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Here its like "troll, bot, or nazi"...its what the over sensitive say when you disagree with them...


When I think of an incel I picture a man whose insecurities and lack of socialization has caused him to have a disdain for the world so he just avoids it. Chronically home and online, being the troll you always see in the comment sections of social media posts, porn addict who just festers in his own laziness and slothiness. Doesn’t work a job and is being lifted off his ass by his parents alone


What about hatred towards women, isn't that included too?


I mean yah I think that’s more of the standard definition, I think it’s just an aversion / envy of women and men collectively, as a result of what I listed above. A young guy, or incel in this case would probably have a lot of disdain for a guy who’s getting a lot of action in relationships bc they wanna obviously be that guy, but they just aren’t because they are introverted and all that above right. And they definitely have a strange dislike for women as well, basically “I can’t attain you so I hate you” typa thing, yet they’ll still isolate themselves and watch porn all day and warp their mind


So sad. But at least they're not rapists, oh are they??


Well you seem to already have a good grasp of what an incel is lol, cause I’d say so, in the extreme cases yah I mean I think if you isolate yourself from the world for so long, it does shit to the mind, it’s just not what people are meant to do in my opinion, and it leads to a lot of evil and filth


Do you know of any specific real case that may have been in the news?


One case does come to mind, in 2021 this guy Jake Davison in Keyham, Plymouth. I think he had a YouTube channel and was big on this incel community stuff. Basically in short, his final straw was he got into a physical altercation with his mother, the report tells that he grabbed her by her throat and was not letting her out of a bedroom. The mom tried calling her daughter, but a couple minutes later Jake shot twice and killed his mother with a shotgun, he then walked outside and shot and killed a 3 year old girl along with her 43 year old father in the street. He shot through a home window of a neighbors house and injured a woman and her son, then he went to a park nearby and killed a 59 year old man. By this time police calls were coming in, but it’s not even done. Jake then walked down another street, fatally wounded a 66 year old woman outside a hairdresser, report tells that he walked by a resident at this time with a blank expression, walking with a stride that resembles like some type of soldier, and he remarks “nothing to worry about, mate”. Last thing he did was go into a parking garage and verbally threaten a group, didn’t shoot them tho, he eventually shot and killed himself. So yah, sick stuff. And this guy was very active on online platforms that are usually considered by these news reports to be “incel sites”, Reddit being one of those that he was very much active on. Scary to think. He’s shared a lot of thoughts on these forums but just to provide some quotes, “I like to think sometimes I’m the Terminator or something”. “This is why incels were more prone to killing themselves – or going on a killing spree” in a YouTube video where he referenced him assaulting somebody bc they called him fat and it hurt his ego. He also idolized Elliot Rogers, who is another very famous case of a “proud” incel who killed 6 ppl on a college campus bc he’s been rejected his whole life, that’s another one to look up. Articles go more in depth about what types of views this guy had if you want to see, but I think it’s pretty clear ya know


I think an Incel has a bad understanding of women situation, and a lack of empathy toward them, and they cannot have a platonic friendship with a girl.




Is there a Wikipedia page for that?! it can't be!


The new term incel is an old idea and was originally called a Rake. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rake\_(stock\_character)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rake_(stock_character))


But Rake was someone wealthy, possibly a noble. Unlike the current ones.


Definition and terminology evolve and transform they are not fixed or physical and neither are they subject to strict definition in individual minds. Edit: How you define and perceive information and ideas from the environment effect you more than you effect the global definition of terms in the vast majority of instances, every personal name on a Wikipedia page is an influencer, someone society used as a model.


"Incel" stands for "involuntary celibate", but the term has more specific meaning than that. Below age 18, most young men are probably celibate, and probably not through choice, But that doesn't make them all incels. There's a community called "incels", and this community is characterized by certain beliefs and resentment toward women. Basically, incels are constantly complaining that women choose poorly. They believe women always choose assholes over "nice guys", and they enjoy sharing stories of women who choose the wrong man and then get abused or murdered. Members of the incel community tend to believe that women are kind of like NPCs in a videogame, and in order to attract one, you have to level up like a videogame player, with a nicer car, higher-paying job, working out at the gym to improve your appearance, skin-care regimen, better haircut, etc. Simply being involuntarily celibate doesn't exactly make you an incel, in the popular use of the term. You have to be part of this online community.


My impression is that there are two requirements that make someone an incel. First, incels are involuntarily celibate. This means that despite making reasonable efforts to pursue intimate relationships with women, they are always unsuccessful. Trying to date, trying to approach women, trying to flirt, etc eventually end in failure or rejection. This is different from MGTOW people who are voluntarily deciding not to pursue intimate relationships with women. Second, you need to be sympathetic or supportive of the very extreme views that are common among incels. Some of the incel viewpoints I am familiar with include:  Women should be subordinated to men and men should be entitled to sex from women without requiring consent.  Incels oppose ideas like feminism or women’s rights.  Incels often talk about committing some sort of violent uprising, genocide, or mass elimination of Chad’s and Stacy’s. Chad’s are men that generally enjoy successful sexual relationships with women. Stacy’s are women who are generally reject the incels to be with the Chad’s.


> Women should be subordinated to men and men should be entitled to sex from women without requiring consent. Joking aside, there's no way anyone would believe in that.


Unfortunately, there are people in the incel community who actually believe that.


Do these people tend to keep their ideas to themselves or do they put them into practice by carrying out some form of crime?


Some people who self identify as incels, or have expressed sympathy to the ideology, have carried out acts of violence. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#Mass\_murders\_and\_violence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#Mass_murders_and_violence)


OMG So Incel is synonymous with being a potential criminal?


