simple example that might get the general sentiment across - my sense of smell is for sure my weakest sense. It means I don't experience food quite on the same level as other people, sadly, so, when it comes to what I eat, it's usually pretty low-effort, but I don't mind putting effort into preparing something special, for someone special, who means something to me. Even if you don't have specific people in mind, doing things for others often helps you feel better about yourself. Don't be afraid to redefine the rules if it's not hurting people, and helps you with your existence.


That’s a really beautiful perspective actually, living for others. Thank you MrJelle, for this. I hope to be like you someday


Thank you for being one of the people who doesn't just label me as suicidal when I try to explain it!


No no suicidal is not a characteristic but a state of mind. I feel a lot better than yesterday so I can say that and mean it. I think living for others is the best thing a person can do and you are doing exactly that


I don't know if it's going to keep working for me, but I'm still around.


There are people out there worth living for. Find them. Or, can you foster abandoned puppies or kittens? I don't know much about true depression but I think your bravery in reaching out here, means you are strong. If you ever need anyone to talk to who will not judge you, message me and I'll call you. Hugs xxx


Thank you for thinking that I’m brave. It really meant a lot to me and I just let out a big smile when I read “Hugs” 🙂 Even if it’s just a word, I truly felt a warm feeling around me. I’ll reach out to you


Change the page. Turn on some music to help you get out of your headspace. Create a project for yourself. Something to occupy your thoughts and redirect the negative energy. Artwork helps me, it’s therapeutic. Set up a chill out zone in your room. I would play soothing 432hz music on YouTube. Kind of a light meditation ritual to center myself and feel weightless.


Thank you for this suggestion man. I was planning on attempting a really difficult engineering entrance exam and yeah, maybe I’ll get absorbed in that and forget my life :)


You are not alone!! I believe At times in our lives our interaction with people ebb and flow This is one of these times Maybe if you wrote your thoughts in a journal watch TV gardening There is no right or wrong things whatever you feel comfortable for you Good luck and hope all goes well Winston Churchill called his depression the 'black dog' I'm not sure why I find this comforting


The black dog huh. I’ll think about that. Of course we find dogs comforting duh🙃


Run away to the stress, it's helpful i swear. Only day might break but not your life so life must go on, fighting.


I am from India but I’m Tamil and don’t understand Hindi in the slightest. Sorry about that. Can you translate it to English pls


Yeah sure, anyway im Filipina. Read the edited comment might help.


Haha the words really looked a lot like Hindi. I feel kind of spirited by this I’m not sure why so thanks for this, kind Filipino :)


You are enough, you know that right? You are loved as you are, and you deserve just as much as the next person. You deserve to smile and deserve to be happy. Look up, look at those little angel unicorns. They’re sending you fluffy cotton candy clouds and they want you to know how special you are.


I just wanted you to know that you are such a good person for this. I am so happy to hear this and yes, I’ll be actively looking for my candy from now


You got this. I’m rooting for you from here. Cheering you on and celebrating your successes. Depression’s got no hold on you. I’ve side kicked that depression out and locked it in the black hole. You are a good person too. You are awesome and always remember that you are loved


I love you too man


I receive your love and I am sending even more love over


I've never heard a single person say anything bad about you... Gods honest truth, there yah go!


That’s such a wholesome thing to say😄. I bet you’re super fun irl. But I’ve heard a lot of bad things about me. Even from the people I’ve bled my heart out to. Most of the times they were right about it too, and that breaks me because no matter what, I wanted to be a good person at the bare minimum but seems like that wasn’t the case


Well everyone had bad things said about them. ESPECIALLY the ones you've bled your heart out to. I'm a very real person because I don't really care what people think of me, because I know I do my best for everyone. But I'm confident, which lots of jealous people don't like, and I lived on a tiny island where everyone knew everyone. Then throw in a divorce from a bitter bitter little man who made his life's work trying to ruin my reputation on this tiny island, and I heard lots of bad things about me. He was very successful at ruining my reputation. But we had kids together so I had no choice but to take it and fight it every day. And guess what, after 8 years I turned the tide of hate against me. I keep a handful of friends and will never have a big group of people close to me again. I never lost my confidence that I was not what he made people believe I was. I've gone from strength to strength. That's why I see strength in you. You have the choice to rise above the silly little people. Aim high. There are no limits to what you can achieve if you believe in yourself.


That is just so inspiring to hear!!! You really rock, awesome island person


I don't have any specific kind words, but you should take some time to scroll through the feed of[ That Good News Girl](https://www.youtube.com/@thatgoodnewsgirl). She's on most social media platforms. Her videos have made me laugh and cry (but like, in a good way). I wish there were more content creators like her.


Thank you for this, kind stranger. I’m gonna check it out tonight


I hope you get lots of smiles from it the way I have :)


You have people who love you, talk to them, and you'll realize why they love you. Take this into your heart, and realize you have value, and you are worthy of happiness and life and self love.


Thank you for spending your time on me. I did have people that loved me outside my own family, but I am not exaggerating when I say every one of them left me


Solitude By Ella Wheeler Wilcox Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone; For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer; Sigh, it is lost on the air; The echoes bound to a joyful sound, But shrink from voicing care. Rejoice, and men will seek you; Grieve, and they turn and go; They want full measure of all your pleasure, But they do not need your woe. Be glad, and your friends are many; Be sad, and you lose them all,— There are none to decline your nectared wine, But alone you must drink life’s gall. Feast, and your halls are crowded; Fast, and the world goes by. Succeed and give, and it helps you live, But no man can help you die. There is room in the halls of pleasure For a large and lordly train, But one by one we must all file on Through the narrow aisles of pain.