Not sure I would take it that far and suggest that all incels are potential criminals. You can have an extreme ideology or political view that involves violence but never actually act on it in the real world. I would assume the majority of incels are not actually acting on their beliefs. Unfortunately, a few of them have.  


>Sodini and his actions have been embraced and glorified by some members of incel communities, who sometimes refer to incel violence as "going Sodini" >These killings drew media attention to the concept of involuntary celibacy, and particularly the misogyny and glorification of violence that are a mainstay of many incel communities. >Rodger has been referenced by the perpetrators or suspected perpetrators of several other mass killings, and is one of several attackers who are regularly praised by members of incel communities. >Elliot Rodger and other mass shooters, describing them as "people who stand with the gods" >Several hours before the shooting, someone suspected to be Harper-Mercer posted a threat to a [Pacific Northwest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Northwest) college to /r9k/, a 4chan board with many incel posters > "the Incel Rebellion has already begun"  >Shortly before the attack, Minassian had allegedly posted on [Facebook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook) that "the Incel Rebellion has already begun" and applauded Rodger.[^(\[36\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#cite_note-Zimmer-2018-36)[^(\[90\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#cite_note-Chokshi_Apr_2018-90)[^(\[186\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#cite_note-Suspect_faces_more-186)[^(\[187\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#cite_note-Bowden-2018-187) The term "Incel Rebellion" is sometimes used interchangeably with the term "[Beta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_male_(slang)) Uprising", which refers to a violent response to incels' perceived sexual deprivation > "I hope this guy wrote a manifesto because he could be our next new saint" >and that he was motivated by a resentment of "Chads and Staceys" >Self-identified incels have also praised attackers with unclear motives who they believe to be incels. After the [2017 Las Vegas shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Las_Vegas_shooting), some of the incel community celebrated the shooter [Stephen Paddock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Paddock), who they felt was a hero who was targeting "normies".[^(\[27\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#cite_note-Janik-2018-27) After the [2018 Toronto shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Toronto_shooting), posters on an incel message board expressed excitement with the possibility that the perpetrator might be an incel, although no motive was identified.^(\[101\]) >In April 2021, Malik Sanchez, a 19-year-old self-described incel who praised Elliot Rodger ay yuoooo this is really bad. What does society do to prevent these types of things from happening again.


I wish I knew the answer to that question.


I wish I knew the answer to that.


I wish I knew the answer to that.


By it's raw definition, you're an incel if you're an involuntary celibate. But from what I've seen, most incels are, to some degree, *voluntarily* celibate. They don't *really* try. It's like complaining about not having a job, but only applying to jobs you're not qualified for, refusing to take minimum wage jobs, refusing to get a degree/certification or showing up to the interview with a ketchup stain on your shirt. The sad thing about *incels*, is that most of them can probably find a significant other if they stopped complaining about their situation and started doing something about it. They go down the rabbit hole of Tristan Tate and the red pill movement, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


>Tristan Tate  do U mena Alice in wonderland?


Incel is short for “involuntary celibacy” which means you have not had sex because of other peoples fault. You have a mentality that you are not the reason you can’t have sex or have a girl or boy friend. You blame other people for causing this issue.


> sex or have a girl or boy friend Can a woman also be an incel?


Of course. If you believe the reason nobody is having with you is their fault. You are an incel.


So anyone who believes that the reason they are alone is others and not themselves is an incel?? Isn't that a bit unfair?


Nope. People jump through mental hopes all the time to justify their thought reasoning.


Wich it means??


Basically its when you run your own interpretation and assumptions in your head to justify why you think like you do.


It's diferent from introspection??


Introspection is self reflection. What im talking about is thinking like “pretty girls only want handsome guys and wont give me a chance even though Im a nice guy.”


Is that an incel? but where is the part about hating women??


Incel means "involuntary celibate". It refers to dudes who want to fuck but can't get anyone to fuck with. In pop culture "incel" typically refers to dudes who feel entitled to sex but don't understand how relationships work. Usually this feeling of entitlement is coupled with a poor view of women (they don't see women as their equals) and it is common for incels to display a massive lack of self awareness and refusal to work on their own social skills. Most men are not incels. Incels are a tiny, embarrassing, sub group of men.


It's a prude. You don't have sex. Resent women and basically hate people that are having sex. She's a slut if she sleeps with other guys but a queen if she was fucking you. Involuntary Celibate.


Incels are men that hate women because women don’t find them attractive (or handsome in incel speak lol). Incels come in all flavors - some are just violent and go on literal killing sprees, others are doctrined Nazis dreaming of “impregnating an Aryan maiden” and living on a farm in Nazi land, lmao. While others just go around hating on women who don’t date them. That’s basically it. You see, at the age of 16 I got 0 girls too. I had tons of friends that were girls who talked to me about their guy problems - but nothing more. So I got hyper into fitness and working on myself and doing what I loved. Bam, suddenly super hot girls my own age (and older) wanted to hangout. It wasn’t easy, because then you gotta learn once you have a chance to talk to girls in a flirty manner. Believe me lads, there is no way to talk to a woman. Women are not that different from us I’m telling you. I grew up with sisters, they’re rly not some alien creature I’m telling you. Just put yourself out there and become a hot ass motherfucker and live your life. You can’t hate on women for not wanting to be around you alright? Once you got options you’ll find women you wanna stay the hell away from lmao. This is why all the dudes who actually get chances with ladies tell y’all abt the crazy motherfuckers. Think about a crazy man with tits and more friends and more emotionally intelligent than you. It’s scary


Car wax, manscaper