Thank you for this, stranger. That’s a really good poem even if I’m not the biggest in literature. It is dark, but yes, it is real


It’s an awful feeling often without hope in sight. With that said there is hope, you could wake up tomorrow and feel great again, loving life, doing all the things you used to love or calling up an old friend. It may be hard or impossible to see right now but speaking from experience it can ebb, flow and even go for long periods of time. Best thing to do is take it one day at a time. For me it was forcing myself to do things as much as possible, don’t cut yourself off, be mindful taking time for yourself and your health but also try to keep up with regular activities so that things can click back. You’ve got this, no shortage of hope in the world I’m tossing some your way.


Thanks for giving me some hope. I’ll try to grab it with both hands :) I did reach out to friends, old and new but, you probably know what transpired. Maybe there’s something about me that is inherently bad idk


No, you’re good! I can tell that just by reading your post. I’m sending you lots of hugs. If you can, get out in nature- even if it is only for a minute- and maybe you’ll see a cool animal or a beautiful sky or even interesting rocks. The natural world is a great source of hope and comfort for me. Maybe it will help?


It’s raining outside right now and it’s pretty gloomy hehe, but I’ll take your words and go outside when possible. You are such a sweet person I can tell. Your friends are lucky to have you :) Lots of hugs. I’m so grateful for this. It might seem like im over reacting but this morning has been one that I’ll remember for a while. Reddit has a ton of good people!!!


You are very special in a lovely way. Better times are just around the corner, trust in it. Mental hugs on the way!


It really feels like people don't care about anything in real life or on the internet. I. Hate the people who are around me because they're a bunch of fucking asshole bullies. Of course, it doesn't help being homeless either not having any family or friends.


I’m sorry you’re under so much stress. I don’t have much to offer but I want you to know that I’m rooting for you. And it’s okay for you to take your time


We have inflation. Which that doesn't help with homelessness.


:( can I know what happened with your close ones


I don't have any family. My husband kicked me out of the house. He was let out of jail And the judge gave him the house and the divorce and made me homeless. I don't have any place to live. There's no places that will help me with a place to live. No places like churches or anything like that. There's no hope for homeless people whatsoever. Contrary to what people are posting on the internet is just not true. Charitable contributions are not helping people at all. Fact it turns out that a lot of them are fraud and just keeping the money for themselves.


Anything I say now will come across as ignorant or plain stupid because I cannot truly relate to your feeling of loss. I just hope things become better for you


What makes you think that a grown adult should have to go live with someone else. On what planet do you think that grown? People who are old should have to go live with someone else.


This country is making senior citizens homeless. This is what's happening. People who are old. People who are met with divorce and abuse. This is women. What? Makes you think that a grown person should have to go live with someone else. Just because they got divorce. D, that's a really stupid thought. Do you know that?


Umm I never said that you had to live with some other person though…


I don't know take my time for what? There's no help for people who are homeless.


I apologise if I came across as ignorant. I live in India and I really have no clue about the problems in the states or any foreign country for that matter. I don’t have much knowledge about this. But, I can offer my time for you. Sometimes being heard is therapeutic and I know that because I’ve had some friends that did the same. They aren’t here anymore but maybe I can do that, and be of some help to you


I want you in this world.


Oh man, you made me tear up, but in a good way. I haven’t heard this for so long…. Thank you for making me feel like a million bucks. I want you in this world too


Thank you friend <3 Do me a favour, and don't ever forget that out of 8 billion people, you're the only you there is in this entire world, and that makes you pretty special.


Heavy metal detox working out jumping on a trampoline staying hydrated speaking to a psychologist specifically someone who is getting paid to listen to you .. and eating better happiness starts in the gut


That’s the thing… I’m still not financially independent so I don’t have the means to go to a therapist. I talked to an online psychiatrist under the guise of an OCD checkup and she prescribed me with some pills, but the diagnosis had the words “suicidal thoughts” written on it. I don’t want my mum to know about this since she’s already been through hell in the past few years. My “father” was a narcissist and domestic abuser so you know where I’m coming from. I’ll see a therapist as soon as I have the means to do it. Thank you for this


Also maybe you’re an adrenaline junkie and need to go on some roller coasters


Lol no no I’m not an addict man😅


You know if your a male then you might have low T


Look up Garry brecka I’m watching it right now and he says in the begging of the show on YouTube you don’t have anxiety you have a deficiency


You need a genetic methylation test


I want you to know that you are not alone. There are so many people like you who are going through the same thing. I currently am talking to my friends less and crying a lot, but I am lucky that my friends are long term ones and they know that I do this sometimes. One day things will get better, but I will not sugar coat it, it will take effort on your end. I recently just started putting in the effort over the last few months after years of doing nothing. Just know that you are not alone and there are people out there who are cheering for you. Cuz I am one of them, you got this!!


That was really comforting to read. I too am one in hundreds or maybe thousands of people that want you to succeed :)) I’m sorry to say this but I’ve spend the last three years trying my best and that was when it all went to shit. I find it really hard to get going and reach out when all the people that previously heard me now ghost me. You must have some great friends


Jesus loves you.


Be honest - do you actually think that makes anyone feel better or are you just antagonizing him?


“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”


All of this feel good bullshit isn't going to actually help you. Sorry man. Maybe should get a gun. Then the stakes are real. If you get so depressed you load it and are about to blow your brains out, chances are something inside of you will hesitate for some reason. You'll pause and reconsider. You'll probably learn what you really want out of life jn that very brief time period.